My podcast with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recorded on January 14
Three BMJ editors wrote a very strong editorial about the need to access the data on COVID vaccines, which have been kept from us. Here is an excerpt: Pfizer’s pivotal covid vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees. The company and the contract research organisations that carried… By Harry Lee and Nicholas VandenNieuwenhof January 19, 2022 Updated: January 19, 2022 biggersmaller Print Federal health agencies haven’t recognized ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID-19 patients. According to Doctor Leland Stillman, the reason is more political than scientific, because otherwise there would be no basis for lockdowns or vaccine mandates. “If ivermectin were recognized by… during-delta-wave-11642619009 Scientists Who Were Instrumental to COVID-19 ‘Natural Origins’ Narrative Received Over $50 Million in NIAID Funding in 2020-2021 Jeff Carlson Hans Mahncke January 19, 2022 Updated: January 19, 2022 biggersmaller Print News Analysis Four prominent scientists who played key roles in shaping the public narrative around the origin of COVID-19 received substantial increases…
CJ Hopkins has done some of the best writing on what it is we have been going through for the past two years. Here he chronicles its downfall. He is very astute. Pay attention, because he is predicting what we will experience in the near term. Go read the whole article! …I’m sure you’ve…
Stolen from a well educated person who is also a healthcare professional: “Among all the vaccines I have known in my life (diphtheria, tetanus,measles, rubella, chickenpox,hepatitis, meningitis and tuberculosis), I want to also add flu and pneumonia. I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even… The video was taken off YouTube within 5 minutes (!) and reposted to Rumble. I appreciated the chance to also talk about other aspects of medical and hospital care today that are extremely troubling.
“We promised to protect and serve the people…We’re going to stop this!” Celia Farber Jan 17 See the clip from Valencia, Spain here: Translated with the help of sources in Spain who wished to remain anonymous: ”We promised to protect and serve the people not the corrupt politicians. We feel very proud to be… January 17, 2022Medical board suspends license of doc, asks for psych evaluation for prescribing ivermectin and HCQ for COVID and for public dissent from orthodoxy By Thomas Lifson Shades of the darkest days of the Stalinist Soviet Union, where dissent from the lethal incorrect pseudo-scientific doctrines of Lysenkoism could result in imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital! Julia Marnin…
Michael is very sound, very measured but his message is frightening nonetheless. 10 minutes.
Without evidence and most likely in a deal with Pfizer, Israel vaccinated 250,000 citizens with a 4th dose of vaccine. These human guinea pigs have now learned this not only did not help them, but it may be impairing their immune response to COVID, making them more susceptible to infection. Last Monday Israel had 40,000… In vitro inhibition of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus by chloroquine Author links open overlay panelElsKeyaertsLeenVijgenPietMaesJohanNeytsMarc VanRanst rights and content Abstract We report on chloroquine, a 4-amino-quinoline, as an effective inhibitor of the replication of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in vitro. Chloroquine is a clinically approved drug effective against malaria. We tested…
But the medications that were used were a big secret, until a whistleblower provided their names to Dr. John Campbell.—part-v-the-secret-revealed/article_9a37d9a8-1fb2-11ec-a94b-47343582647b.html
The Maine Board of Medical Licensure has 5 matters before it in my case. Here are the first 3: The first 2 are complaints from private citizens, who claimed that I spread misinformation on the internet. Neither complainant knows me or is a patient. Neither complaint has anything to do with medical care. Each says…
I would suggest that those attorneys who work for the Maine Medical Board look up the law regarding misinformation. They also should be informed that they do not make the law: law is made by legislatures and Congress. They have not been given the authority to create new crimes. My opinions, which are grounded in… Featured Guests At the end of the March at the Lincoln Memorial, a wide range of featured guests will be waiting. Recording artists, prominent doctors, journalists, pro athletes, actors and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring talks and musical performances. Speakers will include those listed below and more. BRET WEINSTEIN… The issue is not whether there is some vaccine efficacy for the first two shots, especially with the early variants—there is some efficacy. The vaccines provided good protection briefly, which lasted longer the younger you were, which began falling within weeks of vaccination. Unvaccinated pregnant women in this study from Scotland had more severe…
This story has been suppressed by most mass media, but is critically important. Europe’s FDA, the European Medicines Association, has admitted that boosters can harm the immune response. The reason this is being published is to soften the blow from multiple countries’ databases that the vaccines are now leading to “negative efficacy”–in other words, vaccination…
These 3 seminal articles are crucial to understand that many governments, states, provinces, corporations imposed unprecedented restrictions on the use of the chloroquine drugs at the start of the pandemic, which involved giving patients overdoses of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in several large clinical trials. It also involved a fabricated article in the Lancet that alleged…
In early December, I had a very high risk patient for whom I had already prescribed ivermectin pre-COVID, but I had suggested getting him hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) when he got COVID, because he was at such high risk of an adverse outcome. I had also prescribed supplements and vitamins. When the patient called me with COVID,…
BTW, Mary Mayhew was the head of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services under the LePage (R) administration. I met with her over vaccine mandates and she was lovely. Then she threw us under the bus. A true politician. DeSantis casts aside CMS vaccine rule for hospitals Molly Gamble The office of… If you are trying to bring in a totalitarian regime under the guise of medical care for a pandemic, you absolutely have to control the speech of the doctors. Of the 71 Medical Board members of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), 15 (or 12 according to someone else) have started prosecuting physicians…
The Constitutional amendments I have excerpted below are the premier law of the land. States and state agencies are not allowed to abridge these rights, which have been granted to all US citizens. However, my state’s Medical Board is trying hard to abridge them. The Board has apparently realized they do not have the evidence…
You must click on the link to get the audio interview. I explain my history with anthrax vaccine, and then discuss many aspects of what is happening right now with COVID drugs and vaccines, and the program to compensate for vaccine and other countermeasure injuries. I think this is a particularly good interview.
Two weeks after treating his son with ivermectin for COVID, police show up to grab the teeen and his sister due to risk of coma or death–for an OTC drug in most of the world, one of the safest known–when the teen was perfectly healthy. Do you see where this witch hunt is going? Nowhere… “I think it’s hard to process what’s actually happening right now,” said Janet Woodcock, acting commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, “which is most people are going to get covid.” Woodcock pitched this as being a necessary acknowledgment when it comes to charting the path forward — recognizing that the focus now needs…
Interestingly, Newsweek put a video of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, saying a small number of naysaying professionals are criminals, responsible for the deaths of millions, at the top of this article. They did not say Bourla’s vaccine is injuring and killing people, nor did they say Bourla himself admits it no longer works. Nor did…
I knew bad news on the vaccines was going to break soon, given the admissions by Pfizer and BioNTech CEOs that their vaccines didn’t work, and they were not encouraging on the booster doses either. Below is the bad news for boosters. Hopefully the kill shot. The good news is that antivirals work against COVID,…
Robert Malone has discussed two important items that came to light since yesterday. And used this interesting graphic: The first is a letter from Jim Jordan and James Comer, ranking members of the House Committee on the Judiciary and the House Government Reform Committee, to the HHS Secretary, asking for release of more Fauci/NIH emails….
The interview disappeared from one Bitchute site, but should be accessible at Maria’s site, Rumble, or elsewhere. Here are 3 possibilities. by Kevin Miller, Maine Public2 hours ago Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) In this March… OPINION COMMENTARY Omicron Makes Biden’s Vaccine Mandates Obsolete There is no evidence so far that vaccines are reducing infections from the fast-spreading variant. By Luc Montagnier and Jed Rubenfeld Jan. 9, 2022 5:20 pm ET SAVE PRINT TEXT 2,068 ILLUSTRATION: DAVID GOTHARD Listen to article Length7 minutes Queue Federal courts considering the Biden administration’s vaccination mandates—including the Supreme…
I anticipate that in the next 30 days the public, including medical professionals, will have been made aware of the true state of COVID vaccine efficacy, the futility of mandates, and maybe even the efficacy of “horse paste,” which I have literally been accused of providing to patients. Why is an FDA-licensed drug for humans,…
The CEOs of Pfizer and BioNTech seem to be backing off their own vaccine. Is it because news of the serious safety problems, in addition to the efficacy problems, is leaking out into public consciousness? Note that there is no Omicron vaccine, so Sahin is really saying that natural immunity to Omicron is likely to…
Jordan Schactel has presented Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s statement to media yesterday, which is otherwise behind a paywall. The statement is critically important for the Supreme Court mandate cases, because both the OSHA case and healthcare worker case require only the first two vaccinations (“fully vaccinated”). Veterinarian Bourla admits these 2 doses provide “very limited…
Honorable Chairpersons, Members and Senators, I write in support of LD 867. There are many reasons why preventing COVID vaccine mandates until adequate, sufficient safety studies have been performed is the right decision for this committee and legislature. 1. COVID vaccines are experimental Let me say, first, that no matter what claims have been made regarding…
Doctor who linked thimerosal to autism wins damages from Maryland Medical Board for harrassing and humiliating him/WaPo State medical boards license doctors. They also enforce standards of practice. For example, medical boards took away the licenses of over 50 doctors who treated chronic Lyme disease, and investigated many more. Frustrated Lyme patients, unable to…
PANDEMIC OF THE VACCINATED Craig Kelly, a member of the Australian Parliament from Sydney who has criticized most of the pandemic measures, uses the expulsion of Novak Djokovic as the springboard to present data from the UK, Iceland and Denmark to show that the vaccine actually increases your risk of getting COVID. Earlier, I thought…
I was never told what the charge (or charges) were that I was expected to defend myself against. I was never told under what authority misinformation and disinformation are now crimes, although the legislature has not deemed them crimes. Here are two email responses and queries I sent to the Board investigator and the assistant…
They suggest an approach based on a ‘new normal of life with covid,’ rather than continuing efforts to eradicate the virus By Dan Diamond Six former health advisers to President Biden’s transition team released a series of journal articles on Thursday calling for a “new normal” in the nation’s approach to fighting the coronavirus and other viral threats. In the articles,…
The appearance of Dick Cheney in the House of Representatives on the anniversary of January 6th helped identify the true villain on the scene…/ Read the whole article. Below is just the middle section: …Remember our Health and Human Services Secretary saying last summer, in advance of a “door-to-door” campaign that was supposedly about…
As best I can determine, 2 people I don’t know complained to the Board of Licensure in Medicine that I spreading misinformation on the internet (in 2 interviews). Then over about 3 week, the board requested information on 3 patients, all of whom I had treated for acute COVID with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin or both. There… The Principal US Deputy Solicitor General Brian Fletcher presented a brief argument supporting the Secretary’s authorities re covered providers for their participation in Medicare and Medicaid. Justice Thomas asks what else authorizes the Secretary to do this, and the Deputy Solicitor General says the Secretary simply added an additional category. Thomas elicits the fact… The beginning of the proceeding was muted on C-SPAN. I am confused re whether the Solicitor-General of Louisiana presented? An attorney for the National Federation of Independent Business, Mr. Keller, presented first. The Justices are very verbal about the fact that a terrible epidemic is occurring with 750,000 new cases daily. They have also… Our View: Doctors peddling COVID misinformation have no place on legislative panel By The Editorial BoardJanuary 5, 2022 As much as fighting a virus, this pandemic has been about countering misinformation, particularly since the safe and effective vaccines have been available to almost everyone who wants one. Two of the doctors on a…
Like water off a duck’s back Robert W Malone MD, MS Jan 6 So, not that what happens to me is so special – but last night Linkedindecided I was not a fit human to be on their platform. In another blink of an eye of big tech, Linkin flushed my 30,000 connections and platformed me. No explanations,… January 11, 9 am Listen in, or better yet, provide testimony to the committee regarding how mandates affect you and your family. In past years, this committee has been very favorable to vaccine mandates. They ‘follow the science.’ Let’s see if they have learned anything about the science in the past couple of years… …For the time being, at least, other U.S. insurers do not appear to be sharing data or observations about increased non-COVID hospitalization and death claims. But the press in India is openly discussing the same unprecedented trends as Indiana. The Times of India reported in late October that health insurers are seeing a “huge surge… A new study raises significant doubts about whether at-home rapid antigen tests can detect the Omicron variant before infected people can transmit the virus to others. The study looks at 30 people from settings including Broadway theaters and offices in New York and San Francisco where some workers were not only being tested daily but were,… Chilling Pandemic Data from the Insurance Industry A major Indiana-based insurance company reports unprecedented 40 percent death-rate increases industry-wide among working-age Americans in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic data. Mary Beth Pfeiffer Jan 5 This article is part of a publishing collaboration between Rescue and Trial Site News. The outstanding reporting by Mary Beth Pfeiffer will be…
This article happens to have been written by the son of a friend, but I read it all the way through because it is amazing. I think it can spark a conversation that will help mend our families–Meryl Coming Clean My experience of the pandemic in South Africa and the case for a more inclusive…
Utter garbage on quarantines from the WHO. Trust the science. “As case numbers due to Omicron have soared, some countries, including the United States, have cut down isolation or quarantine periods in a bid to allow asymptomatic people to return to work or school. Mahamud [WHO Incident Manager Abdi Mahamud] said that leaders should decide based…
A friend confirmed it with the company. I can’t write much, but this 40% might be the beginning of the end, finally, for these fake vaccines and the great reset they were designed to usher in. ———– In another startling move, a group of Kaiser docs and other employees has blown the whistle on Nicola… A Louisiana federal judge on Saturday blocked President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for the Head Start program in 24 states. It’s Louisiana Western District Judge Terry Doughty’s second injunction against a Biden vaccine mandate. The first blocked a shot requirement for health care workers where government insurance is accepted. The Supreme Court will hear… Europe Plans to Say Nuclear Power and Natural Gas Are Green Investments The draft proposal could help unleash a wave of investment, but critics say both sources of energy cause damage to the environment. The European Union has drawn up plans to classify some nuclear power and natural gas plants as green investments that… Jan 2, 2022 Background SARS-CoV-2 infection is transmitted predominantly by inhalation of respiratory droplets generated when people cough, sneeze, sing, talk, or breathe. CDC recommends community use of masks to prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Masks are primarily intended to reduce the emission of virus-laden droplets by the wearer (“source control”), which is especially relevant for asymptomatic or…
“Look, there is no federal solution,” Biden said Monday, according to a transcript of a conversation he had with a group of governors. “This gets solved at a state level.” What does this mean? Having spent a trillion or more “responding” to the Pandemic with zero benefit or accountability, during which all the friends of government… United we stand, in peace we march. January 23, 2022 | Washington Recording artists, prominent doctors, journalists, pro athletes, actors and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring “TED talks” and musical performances. Stay tuned here for updates on our list of special guests! Sign up at the website. We’re coming home. Americans…
Numbers 1-10 are things I said in 2020. 1. I said that the Kristian Andersen Nature Medicine article upon which the sorry “natural origin” hypothesis rested was written because the authors were told to write it, or it was written by another entity. (You can hear me say it in the movie Plandemic 2.) The… 59% of the UK aged 12 and above has already received their third shot. Has it helped? Below is a breakdown for estimated cases that week: London 1 in 20 England 1 in 35 Wales 1 in 45 Northern…
For anyone who hasn’t seen the Joe Rogan interview – here are links. To find Dr Malone: The website:
Protest songs/ music videos collected by Sarasota Vaccine Choice:
The yellow line represents pediatric hospitalizations over the past 15 months, per the NY Times. Yes, they did increase a bit, just like hospitalizations in every other age group, and the increase was proportional to that of the other age groups. Cases rose much more dramatically. Why are the media hollering? Because 80% of parents…
1. Omicron has taken over from Delta–oh no, it hasn’t yet. Don’t let go of your fear, it just hasn’t quite arrived yet 2. Masks required–masks are no more than face decorations–oh no, you need to wear an N95 3. The vaccines are working–oh no, they only work after a booster–but in Israel they only…
83% of Omicron cases identified in Denmark had been vaccinated. There were 14 deaths during the two week period surveilled, and none were due to Omicron. Euro Surveill 2021 Dec;26(50). doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.50.2101146. Epidemiological characterisation of the first 785 SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant cases in Denmark, December 2021 Laura Espenhain 1, Tjede Funk 1 2, Maria Overvad 1, Sofie Marie Edslev 3, Jannik Fonager 4, Anna Cäcilia Ingham 3, Morten…
The squirrelly article below, which says very little while gratuitously trying to land a black eye on Bobby Kennedy Jr. and myself, is paid for with some taxpayer dollars, though some Pharma dollars might be thrown in. Do you really want to support public radio and public television, when this is the use to which…
And I do not recall all the doom and gloom back in January 2021 about overcrowding and lack of staffing. WaPo claims hospital staffing is only down 2%-4% overall, but the lack of staffing is due to employee illnesses and overwork. Don’t tell me that the CMS brain trust couldn’t put together the fact this…
Followed by, “They are little more than facial decorations. There is no place for them in light of Omicron.” Did we just pivot from Oceania to EastAsia? But Macron didn’t get the message yet. PARIS — Residents and tourists in Paris will be required to wear face masks outdoors starting Friday as France…
One Year Ago Today 1. The vaccinated can contaminate others Conspiracy Theory TRUE 2. The vaccinated can get infected Conspiracy Theory TRUE 3. The vaccines can cause adverse reactions Conspiracy Theory TRUE 4. Third and fourth doses Conspiracy Theory TRUE 5. A new shot every 6 months Conspiracy Theory TRUE…
I vote for Drs. Swaminathan as the most adept at saying nothing. In other words, making sure that whatever the future outcome, she won’t be wrong. Coming up with these meaningless statements while appearing to be erudite–well, it is a remarkable talent. I wonder if Tony taught it to her, or if she learned it…
Biden administration surges resources to states as health-care workers race to keep up The Biden administration has deployed more than 13,000 National Guard members to 48 states to support vaccinations, testing and clinical care, White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeffrey Zients told reporters Wednesday. The government has also sent over 2,100 personnel and thousands of… Such a crucial topic. A potential soft underbelly of the Coup fomenters: All the mandates are illegal. You heard it here first, on August 23. Even though CDC got the licensed vaccine onto the childhood schedule, still either Pfizer, the USG or both are not yet comfortable about using the liability waiver from the… 1. Background and introduction Dr. Burkhardt and colleagues recently carried out a series of 17 autopsies on persons deceased within days to months of vaccination. Initially, none of these deaths had been attributed to the vaccines. Nevertheless, Dr. Burkhardt and colleagues found characteristic lesions in multiple organs which led them to conclude that in most patients…
“The C.D.C. changed course as Omicron’s rapid spread has worsened a labor shortage, upending the hospitality, medical and travel industries, among others.” Anyone leaving isolation must be free of symptoms and should wear a mask when near others for an additional five days. CDC also “revised” its “Omicron takes over” story. Instead of Omicron being…
What a joke! Most of the “positive” players are asymptomatic. From the Dec. 29 NYT: In a memo sent to all 32 of the league’s teams, Commissioner Roger Goodell said players infected with the coronavirus — whether vaccinated or unvaccinated — now need to quarantine for only five days, not 10, if their symptoms improve,…
The story doesn’t hang together very well, but if you got two doses of vaccine AND you were also recovered from infection, you had pretty good protection, says the Times. How much do vaccines protect against an Omicron infection? Several studies indicate that full vaccination plus a booster shot provides strong protection against infection…
The review of a cluster of Covid-19 cases in Nebraska came as the variant spreads in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added to research suggesting the Omicron variant can lead to reinfections that are often accompanied by mild Covid-19 symptoms, as new cases soared across the U.S. States reported 512,553 cases on Monday—the…
Health chief accused of disseminating misleading statistics on hospitalisations that overstated the risk from omicron ByEdward Malnick, SUNDAY POLITICAL EDITOR25 December 2021 • 8:00pm One of Britain’s most senior health advisers has been accused of disseminating “dodgy data” that inflated the potential risk of omicron. Dr Jenny Harries, the chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency,…
This graph is from the Telegraph 2 days ago, and it shows that hospitalizations and deaths have not paralleled the rise in cases for Omicron, as they did for earlier waves. The second graph shows hospitalizations over time by age from today’s NY Times. The yellow line is pediatric ages. While I have not posted…
RT did a short clip on the conflicts of interest. blasted me last year for saying the virus was a lab creation: But this year the Fauci emails came out proving not only that I was correct, but that Fauci and his band of merry conspirators were the hidden hand behind the… EDITORIAL Schools received billions in federal aid. Why are we in the dark about its spending? $190 billion has gone to local school districts, but there is no clear accounting of how it’s being spent. By The Editorial BoardUpdated November 18, 2021, 4:00 a.m. 53 Minerva Tirado asks her first-grade students to discuss the traits…
My promise to Pfizer and BioNTech and Moderna Alex Berenson Dec 28 This email just came in today, from an old friend. The details are even worse than the headline. I’m 48 going on 49. Some tread left, or so I hope. Lots of help from dozens – no, hundreds – of scientists and… For nearly two years, we’ve wondered how this will end. In retrospect, the clue is in how it began. The initial lockdowns had a strong class-based component. The working classes were assigned the job of delivering groceries, tending to the sick, driving the trucks filled with goods, keeping the lights on, and keeping the…
You won’t be disappointed
by Vinay Prasad, MD …When it comes to COVID19, there are only 3 things any of us can do: We can lower the risk of bad outcomes when we encounter the virus. We can delay the time to meet the virus We can engage in theater which does not delay the time to meet…
The 12 Doses of Christmas It’s beginning to look a lot like Genocide Check out the full lineup here and see the schedule below: Thursday, Dec. 23: The Truth About Vaccines Part 1 Medical Racism ‘How To Deal With Uninformed Family Over The Holidays’ with Andrew Wakefield Vaxxed II Friday, Dec. 24: The Truth About Vaccines Part 2 Plandemic Part 1 ‘How To Deal With Uninformed Family Over The…
Reuters, Dec. 11: Boosters significantly restore protection vs Omicron, UK says Reuters, Dec. 22: ‘Significant increase’ in protection vs Omicron from mRNA boosters, study says NYT, Dec. 23 Booster protection wanes against symptomatic Omicron infections, British data suggests. The only thing you can come away with, from these headlines, is that at least one of…
Expect to get ever briefer benefit from all the shots they have planned for you. Who ever heard of boosters every three months? Do you want to become a member of the pin-cushion society? No long-term data. Q: Why are we allowing this experiment on everybody, all at once? A: To get ahead of the… to content BY THOMAS HARRINGTON DECEMBER 17, 2021 PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY 3 MINUTE READ It really isn’t that complex. The injections you and many others were dragooned into taking under the threat of losing your job and your basic civil liberties do not protect you from getting Covid or passing it on. Nor have they liberated you from mask-wearing, social… Delicensing Doctors for ‘Harmful Misinformation’ By Jane M. Orient, M.D. In addition to being subjected to various forms of censorship, for the first time in living memory American doctors are getting threat letters from licensure boards warning them against distributing “harmful misinformation.” Medical boards in 12 states have disciplined doctors because of this allegation. While it…
From USA Today, information from South Africa on Omicron, with reporting by Karen Weintraub, a superb reporter, whose book on Lyme disease, Cause Unknown, is excellent. “…Only 2% to 4% of infected people are ending up in hospitals, compared with about 20% during the beta and delta waves, Karim said. Before, two-thirds of those hospitalized…
Remember when Boston was locked down as a result of the Boston Marathon backpack bomber? The cradle of liberty complied for a couple of days with extreme “stay in your home” orders. Was this a trial balloon to see how the Patriots would react to government edits to “protect” them? Perhaps it is fitting that…
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