Illegitimate rules remove parental consent for Covid vaccines.The Rule of Law is being dismantled and our children are the prey

Continuing from the last post:  the US had very high rates of Covid compared to many countries, and right now that seems to have been a good thing… since places like Australia and New Zealand seem to want to be able to impose lockdowns for the forseeable future as they pursue the impossible goal of…

It is well and truly over

Since the start of the declared pandemic, unprecedented things have happened one after the other, at a quicker and quicker pace.   It has made everyone’s heads spin.  And as our rights were being curtailed, the US populace has mainly acted like deer in the headlights–stunned and immobile.  Today’s New York Times reveals that the 2…

Dr. Sin Hang Lee approved to do specialized acute Covid testing to fully sequence virus from every patient. 2 minutes/WTNH Connecticut Dr. Lee runs the Milford Molecular Diagnostics lab in Milford, Connecticut.  He is an extraordinarily dedicated physician interested in truth and scientific accuracy.  He plans to run 5 or 6 tests on each individual sample to be positive he is obtaining an accurate, proven result. Not only will his test inform you about variants…

This is the BEST video on Covid -19 by anyone: Dr. Peter McCullough–MUST WATCH! 1 hr 45 minutes Plenty of information about treatment. How a few doctors created a system to treat patients outside of the standard medical system, managing 10,000/day How the federal agencies worked against the interest of Americans Please share!!!

At least 18 teens and young adults hospitalized in Connecticut with myocarditis after Covid vaccines/ NBC news

Connecticut only has 3.56 million people.  All 18 young people discussed here needed to be hospitalized. How many developed myocarditis and were not sick enough to be hospitalized? This is a condition that may result in permanent cardiac damage, and sometimes death.  CDC last week said “relatively few” vaccine recipients developed this condition.  But if…

America’s Public Health System is Utterly Corrupt/ Paul Craig Roberts A sure sign of a country’s collapse is the open corruption of its public and private institutions.  When corruption no longer has to be hidden but can be openly flouted, the values and standards that comprised the country’s soul have eroded away. Try to find an American institution that is not corrupt.  Even when…

Overcounting Covid hospitalizations: Stanford review finds 45% of 117 pediatric “Covid hospitalizations” were not hospitalized for Covid

Four things we know of probably helped drive up the number of hospitalizations coded as due to Covid-19. One was the payment of considerably more funds by Medicare for a hospitalization coded with a Covid DRG than for a comparable illness. Two was an extra federal payment to hospitals that met a certain threshold of…

Citizen’s Petition to the FDA asking it to revoke all Covid vaccine authorizations

The Citizen Petition is quite long, but it is a detailed criticism of the Covid vaccines themselves and the improper processes FDA has used to authorize their use.  It shows that the standards required to issue an EUA were not met, and shows that the standards for licensing these vaccines are unmet.  A Citizen Petition is…

45% of House Republications have NOT received Covid vaccine, according to CNN and the WaPo AND, three House members were fined $500 each for not complying with a mask mandate, one of whom is a physician, military retiree and former director of the Iowa Department of Public Health.  Happy to see that other knowledgeable doctors are willing to bare their face in public, knowing the masks do little or…

The Johnson and Johnson (Janssen) Covid-19 vaccine is being manufactured by the anthrax vaccine company. This is its history / Meryl Nass

Emergent BioSolutions will be in the spotlight today during a House Select Subcommittee Meeting on the Corona Virus Crisis, today at 10:30 am. It can be watched here. Hybrid Hearing on “Examining Emergent BioSolutions’ Failure to Protect Public Health and Public Funds” Below, I provide the backstory aka checkered past of this company. ——————- DOD…

Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks — 3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer

From Children’s Health Defense you can again read about what your rights are under an EUA if you wish  to refuse masks, almost all Covid tests, and Covid vaccines–all of which were rolled out using Emergency Use Authorizations–which means they are experimental procedures for which informed consent is necessary.  Furthermore, CHD has provided links to…

Covid-19 vaccines: In the rush for regulatory approval, do we need more data?/ BMJ

An excellent article digging into the details of licensing Covid vaccines, by Peter Doshi: Covid-19 vaccines: In the rush for regulatory approval, do we need more data? BMJ 2021; 373 doi: (Published 18 May 2021) After rollout under emergency authorisation, manufacturers of covid-19 vaccines now have their sights on regulatory approval. But what’s the rush, asks Peter Doshi, and is…

After smearing me and the film Plandemic 2 for saying that SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab, Politifact backtracks on the origin of SARS-Cov-2

Here is Politifact quoting me from the film Pandemic, which Politifact then disputed by citing a March 17, 2020 Nature Medicine article, which I had mentioned in the film as being bogus.  Now, it seems, many have awakened, after being spoon-fed an analysis of the facts by Nicholas Wade, and realized the Nature Medicine paper makes…

Frontiers in Pharmacology rejected Ivermectin paper after accepting it, then publishes nonsensical paper on hydroxychloroquine

This looks like an HCQ paper that was written a year ago, then sloppily updated.  While the authors are from India, they had international editors, including one from Harvard.  The penultimate paragraph says HCQ works for Covid, and the final Conclusions paragraph says it doesn’t work.  Interestingly, this journal is the same one that accepted…

FDA attempts to stop OTC sales of N-acetyle cysteine, an adjunctive treatment for Covid-19

Last July, FDA sent out warning letters to supplement companies, informing them that N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) could no longer be marketed as an ingredient in food supplements, using the justification that it was also a licensed drug.   FDA has concluded that NAC products are excluded from the dietary supplement definition under section 201(ff)(3)(B)(i) of the…

FDA’s last word on the safety of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine was issued last year/ FDA

FDA managed to find 385 adverse event reports for either HCQ or CQ in its FDA adverse event reporting system database, as justification for withdrawing its EUA for the chloroquine drugs. But there wa something strange about these reports.  Only 102 of the 385 reports, or 26%, came from the United States.  Why would foreigners…

FDA flat-out admits that as far as ivermectin goes, it has not done its job. But don’t forget to wear your mask and socially distance/ FDA

In the FDA’s hit piece on ivermectin, below, FDA inadvertently admits it is not doing its job.  FDA says:  “The FDA’s job is to carefully evaluate the scientific data on a drug to be sure that it is both safe and effective for a particular use… The FDA has not reviewed data to support use of…

As pediatricians, we say please don’t use precious coronavirus vaccines on healthy children/ WaPo This is a hugely important article, because it makes the point that vaccinating children will not protect others.  Since the evidence shows that children don’t spread Covid (or they do at very low rates) they do not contribute to herd immunity.  Unlike the meme that says we all need to get vaccinated to protect…

My new website, and news

I am trying to turn into my primary website and will do so as soon as possible.  Thanks for alerting me to problems with the (Google) blogspot site and warnings about its content. I am not as internet savvy as I should be.  Coming:  Wednesday May 19 am the hearing on Emergent BioSolutions, which…

LA Unified School District Backs off its demand for vaccine mandates/passport

I was told this turnaround occurred the evening of May 13.  I have not seen it in the news yet.  The school district had been challenged with a lawsuit after announcing a vaccine mandate and passport arrangement for all teachers students and employees of the district. Apparently the LAUSD board and superintendents finally had a…

How many employees at the NIH, FDA and CDC have gotten the Covid vaccines? “Probably around 60%”

The people who are in a position to know the most about the Covid vaccines, the staff at the federal health agencies, are less likely to be vaccinated than the general public. Furthermore, none of the 3 agency heads (Tony Fauci, Peter Marks and Rochelle Walensky, sadly all MDs) were willing to perjure themselves, and…

It’s Over/ WaPo

May 16 WaPoIn the past week in the U.S. … New daily reported cases fell 19.2%  New daily reported deaths fell 16.5%  Covid-related hospitalizations fell 12.6% Read more Among reported tests, the positivity rate was 3.6%. The number of tests reported fell 23.5%  from the previous week.Read more Since Dec. 14, more than 273,545,000 doses of a coronavirus vaccine have been administered in the U.S. More than 123,282,000 people have completed vaccination, or about 37.13% of the population. Read more in our vaccination…

COVID-19: Ivermectin tablets to be distributed among Uttarakhand residents The Uttarakhand government will be distributing Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug, among the residents of the state as a preventive medicine against the spread of COVID-19, a senior official said. The Uttarakhand government’s announcement comes after Goa and Karnataka issued similar directions. The decision was taken on the recommendation of the state-level clinical technical committee,…

OPINION: Getting vaccinated is a personal choice/ Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin I did not enter the vaccine maelstrom voluntarily. Two months ago, a Milwaukee reporter asked me if I had received the COVID-19 vaccine. This was when demand for the vaccine outstripped supply. Although it’s a personal and private decision, I answered the question honestly. “No, I had COVID,” I replied, adding, “I think that…

Great News, Fewest Covid deaths than we’ve had in 8 months–why aren’t the major media reporting it?/ WJHL  COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have tumbled to an average of around 600 per day — the lowest level in 10 months — with the number of lives lost dropping to single digits in well over half the states and hitting zero on some days. Confirmed infections, meanwhile, have fallen to about 38,000 day…

Self promotion

 You heard it here first: 1.  SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab 2.  The 5 authors of the Nature Medicine paper last March 2020 claiming proof of Covid’s natural origin are frauds and the paper is gobbeldygook. Harvard2theBig House posted on this a few days before I did, in March 2020, but as far as I…

Here is one way the big money gets what it wants from Fed Agencies and Congress–overwhelming them with 8.5 M fake grassroots comments NY AG accuses broadband companies of fueling fake net neutrality comments by Diana Goovaerts |  May 7, 2021 11:48am An NY AG report concluded Broadband for America’s campaign contributed to the submission of 8.5 million fraudulent public comments to the FCC. (BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images New York Attorney General Letitia James released a report, which…

Current Covid cases and deaths continue to drop nicely–best numbers since October And many cases are asymptomatic.  However, expect fewer cases as colleges are ending their spring semesters, and most required frequent testing of students and staff. AVG. ON MAY 9 14-DAY CHANGE TOTAL REPORTED Cases 41,012 –30% 32,735,745 Tests 1,109,433 — — Hospitalized 39,072 –13% — Deaths 667 –6% 581,301

Ontario’s Physician Licensing Agency Tells Doctors they may not communicate with the public over government policies under threat of investigation and loss of license

Both physicians and private citizens may sign the petition, as long as they specify if they are Canadan docs, international docs, or concerned citizens. Click on the “Support” button to sign. DECLARATION OF CANADIAN PHYSICIANS FOR SCIENCE AND TRUTH The Declaration We are a broad and diverse group of Canadian physicians from across Canada who…

CANCELLED: Doctors for Covid Ethics — Scientific Conference May 17-18 online and in person

1st International Conference on COVID-19– Dangers, Lockdowns, Vaccines & Prevention *******CANCELLED************* A different conference will take place in Denmark, with different speakers, not under the auspices of Doctors for Covid Ethics The Quality-of-Life Research Center, Copenhagen (host),

Nancy Messonier Resigns from CDC–she led Covid Vaccinations and Safety Analysis of the Vaccines

I don’t know why Messonier was sacked.  Is Rochelle Walensky now taking the reins at CDC?  Is she understanding how she has been undermined by CDC staff who have given her multiple stupid pronouncements to make.  Offhand, I recall her promise in the NYT before Biden was inaugurated to not lie to the public (probably…

Opinion: Americans will increasingly have to make their own judgments about covid-19 risks/WaPo

OMG, the WaPo has published an article that simply makes sense about masking.  CDC just admitted the truth, after 14 months, that aerosol transmission of Covid is a ‘thing.’ CDC’s pivot to the truth, I fear, may be intended to force us to move to N95 masks–a move that has been floated in Europe for…

Ireland finally paying benefits for 2009 swine flu vaccine-caused narcolepsy cases

€1.2m for girl diagnosed with narcolepsy after swine flu jab  FRI, 07 MAY, 2021 – 15:33 ANN O’LOUGHLIN A mediator in the High Court action of a 16-year-old girl who sued claiming she developed a rare sleep disorder after receiving a swine flu jab has recommended a €1.28m award in her case. The teenager, who…

The Vaccine Lies that Bind: FDA, EBS, J and J and the regulators of the EU, South Africa, Canada and Mexico

I have repeatedly warned about vaccine that might have illegally sneaked out the back door of the Emergent BioSolutions Bayview Baltimore plant.  How did Emergent-made J and J vaccine, from a factory that was out of GMP compliance on every single one of its FDA inspections, and never received authorization to ship out vaccine for…

It just makes sense: no Covid vaccine mandates until we actually know how safe the vaccine is, especially in the young/ Maine legislature UPDATE May 7:  I guess it made too much sense.  A “work session” on the bill was scheduled today for May 11, without a hearing!  How does that happen?  Stay tuned. ME LD867 An Act To Prohibit Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations for 5 Years To Allow for Safety Testing and Investigations into Reproductive Harm  …

Compilation of 11 articles discussing several ways the Covid vaccines may damage human tissues

5 papers discussing homologies between the spike protein and human tissue that could induce autoimmune adverse effects. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.  Here is an interesting paper that investigated the mechanisms by which the Astra-Zeneca vaccine causes blood clots and low platelet counts.  My limited understanding is that even though the vaccine used a…

Excellent review of the origin theories of SARS-CoV-2 in plain English/ Nicholas Wade

Nicholas Wade interviewed me once, in 1998, when he wrote for the NY Times.  He then moved to Science magazine with 2 other science reporters from the Times. He is perhaps retired now, since his new opus is posted on Medium and in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. What this long report has, almost…

Why would you design a vaccine that may cause serious neurologic symptoms that mimic those of the disease? / Cell Reports Medicine

This article from Yale authors supports the idea of homology between antigens in the brain and spike protein, thus autoimmune effects on the brain may be due to SARS-CoV-2 infection or to vaccination-induced Spike protein: Divergent and self-reactive immune responses in the CNS of COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms Summary COVID-19 patients frequently develop neurological…

International Criminal Court asked to hear a case against government of Finland for lockdown measures that intentionally caused harm and violated fundamental rights

A Scandinavian correspondent pointed out that a group of attorneys and scientists in Finland have filed a case against their government on April 30 with the International Criminal Court, and asked to join a related case filed by Israeli attorneys. Here is a summary.  The entire file can be viewed as a pdf at The…

Just how much COVID-19 vaccine money (and how many doses per person) is on the table? A whopping $157 Billion through 2025, report says (and 8 doses apiece)/ Fierce Pharma

It is hard for me to fathom what is going on.  The article below indicates that the Pharma industry does not think Covid will be going away; instead it will switch from pandemic to endemic, with outbreaks here and there–apparently justifying lots of vaccine boosters. Harvard’s Marc Lipsitch, PhD had this interesting comment in the…

FLCCC review/ meta-analysis of ivermectin now published–give a copy to your doctor

Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19 Kory, Pierre MD1,*; Meduri, Gianfranco Umberto MD2; Varon, Joseph MD3; Iglesias, Jose DO4; Marik, Paul E. MD5 American Journal of Therapeutics: May Jun 2021 – Volume 28 – Issue 3 – p e299-e318 Conclusions:  Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized…

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