Weaponized ticks? House passes Smith amendment seeking answers

 24       https://www.lymedisease.org/ticks-weaponized-amendment/ SEP 2021 The House of Representatives this week passed an amendment offered by New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith, directing the federal government’s “watchdog” agency to investigate the Department of Defense’s (DOD) possible weaponization of ticks and other insects with Lyme disease during its consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal…

Horowitz: Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry warns pharmacies against blocking COVID treatment/ The Blaze

https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-louisiana-ag-jeff-landry-warns-pharmacies-against-blocking-covid-treatment “Never have pharmacists been allowed to practice medicine and get between a doctor and his patient,” stated Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry in an interview with TheBlaze. “Most certainly not in middle of a pandemic.” State attorney general might not be the elected position that comes to mind when assessing the pandemic response, but…

Your Covid Crib Sheet/ Off Guardian. Useful facts and links to unpack the disinformation about all things Covid

https://off-guardian.org/2021/09/22/30-facts-you-need-to-know-your-covid-cribsheet/ None of the graphs nor the 3 videos transferred, so I suggest you read this at Off-Guardian.  But if you cannot, here is the text of the article: We get a lot of e-mails and private messages along these lines “do you have a source for X?” or “can you point me to mask studies?” or “I know I…

It’s clear it came from a lab. The only question is whether it was a leak or an intentional release. New DRASTIC document release.

I have been remiss by not reporting much on the significant leak of data that was shared with the DRASTIC team, and written about elsewhere.  I just didn’t (and don’t) have time to review a lot of it, but it is very important material.   Here is a link to the collection: https://drasticresearch.org/2021/09/21/the-defuse-project-documents/ Below is a…

CDC urges Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy; FDA wants infants to be jabbed

If you did not know that CDC is a criminal agency by now, this ought to get you going.  Remember, Covid vaccines are associated with high rates of miscarriages. Thank goodness most women have too much sense to follow these recommendations for vaccines that have not been approved in pregnancy and are very dangerous. https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2021/han00453.asp…

YouTube Bans All ‘Harmful Vaccine Content’ From Its Platform

YouTube Bans All ‘Harmful Vaccine Content’ From Its Platform BY JACK PHILLIPS   September 29, 2021 Updated: September 29, 2021 Google-owned YouTube said on Sept. 29 that it will ban all “harmful vaccine content” from its platform, including claims that vaccines are ineffective at reducing transmission of disease, prompting concerns that the firm will escalate censorship of dissenting viewpoints….

Israeli TV: Vaccine offers virtually no protection from infection; it may prevent more serious disease

In the Israeli TV news report below, the ugly truth comes out: The Vax’d can get and spread  COVID to others JUST AS BADLY AS UN-VAXXED. And the reporter asks why are we not checking the vaccinated for infection when we know they are just as likely to be infected and just as likely to…

Here is my presentation for the 9/11 20th anniversary event sponsored by Lawyers for 9/11 Inquiry and TAP

Because of censoring procedures by You Tube regarding covid issues some of the speakers’ talks are being posted on different platforms. The entire event is included here on SuperU.net From 9/11 Anthrax to the Pandemic – A Free Global Live Event (superu.net) My individual talk is here: https://superu.net/video/ce6bb5c3-62d1-48c0-93bd-5c0f085f6d26/

Scandinavian Governments Announce “COVID Is Over,” Israel Announces the Vaccine Doesn’t Protect/ Paul Craig Roberts

https://www.globalresearch.ca/scandinavian-governments-announce-covid-over-israel-announces-vaccine-doesnt-protect/5756973 I have had confirmation of my report last Saturday that Norway has terminated all Covid restrictions (see this).  I am uncertain whether it is an immediate termination or the beginning of a phase out.  Norway’s equivalent to the CDC has downgraded Covid-19 to a strong flu. There will be no Covid passport.  In Sweden Covid restrictions are…

German Pathologist Sounds Alarm on Fatal Covid Vaccine Injuries: “Jab is Cause of Death in 30-40% of Autopsies of Recently Vaccinated””

https://theexpose.uk/2021/09/13/german-chief-pathologist-sounds-alarm-on-fatal-covid-vaccine-injuries-jab-is-cause-of-death-in-30-40-of-autopsies-of-recently-vaccinated/  The director of the Institute of Pathology at the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has conducted more than 40 autopsies on people who died within two weeks of receiving the Covid-19 vaccine and expressed concern about the results. … Schirmacher said that 30-40% of the people he examined died from the vaccine and that,…

The Spartacus Report

A very comprehensive and interesting report has appeared anonymously on the web and gone viral over a few days.  I like it a great deal because it echoes my own thoughts about the pandemic and the metapandemic, which is all the changes being wrought under cover of the pandemic, under the guise of healthcare, or…

Ivermectin–now the compounding pharmacy is putting people on a long wait list

https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/i-dont-know-bigger-story-world-right-now-ivermectin-nytimes-best-selling-author Meanwhile, Pfizer is trialling a drug which works just like the protease inhibitor action of ivermectin. But my patients are having a hard time accessing ivermectin.  Now the compoounding pharmacy cannot get it.  Who is stopping the distributors from passing the drug on to the pharmacies?  Why are people taking this suppression lying down? …

NYC Can Impose Vaccine Mandate On Teachers, Federal Appeals Court Says/NPR

https://www.npr.org/2021/09/27/1041028828/nyc-can-impose-vaccine-mandate-on-teachers-federal-appeals-court-says On Friday a single NY Appeals Court judge imposed a restraining order on the vaccine mandate for NY teachers.  Briefs were filed over the weekend, and on Monday a 3 judge panel cancelled the oral arguments scheduled for Wednesday and ruled against the teachers. I don’t understand this process–perhaps some readers can explain it?

The Snake-Oil Salesmen and the COVID-Zero Con: A Classic Bait-And-Switch for a Lifetime of Booster Shots (Immunity as a Service)/ Julius Ruechel

https://www.juliusruechel.com/2021/09/the-snake-oil-salesmen-and-covid-zero.html This article is a real treat.  Julius Ruechel has written a tour de force that starts with your immune system, moves to the Diamond Princess and the uses made by big businesss and the political class of the COVID pandemic, discusses the role of viruses and their mutations for illness and for health, A.D.E.,…

New York City’s Covid vaccine mandate for school staff blocked by judge/ The Guardian

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/25/new-york-city-schools-teacher-covid-vaccine-mandate-federal-appeals-judge Judge granted temporary injunction and referred the case to a three-judge panel while mandate was set to go into effect Monday New York City schools have been temporarily blocked from enforcing a vaccine mandate for teachers and other workers by a federal appeals judge, days before it was to take effect. CDC overrides advisory…

How Good Is the Science on COVID Vaccines?/ AAPS’ Jane Orient, MD

September 22, 2021   COVID-19: How Good Is the Science on COVID Vaccines?         I’m sure you are favor of “following the science” on COVID vaccinations.         A basic principle of the scientific method is that you need a control group. To detect a difference, say in adverse reactions, between the treated group and the control,…

Here’s the skinny on what happened yesterday and today regarding the booster dose

Last Friday, FDA’s advisory committee (VRBPAC) voted 16 to 2 against giving a license to a third Pfizer booster shot for everyone age 16 and up. Although a second vote at Friday’s meeting had not been planned, another question was hastily developed. That question asked whether the vaccine could be licensed for a third booster…

Rhode Island makes exception to healthcare worker vaccination requirement/ Becker’s

https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/workforce/rhode-island-makes-exception-to-healthcare-worker-vaccination-requirement.html Healthcare workers who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 by Rhode Island’s Oct. 1 deadline will be allowed to work beyond that date to prevent care quality from slipping, the state health department said Sept. 21.  “If there is a risk to quality of care, and an unvaccinated worker must continue to work beyond Oct. 1 to…

700 Yale New Haven employees face termination if not vaccinated by Sept. 30 deadline/Beckers

https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/workforce/700-yale-new-haven-employees-face-termination-if-not-vaccinated-by-sept-30-deadline.html Remember:  the vials are still the Pfizer EUA vaccine, according to what we are hearing, and you have the right to refuse and not participate in an experiment. And yes, it isn’t easy, but use the Fact Sheet and other documents I linked to during the last week of August, which are FDA documents…

Wuhan scientists planned to release coronaviruses into cave bats 18 months before outbreak/ The Telegraph

Wuhan scientists planned to release coronaviruses into cave bats 18 months before outbreak Leaked documents reveal researchers applied for $14m to fund controversial project in 2018 BySarah Knapton, SCIENCE EDITOR21 September 2021 • 5:48pm Workers wearing protective clothing disinfect a shopping centre in Wuhan CREDIT: China News Service Wuhan scientists were planning to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into…

Alabama Hospital Defies Biden Administration, Ends COVID Vaccine Requirement for Staff [despite $400 incentive)/Western Journal

https://www.westernjournal.com/alabama-hospital-defies-biden-administration-ends-covid-vaccine-requirement-staff/ Bowing to the threat of legal action against it, one Alabama hospital has rescinded its requirement that all staff be vaccinated against the coronavirus. UAB Hospital in Birmingham said it will wait to learn how the federal vaccine mandates announced by President Joe Biden play out before imposing any requirement, according to WBRC-TV. Last week,…

Risk of nurses leaving too high to mandate vaccine, says Ballad Health CEO

 https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-management-administration/risk-of-nurses-leaving-too-high-to-mandate-vaccine-says-ballad-health-ceo.html Many healthcare workers are vaccinated against COVID-19, but others are refusing to do so as part of their employers’ requirements. As a result, hospitals and health systems have lost employees, and one healthcare executive said a mandate could cost his 21-hospital system too many nurses. “We have about 6,000 nurses in our system,” Alan…

CJ Hopkins explains why we cannot get through to our friends and relatives, and a potential strategy for breaking them out of the cult

CJ Hopkins, writing on the Covidian Cult, is always interesting. Here he suggests an interesting approach to breaking through the wall separating those who accept the media and government-supported tale of what is actually happening. Below is the meat of his approach, but you would be better served by reading his 3 Covidian Cult essays…

72% of unvaccinated workers say they will quit if not given an exemption/ WaPo

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/post-abc-poll-coronavirus/2021/09/04/94add942-0cde-11ec-aea1-42a8138f132a_story.html …Currently, just under 2 in 10 American workers say their employer requires people who come into work be vaccinated (18 percent). Among workers whose employer lacks a mandate, about 3 in 10 are unvaccinated. Asked what they would likely do if their employer imposed a mandate, 16 percent of that group say they would get…

Fauci tells a lie and gives us a dumb comment besides.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/09/17/covid-booster-shots-fda-recommendation/ Fauci said some scientists seem to believe “it is okay” for vaccinated people to get infected as long as they experience only mild or moderate symptoms and don’t end up in the hospital. But he said, “As a clinical person who sees a lot of patients, that isn’t okay,” adding that even mild infections…

Some recent safety posts

I have been asked twice to identify past posts on vaccine safety.  You may have noticed there is not a huge amount, because most of the data are simply too good to be believed.  While I have done some writing about this, my best writing is in drafts for a legal case, and I cannot…

Ron Johnson got 4 Pinocchios from the WaPo for saying natural immunity from Covid was as strong or stronger than vaccine induced immunity

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/07/16/four-pinocchios-ron-johnsons-campaign-vaccine-misinformation/ What a difference 2 months makes!  You can’t escape the truth now, WaPo.  Yet you haven’t pinned 4 Pinocchios on yourself, either, have you? “The fact of the matter is it looks like natural immunity is as strong if not stronger than vaccinated immunity. … There is a risk to the vaccine. Again, it’s…

And now the feds are taking over the distribution of monocloncal antibodies

From the WaPo we learn there is a shortage of monoclonal antibodies, so the feds will take over distribution.  Hmm.  We don’t know anything about long-term side effects of monoclonals. Monoclonal antibodies are an effective and very expensive product if used in the first week of illness–just like hydroxychloroquine, which the feds (and most states) have…

New Drop Dead Dates for millitary servicmembers to be vaccinated/ Miami Herald

From the Miami Herald today: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article254255993.html The Army announced Tuesday that all active-duty units are expected to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 15 while Reserve and National Guard units are expected to be fully vaccinated by June 30, 2022. The plan complies with an Aug. 24 memo from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin that mandated COVID-19 vaccines for all…

How FDA and CDC are tripping over their lies regarding breakthrough cases and vaccine efficacy. Invitation to my FDA Booster Meeting live blog on Friday

The feds want us to have boosters, and based on the contracting, lots of boosters. In order to convince people to have boosters, they need to  1)  Convince people the vaccines are more effective than they really are, and safer. 2)  Convince people the great benefit is wearing off. 3)  Hide vaccine-enhanced disease, also known…

Mercola blows up the false narrative: ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’ Now where does that leave Biden’s mandates?

https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2021/September/PDF/cdc-lists-vaccinated-deaths-as-unvaccinated-pdf.pdf  Mercola puts together 3 methods used by CDC to hide Covid cases in the vaccinated and claim there is a pandemic of the unvaccinated: 1.  Defining as unvaccinated as any case occurring prior to 14 days after the second vaccination (or first for Janssen) However, 80% of vaccine-associated deaths occur within 14 days of…

The AMA issued a mix of mindless propaganda and “Trust the SCIENCE” jargon to teach doctors to lie about Covid vaccines

I am looking over the “AMA Covid -19 Guide. Winter 2021.  It is not a guide.  It only deals with Covid vaccines, not treatment.  It’s raison d’etre is: “To overcome vaccine hesitancy and ensure widespread vaccine acceptance among all demographic groups, physicians and the broader public health community must continue working to build trust in…

Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease after COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It/ Global Research

Brian Shilhavy is a tireless researcher and writer.  Very grateful for his analysis of VAERS reports:  https://www.globalresearch.ca/teens-50x-more-likely-have-heart-disease-covid-shots-than-all-other-fda-approved-vaccines-2021-combined-cdc-admits-true-but-still-recommends-it/5755654

Ivermectin supply, and a new threat from the medical specialty boards against doctors who say mean things about the Covid vaccines

What I learned today: Edenbridge is the manufacturer of most of the ivermectin consumed in the US.  Some of their product is made in the US and some made in Mexico (according to a colleague, but I have not verified this).  Their sales manager informed me that they continue to produce it and ship it,…

Cuomo was not the only one hiding nursing home deaths from Covid–CDC was doing the same thing/ JAMA

The reason I posted this is because this is one more way CDC ensures the collection of inadequate data.  It can then use the fact of inadequate data collection to justify the modeling of deaths, hospitalizations, etc. The models can then be fixed to provide the desired results. Estimates of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Among…

Vaccine mandates spur staffing worries at hospitals/ Beckers Hospital Review

 https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/workforce/vaccine-mandates-spur-staffing-worries-at-hospitals.html Kelly Gooch  Amid President Joe Biden’s plan to vaccinate healthcare workers against COVID-19, hospitals are expressing concerns about potential unintended consequences of the mandates, such as exacerbating workforce shortages. President Biden revealed Sept. 9 his administration’s six-pronged approach to curb the pandemic, including requiring all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their staff are fully vaccinated…

Parents and doctors slam government over decision to vaccinate all over-12s but to give CHILDREN – not parents – the final say on whether they get Covid jab or not/ Daily Mail

As I expected, the UK’s Chris Whitty decided, against the advice of his vaccine advisory committee, to give 12-15 year olds the Covid vaccine.  But only one dose, since about 75% of the myocarditis cases occur after the second dose.  Who is this Dr. Whitty?  Wikipedia says his dad was murdered by the Abu Nidal…

Fauci does not know how to tell the truth. Gratuitous, unnecessary lying should clue you in the man is not to be trusted.

Fauci speaks in favor of Covid vaccine mandates for schools and air travel: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1437382113548980232 And he cannot help telling a lie:  “I don’t know where you went to school, but the school where I went to, you had to be vaccinated for measles, mumps, rubella, polio to go to school.” The measles, mumps and rubella…

Holes in reporting of breakthrough Covid cases hamper CDC response/ Politico

This is a very long article from Politico, but the meat is below and it is worth your attention.  For those who ask why the US data show few breakthrough cases, and reasonable vaccine efficacy, while the data from the UK and Israel show practically no vaccine benefit at this point in time, and possibly a…

Look at CDC’s own data, from June 23, regarding myocarditis cases in teens, using VAERS (highly underreported) data

I am posting this because FDA and CDC soon plan to license and impose de facto mandates of the vaccine for the 12-15 year age group, despite its danger for them.  As the Los Angeles school district did 3 days ago. Myocarditis occurs at least 32 times more often than it should during the first…

Ivermectin Suppression: Hydroxychloroquine Redux

First, access to hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine was restricted.  The chloroquine drugs only work during active viral replication. While extremely safe at prescribed doses, and used daily for years by hundreds of thousands of patients with rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, overdose can be fatal. Awareness of these facts led to the FDA restricting the use of…

A hospital in NY state will no longer deliver babies after staffers resign over coronavirus vaccine mandate

 https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/09/12/ny-hospital-babies-vaccine-mandate/ 165 hospital staffers, about 27 percent of the workforce, remain unvaccinated. Seventy-three percent of those unvaccinated staffers provide clinical services at the hospital. The Sept. 25 pause is scheduled two days before the state’s deadline for health-care workers to be vaccinated if they want to continue working, according to the Watertown Daily Times. Officials with…

Japanese scientists show the “Mu” Covid variant defeats vaccine immunity. WHY do they want to vaccinate us so badly?

 Here is the preprint: Ineffective neutralization of the SARS-CoV-2 Mu variant by convalescent and vaccine sera Here is how I know the forced vaccination program is not intended to protect me and others from Covid but has some other, unspoken purpose(s): 1.  People with pre-existing immunity are being required to get the vaccine, though it…

Yesterday I gave a talk and warned that when the pandemic ends, climate change is likely to be the next “crisis” used for social control.

And I just came across Michael Crichton’s ‘Author’s Message’ from the book State of Fear, which elaborates on my concerns: AUTHOR’S MESSAGEA novel such as State of Fear, in which so many divergent views are expressed, may lead the reader to wonder where, exactly, the author stands on these issues. I have been reading environmental texts…

Biden, Fauci discuss requiring COVID booster shots every 5 months/ NY Post

https://nypost.com/2021/08/27/biden-and-fauci-discuss-covid-19-booster-shots-every-5-months/ President Biden on Friday said he and Dr. Anthony Fauci discussed requiring COVID-19 booster shots every five months rather than every eight as previously anticipated. The shorter timeframe would increase the number of vaccine doses that the US will need to set aside for booster shots — as poorer nations clamor for more US donations. “The…

Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden’s Vaccine Mandate/ Newsweek

President Joe Biden‘s new vaccine mandates for federal employees don’t apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system. Biden issued two executive orders on Thursday requiring vaccination against COVID for federal workers and contractors who work for the federal government. He also asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency order…

Chris Martenson looks into the safety of ivermectin

 https://www.peakprosperity.com/definitive-ivermectin-toxicity-review/ Here is a great short article that sums up ivermectin, which I previously blogged https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8383101/pdf/main.pdf And here is Tess Lawrie talking about her meta-analyses of ivermectin papers https://odysee.com/@DarkHorsePodcastClips:b/ivermectin-meta-analysis:4

87% of unvaccinated Americans wouldn’t get shot if employer mandated it, CNBC poll finds

https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/workforce/87-of-unvaccinated-americans-wouldn-t-get-shot-if-employer-mandated-it-poll-finds.html 87% of unvaccinated Americans wouldn’t get shot if employer mandated it, poll finds Kelly Gooch – 21 hours ago Print  | Email Listen “Employer mandates may still not persuade some unvaccinated Americans to get the COVID-19 shot, according to a new CNBC/Change Research poll. The poll found that 87 percent of unvaccinated respondents said they would not get vaccinated if their…

No, FDA did not respond to Senator Ron Johnson about the confusion caused by the approval plus authorization of Comirnaty-Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines

Here is a copy of the Senator’s letter to FDA of September 7, 2021, noting the evidence for spike S protein danger, and demanding an answer to his earlier letter regarding the deliberate confusion caused by FDA over the vaccine licensure.  https://edcdeveloper.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/2021-09-07-rhj-to-drs.-woodcock-and-marks-fda.pdf

Los Angeles school system, with 640,000 students, is requiring 12-15 year olds to be vaccinated to attend school

You have already seen this, but I have to post it.  The LA School Board, with about 640,000 students, made Covid vaccination mandatory by November 21 to attend school, even though the vaccine is still experimental for the 12-15 year age group.  Which makes the mandate illegal.  But governments and school boards no longer care…

The 9/11 event I am speaking at tonight is by donation–or for free if you cannot afford a donation. Sign up asap for a ticket

  September 11th Global Live Stream Update – Times Added   The 9/11 Anniversary Event  Will Be LIVE STREAMED on Saturday, September 11, 2021 1:00 p.m. Eastern time12:00 p.m. noon Central time11:00 a.m. Mountain time10:00 a.m. Pacific coast time(8 hours duration) The entire event will be archived for 7 days afterwards so you can arrive…

Why Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Now Pointless/ Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD

  Why Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Now Pointless  Executive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Now Pointless: Covid-19 vaccines do not keep people from catching the prevailing Delta variant and passing it to others September 9, 2021 Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD1 1 Nina Pierpont is a graduate of Yale University (BA in biology), with a MA and PhD…

Australia restricts ivermectin prescribing for Covid. Same week it becomes impossible to get it dispensed here. Coincidence?

https://www.tga.gov.au/media-release/new-restrictions-prescribing-ivermectin-covid-19  New restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19 10 September 2021 Today, the TGA, acting on the advice of the Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling, has placed new restrictions on the prescribing of oral ivermectin. General practitioners are now only able to prescribe ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions (indications) – scabies and certain parasitic infections. Certain…

I am not an army of one. Everybody needs to refuse to go along with criminal government policies

I have gotten a zillion phone calls in the last 2 days about ivermectin, and I have stopped answering the phone.  No one can get their prescriptions filled.  People are frustrated, angry and scared. Well, so am I.  I am REALLY frustrated, angry and scared.  I have warned people since the beginning of 2021 that…

Teenage boys more at risk from vaccines than Covid/ The Telegraph

This is from the Telegraph, but reposted without a paywall on MSN:  https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/medical/teenage-boys-more-at-risk-from-vaccines-than-covid/ar-AAOgDDW Young males are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems after being jabbed than be hospitalised from coronavirus, study finds ByCamilla Turner,  EDUCATION EDITOR 9 September 2021 • 5:30pm Teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems from…

Tidbits from the Brown School of Public Health, via CNN

From Ashish Jha’s right hand girl, associate dean of the Brown School of Public Health: “The Delta variant is clearly more transmissible, but somehow, six months after its identification, we still don’t know whether it’s inherently more dangerous, particularly for children. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is not consistently tracking the many so-called “breakthrough”…

9/11 20th Anniversary Event, put on by Lawyers for 9/11 Inquiry and TAP. My spot is at 7:30 pm, right after Whitney Webb

September 11th Global Live Stream Update – Times Added   The 9/11 Anniversary Event  Will Be LIVE STREAMED on Saturday, September 11, 2021 1:00 p.m. Eastern time12:00 p.m. noon Central time11:00 a.m. Mountain time10:00 a.m. Pacific coast time(8 hours duration) The entire event will be archived for 7 days afterwards so you can arrive late…

Walgreens and CVS Pharmacies will no longer fill ivermectin scripts

This was told to me by pharmacists, who stated that the decision came from their corporate offices.  It seems the companies have not posted the information on their websites at this time.  Last year, CVS corporate refused to fill hydroxychloroquine prescriptions for Covid. As I mentioned earlier, these decisions are unprecedented for a licensed drug. …

AMA insists doctors and pharmacists stop supplying ivermectin

 PRESS RELEASES https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-apha-ashp-statement-ending-use-ivermectin-treat-covid-19 AMA, APhA, ASHP statement onending use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 SEP 1, 2021 WASHINGTON, DC – The American Medical Association (AMA), American Pharmacists Association (APhA), and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) strongly oppose the ordering, prescribing, or dispensing of ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 outside of a clinical trial. Ivermectin is approved…

The great Ivermectin deworming hoax/ The Desert Review

https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/the-great-ivermectin-deworming-hoax/article_19b8f2a6-0f29-11ec-94c1-4725bf4978c6.html “In a normal year, the Kentucky Poison Control Center might receive one call from someone who has taken ivermectin, a drug commonly used to treat parasites in livestock. But amid increasing misinformation about the drug’s ability to both treat and prevent COVID-19, that number has increased to six this year.” This alarming news was…

Jeremy Hammond on Natural Immunity to SARS-CoV-2

 The Superiority of Natural Immunity to SARS-CoV-2: Introduction The public health establishment has been claiming that people who’ve recovered from SARS‑CoV‑2 infection still need to get a COVID‑19 vaccine because natural immunity is inferior, but that is a lie. https://www.jeremyrhammond.com/2021/09/02/the-superiority-of-natural-immunity-to-sars-cov-2-introduction/   The Official Ignorance of Natural Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 To push the political agenda of…

The Vaccine Liability Issue Hinges on Whether the Vaccine is a Covered Countermeasure

Only companies and individuals dealing with “Covered Countermeasures” have their liability waived.  Below is the definition of a covered countermeasure. For a drug or vaccine to be a covered countermeasure, it has to be designated as an Emergency Use Authorized product.  Licensed products, being used for their licensed indication, are not permitted to be authorized…

The Mess Media are a disgrace, but it is the feds that are feeding them the false ivermectin narrative

Someone just wrote me that local media were reporting that the hospital morgue where they work had run out of room due to Covid victims.  But what the local media were not reporting was that the morgue only had 2 spaces! Did you see the amazing Rolling Stone magazine story (repeated by Rachel Maddow) about…

Take a look at these two brief but comprehensive, well-written reports, one on the pandemic and the second a comparison of ivermectin and remdesivir

Physicist and activist John Droz has prepared two very interesting reports, chock full of links and references, on the medical establishment’s response to the pandemic, and a second report on ivermectin and remdesivir.

UK data tables on September 3 say delta causes less mortality and less % of admissions than alpha or beta.

Below I link to a report with the UK’s up to date Covid  information which provides:  cumulative case counts for each variant mortality rates for each of 2 age groups by variant,  hospitalization rates for those presenting to the ER with each variant,  and other information including vaccinations “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under…

The USG has given liability waivers under the PREP Act to a multitude of products for all sorts of diseases

Even the anthrax emergency declaration is still in force, at least until the end of 2022.  Even though there has not been an anthrax emergency (apart from spills at CDC and Army facilities) since the Act was passed in 2005.  So, if you are a member of the military or a scientist or anyone else…

Read this testimony I wrote in 2019, which seems to have been extremely prescient

This was testimony for Massachusetts and the potential removal of religious and philosphic exemptions.  I had given a similar, longer testimony to legislators in New Brunswick, Canada in August 2019, which was more specific to Canada.  This one was more specific to the US: 1.  The elephant in the auditorium today is Pharma profits. Dare I…

Senator Ron Johnson asked the FDA to explain the differences between the licensed and the EUA Covid vaccines last week

Children’s Health Defense and Global Research discuss the letter here. A copy of the letter Senator Johnson sent is here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/2021-08-26-Letter-to-FDA-re-Comirnaty.pdf

Ivermectin Metaanalysis

Tess Lawrie’s group’s metaanalysis of ivermectin research papers, published in June, has received a great deal of positive attention.  It was, as expected, carefully done.  The authors graded the quality of the papers they reviewed.   The abstract noted: “Therapeutic Advances: Meta-analysis of 15 trials found that ivermectin reduced risk of death compared with no…

Moderna: visible stainless steel particles in 3 lots of Japanese vaccines won’t hurt you/ Reuters

From Reuters: “Stainless steel is routinely used in heart valves, joint replacements and metal sutures and staples. As such, it is not expected that injection of the particles identified in these lots in Japan would result in increased medical risk,” Takeda and Moderna said in a joint statement. I guess this means:  “Get used to…

ACIP vote yesterday after deceitful CDC briefings removes liability from Comirnaty, opening the door to mandates

In a nutshell:  Yesterday CDC asked its advisory committee to “recommend” the Comirnaty vaccine for 16 and 17 year olds. And it agreed, unanimously. Or pusillanimously. The vote may seem silly or superfluous, because it had already been recommended for this age group as an EUA. But this vote was anything but superfluous. This seemingly…

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