Important conference you won’t want to miss: the Alternative Davos in the Desert presents: Lockdown Nation, a virtual conference. Take a look at the speakers!

Davos in the Desert presents, next Monday Feb 5(while I will be speaking in the UK Parliament to mostly empty benches, no doubt) a truly high-powered meeting of the minds. I urge you to check it out.

Make them Election Issues: Ban the shots! No globalist sovereignty grabs! 2024 election candidates join thousands of doctors in opposing dangerous COVID shots Great campaign initiated by physicians Mary Talley Bowden, assisted by Kat Lindley and probably others I don’t know. Get candidates for office to pledge they will stop the dangerous COVID vaccines. Ask about the WHO’s power grab and banning the shots at…

Save Our Sovereignty!!!

MP Andrew Bridgen is hosting another important meeting in UK Parliament on Monday 5th February. MEP Christine Anderson, Dr Meryl Nass & Lawyer Philipp Kruse will discuss the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine harms, 15-minute cities, Farmers protests in Europe & the WHO power grab. All MPs & Lords have been invited to this…

“One Health” has an earlier pedigree than I knew. The false narratives emanating from One health had already been created by 2004, and one author of this drivel now works at EcoHealth Alliance.

They had all the mumbo-jumbo and the concept of how to use One Health down 20 years ago. Thanks to Paula Jardine at The Conservative Woman for finding this nugget. Read the 12 recommendations!

The globalists didn’t wait for the WHO members to approve their global biosecurity agenda next May, but have been putting it in place for several years at your expense. See what they are up to.

They even have a substack for sharing information. Why not seek to monetize biological warfare agents? It’s no more bizarre than monetizing carbon credits. Although it is more dangerous.

A tiny country’s health ministry tried to take down the website of an American scientist, journalist and entrepreneur (Steve Kirsch) for posting anonymized, important public health data. He said no.

The same health ministry did its best to confuse the public about New Zealand’s November 2023 rejection of the WHO’s IHR amendments. Who are they REALLY working for?

Tedros Talks with forked Tongue. Here’s the evidence. Let’s look at a few things he told Agence France Press and The Guardian. What does the draft treaty really say?

  I have come to love making powerpoint slides, as they seem to convey ideas better than I can do in just words. You get the idea from the Guardian’s photo and text that Tedros is troubled. Will the treaty (aka agreement) (aka accord) pass? The powers behind the WHO throne knew they could only…

Do they really want to make animals equal to people? One Health wants to lower the status of humans.

What did the Lancet say last January about One Health? That non-human animals are of equal concern as humans. “The reality is that One Health will be delivered in countries, not by concordats between multilateral organisations, but by taking a fundamentally different approach to the natural world, one in which we are as concerned…

Why is Davos so interested in Disease X? The global biosecurity agenda is critical for them to achieve the New World Order/Great Reset

They strung several very well constructed fairy tales together that, when believed, lead you to walk happily into their ovens and pay for the privilege. It’s that simple. Robert and Jill Malone wrote an excellent substack piece on what has been going on at Davos this week in a collaboration between the WHO and the WEF titled…

New Zealand promised to conduct a National Interest Test on the WHO’s proposals. Will the NZ Health Ministry conduct it honestly? I decode what it announced yesterday

NZ’s Health Ministry is joined at the hip to the WHO through Ashley Bloomfield, co-chair of the WGIHR, and former NZ PM Helen Clark

The Natural Asset Companies have been stopped from trading, at least for now! Big Victory!

SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (Release No. 34-99355; File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09) January 17, 2024 Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of Withdrawal of Proposed Rule Change to Amend the NYSE Listed Company Manual to Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies On September 27, 2023, New York Stock Exchange LLC (the “Exchange” or “NYSE”)…

Fauci wannabe Peter Hotez seemed like a clown, but turned out to be very dangerous, creating a “fire hose of falsehoods” that slipped into peoples’ unconscious, making them believe his lies

I love The Midwestern Doctor because he seems to think like me, writes better, and collects a ton of facts. In this case he reports back from Peter Hotez’ latest book and gives me a shout-out

Here is the evidence (from 2004-2014) that our governments tried to kill us by restricting HCQ. WHY? Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t kill *people* unless you overdose. But it does kill *coronaviruses.*

This is critically important evidence that our governments deliberately harmed us by suppressing this drug. Please save/share. France produced fake news on HCQ last week.

Critically important compilation of screenshots from the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaty. I decode them. Can’t argue about them.

They take away your right to medicines of your choice, freedom of speech, privacy. Can impose border closures, vaccine mandates, quarantines. And they are serious about enforcement.

States’ Attorneys General Send Scathing Letter Opposing NACs, and House Resources Committee Initiates Oversight of Natural Asset Corporations

Thank you American Stewards. These “Natural Asset Companys” were the newest iteration of “Somethin for nuthin” — a new category of assets to eventually take over government lands, then ours

Attorneys at Door to Freedom and Iustitia Movimento Europa have challenged the EU’s Health Directorate to respond to additional questions regarding the EU’s competence to negotiate with the WHO

The EU is not a member of the WHO. It has limited competencies on which it may represent its 27 member states.

FDA Violated Agency Guidelines by Promoting Off-Label Use of COVID Shots to Treat Long COVID According to an investigative report by independent journalist Paul D. Thacker, U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert Califf promoted the off-label use of COVID-19 vaccines to treat “long COVID,” basing the recommendation on a non-peer-reviewed conference presentation by a scientist with financial ties to Pfizer. By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. U.S. Food and Drug Administration…

My interview with Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog There is a 45 minute video as well as the text below: Disaster If WHO Gets Total Medical Control – Dr. Meryl Nass By Greg Hunter’s Dr. Meryl Nass is an expert on vaccines.  She has testified to Congress many times.  Dr. Nass warned about the dangers of the CV19 vax.  Massive amounts…

The Wuhan Cover-Up: Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book.

It goes back in time to the several decade-long lead-up to COVID, then continues into the future where The Real Anthony Fauci left off. By Meryl Nass   January 1, 2024   History, Society, Vaccines    5 minute read When Bobby Kennedy talked about writing this book a couple of years ago, I asked…

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