The new IHRs did get approved last night but with mainly inconsequential changes. A big victory against the WHO’s global biosecurity CONTROL agenda

  The diplomats in Geneva were called back for yet another Plenary meeting, to approve a new version of the IHR amendments dated TODAY, June 1, 2024.  Finally they approved this version and their meeting ended at 10:48 pm.  This is what was approved: The bolded words are what has changed from the existing…

The US is not an honest broker: a) impenetrable last-minute legalese, b) a history of making reservations that enable the US to dodge compliance, and c) scuttling carefully negotiated agreements

3 Examples of how the US avoids the traps it sets for others Meryl Nass May 29, 2024 Example #1. Here is a resolution the US and a handful of its hangers-on proposed for the WHA to approve today. It is so full of references to other documents (by number) that it is impossible to…

The WHO wishes to be the purveyor of biological warfare agents, to control information, and enforce untested, liability-free vaccinations on the world. Here are their own words, in screenshots

Politicians at all levels have been lied to about the WHO treaty and int’l health regulation amendments–so show them the screenshots. Here are the receipts! Full copies of the IHRs and all WHO treaty drafts can be found at I start out with the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments. We don’t have an official…

HOT! Today Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to Demand a Delay in both WHO votes–and if no delay, to vote against the proposals

  HOT! Today Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to Demand a Delay in both WHO votes–and if no delay, to vote against the proposals This motion got a majority vote of the Dutch Parliament ! MOTION BY MEMBER of the Dutch Parliament Mona KEIJZER ET AL. Proposed April 10, 2024. A majority voted…

Why States Can Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them: Summary of the Evidence

This is a compilation of the important info I have been dropping as individual tidbits over the past few days regarding states power over health regulation. Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them?      The Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights states, “The powers not delegated to…

Rebutting bizarre assertions about the WHO’s negotiations.

  Hope this does not bore you but it is important to clear things up. The following grossly wrong assertions were made 2 days ago by someone we had trusted: “… you should realize the following: The WHO negotiations are NOT an attack on national sovereignty. The WHO negotiations are NOT about mandates or lockdowns….

A hundred globalist flunkies (including mostly has-been politicians) signed a totally misleading letter about the pandemic treaty last week. I set the record straight

My comments on the letter are in italics. A preponderance of signers are from former Soviet countries. Kerry Kennedy, on a mission to embarrass her older brother, is an outlier.   Mar 30, 2024 Joint letter to leaders of WHO member states calling for an urgent agreement on a pandemic accord   20 March,…

Tedros lies about what the WHO is trying to do–but we set the record straight

 … Recently at the World Governments Summit Tedros said: “Countries set themselves a deadline to complete the agreement in time for adoption at the World Health Assembly in May of this year. That’s now just 15 weeks away. However, there are currently two major obstacles to meeting that deadline. The first is a group of…

Is This the Man Who Created COVID-19 in Fauci’s U.S. Lab?/ Daily Skeptic

  This is a very important dive into the origin of COVID–another MUST-READ. The Montana NIAID lab that could have been associated with the origin of Lyme Disease is where Munster studied SARS viruses. by Will Jones. 30 January 2024 Top U.S. virologist Ralph Baric engineered the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 in his lab at…

COVID Origin: More on Munster’s NIAID lab in Hamilton, Montana, far from the eyes of the oversight committees, doing GoF research and producing false narratives. Killing 2 birds with one taxpayer stone. Why does NIH have a lab in Montana anyway?

  This post is a continuation of the article by Will Jones posted recently about the origin of COVID, adding my own spin. From Vincent Munster’s lab page (NIAID Hamilton Montana) we find the following. It indicates that his entire career has been spent promoting the lie that pandemics arise from animal spillover (when this…

WHO Director-General’s speech at the World Governments Summit – 12 February 2024 The whole, unadulterated BS and boy does he slather it on. The pandemic fairytale starts about 1/3 way down. My comments are in italics.

From: WHO Media <> Date: February 12, 2024 at 5:20:15 AM ESTSubject: WHO Director-General’s speech at the World Governments Summit – 12 February 2024 Monday, 12 February 2024 WHO Director-General’s speech at the World Governments Summit – 12 February 2024 Your Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Dear colleagues and friends, Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.  I thank Your Highnesses for your hospitality, for…

Do they really want to make animals equal to people? One Health wants to lower the status of humans.

What did the Lancet say last January about One Health? That non-human animals are of equal concern as humans. “The reality is that One Health will be delivered in countries, not by concordats between multilateral organisations, but by taking a fundamentally different approach to the natural world, one in which we are as concerned…

Tedros Talks with forked Tongue. Here’s the evidence. Let’s look at a few things he told Agence France Press and The Guardian. What does the draft treaty really say?

  I have come to love making powerpoint slides, as they seem to convey ideas better than I can do in just words. You get the idea from the Guardian’s photo and text that Tedros is troubled. Will the treaty (aka agreement) (aka accord) pass? The powers behind the WHO throne knew they could only…

Why is Davos so interested in Disease X? The global biosecurity agenda is critical for them to achieve the New World Order/Great Reset

They strung several very well constructed fairy tales together that, when believed, lead you to walk happily into their ovens and pay for the privilege. It’s that simple. Robert and Jill Malone wrote an excellent substack piece on what has been going on at Davos this week in a collaboration between the WHO and the WEF titled…

The Wuhan Cover-Up: Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book.

It goes back in time to the several decade-long lead-up to COVID, then continues into the future where The Real Anthony Fauci left off. By Meryl Nass   January 1, 2024   History, Society, Vaccines    5 minute read When Bobby Kennedy talked about writing this book a couple of years ago, I asked…

The WHO has to pretend the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) does not exist since the Pandemic Treaty requires nations to transgress the BWC

  Don’t acquire or retain biological weapons (BWC)—versus every nation must go out and find new ones (IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty draft of October 30, 2023) Don’t transfer them to others (BWC)—versus transfer them to WHO’s BioHub that will “share them globally” (Pandemic Treaty draft of October 30, 2023) Fortunately the UN has not…

ONE HEALTH: Want to read a whole lot of words and charts signifying absolutely nothing? Right on time for Christmas, written by the Grinch

Much ado about nothing–yet creating the architecture for a world takeover by the WHO. Big One Health meeting coming next fall. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. They are putting everything in the world into the One Health basket. Including your children’s education, your food and your money. And don’t forget climate change. They…


·       The build-out of a massive and expensive global biosecurity system is underway, allegedly to improve our preparedness for future pandemics or biological terrorism.  In aid of this agenda two documents are being prepared through the WHO:  a broad series of amendments to the existing International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR)[1] and a proposed entirely new…

The International COVID/CRISIS Summit #4 at the Romanian Parliament is now fully posted You can watch the whole event, or just me or certain talks. All my slides are posted below: my 20 minute version on the WHO-globalist coup (involving all the major multinational organizations)

My talk is #17 on Day 2. It is nearly 17 minutes long (was supposed to be 20 but got told to stop at 15, so had to speed it up at the end). Go to the website below, scroll down to page 2, then use the right arrow and keep clicking to get to…

Why did Tony Fauci risk everything to call for a coverup of COVID’s lab origin? There was a lot more to it than protecting himself and NIAID for sponsoring Wuhan research

After years of pondering, this is what I think. Natural origin was CRITICAL to the entire global takeover Meryl Nass Oct 24, 2023 I will show you some old slides and some I just made. If there are missing pieces or you don’t follow my reasoning, I am happy to build out the story. Let’s…

Analysis of the October 2023 Negotiating Text of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty/Agreement

This version of the Treaty is very similar to the June 2 version, but I felt an updated analysis was needed before the hearing on the WHO tomorrow Meryl Nass, MD    First, it should be noted that the names used for this document change with each draft, which is very confusing.  The current draft…

How can the right questions be asked of the 3 USG witnesses at the WHO Reform hearing on Tuesday–Need Your Help! Please contact their offices, support HR79, ask them to ask questions below

Here are some reps who should be on our side and some questions they should ask, followed by a compendium on the proposed IHR amendments.   Do we have any ins with any of the subcommittee members for this hearing?  Here are 3 that ought to be on our side. Nicole Malliotakis—NY Phone: (202) 225-3371…

Stand for Health Freedom is a wonderful organization fighting the WHO power grab

They have created many useful resources to use in this fight. Valerie Borek is Stand for Health Freedom’s political director, an attorney, and an extremely knowledgeable person about the WHO. Please consider asking her to speak if you are planning any in-person or online events to educate people about the global biosecurity agenda and how…

The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics. Final version: Sept. 3, 2023

This report is designed to help readers think about some big topics: how to really prevent pandemics and biological warfare, how to assess proposals by the WHO and its members for responding to pandemics, and whether we can rely on our health officials to navigate these areas in ways that make sense and will help…

My Highwire interview: Del Bigtree was incredibly nice and helpful. I couldn’t be happier with it. He asked the right questions. He let me talk about things that I thought were really important to get out. He was knowledgeable. But then at the end, he pulled a rabbit out of a hat. He told his audience we are living in very unusual times. That they should stand up and…

The Associated Press, incensed that a tweet of me speaking about the WHO and the “soft coup” we are undergoing got more than 5 million views, writes a HIT Piece on me

The author is Melissa Goldin, who specializes in the “fact check” genre Now let’s examine her clarity, comprehensiveness and accuracy. Her talent for document analysis seems to fall short of actually reading the documents. By the way, someone should teach her arithmetic. If she went to work for the AP in July 2022, she…

How the current version of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty (aka Bureau Text) encourages rather than prevents pandemics

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Chem Bio Traditionally, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) were Chemical, Biological, Radiologic and Nuclear (CBRN). The people of the world don’t want them used on us—they are cheap ways to kill and maim lots of people at once. And so international treaties were created to try to prevent their development (sometimes)…

*Please make them stop the insanity of using nearly all newborns as guinea pigs.* CDC’s ACIP today voted unanimously to give a monoclonal antibody to newborns on day 1-7 of life to prevent RSV.

  MORE babies DIED who were TREATED than were in the control group. Same story as Pfizer’s initial COVID shot trial. This will almost certainly kill many babies. I previously revealed a published CDC paper from 2021 that showed only 25 babies up to one year of age die from RSV yearly in the entire…

De-banking used as a hammer to force businesses to go cashless or go under/ The Telegraph

Crypto accounts slammed too. Remits from abroad. And too much cash. The CBDCs are being brought in through the back door. Or so the cabal thought. ”… After having his own accounts at Coutts closed because his political views were deemed not to align with the bank’s values, Mr Farage last week welcomed the…

NYT blows the ‘aging demographic’ horn: pensions etc. can’t be paid in future. More fear porn to push 7 very important narratives.

The NY Times ran a major story today to get in front of the depopulation narrative, it seems. Countries don’t actually need to depopulate to stop the world population from increasing. Depopulation is already here, happening organically. [By that I mean families are having fewer children in response to the strip mining of the middle…

Treating COVID-19 in 2023

Since RFK, Jr. suggested going to my website for info on HCQ and IVM during his Town Hall yesterday with Sean Hannity, I am updating the info.  Here is the 3 minute clip of RFK and Sean Hannity discussing COVID treatment in which I am mentioned. What’s New with respect to Treatment? The COVID-19 virus…

Our new organization: rolls out today. Yay! And my interviews with Mercola, Roguski and Corbett on the WHO and global takeover are out now too.

I have gained nearly 200 paid substack subscribers since June 1. All my substack funds will go toward our expenses. Thanks to others who contributed without even being asked! Bookmark has applied for 501c3 status as an educational organization sharing information about the WHO and UN power grabs, and any other attempts at…

UK government admitted in March 2023 that young women who received the A-Z or J & J COVID vaccines were at high risk of death during the next 3 months

Females aged 12-29 who got an adenovirus vectored COVID vaccine in the UK were 3.5 times more likely to die in the next 3 months than those who had not There was evidence of an increase in cardiac death in young women after a first dose of non-mRNA vaccines, with the risk being *3.5…

Judge Doughty issued an important 155 page ruling in the matter of Missouri v. Biden today, July

Freedom of Speech must never again be shuttered, trampled on or blasphemied as the crime of “Misinformation, Disinformation or Malinformation” Judge Doughty used 721 footnotes. He must have amazing young clerks. And on page 3 the good Judge included the following quotes to remind us why July 4 and our nation’s principles are so important…

Day 3 of the CDC (Centers for Disinformation, Criminality and Prevarication) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting

I didn’t want to dive down into the CDC sewer for a second time today and recreate today’s ACIP meeting so I could write it up. But then I realized I really have to come to grips with the fact that our culture has spawned a bumper crop of Stepford wives/lemmings/robotic gibberish producers and we…

My day in Clown World with the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. On the menu: RSV, dengue, chikunguna, pneumococcus.

  This morning we heard about the 4th pneumococcal vaccine on the scene. First there was the PPSV23 (aka Pneumovax)—used for many decades. Very inflammatory. Unclear how well/if it works. Prevnar then surfaced about 20 years ago for kids, starting with 7 serotypes. What it did was shift the serotype ecology, causing a reduction in…

Latest Cleveland Clinic preprint on vaccination vs. infection, June 9. Hybrid immunity isn’t looking so good. Actually it is yet another lie ABSTRACT Background. The CDC recently defined being “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination as having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 bivalent vaccine. The purpose of this study was to compare therisk of COVID-19 among those “up-to-date” and “not up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination. Methods. Employees of Cleveland Clinic in employment when the COVID-19 bivalent…

Federal Agencies Routinely Spy on Phone Calls, Texts, Emails of American Citizens, Experts Say

Congress debates renewing FISA Section 702 amid reports of ‘persistent’ abuse This is full text from the Epoch Times because it was behind a paywall. June 14, 2023 The headquarters of the FBI is seen in Washington, D.C. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images) By Kevin Stocklin Despite the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits warrantless government searches,…

More UN financial BS

The UN Secretary General issued a report on restructuring the financial architecture of the world in May 2023. Clearly they did not want people to understand it. In this case, the UN suggests that even though countries cannot pay back their loans, they should be given larger loans with longer terms to pay them back….

Who are the cyber criminals? Domestic online terrorists? The USG?

Check out CISA, the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency within the Department of Homeland Security Several US federal government agencies have been hit in a global cyberattack by Russian cybercriminals that exploits a vulnerability in widely used software, according to a top US cybersecurity agency. Eric Goldstein, the executive assistant director for…

Willful Misconduct: How the DOD and FDA unleashed killer vaccines on the public while scamming us to avoid all liability

  Dr. Meryl Nass and Sasha Latypova discuss CHD lawsuit: George Watts v. DOD and explain how the DOD and HHS are lying to the Americans and worldwide public Jun 16, 2023 Link to today’s one hour show below:

I’m brain dead after today’s VRBPAC advisory meeting at FDA . The advisors were asked to okay a new variant for a fall COVID vaccine

  So, is COVID-19 still a thing? It stopped being dangerous after Omicron arrived 18 months ago. It officially ended on May 11. The NY Times says it has basically petered out, compared to the past 3 years, and its numbers are 6 weeks behind. And the CDC and NY Times say it killed in…

FDA announces the formula of the fall COVID-19 shot today. XBB. 1.5 I told you yesterday’s meeting was just window dressing, so FDA could spread the blame when the vaccine becomes a problem. Enjoy their weasel words.

  Today, the FDA posted information on its website regarding the formula for COVID-19 vaccines for the 2023-2024 fall and winter seasons. The FDA has advised manufacturers seeking to update their COVID-19 vaccines that they should develop vaccines with a monovalent XBB.1.5 composition. This recommendation incorporates advisory committee input and is based on the totality of the…

Those who control Peter Daszak and GOF research probably control the Nobel prizes also

The article below I photographed from Science magazine, 1 week after Trump said he was taking away a grant to EcoHealth Alliance for its work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on coronaviruses. Below, the Defender today reprinted an article by Rob Verkerk published initially by the Alliance for Natural Health. I had been waiting…

James Cobett, James Roguski and I discuss the New $EU-WHO vaccine passport-digital ID and the ‘Bureau Text’ newest draft of the pandemic treaty. 60 mins.–james-roguski/

Zoom with RFK, Jr and a group of experts who discuss the deep reforms needed in US health policies and agencies

Deep Reform: RFK, Jr. to host Health Policy Roundtable — Online, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 7:00 pm ET What is needed to turn around our country’s health policies so they actually improve our health and life expectancy? How do we get there? What is needed to enshrine informed consent and bodily autonomy in the way…

CDC is modifying the data it releases. Is Rochelle cleaning house before she exits at the end of the month?

And see how the US rate of 68% fully vaxxed, and 34% taking a booster is lower than Bangladesh, below.  We woke up a lot faster than the rest of the world. And our numbers are probably juiced… Read what is in yellow above. However, CDC has been modifying its data collections and releases…

Technocracy in Action: Global Digital Vaccine Passports. WHO and EU Commission Partner for ‘Digital Health’ with New COVID-19 Digital Certificate . By Derrick Broze @ The Last American Vagabond and Global Research. With the latest announcement that the European Commission and the World Health Organization are partnering on a Digital Vaccine Passport the Technocratic State is coming into view. On Monday the European Commission  and the World Health Organization announced a “digital health” partnership to establish a new Digital Vaccine Passport system for the world….

Fearing ‘climate change,’ Ireland moves to kill the cows. By John Klar in the American Thinker Ireland has announced plans to cull hundreds of thousands of cows to comply with European Union climate policy.  Similar initiatives in Belgium and the Netherlands ensure that beef prices will rise, but these proposals offer little environmental benefit.  Indeed, cows are the heroes, not the villains, in rescuing the climate. Ireland’s push to eliminate 200,000 cows…

Dr. Jeremy Faust denied during expert testimony against me (under oath) that his substack ‘Inside Medicine’ was supported by the CDC. Here is the article in which he claims it IS supported by CDC

Below is a screenshot clearly showing Dr. Faustus’ claim he is supported by CDC, which he denied under oath. Below that is a link to his whole article. To the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine: your expert witness is confused as to how much he earns, whether he is Editor-in-Chief of Medpage Today, and…

Why Countries Must Leave the World Health Organization. *Excellent* summary of important information.

 I just found out that Dr. Mercola ran a long piece on my efforts (and others’) to call attention to the WHO takeover yesterday, and the funky One Health concept. Meryl Nass Jun 6, 2023 PDF hyperlink in event above link becomes rendered non-functional (includes graphics but omits the 4 videos): Analysis by Dr….

Big News!

First, I got about 250 new subscribers since my last post (not even 24 hours ago) on my case and the suppression of doctors, and 34 new paid subscribers—more than for any one post previously. I am now over 25,000 subscribers and I am tremendously grateful to everyone for reading and spreading the information I…

More on my case, the law on misinformation, and why other doctors don’t challenge their medical boards

Including the misdirection, sloppiness and impaired memory of Dr. Faust, the part-time ER doctor and pundit/ expert witness The fifth day of my board hearing was May 30, 7.5 months after it began and 16.5 months since I was suspended for charges that the board dropped prior to litigation. No one can remember the details…

During the June 10, 2021 VRBPAC meeting, CDC continued to hide the myocarditis signal. This is yet more evidence to go after the regulators at CDC and FDA for covering it up.

Here is a collection of CDC staffer Dr. Tom Shimabukuro’s slides from that meeting, and I elaborate on what they mean. The CDC’s Dr. Shimabukuro gave a talk on June 10, 2021 to FDA’s vaccine advisory committee (VRBPAC) discussing preliminary safety data from V-safe, VAERS and VSD. So preliminary it did not agree with what…

Myocarditis signal was known in Feb 2021 but FDA and CDC hid it until they got the vaccine authorized for 12-15 year olds in May 2021. Here is the proof.

FDA, CDC and Israeli evidence. Willful misconduct is clearly demonstrated. I was told that the VAERS contractor for CDC and FDA (Oracle had the contract) told the agencies there was a myocarditis adverse event signal in February 2021. This was 2 months after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were authorized. (Myocarditis shows up within…

The US Government paid the College of Ob-Gyns over $11 million to force COVID vaccines on unsuspecting pregnant women

What do you call such a heinous crime? How can the conspirators be brought to justice? Hat tip to Maggie and Jim Thorp for uncovering this. The US government knew by February 2021 at the latest about the disaster the shot was, especially when used during pregnancy. But it carried on nonetheless. As did its…

Is Sir Doctor Jeremy James Farrar OBE FRCP FRS FMedSci PhD starting his gig as Chief Scientist at the WHO or not? Nothing yet in the news. His official start date was May 8 Was Jeremy’s Daddy an agent of the British government, too? And surprise! the head of One Health and the Frozen Food theory at WHO has been fired. Three weeks ago Jeremy was still in line for the job, due to start today. But so far (and it is 3:30 pm in Geneva right now)…

Measles rears its ugly head again. Here are the data and the real bottom line. #1 Don’t worry

A friend wrote about current TV warnings in Maine re measles: “One kid tested positive for measles AFTER being inoculated. Now there are warnings out for anyone who was anywhere near the kid in a variety of locations and times. Talk about building a fear porn extravaganza!” “The Maine CDC said in the release it…

The entire day (May 3) of the International COVID Summit, and the slides for my presentation

The dozens of presentations lasted for 8 hrs 39 minutes. While the information presented was not brand new, having dozens of reliable scientists present it, inside the European Parliament, as a complete summary of the COVID disaster was very powerful. Right at the end attorney Renata Holzeisen, physician Katarina Lindley and I had to…

The Lancet’s ONE HEALTH Commission announced itself on May 9, 2020. It was already poised to assist in the world takeover then.

I decode the language and concepts for you. The article is in plain text. My comments are in italics. What a load of malarkey. Peter Daszak was on the Commission. The evolution and sustenance of our planet hinges on a symbiotic relationship between humans, animals, and the environment that we share—we are interconnected. (The…

Anger and frustration are understandably at fever pitch after the last 3 years.

Unable to get retribution, some take aim at the Malones. Does this remind you of the guy who gets beaten up by his boss, then comes home and kicks the dog? I went to Bobby Kennedy’s Presidential launch, which I will write about in the next post. But this post is not about that happy…

Ursula von der Leyen, world’s most powerful and worst woman

The lady who texted with Pfizer’s president over the price and number of doses of COVID vaccines the EU would buy–10 doses per person. What else has she done?,achieving%20the%20Sustainable%20Development%20Goals The 2022 Global Goalkeeper Award, which was presented by Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates, recognizes a leader who has driven progress on a global…

WHO, Gro Brundtland, the Plan to leave no one unjabbed using untested 100 day vaccines, and how portable vaccine factories will allow the entire human herd to be jabbed simultaneously–but with what?

The WHO has had a set of international health regulations (IHRs) aka a sanitary code to deal with multi-nation infectious disease outbreaks since 1969. In 2005, developed primarily under WHO Director-General Gro Harlen Brundtland, a major update was adopted, which is called the IHRs (2005). We did not know it then, but Brundtland was quite…

Another case on the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers beaten down A federal judge in Louisiana on Dec. 2 declined a case brought by 14 states challenging the Biden administration’s rule that requires COVID-19 vaccination for eligible staff at healthcare facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid programs.  In November 2021, CMS announced that healthcare facilities that receive federal funding must ensure workers are vaccinated against the…

End the Vaccine Mandates The time has come for the Biden administration to follow the science/ City Journal

Joel Zinberg November 27, 2022 One year ago, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued an interim final rule requiring 15 types of health-care facilities that receive Medicare or Medicaid funding to ensure that their more than 10 million employees were vaccinated against Covid-19. This was one of multiple Biden administration mandates…

CHD meeting in Brussels, with speakers Mary Holland, Catherine Austin Fitts, Orsolya Gyorrfy, Wolfgang Wodarg, Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Palmer and me  My talk lasts 16 minutes, is last, and starts at 3 hrs. 44 minutes.

White House allocates $475 million to medical centers to push bivalent boosters, when they don’t work and do maim.

The US government continues to bribe medical institutions to force vaccines on hapless patients.  When will the courts finally judge this to be a crime, given what we already know about the shots?  What is wrong with Congress that it allows taxpayer money to be spent this way?  Congress approved $4.5 trillion to be spent…

Monkeypox name change due to Biden administration–not African nations–to “reduce stigma and racism.” New cases down to 5% of the new case rate in August

The Biden administration pushed the WHO to change the name of monkeypox to reduce racism.  Hello?  Are we stigmatizing monkeys? The World Health Organization will rename monkeypox “MPOX” in an effort to destigmatize the virus amid growing pressure from senior Biden administration officials, Politico reported Nov. 22. The name change could be announced as…

The social media-USG collusion censorship case moves forward: Jen Psaki also will have to testify Judge Doughty was the judge who first ruled on October 21 that Psaki and Dr. Anthony Fauci must testify for the lawsuit. “After finding documentation of a collusive relationship between the Biden administration and social media companies to censor free speech, we immediately filed a motion to get these officials under oath,” Schmitt said…

Kangaroo Kourt: Kristina Borjesson featured an hour of my hearing, demonstrating what a bizarre prosecution it is.

In this first hour of the second day of hearings held by the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine in the matter of their suspension of Dr. Meryl Nass’s medical license, Dr. Nass, under questioning by her lawyer, describes a Kafkaesque series of events that led to her being charged with incompetence, fraud and various…

How is it possible that Rochelle believes in the sausage when she oversees the sausage-making machinery?

  For Immediate Release   Monday, October 31, 2022   Contact: CDC Media Relations  (404) 639-3286                                                                                                      Update on CDC Director and COVID-19   CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky experienced mild symptoms from her recent COVID-19 infection, completed a course of Paxlovid, and, after a period of isolation, tested negative for the virus. On Sunday,…

The effort to sneak in WHO sovereignty over nations with pandemic planning, vax passports, masks, lockdowns, Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations amendments continues unabated EU Sets Out Commitment to Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates and “Legally Binding” Global Pandemic Treaty BY WILL JONES   22 OCTOBER 2022 5:38 PM The European Union has set out its commitment to the continued use of lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine passports and other restrictions this winter to control the spread of COVID-19, and…

I was asked to post the URLs to watch Day 1 of my med board hearing (and the Oct. 25 hearing day)

Both URLs below will get you to the hearing.  Thanks for watching and supporting me.  Day 2 starts at 9 am on October 25 and I will post the livestream location as soon as I can.  This is a public hearing so it may be viewed by the public. The same CHD URL will be…

This is what the Board of Licensure in Medicine said about me

Here is the claim in a nutshell.  The order of Immediate Suspension stated,   “The Board concludes that the continued ability of Dr. Nass to practice as a physician in the State of Maine constitutes an immediate jeopardy to the health and physical safety of the public who might receive her medical services, and that…

CDC: The old vaccine does not work. Get new bivalent booster. It might.

“Vaccine effectiveness against latest variants declined to 29% at 4 months after third dose” [At the CDC’s advisory committee meeting yesterday and today, not a word was said about how the new bivalent booster was working.  That is not good news for people who volunteered to be the first homo sapiens to receive the injections.–Nass]…

CDC’s advisory committee on immunization practices will vote at 1:20 pm today to put the covid vaccines on the childhood schedule. Expect a unanimous yes vote

Meryl Nass just now The committee members were presented with CDC’s fait accompli today by hearing a very bland presentation of the “edits” to the childhood, adolescent and adult immunization schedules. Buried among dozens of “edits” was the inclusion of COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood and adolescent schedules, which is to be rolled out in…

2 weeks after the Nordstream pipeline sabotage, 2 undersea warfare experts get awards. Bad timing?

They work for a “nonprofit” govt contractor associated with JHU and one of Ms. Blodgett’s specialties is undersea mine warfare.  No, I don’t think they had anything to do with Nordstream.  But isn’t it funny how anything can be a nonprofit these days?   BTW, this “nonprofit” made our esteemed Director of National Intelligence a Senior…

FLCCC INaugural Conference on Treating COVID vaccine injuries and long COVID Oct 14-16.


Horowitz: 5 shocking new studies and data points that nuke the COVID shots

Daniel Horowitz “In summary, we have highlighted the pitfalls of having considered until now COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as just conventional vaccines, and we have indicated the preclinical, clinical and post-marketing safety assessments that are most urgently needed. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are actually pharmaceutical drugs, and consequently their pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and possibly also their pharmacogenetics,…

My medical board hearing starts October 11 at 1 pm EDT and will be livestreamed. I will be the first witness

The hearing will run 1pm -7 pm and I will likely be the only witness.  Come join the fun.  Attorney Justine Tanguay will liveblog the proceeding to people can understand what is really going on The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine next week will hold a hearing related to the board’s Jan. 12…

Who missed the 4th Nordstream Pipeline? Jeffrey Sachs tells yet another outrageous truth

Meryl Nass Oct 5 It’s one week later. The natural gas has all bubbled to the surface. Yet the pipeline owners have not been allowed to inspect the damage. MOSCOW, Oct 4 (Reuters) – The operators of two Baltic Sea gas pipelines that linked Russia and Germany until they both sprang major leaks last week…

Does a leopard change its spots? CDC grabs the headlines with positive news about monkeypox vaccine, just before the truth outs

2 days later the JAMA publishes better data questioning its benefits. CDC never tells us what its own monkeypox vaccine trial in Congo learned about the vaccine. And always admits…nothing Meryl Nass Oct 3 STAT in an October 3 email only: “Last week [September 28] the CDC released heartening preliminary data on how much protection people who…

There is a problem when you previously had low rates of COVID and vaccinated at a high rate

Each of those 2 things puts your population at higher risk of COVID TODAY than it would otherwise be. Not good for a governor seeking reelection next month on her pro-mandate platform. BREAKING: 197 Mainers are Hospitalized with COVID-19 Maine has 3rd Highest Hospitalization Rate in Nation This entire article is courtesy of our friends…

How the California law AB2098 fits into the ‘whole-of-society’ misinformation attack framework

“This bill would designate the dissemination of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or “COVID-19,” as unprofessional conduct.” AB2098 Meryl Nass Oct 1 The federal government is supposed to tell the truth. In fact, in 2000 a law was passed requiring it to tell the truth, and to make corrections of untruths. That…

Medical truth was criminalized by California today/ AP

Gavin Newsom perhaps thought burying the news on Friday afternoon would be best for his future career. But we won’t forget. California: Docs may be disciplined for spreading COVID lies From the AP: SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Doctors who spread coronavirus lies could be disciplined for unprofessional conduct in California under a law signed Friday by…

Nordstream 1-2’s four explosions: CIA’s WaPo makes the claim that Russia shot its own golden goose

And exploded its leverage over Europe. Can anyone take this seriously? Just because both Joe Biden and State Department diplomat Victoria Nuland (who came to fame when, in 2014, she insisted to the US’ ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt that it would be the US’ choice of who ran Ukraine, not Europe’s choice [“Fuck the…

In case you missed it, I wrote a 4400 word article on the new omicron boosters. Then I gave a powerpoint-illustrated talk on the boosters and other current topics for CHD TV

I discussed multiple topics, including: 1.  markedly increased mortality rates seen in heavily vaccinated countries, 2.  the coordinated rollout of new untested boosters throughout the EU, Switzerland, UK, Canada and the US on virtually the same day,  3.  negative vaccine efficacy, 4.  the poor vaccine efficacy that did not just start with omicron 5.  regulatory…

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