Europe’s FDA (the EMA) tells 8 European Parliament members to pound sand: we don’t need no stinkin’ data to continue the mRNA vaccine authorizations
As their evidence evaporates, their brazenness grows
As their evidence evaporates, their brazenness grows
A longer version is in the works but I like this teaser.
Nonetheless, this act shows that representatives around the world are waking up to the legal coup being perpetrated on their Nations and saying NO!
Live-streaming today from Croatia’s Parliament, In the Eye of the Storm
I don’t have a translation yet but am guaranteed this was sent and addresses our concerns
Epoch Times reviews several scientific papers from Korea
This is linked to an earlier effort by 30 Dutch parliamentarians demanding that their Parliament approve the amendments, since they are a treaty, according to Dutch law
Will NZ keep its promise and reject the May 2022 amendments, or will it sheepishly follow its neighbor Australia?
by Michael Nevradakis for Childrens’ Health Defense, 11/28/23
About time the academics had something worthwhile to read. Thank you Elizabeth Woodworth.
From where do diplomats get the power to turn over their country’s governance to the unelected WHO? The answer is that very few, if any, actually have the legal power to do so.
We saw video of a subcommittee “consensus” process, but where is the evidence that the entire WHA voted? Where is the video? Which nations voted yes?
Now I would be very grateful for contributions.
Now it is our job to help the government issue the appropriate documents that will guarantee these policies are carried out
You can watch the whole event, or just me or certain talks. All my slides are posted below: my 20 minute version on the WHO-globalist coup (involving all the major multinational organizations)
Door to Freedom will continue to chase down the legal ins and outs of the WHO’s attempted coup
Below are videos. And yes, it is also called the CRISIS Summit
Worth a watch how this happens. We MUST make sure this does not happen at the May 2024 meeting to usher in the Pandemic Treaty and a massively changed IHR
Jet-lagged. If it’s Tuesday it must be Belgium. (Actually I leave for Belgium in a couple of hours.) I promise to slow down. Soon.
CHD-Europe’s volunteer translation team have provided them. Bravo team! Meanwhile I am sharing them around Europe. Tomorrow Philipp Kruse and I speak at the Estonian parliament.
One with James Corbett and one with Zahra Sethna. Summaries included below the links. Zahra’s excellent interview with me got quicktaken down by YouTube. Scroll down for the CHD-TV-link.
I added more topics but did not organize it into categories. 40 items now
The last 6 slides are examples of what the website offers
I saw that America’s Frontline Doctors also republished it. Hopefully the information is getting around!
Here is the Program. November 17 afternoon we have a private conference. I will post my own slides later. I will be discussing founding Door to Freedom, our goals, our methods, our assets, and how we did it! Thank the many very hardworking volunteers! (Secret: we have only 3 part-time employees and look at…
I will probably not post a lot over the next 3 weeks due to a heavy schedule of events
Use as a handout or for conversation starters, like: “Did you know…?”. We will post as a pdf handout at
Very thankful to readers who help out
And what can YOU do? Tell THEM what to do. Over and over. I wrote these.
I’m up to 33 ways and asking for more ideas
Monday, May 23, 2022 MULTIPLY UPDATED May 24: This post is a winding story of current events and their linkages to hidden agendas. I am in hospital with a fractured hip and it is hard to write. This is not polished but is full of important information MY RECENT HISTORY I arrived in Europe May…
Many people have insisted that the WHO could not make the US do anything. Let me remind those people that the US government under Biden is instrumental in pushing forward the WHO proposals, and so it will comply. Here is what the WHO says:–preparedness-and-response-accord What is meant by a ‘convention, agreement or other international…
Epoch Times. Nov. 7, 2023
by Meryl Nass, M.D. This is a fairly comprehensive but reasonably short explanation of what is wrong with the WHO proposals. It is hard to dispute.
Think I am crazy? Read the proposed pandemic treaty–or just 2 slides I posted earlier tonight which demand the finding and sharing of new potential pandemic pathogens.
Let me say again: the audio was terrible when first posted online, but it has been fixed now. I include the Youtube link again because some people were stopped at the Epoch Times site by a paywall.
Christine spoke about 45 minutes, then Reggie and I came on
We are expanding our fight internationally, creating a worldwide network
Watch the entire 3 hour event. This is probably the first time a single event has linked various ways that global governance and control is being attempted
Another post by Dr. Emanuel Garcia, who left the US for greener pastures in New Zealand, only to see totalitarianism arrive there first. Similar petitions are popping up in other countries.
I will slowly post additional materials I and others have created for this event and for future use as our outreach expands
Rand Paul sent his regrets btw.
And a list of the evil globalist organizations leading us off the cliff, and a new link for my talk on the globalist pandemic preparedness agenda
We will be holding a breakfast for Senators, Members and staffs to learn about the WHO power grab on November 8. It will be in the Senate Visitors Center (SVC210) from 8:30 am-10 am for the formal presentation, while experts will be there to answer questions or repeat presentations till noon. Speakers will include: Senator…
It’s free on Vimeo. Please watch. I bring the receipts
And I was going to write a sentence or two but my part expanded to 8 paragraphs
Written by me in April 2021, but relevant as we consider litigation for COVID crimes
Especially the UN Undersecretary for Communications who think the UN owns the science. That is kind of funny, isn’t it? She thinks she owns science? She is the UN’s top PR person? Maybe she does..
Still a few places left. It’s good to be together with your kindred spirits!
Remember when eggs cost nearly a dollar each last year? Guess why. See how they are already demanding that nations share deadly viruses they find and also give WHO the sequences?
This document suggests to me that the US was behind most of the treaty and amendment efforts and Trump pulling us out was a big threat to those ambitions.
Standing Together–People learning how to tell the government who is boss, after all
The Israel Gaza mess started Oct 7. I was traveling, very busy giving talks, and finally had time and dared to begin posting on it on October 17. I only had one data point of importance: the 6 or 7 hour delay in help arriving. To me that meant some sort of inside job. My…
Another reason the pandemic origin had to be a natural zoonotic event–otherwise why give WHO power to control our ecosystems?
Could it be there is an ulterior motive?
This video tells you all you need to know about the WHO’s attempt to take over world governance under the guise of a pandemic
They sure keep ’em coming
We would have little excuse to demand nations go into the bush and collect biological warfare agents for us, would we?
After years of pondering, this is what I think. Natural origin was CRITICAL to the entire global takeover
By Peter Koenig Global Research, October 24, 2023
Most but not all from Robert Malone’s substack
This version of the Treaty is very similar to the June 2 version, but I felt an updated analysis was needed before the hearing on the WHO tomorrow
Small countries can do this easily! They simply need to send a short note to the WHO opting out of the 2022 Amendments before December 1, saying they need more time to consider changes to the IHR
Here are some reps who should be on our side and some questions they should ask, followed by a compendium on the proposed IHR amendments
Short, sweet and to the point. Pls read.
Well there will be no treaty without Big Pharma, so back to the drawing board. The new version was just released this week, and shows that trying to make everyone happy is one tough job.
Good that the SC is taking the Missouri v Bden case. Bad that only 3 justices believed the Biden admin should be stopped from censoring while the case goes forward. A taste of the ruling to come?
Does anyone have intel on what the Committee is going after?
Interesting that the Guardian (CIA’s friend) ran this
If anyone has any solid info on Tedros please share with me; so far it has been unsubstantiated allegations
And how it will be spun to push avian flu shots on poultry and people
After I had already filled in their form AND notified the town manager they were not allowed on my property to touch the existing meter
Tricks of the WHO Trade: Coverage not Care, Mental Health, Non-infectious diseases and Financing
Gotta build back better after all the destruction the Coup has initiated, starting with the WHO. More pie in the sky verbiage to transfer money to the WHO for the Coup.
Tel Aviv is an hour from Gaza, but it took 6 hours to send troops? Bibi has some ‘splainin’ to do
This substack today reached 1200 paid subscribers!
Netanyahoo imho will trash his people as well as their judiciary to save his own skin; he already sold them to Pfizer to imho pay his legal costs. Why not order his soldiers to exterminate Gazans too?
Also there will be a free livestream
Of course, I think there are no piecemeal solutions at this point, and it will take a large win against the cabal. But hear a meeting of the minds in California Oct. 28
And BTW I just saw an El Al plane taking off from JFK, presumably heading to Israel, so some transports are taking place
FDA did authorize it–but don’t take it, as there must be a significant problem
WHO’s principal legal officer, Steven Solomon, created a legal weasel fig leaf to justify this illegal maneuver, which has been approved–but how? by whom? and is there any recourse for the people?
Also on the roster are Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole, Richard Urso and more or
Just a selection of some I found of interest, since media is not covering this. John Kerry just lost his sinecure.
Removed some UN funds and some climate funds
Assessed refers to dues that must be paid, and voluntary contributions are usually related to specific program requirements the US and other donors impose.
Thank your member for this. Tell your Senator to keep the money out.
Another fabulous lineup! A day of learning and a night of celebrating.
IMHO, this is THE smoking gun revealing premeditated harm-and the fact the vaccines were not pulled after this discovery became known is the best evidence of malfeasance by regulators around the world
Written by the no-nothing political hacks that brought you COVID
It was a big picture look at the Great Reset with much to think about. I just got home late last night
The elites are moving as fast as they possibly can to create the NWO as they lose Young Global Leader heads of state, more people wake up and YGL Trudeau goofs by applauding a Nazi.
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