The World Economic Forum & the World Health Organization Are Elevating Themselves Above the World’s Governments
by Paul Craig Roberts, today
by Paul Craig Roberts, today
The usual suspects will be there, as will I. In-person events are great fun. The energy in the room is electric.
It was beaten down in DC but that did not stop these criminals
Changing climate goalposts and extreme weather events
They have been going up down up down in an odd fashion so I decided to document them.
Revelations about the executive branch’s use of social media (and presumably MSM) surrogates to serve as a Ministry of Truth may be the crack we need to finally end the 1984 world we are in
Another goodie from AnneCan’tStandIt!
And the only requirement is for the WHO Director General to declare a public health emergency of international concern… like monkeypox, or a new cold virus 13, 2023 BREAKING: CHD Defeats NY State Healthcare Workers COVID Mandate Press Release For Immediate Release In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the NYS Dept….
IT CAME OUT ON FRIDAY NIGHT OF A 3 DAY WEEKEND which is proof they wanted to bury it
And also spoke with attorney Michael Alexander
Titled ‘They Use Fear to Keep a Grip on You – And How to Get Free’
Thanks to Hal Turner radio show
Whether it gets hotter or colder, be worried. Be very worried.
Harvard says so, therefore it must be true. And Circulation printed it. But it took 6 months to get through review.
They harm the public and make a mockery of informed consent
Never mind, go get a booster
The priests of science want us harming each other.
Is that why all the publicity has focused on the lack of efficacy of the bivalent boosters? Cause a newer one is on the threat board?
Here is the death certificate to prove it. Children are not for sale to the government to poison.
Medical professionals and scientists: please consider signing
The students who get COVID shots will receive $75 gift cards each. Have the grownups no shame?
I also discussed recently implanted cultural myths that are crucial to the cabal’s success
The 300 million Americans who got at least one lab-created COVID infection he helped pay to produce? The 60 million Americans injured or killed by his poisonous vaccines? (60 million is a guess) The rulers of the Great Reset (the real Godfathers) who relied on him to create a viral bioweapon that could never be…
From COVID’s Best Chronicler, Margaret Anna Alice
But it also goes into biowarfare, vaccines, lab leaks, coverups
I need your help again
Review the evidence of attorney Jeff Childers and myself
These are the standards for emergency license suspension in Maine, and they are probably similar in your state. Has your Board followed the rules? Mine didn’t.
Let’s make 2023 the year we win this thing!
Pharma companies were actually small subcontractors carrying out their paymaster DOD’s instructions
No wonder Bill Gates is anxious for the next pandemic
This is what you can expect if the WHO runs the show.
So I will share some of my early work, including the paper that is the first (and only?) investigation that proved an epidemic was due to biological warfare
Did the US provide the template?
They tell us their priorities up front
The Medical Board never answered my questions of how they defined misinformation and where they got the right to punish it.
But not so, since it fell in age groups like kids that had virtually no COVID deaths and no opioid deaths
And RSV is now less than 25% what it was at start of November
Except it doesn’t. The Federation of State Medical Boards, which started the doctor witchhunts, told us what it really means
Birthed at Davos in 2017, this organization wants to give us vaccines developed in 1/3 the time of the Pfizer COVID vaccine. 100 days. Ouch! This can’t be good.
Let me explain the Pledge, its history and future
This is according to cost estimates by the W.H.O. and McKInsey. Who’s buying? Who’s paying W.H.O.?
The top federal law enforcement agency PAID to destroy our First Amendment rights. Where is the class action lawsuit I can join?
My quick and dirty analysis of FDA’s BS paper
from Jane Orient, MD, Executive Director of the Association of Physicians and Surgeons. Thought I posted this last week, sorry.
Hint: It’s a mild flu year so far, yet there are more flu than COVID hospitalizations in the UK.
Is the Superintendent of Education reading the entrails of goats? How does he know what the future will bring?
This is what YOU can do right now, and it can help you talk to others about what is happening!
10-20 minutes each of Ron Johnson’s roundtable , Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Michael Palmer
Article by Libby Klein, who found other issues in the proposed Amendments; and my one pager list of 13 concerns
Condensing down the meat from the WHO’s 46 page Compilation
And reduced food production, higher costs, and less food for export?
This organization, run jointly by the WHO and World Bank, is one way the WHO plans to “hold the world to account” once its binding treaty and/or Amenments to the IHR are in place
A bill to do so (its short name was ‘WHO Withdrawal Act’) was introduced in June last year but went nowhere
House Select Subcommittee on the Corona Crisis’ Final Report is a disaster
And much more from James Roguski
from the WHO
1.5 hours, lots of Biowarfare history, and in the last 20 minutes I offer thoughts for getting out of the Great Reset
A must-read that lays out the issues with the WHO power grab much better than I have done. Brilliantly described and argued.
Full text below from today’s Epoch Times. (I am still banned for life by Twitter.)
Here is the interview, and below is my introduction to it. I will try to be very brief about what many of us think is going on, which I failed to explain before James Corbett and I got into the weeds: Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support…
on today’s Good Morning CHD
The vaccine researchers at U Texas Galveston (one of the biggest DOD biodefense contractors) say so. That is big
Using the usual suspects to do it. We need to make scientific misconduct a real crime with prison an option.
from Jane Orient, MD, Executive Director of the Association of Physicians and Surgeons
My Board accused me of breaching these standards, but had to remove those charges as well before the hearing. My comments about each principle are in italics.
Here are 3 legal concepts that are very important to consider, because there is a good chance your medical or specialty board did not adhere to them, which puts them at risk of you taking legal action against them. Whether they are a medical board (or a specialty board trying to usurp regulatory authority it…
I am reposting this because once I allowed paid subscriptions,the Substack default was to restrict comment to paid subscribers. I did not intend to do this, and was not able to fix it. So please feel free to comment, everyone. The other reason I posted this is because it is relevant to what the WHO…
More coming on this topic
From my April 2, 2020 blog, when I exposed the Nature Medicine and Lancet pieces as propaganda
This disappeared from its old site… but remains equally relevant today, as our governments prepare to spend untold billions more on the elusive ‘pandemic preparedness’ which is really a pipe dream.
Frankly, I need $ for my legal defense and for a legal defense fund we hope to establish at CHD-Europe
Below the AMA presser I show why all the arguments against ivermectin are specious and deadly
It seems FDA is not even trying to pretend it is following any of its standards, let alone following the Science
The man who helped falsify COVID’s origins and suppressed the use of HCQ/ivermectin/Vit D is trying to push the “misinformation is a crime” narrative and resolve one of the globalists’ weaknesses
‘The Science’ is invoked to insist that COVID came from a bat, not a lab. Clearly this is an important narrative for the future plans of the globalists.
William Engdahl (at Global Research) does it again
One Health is being embedded into the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHRs) and Pandemic Treaty/Accord
David Bell’s erudite but easily accessible writing on the WHO, public health and medical fascism is a joy to read. This came out Nov 3. I have bolded what I think are the really important points.
Global Research really has some of the best reporting on the most important issues of today. Here is a deep dive into the institutions and corporations that have birthed the monstrous plan to rein in food production and to “decarbonize” by Dr. Birsen Filip. In July 2022, the Canadian government announced its intention to…
Also discussed was the origin of the EUAs in 2005 and the legal regime banning mandates that was ignored
Is this a farewell in the Kevin Spacey genre?
The subject can be easily boiled down to its essence, for discussion
The government of the world’s #2 food exporter moves forward to reduce food production. This is only the first step. The justification is weak.
Did $Moneypox stigmatize the Bill Billionaire who keeps WHO afloat and controls much of what it does? Maybe we should change the term billionaire as it stigmatizes Mr. Gates?
In a joint letter, news organizations warned that the indictment of Julian Assange “sets a dangerous precedent” that could chill reporting about matters of national security.
One of these is completely different than anything I ever did before
Just added one
by F. William Engdahl writing at Global Research
From his presentation to Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International earlier this week. Read it all, but here is a shocking excerpt
I’m shocked! Excerpts and my comments are below
Turns out it is hard to catch and it is really hard to die from it
The 6 pandemic ‘relief’ bills hide 5 TRILLION DOLLARS (through LAST year) of spending. But what did they buy?
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