I’m going to claim a little bit of credit. The WHO’s current pandemic treaty version FINALLY acknowledges that there already exists a Biological Weapons Convention

No prior version admitted this before. And the BWC imposes limits they don’t want to be bound by. Wonder who forced this issue and got this language added?

A very intriguing suggestion to improve election integrity–or reveal fraud/Josh Mitteldorf

Unauthorized Science Half the country will say it was stolen Read more 2 months ago · 26 likes · 12 comments · Josh Mitteldorf Unauthorized Science Half the country will say it was stolen Something we can do now to offer confidence in next month’s election result JOSH MITTELDORF OCT 4 No matter who is…

Ouch! How many times did Tim Walz lie about his past in the VP debate? And he blamed it on being a “knucklehead” (a dummie–well, we don’t need any more of those in the White House, either)

Is Walz replacing Fauci as the public figure to whom lies come most naturally?

The apartheid, illegitimate government of Ian Smith poisoned black Rhodesians and their cattle with anthrax, which remains in the ground indefinitely: the weapon that keeps on giving.

And the narrative creators now spin it as a sorry effect of climate change. Why do they never mention possible weather warfare? My central role at unraveling this crime in 1992 is mentioned.

The Pact for the Future: unsurprisingly, a watered down version was adopted “by consensus” yesterday

I have had connectivity problems in a rural area, then at Logan airport, and now flying above Hudson Bay, Canada en route to Tokyo. Finally I am connected enough to type. It is reported by the Guardian that Russia introduced an amendment to the Pact that would have watered it down considerably (stressing the preeminence…

Negotiate with Moscow to end the Ukraine war and prevent nuclear devastation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump Jr./The Hill

https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4882868-negotiate-with-moscow-to-end-the-ukraine-war-and-prevent-nuclear-devastation/ The New York Times reported Thursday that the Biden administration is considering allowing Ukraine to use NATO-provided long-range precision weapons against targets deep inside Russia. Such a decision would put the world at greater risk of nuclear conflagration than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis. At a time when American leaders should…

WHO’s top expert on pandemic preparedness gives a vacant but revealing interview to STAT

Moron Maria Van Kerkhove, who got her PhD working under Neil Ferguson OBE at Imperial College (THAT Neil who has never yet predicted a pandemic correctly, always over-alarming, always being contracted to do it again, and whose advice explicitly led to US and UK lockdowns, which he very publicly transgressed) spoke with Helen Branhall of…

Current monkeypox numbers are misleading. Africa CDC calls for $600 million while UNHCR calls for $21 million

https://healthpolicy-watch.news/dr-congo-to-launch-mpox-vaccine-drive-in-early-october-unhcr-seeks-over-21-million-to-support-refugees-in-outbreak-hotpots/ In a tacit acknowledgement of public suspicion and hesitancy surrounding the Moneypox vaccination program, Dr. Jean Kaseya, director of the Africa CDC, claimed he would himself be vaccinated at the start of the program to prove the vaccine’s safety. This reminded me of 1998 when generals and admirals were publicly vaccinated with anthrax vaccine,…

Yes, lab-made and lab-held viruses do jump out of the lab and have killed lots of people and caused pandemics too

Two months ago I posted the following article. It featured a well-documented review of epidemics caused by lab accidents. I consider this story extremely important. This is information the authorities do not want us to know. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/yes-lab-made-and-lab-held-viruses In response, I got extraordinary pushback. Not only from the online army of “no virus” bots and trolls,…

The Invisible History of International Biowarfare. Catherine Austin Fitts and me

https://home.solari.com/ Shorty: https://live.solari.com/w/iJ1dAFPB8woncCgFyRYah6<https://live.solari.com/w/iJ1dAFPB8woncCgFyRYah6> Shorty Short: https://live.solari.com/w/qxWaVJsH9tzn1fYot62RBf<https://live.solari.com/w/qxWaVJsH9tzn1fYot62RBf> TikTok Versions: 1 – A Fake Emergency Is Created So Rules, Laws, and Protocols Can Be Skipped to Implement Control Measureshttps://live.solari.com/w/3iZEGwaAH9RvKdD4WheP3G<https://live.solari.com/w/3iZEGwaAH9RvKdD4WheP3G> 2 – How Meryl Nass Became a Leading Expert in Anthrax by Walking into the Wrong Room at the Wrong Timehttps://live.solari.com/w/gp4VekRsNgjojWkrkRxxUg 3 – How Classified Projects Got Outsourced…

Take your Pandemic Treaty and Shove it: 26 Republican governors say “We Will Not Comply with… One World Control Over Health”

Members of the WHO gave themselves until next May to finalize a pandemic treaty after failing to agree on one last May. This statement should be the final nail in the Pandemic Treaty’s coffin.

Mass Media Struggling to diss RFK,Jr. The Hill could only quote Drs. Ian Lipkin and Robert Murphy. Murphy is a Fauci protegee and I explained Lipkin yesterday

https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4856265-kennedy-trump-public-health-policies/ The Hill ran a hit piece on Bobby Kennedy today, using similar methods as STAT did earlier, quoting unreliable and biased sources: in this case, Ian Lipkin again, who should have scurried back into his warren and stayed therre after all the crimes he committed through a prolific medical-spy-takedown career. And a Robert L….

STAT quotes established hoaxer (Ian Lipkin, coauthor of Proximal Origins paper that RFK helped reveal was a lie) to try and take down RFK’s plan to improve kids’ health

The publication STAT expects people to pay $499/year to read this drivel. Which may have been written as advertising, as earlier the Astra-Zeneca logo was displayed on it.

How to Protect Your Food and Medical Freedoms/ Brownstone

Tracy Thurman   https://brownstone.org/articles/how-to-protect-your-food-and-medical-freedoms/ In my previous articles, we looked at the global war on farmers, the organizations pushing for the Great Food Reset, the tactics used to foist these changes on the public, the projects underway to remove your access to healthy, farm-fresh foods, the mRNA, RNA, and DNA gene therapies entering our food…

Don’t Watch “The Attack on Food and Farmers” — Unless You Want Better Health, a Glimpse Into the Future of Food, and Real Food Security

Join this two-day online symposium, an entirely free event, with a fantastic lineup of speakers and topics! Final program at bottom of my article, with press release and poster

I think what RFK, Jr. and Trump did was brilliant politically, and is the only way to save the world from global governance, chronic disease, fake food, economic disaster, poison shot mandates, etc.

No doubt this will annoy some subscribers, but it was what I was hoping for. Trump indicated he will not run a neocon administration this time around. Tulsi also believes him. John Klar discusses this

After stripping doctors of their credentials and making it impossible to practice ethical medicine, the ABIM wants to bring in foreign medical doctors as replacements

But it won’t be for long, since computer “doctors” will soon surface. First the authorities make going to the doctor as miserable as possible. Then the computer option starts looking pretty good…

NYT admits: new COVID vaccines MIGHT protect you “for at least several weeks”

Why would any sane person voluntarily seek out “Toxic Shot Syndrome” when the best the experts can do is predict a few weeks of possible benefit? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/22/well/covid-vaccines-boosters.html? How fast does protection kick in? It takes around a week or two after getting vaccinated for antibodies to rev up and defend against the virus. Antibodies peak…

A Third Peer-Reviewed Paper from 2 more countries (Denmark and Sweden) reveals significant differences in adverse events by batch. Was it Vaccination or Russian Roulette?

FDA is supposed to prevent such heterogeneity between vaccine batches through its lot release program. Funny how COVID blinded and neutered the FDA

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