Rockland County measles overreach: trial balloon? My online letter in the BMJ today

Re: US county bars unvaccinated children from public spaces amid measles emergency Cite this as: BMJ 2019;364:l1481 New York state is one of 47 states that allow parents to claim a religious exemption from their children’s vaccines. One to two percent of parents take advantage of this legal avenue to avoid vaccinating their children. The US has…

Why Americans Don’t Trust Vaccine Makers: My Op-Ed in the Bangor Daily News, 3/28/19 Why Americans don’t trust vaccine makers George Danby | BDN By Meryl Nass, Special to the BDN • March 28, 2019 8:39 amUpdated: March 28, 2019 8:53 am Trust in the pharmaceutical business hit a low in 2018. Only 38 percent of those Americans polled by the Edelman Trust Barometer said they trusted the industry. Some of the reasons for…

Indisputable: CDC is not making prudent vaccine recommendations

Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV), administered according to the CDC’s schedule on the day a baby is born, is the thread that unravels the claim that “science” underpins the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule.  Hepatitis B vaccine is unnecessary for 99% of newborns:  those whose parents and siblings do not have contagious Hepatitis B.  Hepatitis B is…

“inactive” ingredients in medications can and do make people sick

A premier science journal, Science Translational Medicine, pointed out that extraneous substances in medications can and do make people sick–in an article written by scientists at MIT and published March 13, 2019.  Why would anyone assume the same is not true of vaccines? “Inactive” ingredients in oral medications 1.     Daniel Reker1,2,3,*,  2.     Steven M. Blum1,4,5,*, …

Those who want to mandate vaccines for all, always fear an honest debate/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr March 19, 2019 I flew to Hartford, Connecticut last night at the invitation of the Sen. Josh Elliott and the Connecticut State House’s Democratic leadership who are proposing to abolish Religious exemptions for vaccines. (Connecticut has among the highest vaccination rates; 97% With no threat to herd immunity, Pharma profits and…

My 3/13/19 testimony on vaccine exemptions to the Maine joint Education and Cultural Affairs Committee

My name is Dr. Meryl Nass. I am here today to oppose LD798 and support LD987. ·       I am a physician in Ellsworth, Maine. ·       I graduated from MIT and the University of Mississippi School of Medicine. ·       In 2010, I was the chair of a commission established by…

Adjusted flu vaccine effectiveness estimates for seasons from 2004-2018/ CDC

Table. Adjusted vaccine effectiveness estimates for influenza seasons from 2004-2018 Influenza Season† Reference Study Site(s) No. of Patients‡ Adjusted Overall VE (%) 95% CI 2004-05 Belongia 2009 WI 762 10 -36, 40 2005-06 Belongia 2009 WI 346 21 -52, 59 2006-07 Belongia 2009 WI 871 52 22 ,70 2007-08 Belongia 2011 WI 1914 37 22,…

Maine disease rates and Maine vaccination rates/ Maine CDC

2016 Reportable Infectious Diseases Summary, Maine Scroll down to the Annual Reports to get to those for years 2003-2017 at the following URL: (Wish I could find a URL directly for the most recent, 2017 report, but so far have been unable to do so.) 2017-2018 Maine School Immunization Assessment Reports Table 1: 2017-18…

1. Rates of communicable diseases in the US 2017. 2. CDC’s corrected rates of kindergarten vaccinations for 26 states

1.  National Notifiable Infectious Diseases and Conditions, 2017.  CDC (Note: these numbers do not always agree with other official government counts of disease.) 2.  FIGURE. Estimated percentage of kindergartners with documented up-to-date vaccination for measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR)*; exempt from one or more vaccines†,§; and not up to date with MMR and not exempt¶ — selected states…

Immunization Rates by State, 2017 – 2018/ CDC

TABLE 1. Estimated vaccination coverage* for MMR, DTaP, and varicella vaccines among children enrolled in kindergarten, by vaccine and immunization program — United States and territories, 2017–18 school year Immunization program Kindergarten population† No. (%) surveyed Type of survey conducted§ Local data available online¶ MMR** DTaP†† Varicella 2 doses (%) 4 or 5 doses (%)…

How did Maine do with respect to 14 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in 2017?

* Statistics obtained from the Maine CDC and federal CDC publications, collated by Meryl Nass, MD.   I contacted the Maine CDC and was directed to online documents that had the data I was seeking. (I could not find them in searches:  the URL was dictated to me.)  Let me know if you want more detail…

Michael Osterholm on flu shots: “It’s all a sales job; it’s all public relations” / NY Times

Wednesday, January 2, 2013 (reposted) Michael Osterholm on flu shots: “It’s all a sales job; it’s all public relations” / NY Times I missed this November article on flu shots from the NY Times blog.  Yes, it repeats material I have covered before.  But as healthcare workers continue to be fired from their jobs for refusing flu…

The Skinny on Pertussis, Vaccines and Enforced Mandates

Meryl Nass, M.D. March 10, 2019 Pertussis is a common bacterial infection that is uncommonly diagnosed, with probably over a million cases yearly in the US.  Worldwide there were an estimated 24 million cases, per CDC.[1] “The confirmation of Bordetella pertussis infection is still one of the most difficult diagnostic challenges facing the clinician, particularly…

Philippines DOJ indicts 10 for Dengvaxia vaccine-caused deaths/ Will US be the next place children die from this vaccine?

While the deaths of 129 children due to the new dengue vaccine Dengvaxia are being investigated, and charges are being filed against Ministry of Health and Sanofi officials in the Philippines, the European Medicines Agency approved Dengvaxia in December 2018, and the US FDA gave Dengvaxia an abbreviated review (as a priority) last October, with a…

Measles Risk to Most Immunocompromised Highly Exaggerated

While the supposed justification for imposing vaccine mandates throughout the United States is to protect the immunocompromised, the actual justification is to protect Pharma profits and then to increase the number of government-recommended vaccines, for which pharmaceutical companies face no liability for injuries.  Pharma’s plan is to greatly expand vaccine sales, from $38 Billion in 2018…

A sample of vaccine and injectable medication tragedies in the US during my lifetime

–Meryl Nass, MD All have been due to failures of testing or failures in manufacturing processes.  Most of these tragedies occurred before vaccine manufacturers were given virtually complete protection from liability in 1987. With the duration of patent exclusivity determining how much new products earn, products are rushed to market as quickly as possible, most…

DTP associated with 2-10 times increased mortality in African babies

The following blog post is about something so unbelievable and so terrible it kept me awake most of last night.  Here it is: “All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis.”  A highly respected group of Danish researchers say this…

38% of 2015 US measles viruses tested were due to infections from vaccines!

Hat tip to Dr. Mercola for this tidbit. Is this the dirty secret of measles outbreaks in the USA today?  That many cases are actually due to vaccines? In 2016 the following paper was published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, authored jointly by staff from the Canadian Public Health Agency and the US CDC. …

Using anthrax vaccine in children: first steps completed. And approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics!

Will anthrax vaccine eventually become part of the childhood vaccine schedule?  When we are now vaccinating children for many diseases that they have less than a million in one chance of catching, why not add anthrax vaccine? Those diseases American children aren’t being exposed to are diphtheria, rubella, and polio.  There were only 8 meningitis…

Measles: two US outbreaks are blamed on low vaccination rates. Another perspective

My 2019 published letter to the BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal):  BMJ 2019;364:l312 Measles: two US outbreaks are blamed on low vaccination rates. Another perspective Please allow me to make a few corrections and add context to Ms. Tanne’s article. Endemic measles has been eradicated from the US and the whole of the western hemisphere, per…

Public Health Challenges in the US: What are we Prioritizing?

     Disease            Number of New Cases, 2017              Deaths 1.  Gonorrhea                     500,000                                       ? 2.  Syphilis                          100,000                                       ? 3.  HIV                                  33,000   …

Immunocompromised children: what are their infectious risks from the unvaccinated?

Meryl Nass, MD First written in May 2015, updated in February 2019 In April-May 2015 there were multiple news articles, and testimonies in the Maine and Vermont legislatures, about the need to impose vaccine mandates to protect immunocompromised children.[1] [2]  I attended the vaccine bills’ hearing in Augusta, Maine on May 11, which lasted into the…

Babies get much higher doses of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis toxins in vaccines than adults!

Babies get much higher doses of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis toxins in vaccines than adults! Tdap DTaP Adults, Pregnant Women, 12 year olds 2, 4, 6 months 18 months 5 years Boostrix Adacel Infanrix Daptacel Tetanus Toxoid 5 Lf * 5 Lf 10 Lf 5 Lf Diptheria Toxoid 2.5 Lf 2 Lf 25 Lf 15…

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