Science article on AZ vaccine-associated thrombosis–reposted with formatting changes due to it exceeding the page width for Safari

 A rare clotting disorder may cloud the world’s hopes for AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine By Kai Kupferschmidt, Gretchen VogelMar. 27, 2021 , 10:20 AM In the tumultuous rollout of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine, all eyes this week were on the United States, where the company had a highly public communication breakdown over the vaccine’s efficacy with an expert panel overseeing a…

Why? This will be another Living List. Please send additions.

 1.  Why did all of the vaccines chosen for Operation Warp Speed use novel technologies, unused in any routine vaccines?  (Yes, a new Ebola vaccine uses an adenovirus vector, and a resurfaced military-only adenovirus vaccine uses one too–but that’s all.)  Why wasn’t a method with a proven track record chosen for the largest vaccine program…

Science magazine acknowledges the rare, serious clotting disorder occurring after Astra-Zeneca’s Oxford adenovirus DNA vaccine

A man receives a dose of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine at a conference center in Rome on 24 March. Italy halted use of the vaccine on 15 March but resumed immunizations four days later.   ANTONIO MASIELLO/GETTY IMAGES A rare clotting disorder may cloud the world’s hopes for AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine By Kai Kupferschmidt, Gretchen VogelMar. 27, 2021…

The “dangerous Covid variants” story is hogwash, as I have told you. Its only purpose is to instill fear/Lockdown Skeptics

The following article is from Lockdown Skeptics:   This morning I wrote that despite the British Covid variant – supposedly much more deadly and contagious – being dominant in the UK since December, positive cases peaked 10 days before the January lockdown, and instead of a Christmas surge, infections plummeted in January and also failed to spike in schools when they reopened in March….

Best short video on Covid Pandemic Falsehoods and Truths/ PANDA

I am remiss for not posting on the organization PANDA previously.  They have wonderful, data-driven information to share.  Perhaps best of all is this new 27 minute video, made by PANDA cofounder Nick Hudson.  Please try to make time to watch it.  You won’t regret it.  And it will probably disappear soon, since it does…

NEWS: I have a new website!

The website is  While it will still undergo some tweaks (and your comments will help me improve it) my goal was twofold: 1.  To get out of the clutches of the Goog universe 2.  To make my writing easier for readers to access, by indexing posts, having a Contents bar, and being able to…

Is Emergent BioSolutions authorized? Why have they shipped Covid vaccine for bottling? No one’s telling/ Roll Call

The Capitol Hill rag Roll Call is just as flummoxed as I am over the Janssen/ Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine being produced by Emergent BioSolutions.  The FDA told them to ask J and J about it, but J and J declined to answer.  Below is the first part of a long article that in…

Understanding the Risks/Dick Atlee

This nice article on Covid vaccination was written by my friend and neighbor Dick Atlee: There has been much discussion recently about frustration with COVID vaccine delays. The desire to end what we’ve all been going through this past year is understandable. But how — and even whether — the vaccines will accomplish this is open to question.  Whether someone should take…

My talk on Emergent BioSolutions, the real maker of the US’ Janssen=Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine

This link takes you (for free) to all the talks give at the National Vaccine Information Center’s International Public Conference in October.  My talk on Emergent BioSolutions was given on the first day.  Enjoy it and many of the others! 

Weapons of War On Our Streets: A Guide to the Militarization of America’s Police/Sam Jacobs

Sam Jacobs asked me to post his article about the transformation of local police departments into a militarized force with a frightening array of equipment. Because this is something we can begin to address at the local level, to prevent police abuses and derail the transformation of police into an army deployed against citizens, I…

Biden Visit to Emergent BioSolutions Abruptly Cancelled after NY Times Expose on the Company Published/ CBS

President Joe Biden’s Visit To Emergent BioSolutions’ Baltimore Lab Canceled Mike HellgrenMarch 8, 2021  BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The White House abruptly cancelled President Joe Biden’s first visit to Baltimore since taking office. Mr. Biden was scheduled to travel to Baltimore City on Wednesday to meet with executives from Merck and Johnson & Johnson and tour Emergent…

ERROR: Anthrax Vaccine Manufacturer Not Quite Authorized by FDA to deliver Covid Vaccines (which are mislabeled as being made by Janssen/ Reuters

Emergent BioSolutions, a company that has never developed a product, but is famous for several very public vaccine fails and a defective nerve gas autoinjector, always gets the sweetheart deal.*  The US Government gave the company $628 million last year to retool their Baltimore factory (purchased in 2012 with federal funding) and shoehorned Janssen/ J and…

Former Baltimore Health Commissioner tells Chris Cuomo that people need their freedoms restricted in order to get more vaccinated/CNN

I could not find it with a google search, but this CNN interview is up on Twitter.   Thanks to a comment from OldLeonB, here is a better link: Amazing that Baltimore’s former Health Commissioner speaks honestly about how totalitarian measures should be used to force more Americans to get vaccinated. I guess former government…

Did the lockdowns/masks actually reduce Covid infections and deaths? WSJ and C2C suggest they didn’t, not at all

The WSJ on March 6 editorialized about how Florida, which ended lockdowns very early, has done much better with Covid death rates than states with much more regulation.  It appears the masks, lockdowns, social distancing provided no discernable benefit.  Maybe they even increased cases and deaths.  C2C ran a similar piece 2 days ago.  In summary:…

The testing mess–UPDATE, and how government is cutting out the middleman (the healthcare system) in Covid testing and vaccinations

Let me start by explaining that an antigen test, performed by (minimally trained) personnel in a nursing home, homeless shelter, or other congregate living setting, rather than in a lab, is often the basis for a diagnosis of Covid. The test does not need to be ordered by a doctor.  It is possible that the…

Vaccine passports won’t be required in Florida, but they are in NYC

It is pretty exciting for me that Florida’s governor says Florida won’t require vaccine passports.  Might this be the start of a trend?  Can legislatures enshrine this in law?  How long does de Santis have in office?   We can only hope that vacation spots and airlines compete with each other on the vaccine passport–which to…

The Evasive FDA and the particulates and truncated mRNA in Pfizer’s vaccine/POGO

If you really want to get down in the weeds about how the FDA controls information and makes sure its advisory committees vote the way it wants them to, this is must reading. It is very long and very detailed,  discussing some aspects of how FDA hid information about the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine from its advisers,…

The Norwegian Medicines Agency believes that European countries will detect more rare cases of blood clots

Here is a google- translated article from Norway that tells it like it is about the A-Z vaccine, and why it is so hard for there to be transparency.  Steinar Madsen, medical director at the Norwegian Medicines Agency, believes that several European countries will discover possible side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine when they start looking…

CDC changes the guidelines they just issued, Scott Gottlieb admits there was no science behind the 6′ rule/AP

 CDC just issued new guidance for social distancing in schools.  It turns out that no data supported the 6′ rule, as I pointed out in several blog posts, such as here.   UPDATE March 21:  Scott Gottlieb, former FDA Commissioner, admits the 6′ rule was never based on science.  Watch the CNBC clip. “This six-foot distancing requirement…

The Covid Pandemic Is The Result of Public Health Authorities Blocking Effective Treatment/ Paul Craig Roberts

(Dr. Roberts was an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and an Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal) Paul Craig Roberts Why are  all the countries in the world following the same unsuccessful and irresponsible response to Covid?  The masks and six feet “social distancing” are ineffective, and so are the vaccines.  Unless the mask is a…

You know you are having an impact when the knives come out

I have been practicing medicine for nearly 41 years, and am known for really listening and treating every patient as an individual.  My online ratings had almost all been 5’s.  But recently some 1’s showed up, and now severals 2’s.  I don’t think I have seen these raters as patients, because when they comment the…

Pfizer’s Chief Financial Officer tells investors it is “becoming increasingly likely that an annual revaccination is going to take place”

Read it yourself.  Thank Lee Fang at The Intercept for providing this transcript of Pfizer’s recent phone call with investors.  The quote I used in the title is from page 4:  In case you haven’t figured it out, the worse current vaccines do against viral variants, the more frequently new vaccines can be sold…

Get the infection, take the medicine, get over it and get durable immunity to variants. Not so for the poor vaccinated population, whose immunity against variants is poor/ Cell journal Highlights Numerous variants of SARS-CoV-2 harboring mutations in spike have arisen globally mRNA vaccines elicit potent neutralizing activity against homologous pseudovirus Cross-neutralization of strains with receptor binding domain (RBD) mutations is poor Both RBD and non-RBD mutations mediate escape from vaccine-induced humoral immunity Summary Vaccination elicits immune responses capable of potently neutralizing SARS-CoV-2. However,…

Cerebral sinus thromboses associated with thrombocytopenia–very rare–after Astra-Zeneca (Oxford) Covid vaccine

Let me explain.  Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a very rare condition that often leads to death.  Suddenly cases are popping up right after vaccination.  This is not a garden variety blood clot.  This is a clot of the major vein that drains blood from your brain.  While the media say, “Blood clots are common” this…

If you don’t collect the adverse event data, and you don’t know the side effect rates, you can keep the data-free experimental vaccinations going. With no one the wiser

Here is a list of the eleven (count them!) different surveillance systems CDC said they would be using to get a quick and thorough idea of the adverse events from Covid vaccines. In case you are wondering who is presenting this information, it is Nancy Messonier, MD, who is the Director of the National Center…

Marvelous Marvin Hagler, 1980s middleweight boxing champion, dies unexpectedly, hours after receiving Covid vaccine at age 66 “Undisputed middleweight champion Marvelous Marvin Hagler dies at age 66 after one of his biggest rivals Tommy Hearns said he was ‘in an ICU fighting the effects of the vaccine’ Marvelous Marvin Hagler passed away in his New Hampshire home aged 66  Hagler held boxing’s middleweight championship title between 1980 and 1987 He was…

The BMJ asked Pfizer, Moderna, and CureVac, as well as several regulators, what percentage mRNA integrity they consider acceptable for vaccines against covid-19. None offered any specifics.

Update March 18:  According to an editor of the BMJ, the article linked below is the first BMJ article to receive a Facebook warning.  That tells you something! I had earlier read about the theft of documents from the European Medicines Agencies, and what they revealed about the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine’s mRNA manufacturing issues. This…

Fifteen Countries have halted Astra-Zeneca Covid Vaccinations

Thailand for some reason changed its mind and is now allowing the A-Z vaccine to be used.  But two additional European countries (13 total) and Indonesia and Iran have now said “No thanks.”    The Astra-Zeneca/ Oxford vaccine (remember, the one that was supposed to be given to the world without profit, until supposedly the…

At least 9 European countries halt the Astra-Zeneca Oxford vaccine

BMJ March 10, 2021–at least 9 European countries have suspended some or all of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine Denmark, Norway, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxembourg have halted some or all of their AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccinations over fears of blood clots, France24 reports. Denmark became at least the sixth European country to scale back the use of AstraZeneca’s…

‘Held to ransom’: Pfizer plays hardball in Covid-19 vaccine negotiations with Latin American countries/ Stat News

By Madlen Davies, Ivan Ruiz, Jill Langlois, and Rosa Furneaux — The Bureau of Investigative Journalism Feb. 23, 2021  Republished by Stat, this report includes many of the details missed in the video published earlier. COURTESY ADRIAN JOHNSON Pfizer has been accused of “bullying” Latin American governments during negotiations to acquire its Covid-19 vaccine, and the company has asked some countries…

“Hybrid” education, CDC just discovers ventilation, and the balancing of benefits and costs by public health. First posted Aug 8, updated since

 Covid has brought out the finest in government mismanagement.  Now it is being applied to schools. Does anyone believe the notion that students will be safer attending school two and a half days a week, instead of five? Who dreamed this up? Do they think if your child inhales 1/2 as much virus, or uses…

The NY Times and I expose the sleazy company making anthrax vaccine, smallpox vaccine and 3 Covid vaccines for the US market, for Johnson and Johnson, Astra Zeneca and Novavax

Emergent BioSolutions/EBS is the company whose products you don’t want injected in you.  So what if the company claims they can make a billion doses of Covid vaccine a year. Doses of usable vaccine?   EBS has been making Covid vaccine for Janssen, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, which designed a Covid vaccine but is not…

Lockdowns loosening. But the lack of honest and accurate data means we are subject to lockdown tightening as well.

New cases, hospitalizations and deaths attributed to Covid have dropped drastically over the past 8 weeks.  The best place to view these numbers has been the Covid Tracking Project, begun by volunteers but then funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and others.  The Project scraped state and municipality level data from wherever it could get them,…

Hypocrisy: Pfizer CEO’s Israel visit cancelled because he is not fully vaccinated/ Jerusalem Post

He didn’t want to cut in line?  Then how did he get the first shot?  They think we will believe anything!  From today’s Jerusalem Post–Meryl Bourla said in December that he has not yet received the vaccine yet because he does not want to “cut in line.” By JERUSALEM POST STAFF    MARCH 6, 2021 15:34    …

“Generous” Contract Research Organization in Colombia claims it worked for free to sink ivermectin. JAMA played along with the charade

Finally, after dozens of positive studies, one got published in which the authors claim ivermectin does not help Covid patients.  But it actually did help them, although the benefit missed statistical significance. Let’s drill down.  First off, Covid19Crusher has written a good summary of some of the methodological problems of the study. I won’t repeat them….

Bill Gates’ U Washington lackies publish a new paper claiming HCQ doesn’t work. Let me count the ways they may have fixed the result

 1.  Bill Gates has poured lots of money into the University of Washington and its Global Health department and its Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).  Global Health and IHME share a new building provided them by BMGF, away from the campus but close to BMGF headquarters. Four years ago, BMGF gave them $489…

Conference of Catholic Bishops advises congregants to avoid the Janssen/ J and J vaccine due to fetal tissue use/WaPo On Tuesday, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urged Catholics to avoid taking the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine and to choose alternatives from Pfizer or Moderna instead because Johnson & Johnson used cells derived decades ago from an abortion to create the vaccine. The bishops’ recommendation follows a similar one from the Archdiocese of New Orleans last…

FDA’s EUA for Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine *excluded* authorization for the anthrax vaccine company’s Covid vaccine/ WaPo “Most of Johnson & Johnson’s partners disclosed to date are contract manufacturing companies, but now it is moving to team with larger drug companies that have seen their own vaccine projects delayed or fizzled. The manufacturing process is time-consuming: Johnson and Johnson ferments large batches of its vaccine in vats at a contract manufacturing facility in…

Washington Post conceals the fact that Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine is a DNA vaccine which must enter the cell nucleus to produce mRNA, and might potentially bind to our DNA

Below, I have extracted some useful info from the WaPo article regarding Merck’s entry into the manufacturing of J and J’s vaccine, and the cost to taxpayers. Below that I include the upper part of WaPo’s detailed graph of how the vaccine works.  But the graph failed to include the most important steps.  DNA from…

Welcome to Snitch Nation: From kids to parents, it’s a race to rat out your (former) loved ones before they get you first/ RT

Opinion by Helen Buyniski on RT “In the grand tradition of divide and conquer, the ruling class has set in motion a fool-proof way to keep us from uniting against the Great Reset and attendant restrictions on human freedoms – dupe us into snitching on each other! In order to achieve the proper level of…

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