Official UK data (July 23) and Delta has significantly lower mortality than alpha, beta and eta variants

Alpha and Delta are split about 50:50 causing the vast majority of UK cases.  Here is the updated report: Mortality in the over 50 age group (pages 14 and 15) was 4.8% for alpha, 4.3% for beta, 5.3% for eta, and only 1.8% for Delta. Here’s the thing:  the USG spin doctors created a…

Mandates, wow. Look what can be accomplished when the president lacks a brain/ NYT “If you want to do business with the federal government, get your workers vaccinated,” the president said bluntly… Numerous businesses — including Netflix, Saks Fifth Avenue, The Washington Post, Ascension Health, Lyft, Google and Morgan Stanley — all announced get-tough policies that require their workers to get shots as a condition of employment…” 

WaPo’s big CDC scoop on Delta variant in the vaccinated is unintelligible. Was it meant to be?

Here is the WaPo article, which the paper exclaims is “free” for all, not kept behind a paywall like the rest of the Post.  So they want everybody to read it.  Perhaps a federal agency or vaccine company paid for the privilege? In a nutshell:  WaPo reports that CDC admits that vaccination does not protect…

WaPo 7/28 publishes multiple truth grenades as well as fake news about breakthrough cases Health CDC reversal on indoor masking prompts experts to ask, ‘Where’s the data?’ Excerpts: New recommendations from federal health officials this week on when vaccinated Americans should don face masks came with a startling bolt of news: People who have had their shots and become infected with the delta variant of the coronavirus can harbor large amounts of virus just like…

Here is how you do the Big Lie/ CNBC and the 99.5% of deaths in the unvaccinated

First CNBC set up the story.  It provided facts that actually don’t mean very much. but sound frightening.  It said the virus is 1,000 times more transmissible than the original. In fact, precisely this strategy was used in the early days of Covid.   The variant is highly contagious, largely because people infected with the…

In the UK, children will not be vaccinated for Covid unless at extremely high risk Children will only get Covid vaccines if vulnerable Ministers decide against mass vaccination for teenagers on advice of scientists ByEdward Malnick,  SUNDAY POLITICAL EDITOR17 July 2021 • 9:00pm Britain has opted against mass Covid vaccinations for all children and teenagers, with ministers instead preparing to offer jabs to vulnerable 12 to 15-year-olds and those about to…

The Kids were Safe the Whole Time/ NY Magazine The kids are safe. They always have been. It may sound strange, given a year of panic over school closures and reopenings, a year of masking toddlers and closing playgrounds and huddling in pandemic pods, that, according to the CDC, among children the mortality risk from COVID-19 is actually lower than from the flu. The…

FDA promised very extensive surveillance for adverse effects of Covid vaccines–presentation to FDA VRBPAC Advisory Committee, October 22, 2020 It should be apparent that FDA was aware by October 22, 2020 of many of the side effects of Covid vaccines that the public only learned about later.  It should also be apparent that FDA (and CDC has access to even more methods for surveillance) has many databases to learn about vaccine safety–whose data…

France and Greece (possibly the most independent cultures in Europe) demonstrate over vaccine mandates. If they roll over, will the rest of Europe?

 Protests hit Athens and Paris over new coronavirus restrictions, vaccine mandates A woman holds an anti-vaccination placard in response to new coronavirus curbs in central Paris on July 14. The sign, written in French, reads: “The liquid of the dictatorship will never enter my body.” (Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt/AFP/Getty Images) By  Erin Cunningham  and  Isabelle…

Boosters Without Data/ MedPage Today What Evidence Do We Need to Move Forward With COVID Boosters? — More data and an evaluation of several factors at home and abroad are key by Vinay Prasad, MD, MPH July 14, 2021 … Boosters Without Data If we accept boosters in the U.S. while the rest of the world remains unvaccinated, and if we authorize…

NY Times is also having trouble with the various ways of counting and reporting Covid deaths

 Just some excerpts from the NYT article: For more than a year since the coronavirus outbreak, New York State officials have stuck with an approach that has allowed the state to report a lower and incomplete death toll. The number of deaths reported on the state’s online dashboard, and during Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s numerous coronavirus…

Pediatric Covid death numbers: can vaccinations of children be justified? I’d like to start this discussion with data released by the AAP 2 days ago. To look at the granular data you must download the full reports, linked at the URL above as pdfs. Having dealt with US Covid data for over a year, the most germane message I have come away with is…

Emergent BioSolutions (EBS) updates

The July 6 NYT updated us on shareholder lawsuits against Emergent BioSolutions (EBS), including the lucrative stock trades of Board chair and founder el Hibri ($42 million recently), President Kramer ($10 million) and even board member Louis Sullivan MD, the first black DHHS Secretary, under Bush #1 ($3 million in trades).  The Biden administration just…

Some of the voluminous evidence that prior infection confers good immunity while (Israel’s Pfizer) vaccination does not

Readers are demanding citations proving natural immunity is far better than vaccine-induced immunity for Covid.  As my readers know I scan large amouns of material and cannot recall all the epi stats on this subject, but below are 4 references I just found, 2 on waning vaccine immunity, one on the rarity of repeat covid…

2017 article in a Nature journal discusses ivermectin effects (even against cancer) and mechanisms of action. Someone wrote this in 2017.  Some people thus knew ivermectin had antiviral properties.  In fact, the drug has all kinds of possibly miraculous effects.  It is just missing the important one:  patentability.  (It was patented but the patent expired in 1997.)  Recent research has confounded the belief, held for most of the past 40…

Spain’s top court rules pandemic lockdown ‘unconstitutional’/ The Independent Last year’s stay-at-home lockdown order by the government under a state of emergency was unconstitutional, Spain’s constitutional court has ruled on Wednesday. The court ruling was in response to a suit filed by the far-right Vox party. It was a split decision according to a brief statement issued by the court. State broadcaster TVE…

Tennessee’s top vaccination official fired (and so, it seems, is the adolescent vaccine program) amidst anger over vaccinating children without parental consent/STAT On Monday, the state health department also abruptly fired Michelle Fiscus, who served as the state’s top vaccination official. Although her termination letter provided no details, Fiscus believed she was fired to appease state lawmakers, who were angered by efforts to vaccinate teens as young as 14 using a legal mechanism that removed the need for…

Some states move to block Covid-19 vaccine requirements in public schools/ CNN A CNN analysis has found that at least seven states — Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Montana, Oklahoma and Utah — have enacted legislation this year that would restrict public schools from requiring either coronavirus vaccinations or documentation of vaccination status. As of June 22, at least 34 states had introduced bills that would limit…

Health Freedom Defense Fund Sues Biden Administration Over Mask Mandate/ press release

 July 13, 2021 / Freedom / Leave a Comment Today the Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) and two Florida residents filed a lawsuit asking the United States District Court in Tampa, Florida to strike down the CDC’s nationwide mask mandate for travel. “The CDC is not a nationwide police force, and is not empowered to make laws,” said Leslie Manookian, Founder…

COVID-19: Should Cases of Guillain-Barré Make a Difference?/ AAPS If you haven’t yet gotten the jab, should the recent reports of Guillain Barré affect your decision? The FDA is adding a new warning for the Johnson & Johnson COVID jab because of 100 preliminary reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) after the administration of 12.8 million doses. Of these reports, 95 were serious and…

Boosters: Creating the appearance of scarcity by having Tedros beg the rich countries not to start boosters while the poor countries still lack first jabs The NYT even has an online video of “seriously disappointed” Tedros. But there’s more!  This weekend was all about England vs. Italy.  But today, it’s all about Pfizer vs. Regulators.  Their battle was carried out online, and the NY Times provides the post-game analysis. Israel even got into the act, starting third doses on the…

Because no animal reservoir has been found for SARS-CoV-2, it cannot properly be termed a zoonosis.* Should we call it a labnosis? And what does that mean?

After a year and a half of seeking but not finding SARS-2 in any wildlife anywhere (apart from domesticated or zoo animals that appear to have caught it from humans) is it time to say, yes, it didn’t just escape from a lab?  It was created, built, assembled in a lab. Or more probably, many…

Doctor in Lytton, British Columbia goes public over severe Covid vaccine injuries in April. In June the doctor’s entire town burns to the ground.

It’s probably a coincidence.  Like all those California fires.  It got extremely hot, like the Sahara Desert, in British Columbia. And then there was a wildfire. There seems to be nothing left of Lytton, B.C., where Dr. Charles Hoffe worked as a family practitioner for the past 28 years.  He began speaking out when his…

Sneak attack: Congress likely to give Covid vaccine mfrs a liability waiver that will cover them after the EUAs are gone

Let me just say one thing.  If Congress wanted to make vaccines safe, there is a very easy way to do so.  Simply lift the liability waiver and the manufacturers will stop selling those vaccines that are unsafe. From the press release: The Vaccine Injury Compensation Modernization Act, legislation introduced by Rep. Doggett and…

Fauci, king of mixed messages, pretends the federal government knew nothing about Pfizer applying to authorize boosters/RT

Ever get the feeling that Fauci, Walensky and the rest are playing with you? “White House Covid-19 adviser Anthony Fauci said Pfizer gave the feds no warning before announcing that it would seek emergency approval for a third vaccine dose, maintaining that, for now, booster shots are unnecessary.” If that was true, why did the…

Newest method to confuse the public: are boosters needed or not? No, but they will be here soon regardless, garbed in The Science, of course

To all appearances, the CNN story below concerns a duel between Pharma Giant Pfizer, which wants to sell new vaccine for variants, and 3 federal agencies, who say we don’t think they are needed yet and we will determine with the SCIENCE when they will be needed.  Sounds good.  For once the feds are speaking…

Canadian doctor fired from his academic position by provincial authorities for advising young people against Covid vaccine If you go to  2 hrs 7 minutes you can hear his bosses read him the legalese lawyers gave them.  He is fired “without cause.”  His teaching responsibilities are immediately lifted, but they may pay him for 90 days.  It seems they have no right to stop him practicing medicine–he has done nothing clinically…

Boston U study says Ohio’s million dollar lotteries failed to increase vaccination rates

And furthermore, it seems that perhaps 78% of Ohioans on Medicaid have figured out there is no such thing as a free lunch.  Bully for them! “The state’s current vaccination rate of 48% remains behind the national rate of 55% of people who have received at least one dose of a vaccine. Ohio House…

Those dying post-vaccine: Where are the autopsies?

Note: Dr. Jane Orient, author, is executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, AAPS. In this age of supposed scientific medicine and a pandemic, we are relying on death certificates for statistics on the cause of death, even though they are known to be extremely unreliable. Thousands of healthy people are dying unexpectedly, but…

In this incredibly important video, mRNA vaccine inventor Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Brett Weinstein and Steve Kirsch describe the regulatory mess made of Covid vaccines, suppression of information, hiding of adverse events

The reasons I am tremendously excited about what this 60 minute video (condensed from the 3 hr 20 min original) has to offer: 1.  It is totally accurate while it gets down into the weeds about what the Pfizer-BioNTech data that were presented to FDA and its sister agencies in Europe and Japan show and…

Finland: 1 in 30 soldiers had EKG evidence of myocarditis 1-2 weeks after smallpox and DTP vaccination/ Annals of Clinical Research 1978

Ann Clin Res. 1978 Oct;10(5):280-7. Myocardial complications of immunisations E P Helle, K Koskenvuo, J Heikkilä, J Pikkarainen, P Weckström ABSTRACT Immunisation may induce myocardial complications. In this pilot study clinical, electrocardiographic, chemical and immunological findings have been studied during a six weeks’ follow-up after routine immunisation (mumps, polio, tetanus, smallpox, diphtheria and type A meningococcal disease) among 234 Finnish…

US military published on Covid vaccine-associated myocarditis cases, online June 29, 2021 in JAMA Brief Report June 29, 2021 Myocarditis Following Immunization With mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Members of the US Military Jay Montgomery, MD1,2; Margaret Ryan, MD, MPH1,3; Renata Engler, MD4; et al A tale of 3 studies This is a very interesting addition to my last blog post.  What this paper says is that 23 male US soldiers were found to develop myocarditis within 4 days of…

How common is myocarditis? It hugely depends how hard you look. For smallpox vaccine in military recruits, 1 in 30 had clinical or subclinical myo or pericarditis/PLOS One

In 2015, US military physicians described a study of 1,081 healthy young soldiers who received a smallpox vaccine as part of their military service.  [Smallpox vaccine is not used in the civilian population.]  It is known to cause a high rate of side effects, including myo- and peri-carditis, heart attacks and heart failure.  They found:…

Opinion: Where did covid come from? We need to get serious about finding out./ Wa Po

It will be interesting to watch the spin and see who among us actually wants to find the answer.  But this WaPo editorial is welcome nonethless–Nass Opinion by the  Washington Post Editorial Board July 6, 2021 at 3:18 p.m. EDT An impressive roster of political leaders and experts in science and public health have called for…

9 Reasons to Drop Support and Mandates for Investigational COVID-19 Vaccines/ Dr. Peter McCullough  1.    COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary research. The COVID-19 public vaccination program operated by the CDC and the FDA is a clinical investigation and under no circumstance can any person receive pressure, coercion, or threat of reprisal on their free choice of participation. Violation of this principle of autonomy by any entity constitutes reckless endangerment with a reasonable…

How College COVID Vaccine Mandates Put Students In Danger

6 top doctors write about the folly of requiring Covid vaccines for college students. The excessively narrow medical exemptions for COVID vaccine mandates at many colleges put students at unnecessary risk of serious complications, including hospitalization and death. By Bostom, et al. JULY 5, 2021 More than 520 of America’s 5,300 colleges and universities, approximately 10 percent, have…

2 minute cartoon (claims to be from 1930) that lists the steps used to take over the world with bioweapon flu, media barrage, vaccines, closed shops

Could this really be from 1930? I am thinking the music sounds 1940s-ish. It is fun no matter when it was made. Thanks to CAF for finding it.

What I am seeing happening in the world of Covid now

1.  A case was adjudicated in Weimar, Germany regarding the necessity of pandemic measures (and the actual occurrence of a dangerous pandemic) for children several months ago.  The plaintiffs won, and the Weimar government was ordered to dismantle its lockdown and school-based measures.  Next, the judge was attacked, had electronics seized, was searched and possibly…

The Central Banks want to know about and control every dollar spent–and they plan to use electronic money (and probably the vaccine passport) to enforce this. Use cash to thwart them!

The Solari Report has posted a one minute video of the General Manager (Augustin Carstens) of the Bank of International Settlements acknowledging what the plan is, in October 2020. Electronic money is a path to the electronic concentration camp.  Vaccine passports were conceived as the means to get us there, I think.  Use paper money….

Republican witnesses at House Govt Reform Coronavirus crisis subcommittee hearing: testimony by Steven Quay and Emeritus Professor Muller nail SARS-CoV-2 as having a lab origin. 19 minutes

The arguments by Quay and Muller are profound, yet easily understood, and brief: why this could only have a lab origin and why it was not investigated by virologists who knew better:

Has CDC taken down its own slide set used to show “safety” at the ACIP meeting on June 23?

I have been referring to these slides all week. Today they “refuse to load”: But although one commenter said they could not find it on the wayback machine, another reader did find a link to the June 23 capture of the slides by the wayback machine:

NYTimes confuses and distracts over the issue of government trashing parental authority and informed consent

The New York Times on June 26 tried to flummox us regarding the vaccination of adolescents without parental consent.  The Times turned it into an issue of kids sneaking around their parents, and sometimes succeeding in getting vaccinated without parental consent. But that is not the issue at all! Furthermore, the NYT found a dimwit…

Complaint by French plaintiffs and attorneys to the ICC for crimes against humanity

I inform you that a complaint to the International Criminal Court (attached) has just been filed by the French CSAP   [ Referral to the International Criminal Court under Articles 13.c and 15 of the Rome Statute Crime against humanity, violation of human dignity, enslavement, genocide and all other acts. ] ,  in particular against :  * For having organized…

Travesties. Government breaking the law, pulling out all the stops to vaccinate our children. Disgusting. We have to stop this.

In the past day, I heard that 12 year olds in Massachusetts are being vaccinated without parental consent.  Last year, the City Council and Mayor of Washington, D.C. signed off on a law that would allow 11 year olds to be vaccinated without parental permission. Now I see that was a prelude to taking Covid…

“A global propaganda spectacle of unprecedented scale and sophistication” 30 minutes/ Mark Crispin Miller

I suggest you spend 30 minutes listening to my good friend Mark Crispin Miller discuss propaganda use during the past 1.5 years.  Filmed by John Kirby. Wonder how long it will stay up on YouTube?

New paper on Covid vaccine safety has stirred up a hornet’s nest of controversy

Update July 2:  The paper was retracted by the journal editors.  Their justification does not hold water. 2nd update July 2:  In an article in today’s Newsweek about the death of a 13 year old just two days after his second Pfizer shot, local health department spokespeople issued a statement that included,  “Meanwhile, the health…

The rules in each state wrt vaccine passports/ The Solari Report Catherine Austin Fitts’ Solari Report is a very useful place to keep up with how our rights and our money are being stripped right now.  Subscribe if you can afford to; if not, use the free content, like this article, to stay up to date.

Another bogus analysis of ivermectin with a shady background, coming from Peru and from US pharma consultants

While it is very hard to create a study showing that a  successful drug does not work, it can be done, with the right people and funding. This appears to have happened in a paper published June 28 by a group of latin american and US authors. Ivermectin studies were cherrypicked to yield a poor…

The War on Reality–Examining the contradictions between the justifications and the actual effects of most Pandemic policies. Must-read The War on Reality As the mainstream narrative about the origin of COVID-19 falls apart, it’s time to put other widely accepted facts about the virus—and the devastating measures they were used to justify—under the same scrutiny

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