FDA brags about its massive systems of data collection, learns nothing from them?

FDA had its VRBPAC vaccine advisory committee meeting on October 26, 2021 to obtain its agreement to issue an EUA for 5-11 year olds.  The slides below came from FDA employee Dr. Wong’s presentation: https://www.fda.gov/media/153511/download Below, Dr. Wong misdirected the audience by showing a list of most of the dreaded possible complications of COVID vaccines,…

More on the Later Expectations FDA laid out for COVID vaccine EUAs on December 10, 2020.

I have some more of FDA’s power points for you.   https://www.fda.gov/media/144329/download Three days ago, I laid out FDA’s criteria for issuing an EUA here, and showed that (at a minimum for the pediatric age groups), the Pfizer vaccine failed to meet at least 5 of those criteria.  How could the vaccine have gotten EUAs?  Good…

Children’s Health Defense Rolls out its Campaign to Stop the Shots! on the under 5 year olds

It’sTIME to Follow the Science! Watch a 7 minute video of Bobby, download stickers, make handouts, get informed, share more short videos for maximal effects. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/child-health-topics/health-freedom/its-time-to-follow-the-science/ Many other groups have also created different ways to spread the word, and name and shame the perpetrators.  I will be sharing more on this later.

Australian Senator Roberts gives a speech about vaccine injuries and failures of vaccine regulation, which is now part of the permanent record of the Parliament.

 https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/chamber/hansards/25720/toc_pdf/Senate_2022_03_29.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf Go to page 80 for the following: COVID-19: Vaccination Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (21:38): As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, tonight I’m speaking on this parliament’s therapeutic response to COVID-19 and the horrific medical harm and loss of life in that response. Last week, leading Australian parliamentarians came together in an…

A quick few paragraphs on the COVID data fails of public health/MedPage Today

 America’s COVID-19 Data Problem https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/97938 Tracking the pandemic in the U.S. has proven a task beyond the country’s capabilities, one that’s been defined by incomplete data and disjointed systems, FiveThirtyEight reported. Beginning with the federal government’s initial insistence on developing a CDC-made test that had contamination issues and took too long to roll out, data from testing…

Canadian politician who supported Canada’s Truckers Convoy arrested on what appear to be trumped-up charges

Canadian politician charged by Ottawa police over Freedom Convoy truckers’ protest Canada MPP Randall Hillier, facing nine new charges, accuses Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of attempting to silence his political opposition https://www.foxnews.com/world/canada-politician-new-charges-ottawa-police-freedom-convoy A Canadian elected member of provincial parliament was arrested Monday in connection to last month’s “Freedom Convoy” protests in Ottawa against vaccine and coronavirus-related mandates. …

I was told that the person filing this complaint against me used to hang around the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in Portland , Maine and I have been told he was believed to be an “agent”

Which, if true, suggests that taxpayer money was spent to initiate an investigation on me.  The complainant used precise and proper legal language.  Note also that Mr. Demetriou claimed he personally transcribed one of my interviews in order to provide a transcript to the Board.  Which suggests an extreme degree of interest in prosecuting me. …

Not enough COVID? Hospitals complain there are too many beds unfilled and they’re losing money

Rather remarkable article.  We had a huge COVID surge in January, but apparently this corresponded to fewer admissions.  Inpatient revenue declined 19%.  I thought that was a good thing:  the huge Omicron wave was relatively mild.  Also, some patients have stopped trusting the medical system.  Hospitals won’t admit that yet.  Not that there are lots…

Stopgap Booster #4, the truth on natural immunity, and the abysmal performance of COVID vaccines 4-6 months after inoculation

Read below:  the NY Times reported that “A second booster is at best a stopgap measure.” Even the NYT admits the concept of boosters protecting you from COVID is a pipe dream.  The NYT.  If you still think vaccines are going to save you, get over it.  And get early treatment when you get it….

IMPORTANT READ: Robert Malone uses Ernst Wolff to analyze the responses to the pandemic and the role of elites in grabbing their chance to reshape the world.

This is a long read but worthwhile.  I got it by email (and google censored it but proton mail did not) so I have no link–Meryl Many who have followed this coronavirus “public health crisis” and the non-sensical response provided by most of the western nations (including the USA) have been perplexed by two big…

Massachusetts Public Health enlisted MIT to study the efficiency of masks at protecting from COVID. The results were not pretty.

 https://coquindechien.substack.com/p/the-baker-knew?s=r Nonetheless, Massachusetts imposed mask-wearing, using masks purchased in China and other masks that were known by officials in the  Health Department to have virtually no benefit. This is the long story, garnered from over 1200 pages of state government documents released by FOIA, of how Governor Charlie Baker sent the Patriots plane to China…

Fauci Finally Admits Natural Immunity/ Epoch Times-Jeffrey Tucker

 https://www.theepochtimes.com/fauci-finally-admits-natural-immunity_4365262.html Commentary Yes, Fauci has never worried about consistency or even contradicting himself one day to the next, often without explanation. Too often his doling out “the science” has felt like performance art. Still, the record is that Fauci and all his compatriots either downplayed or denied natural immunity for two years. That has been the source…

The Value of Contrarianism in Times of Witchery

 https://substack.com/profile/82609771-coquin-de-chien Older people, who actually went to an office to work, may remember a scenario similar to the following.  An executive was presenting his plan.  Engineers were nodding in agreement and saying what a great idea it was.  One engineer walked in late, and, after seeing a few slides, interrupted with a question, “Why not…

What are FDA’s criteria for issuing a COVID vaccine EUA? What happens when Pfizer and Moderna vaccines fall short? Next up, babies and toddlers

FDA made it very clear what its standards were for COVID vaccines.   FDA repeatedly told its advisory committee, the public and vaccine manufacturers what it required in order to issue an EUA for a COVID vaccine.  I have copied 4 of the FDA’s power-points below so we can all agree on what, precisely, those standards…

What are FDA’s criteria for issuing a COVID vaccine EUA? What happens when Pfizer and Moderna vaccines fall short? Next up, babies and toddlers

FDA made it very clear what its standards were for COVID vaccines.   FDA repeatedly told its advisory committee, the public and vaccine manufacturers what it required in order to issue an EUA for a COVID vaccine.  I have copied 4 of the FDA’s power-points below so we can all agree on what, precisely, those standards…

Why did FDA tell the COVID vaccine manufacturers to vaccinate all the placebo subjects after only a median of 2 months in the trial? FDA double-crossed the public whose mission it is to protect

From the December 2, 2020 NY Times, excerpts of the discussion about unblinding. Below that, earlier remarks from the BMJ and Dr. Peter Hotez.  The NY Times article preceded the FDA advisory committee meeting on authorizing the Pfizer vaccine for adults by 8 days. Even after all this talk, and a multitude of experts asking…

CDC says when the risk from oral polio and smallpox vaccines exceeded the benefit, the programs were stopped.

Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Chapter 4 https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/safety.html “Balancing Immunization Recommendations with Risk of Disease Public health recommendations for immunization programs and practices represent a dynamic balance of risks and benefits. Vaccine safety monitoring is necessary to accurately weigh this balance and adjust immunization policy.  For example, monitoring of smallpox and oral polio vaccines being…

Now you can sit through the high points of the FDA’s Vaccine Advisory Committee meetings on authorizing the vaccine for kids–in under 5 minutes!

The organization Stand for Health Freedom compiled the top hits from the two meetings.  I remember each one; I live blogged them.  But it is much better to watch what the FDA’s experts said.  The problem for all of us is that after the experts pointed out all the problems, they voted in concert in…

Thought Police: Germany Conducts Mass Raids over Online ‘Insults’ Against Politicians/ Breitbart

This is very scary.  Two people in our circle, both lawyers, were recently arrested in France and Holland.  One is still in jail. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/03/23/thought-police-germany-conducts-mass-raids-over-online-insults-against-politicians/

Two of my favorite ladies: Catherine Austin Fitts talks to Kristina Borjesson/ Whistleblower Newsroom

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: US GOV’T, ITS CONTRACTORS & BANKS STOLE TRILLIONS FROM TAXPAYERS You will kick yourself if you are not familiar with these two ladies!  Even if you are familiar with both of them, there is new information in this video and the history, going back decades, is invaluable regarding the CIA, the methods…

Name That Shot Contest. The Winner Is…

Here is a great idea to help demystify that “seal of approval” we unconsciously apply when we hear the word “vaccine:” De-hypnosis and Calling Things by Their Real Names https://coronawise.substack.com/p/name-that-shot-contest-the-winner?s=w Diane Perlman, PhD 16 hr ago 13 19 What is the most frequently uttered word around the world? Probably “the” but I bet the most…

How your government spent $1 Billion of your money to propagandize you to get vaccinated

 This story came from the Blaze, then Mercola, then reprinted by Technocracy News–Meryl https://www.technocracy.news/us-government-paid-news-media-1-billion-for-propaganda-to-promote-vaccines/ STORY AT-A-GLANCE > A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by TheBlaze shows Health and Human Services spent $1 billion for a media campaign to build public confidence in, and uptake of, COVID-19 vaccines using mainstream news outlets > News outlets…

Kansas Senate passes bill boosting access to ivermectin and weakening school vaccine rules, and MORE

https://www.kcur.org/politics-elections-and-government/2022-03-24/kansas-senate-passes-bill-boosting-access-to-ivermectin-and-weakening-school-vaccine-rules Especially pay attention to the sentences I have put in red–Meryl The bill would legalize the prescription of off-label COVID medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and mandate child care facilities and K-12 public schools to accept — without inquiry or scrutiny — the religious objection of parents or guardians to vaccination of their children….

More on how CDC fakes their data–this from last June, intended to push the vaccine for 12-15 year olds

 https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-contagious-lies-cdc-claims-hospitalization-rising-among-unvaccinated-teens–contrary-to-its-own-data We all knew this was coming. In order to justify the forced vaccination of children, the powers that be would somehow have to overturn 15 months of observations that COVID is less a threat to children than the flu and that unvaccinated children are less at risk than vaccinated adults (100 times less at risk than seniors), even…

Covid deaths impossible to calculate as authorities used 14 different ways to record them/ The Telegraph

Entire article from the Telegraph to save you from its paywall: The number of people who have died from Covid in Britain during the pandemic is impossible to determine because of the inconsistent definitions of what is meant by a coronavirus death, researchers have concluded. Experts from Oxford University discovered that public health and statistics organisations across…

Healthy Children Don’t Need Covid Vaccines/ WSJ

Florida is right. Especially for kids under 12, the risks are trivial. And most have natural antibodies. https://www.wsj.com/articles/healthy-children-dont-need-covid-vaccines-florida-surgeon-general-recommend-school-11647803711 Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speak at a news conference in West Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 6. PHOTO: JOE CAVARETTA/ZUMA PRESS Listen to article Length6 minutes Queue The Sunshine State is bucking the…

CDC says vaccine efficacy after 7 weeks is 31%, which CDC spins as not only effective, but hints it provides evidence favoring boosters, too

The study I am about to describe was published in the March 18, 2022 issue of CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Review (MMWR).  Once upon a time it appeared to be a high quality publication, and also carried useful editorial comments and criticisms of the articles, which have now disappeared. This study is based on…

Are we rats in a cage to the social psychologists?

I have mentioned the psychological operations used to convince people to get vaccinated occasionally before, but I have not discussed the psychological schemes deliberately applied to make people turn on each other.  The Naked Emperor has done so. SPI-B was the name of the psychological warfare operation in the UK.  It was a subgroup of…

How CDC massages its data in order to terrify parents into vaccinating their babies and preschoolers

IF YOU TORTURE THE DATA LONG ENOUGH, IT WILL CONFESS TO ANYTHING–Ronald Coase This story is about a particularly vile piece of disinformation CDC issued today to push vaccines on the most vulnerable, tiniest humans who can’t say no. As I have noted periodically for twenty years, and it was roundly confirmed 4 weeks ago in…

Immunology for Daily Living/ Tetyana Obukhanych

Using science to derive natural, OTC treatments for the hyperinflammatory states induced by COVID.  Tetyana is someone to pay attention to! https://immunologyfordailyliving.substack.com/p/spike-protein-and-mast-cell-activation?s=r Spike protein and mast cell activation Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD Mar 12 43 13 Perhaps one of the most puzzling aspects of COVID-19 lies in its dichotomy between asymptomatic/mild cases and the unusual (for…

Horowitz: New Hampshire legislature as a shining star for medical freedom/ The Blaze

Wow!  Not only did the New Hampshire House vote for free access to ivermectin for its citizens, but it also voted for a long slate of medical freedom bills.  Get ready to be surprised and excited to see what Maine’s closest US neighbor did.  Live free or die may be coming to fruition in the…

SMART Health Card Digital Proof of Vaccination Launched in More Than 20 States/ The Vaccine Reaction

In April 2021, the Biden administration made an announcement that the federal government would not be mandating a vaccine passport system in the United States. White House press secretary Jen Psaki stated: Let me be very clear on this, I know there’s been lots of questions. The government is not now, nor will we be,…

The new White House Covid coordinator is great on TV. Is that what America’s pandemic response needs now?/ STAT

Ashish Jha is the talking head the Dems brought on to dispute the benefits of hydroxychloroquine during Ron Johnson’s first Senate hearing on the subject, in November 2020. Smooth Jha threw out one falsehood after another, until Ron Johnson asked him how many COVID patients he had treated.  The answer was a round number.   Zero….

New Hampshire House votes to make ivermectin an OTC drug, in the same way that Narcan (the opioid antidote) now is/ Epoch Times

https://www.theepochtimes.com/new-hampshire-house-approves-over-the-counter-ivermectin_4342531.html A health worker shows a box containing a bottle of Ivermectin, a medicine authorized by the National Institute for Food and Drug Surveillance (INVIMA) to treat patients with mild, asymptomatic or suspicious COVID-19, as part of a study of the Center for Pediatric Infectious Diseases Studies, in Cali, Colombia, on July 21, 2020. (Luis…

Merck’s Covid-19 Pill Heavily Used So Far Despite Concerns/ WSJ

President Biden didn’t mention Molnupiravir in his State of the Union address, confining his promise of COVID therapies toPfizer’s Paxlovid, the much more effective drug–but nonetheless, Merck’s Molnupiravir is being rolled out and used widely.  How many people know it is only 30% effective (according to its manufacturer, which usually guarantees it is considerably less effective…

Pfizer CEO says 4th shot needed, while Europe’s FDA says doing so risks “overloading the immune system” and might damage your immunity. Who would you trust?

Pfizer’s Bourla says we need a 4th shot.  Pfizer sold $36.8 billion dollars’ worth of COVID vaccines in 2021, making its vaccine the top-selling pharmaceutical product in history.  Pfizer has estimated its COVID vaccine sales for 2022 at $32 billion. Albert Bourla says we need a 4th dose of his magic money-making elixir, but his company…

Official documents reveal enormous gap between what FDA and Pfizer would attest to, compared to what the public was told about the Pfizer COVID vaccine

The label for COMIRNATY is a legal document updated on 12/20/21: 1.  CDC made the false claim on its website that anaphylactic reactions occur at rates  approximately the same after COVID vaccines as other vaccines.  I just looked for the citation and see the claim has recently been removed.  Now, CDC informs us that “safeguards are in…

Official documents reveal huge gap between what FDA and Pfizer would attest to, compared to what the public was told about the vaccine

The label for COMIRNATY is a legal document updated on 12/20/21: 1.  CDC made the false claim on its website that anaphylactic reactions occur at rates  approximately the same after COVID vaccines as other vaccines.  I just looked for the citation and see the claim has recently been removed.  Now, CDC informs us that “safeguards are in…

Look how many doses of vaccine the USG was contracting for/ NY Times Jan 2021

I am reposting this NYT article as it is one of several I blogged about last year regarding the large numbers of doses of COVID vaccines governments were buying, when they ought to have had no idea how much they would need…and certainly not 2.1 billion doses for the USA with resale forbidden.  What did…

Clean-up Crew starting to amend the COVID Death Over-Counts on instruction of the CDC (a.k.a. Centers for Deliberate Criminality and Prevarication

I wrote about the falsification of US mortality statistics (and also case rates and hospitalization data) through the incomprehensible imposition of new rules on data collection, after I spent weeks poring over the case definition documents and other granular data near the end of 2020, describing my findings here, here, here, and here, and in other posts.  I also…

Twelve years ago the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program was very open about its efforts to increase biolabs in Ukraine to study biowarfare agents with US funding

 From the Defense Department website: https://media.defense.gov/2019/Aug/02/2002165966/-1/-1/0/CPC%20OUTREACH%20818.PDF Biolab Opens In Ukraineby Tina RedlupJune 17, 2010 U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine, thisweek, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists.The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded…

Clean-up Crew starting to amend the COVID Death Over-Counts at instruction of the CDC (Centers for Deliberate Criminality and Prevarication)

I wrote about the falsification of US mortality statistics (and also case rates and hospitalization data) through the incomprehensible imposition of new rules on data collection, after I spent weeks poring over the case definition documents and other granular data near the end of 2020, describing my findings here, here, here, and here, and in other posts.  I also…

Massachusetts to reduce count of COVID deaths by 3700 deaths

The rats are trying to clean up their bogus data.  Wondering how that will go for them.  This happened last year in the UK–COVID deaths were reduced by almost 50% if I remember correctly.  I blogged the story as reported in the Telegraph.  It got almost no press otherwise.  Some other US jurisdictions have done…

The BMJ Editor-in-Chief, Fiona Godlee, knew of all the problems with the vaccines 4 months before a single one was authorized. How did she know?

This is amazing.  BMJ Editor Godlee knew in August 2020, when the phase 3 vaccine trials were just getting started, that the vaccines: a) would not be very effective b) would likely just decrease severity of illness and not prevent infection c) might become a suboptimal, chronic treatment, and  d) might change the definition of…

Very worthwhile video of Ralph Baric briefing Congressional staff and members on February 26, 2020. What did they know and when did they know it? Plenty. Long ago.

Amazing how much they all knew back then.  And then denied.   Especially notable with respect to treatment, Baric points out the need for early diagnosis and antiviral treatment during the first five days of illness.   They knew it was too late for it to work, when remdesivir was given late during a hospitalization. Americans’ bodies…

Is the federal government saving us from poisons or lobbing them at us?

CDC made a very big splash 6 months ago when it claimed that 2 people had overdosed on animal and internet ivermectin.  CDC didn’t have an adverse event to report when doctors had written prescriptions for the drug.  But with two OTC cases, CDC sent out a warning using its emergency alert system.  And docs…

The BMJ Editor-in-Chief, Fiona Godlee, knew exactly what was going to happen with the vaccines 4 months before a single one was authorized. Hotez too. How did they know?/BMJ

This is amazing.  BMJ Editor Godlee knew in August 2020, when the phase 3 vaccine trials were just getting beginning (Ist enrollments were in July 2020) that the vaccines: a) would not be very effective b) would likely just decrease severity of illness and not prevent infection c) might become a suboptimal, chronic treatment, and …

The CIA and CFR have sketched a roadmap of how to get to the “new normal” without giving up the pandemic mindset, it seems/ STAT

Public health experts sketch a roadmap to get from the Covid pandemic to the ‘next normal’ https://www.statnews.com/2022/03/07/experts-sketch-roadmap-to-get-from-covid-pandemic-to-next-normal/ “A new report released Monday charts a path for the transition out of the Covid-19 pandemic, one that outlines both how the country can deal with the challenge of endemic Covid disease and how to prepare for future…

Oldie from ICAN: Members of the Data Safety Monitoring Boards for the COVID vaccines are highly conflicted Pharma stooges. Very important information that explains why these trials were not stopped

 https://www.icandecide.org/board-overseeing-covid-19-trials-has-serious-conflicts/ The boards overseeing the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials are supposed to be independent of pharmaceutical companies. ICAN’s intensive investigation into these boards has revealed conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies that are shocking to the conscience. ICAN, through its attorneys, has therefore filed a formal demand to remove these individuals from these boards. The boards overseeing…

The WHO as a “Proxy World Government”? Global TRsearch

Abolition of the Nation State?  WHO reaches for power over the country and the world https://www.globalresearch.ca/world-health-organisation-world-government/5773138 In the shadow of the Ukraine war, the WHO is preparing – unnoticed by the public – an “international agreement on the prevention and control of pandemics” binding under international law. The negotiations in Geneva have already begun. Originally, the…

The federal government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage of the vaccines/ The Blaze

https://www.theblaze.com/news/review-the-federal-government-paid-media-companies-to-advertise-for-the-vaccines “In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media…

The surgeon general calls on Big Tech to turn over Covid-19 misinformation data/ NY Times

This is truly frightening.  Misinformation (to be controlled via tech companies) is being treated as a crime, though never defined.  A bill has been introduced to give the tech companies cover to censor and turn over private data to government.  In other words, Congress may ‘legalize’ censorship and criminalize first amendment rights to freedom of…

Florida is the 4th state to explicitly free doctors to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID/ Epoch Times

https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/florida-first-state-to-allow-doctors-to-use-off-label-drugs-for-early-treatment-of-covid-19_4314650.html “Repurposed drugs that have been shown to prevent or treat COVID-19 may be prescribed by physicians, the Florida Department of Health said in its new COVID-19 guidance for health care practitioners. The guidance, published on Feb. 24, says that health care practitioners are encouraged to provide early treatment for COVID-19 patients with federally approved generic…

My testimony to the Alaskan Senate Health Committee on COVID vaccine mandates and discrimination by vaccination status

March 1, 2022 Dear Chairperson and Members of the Senate Health and Social Services committee: Thank you for allowing me to present some of the latest information on COVID vaccinations, made public yesterday by New York’s Department of Health and by the United Kingdom’s Department of Health and Social Care, today. The data from over 365,000 children…

COVID-19: Why Are We Ignoring Infection-Acquired Immunity?/ Medscape

Very comprehensive, straightforward review of natural immunity.  The author also makes clear how guidelines for accepting proof of recovery in some European countries are arbitrary and unscientific. The fact that Medscape published this (Medscape had hewed closely to the permissible narrative as well as censoring my comments in the past) reveals that a message has…

Shameless manipulation: Positive PCR tests drop after WHO instructs vendors to lower cycle thresholds. We have been played like a fiddle

I published the following piece on February 12, 2021, but it is chock full of facts that are needed to understand how COVID cases, deaths and tests were calibrated for maximal political effect…these facts remain unknown.  My goal has always been to combat the misinformation being spread by the MSM and federal agencies with verifiable…

Sen Lujan (D, NM), back in the Senate after his stroke at age 49, continues campaign against misinformation

It seems that Senator Lujan is unaware that COVID  vaccines are highly associated with strokes in young people.  Cocaine is another cause of stroke in the young.  Pehaps someone should warn him before he gets a booster.   Luján, Murphy Introduce Legislation to Combat Health Misinformation, Prepare for Future Public Health Emergencies March 2, 2022 Washington,…

As the midterms approach, Republicans club Dems using the Health Care Worker vaccine mandate/ The Hill

Healthcare workers comprise a huge chunk of employees.  They are the only group for which a national COVID vaccine mandate had stood.  Many are extremely unhappy about this mandate–especially when some states or employers have announced they must also get boosters.   Facing close races in November and predictions that the Republicans will take over the…

Shameless manipulation: Positive PCR tests drop after WHO instructs vendors to lower cycle thresholds. We have been played like a fiddle

I wrote this on February 12, 2021, but it is chock full of facts that are needed to understand how COVID cases, deaths, tests were calibrated for maximal political effect…these facts remain unknown

California weighs punishing doctors for challenging ‘contemporary scientific consensus’ on COVID/ Just the News

Assembly bill promotes long-outdated information about COVID deaths in unvaccinated vs. vaccinated, however, rather than updated Omicron variant figures. https://justthenews.com/government/state-houses/california-weighs-punishing-doctors-challenging-contemporary-scientific Disagreement with the “contemporary scientific consensus” on COVID-19 issues could be deemed “unprofessional conduct” for California doctors. Democratic Assemblyman Evan Low’s AB 2098 “may” be the subject of a March 17 hearing in the Assembly Committee on…

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