Nordstream 1-2’s four explosions: CIA’s WaPo makes the claim that Russia shot its own golden goose

And exploded its leverage over Europe. Can anyone take this seriously? Just because both Joe Biden and State Department diplomat Victoria Nuland (who came to fame when, in 2014, she insisted to the US’ ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt that it would be the US’ choice of who ran Ukraine, not Europe’s choice [“Fuck the…

In case you missed it, I wrote a 4400 word article on the new omicron boosters. Then I gave a powerpoint-illustrated talk on the boosters and other current topics for CHD TV

I discussed multiple topics, including: 1.  markedly increased mortality rates seen in heavily vaccinated countries, 2.  the coordinated rollout of new untested boosters throughout the EU, Switzerland, UK, Canada and the US on virtually the same day,  3.  negative vaccine efficacy, 4.  the poor vaccine efficacy that did not just start with omicron 5.  regulatory…

If you are a medical professional or scientist, please consider signing this international declaration DECLARATION OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CRISIS DUE TO THE DISEASES AND DEATHS CO-RELATED TO THE “COVID-19 VACCINES” We, the medical doctors and scientists from all over the world, declare that there is an international medical crisis due to the diseases and deaths co-related to the administration of products known as “COVID-19 vaccines”. We are currently witnessing…

3 Nordstream explosions yesterday

Thanks to ZeroHedge and a brain-dead narcissist for a (pre) confession You’ve already seen the photos. In a 70 meters’ deep area of the Baltic Sea Scandinavian countries detected 3 underwater explosions and then the Nordsteam (Russia to Europe) pipelines started leaking. The dollar went up dramatically. You can today get 1.05 Euros for a…

LOL: Rochelle Walensky promised “facts, science and integrity.” What a difference 20 months makes

No commentary needed. As the New C.D.C. Chief, I’ll Tell You the Truth … On Jan. 20, I will begin leading the C.D.C., which was founded in 1946 to meet precisely the kinds of challenges posed by this pandemic. I agreed to serve as C.D.C. director because I believe in the agency’s mission and…

Pharmacy chains begs for prolonged emergency provisions (interns can vaccinate, doubled reimbursements per shot, no liability)

From Fierce Pharma, which has embedded code which made posting this a nightmare.  Think it is finally obliterated. The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) wants the White House to keep the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act in place until October 2024. PREP provides liability protection to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy…

The Australian Academy of Science provides climate truth with one hand, while demanding the truth be censored with the other hand

I like this article on planetary temperatures on the Australian Academy of Science website, which provides facts and seems even-handed: globally averaged near-surface air temperature rose by around 0.8°C [1.4 degrees Farenheit] between 1850 and 2012 (Figure 2.1c). The rate of warming increased in the mid-1970s, and each of the most recent three decades has…

WEF twists the meaning of words to make austerity sound desirable. I start the conversation about climate change

The term Climate Change lacks meaning. It is always hotter or colder, wetter or drier than the last season. The term used to be Global Warming, but when the warming slowed down, the PTB segued smoothly and without explanation to Climate Change, and somehow managed to make everyone think it meant the same thing. As…

I missed another important data “mistake” in the WSJ article

Funny how all the mistakes end up overstating the number of vaccinations According to the Wall Street Journal, “After some 77% of adults got the primary series, however, roughly 52% got the first booster” according to CDC. However, CDC’s website says today: Only 67.8% of the US population completed the primary series. (The WHITE tab…

Yesterday’s WSJ: “Some Who Rushed to Covid-19 Vaccine Hold Off on Boosters

Health authorities hoped new shot targeting Omicron would lift sluggish booster rates, but some say they don’t need it”   SOME? What a farce. The NY Times, updated yesterday, presents CDC’s numbers for Americans who have received at least one booster: 109.6. There are 333 million Americans. Thus the needle remains at 32.9% of Americans…

WaPo editorial on the Lancet Commission Report makes it easy to see the limited hangout “The ability of the public health system to identify cases, trace contacts, and isolate infected individuals can be overwhelmed in just a few weeks of uncontrolled community transmission,” the report says. Right, so you stop doing contact tracing when you know if doesn’t work. Instead, contact tracing was started after it was known to…

Jeffrey Sachs ‘whistleblows’ what everyone already knew

Throws Fauci, Daszak and Baric under the bus, a year after everyone already knew what they had done, 2 years after those of us paying attention knew it ————– Questions surrounding the origins of COVID-19 remain unanswered Jeffrey D. Sachs & Neil L. HarrisonMay 31, 2022   |   Boston Globe Why did some components of…

Who is Jeffrey Sachs

Anyone remember structural adjustment? Vulture capitalism? Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Shock Therapist was the NY Times title of an article from which I excerpt below: By Peter Passell New York Times, June 27, 1993 “… Jeffrey D. Sachs, a boyish-looking 38-year-old Harvard professor who is now probably the most important economist in the world. He has…

After this, I bet CDC removes itself from the WayBack Machine. OOPS. Error.

Here is the ERROR. (Thanks to Josh Mitteldorf). A million unboosted people got boosted in the past 3 weeks, but we don’t know how many people who had already been boosted got another booster. CDC does not post the total number of Americans that got more than one booster.

WaPo editorial on the Lancet Commission Report makes it easy to see the limited hangout. “The ability of the public health system to identify cases, trace contacts, and isolate infected individuals can be overwhelmed in just a few weeks of uncontrolled community transmission,” the report says. Right, so you stop doing contact tracing when you know if doesn’t work. Instead, contact tracing was started after it was known to…

Jeff Sachs and giving the W.H.O. mo’ money. The Lancet COVID Commission and One Health are important parts of the globalists’ narrative

Meryl Nass 3 hr ago Here is the Lancet COVID Commission Report, chaired by Jeffrey Sachs. Next is an excerpt from its executive summary: “Section 3 presents our policy recommendations, particularly around multilateral cooperation centred at WHO to address global health crises, and around investments in preparedness for future health crises through strong national health…

I transcribed Jeffrey Sachs’ 3 minutes on how we should give WHO authority over biowarfare research

And pay WHO 0.1% of the rich world GNP Meryl Nass Sep 19 Start at minute 20:00 and listen to 23:20. Or better yet, read my transcription below. Globalist extraordinaire Jeffrey Sachs read the following on September 15, 2022, regarding the conclusion of the Lancet COVID committee report: “We don’t want laboratory-created pandemics, and…

According to CDC’s figures, no Americans have received a bivalent booster

Not sure their stats are trustworthy of course Meryl Nass Sept. 19 According to CDC staff at the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting on September first, 49% of the eligible US population had already received at least one COVID vaccine booster. “Eligible” meant only those Americans who had completed the initial series, which…

Pentagon opens sweeping review of clandestine psychological operations Complaints about the U.S. military’s influence operations using Facebook and Twitter have raised concern in the White House and federal agencies./WaPo The Pentagon has ordered a sweeping audit of how it conducts clandestine information warfare after major social media companies identified and took offline fake accounts suspected of being run by the U.S. military in violation of the platforms’ rules. Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of defense for policy, last week instructed the military commands that…

2 excellent interviews I did recently with 2 ladies who did their homework.

One of the interviews was with Russian emigre Veronika Kyrylenko at the New American and the other was with Terry Gilberg (Timeline with Terry). Terry has been a US journalist for decades who has maintained her self-respect by refusing to broadcast the single narrative approved by our deep state, and she continues to tell the…

2 excellent interviews I did recently with 2 ladies who did their homework.

One of the interviews was with Russian emigre Veronika Kyrylenko at the New American and the other was with Terry Gilberg (Timeline with Terry). Terry has been a US journalist for decades who has maintained her self-respect by refusing to broadcast the single narrative approved by our deep state, and she continues to tell the…

Maria von Kerkhove just said at today’s WHO press conference that we now have tools to prevent COVID cases and transmission

Has she been asleep for the past year? Or does she know something we don’t? ———– And now we hear there is a cholera epidemic in Syria.  More BW?  This is a reflection of unsafe water or deliberately contaminated water supplies.  It kills via massive diarrhea and dehydration, though it is otherwise not a severe…

Monkeypox cases are dropping. But the Administration keeps expanding the targeted population for the vaccines and trying every which way to jab us Meryl Nass 3 hr ago There have been 2 deaths in Americans who had monkeypox. Both were said to be severely immunocompromised. Sept. 12, 2022, 12:33 AM EDT / Updated Sept. 13, 2022, 12:20 PM EDT The Los Angeles County health department on Monday confirmed the first death from monkeypox in the U.S. In a statement, the…

The High-Speed Bivalent COVID Boosters are Here

I wrote an important 4400 word discussion of the new COVID boosters.  The Defender published it last evening, but left off the last 1.5 pages by mistake.  I am having trouble transferring the images to blogger (here).  So I suggest you go read it at Substack to get the complete experience.  ; ]

My interview September 4, 2022 with Creative Destruction Media re the new, untested COVID Bivalent boosters, with Christine Dolan

Sasha Latypova did the first thirty minutes and I did the second thirty minutes. I unpack the new booster authorization and approval of the rollout.   Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech versions of the new boosters contain the old vaccine and a new vaccine that contains mRNA coding for a BA.5 omicron spike. Neither vaccine has had any…

Europe’s Energy Armageddon from Berlin and Brussels, Not Moscow/ William Engdahl On August 22 the exchange-traded market price for natural gas in the German THE (Trading Hub Europe) gas hub was trading more than 1000% higher than a year ago. Most citizens are told by the Scholz regime that the reason is Putin and Russia’s war in Ukraine. The truth is quite otherwise. EU politicians…

UK will pay doctors large bonuses if they vaccinate every single resident of a nursing home with new boosters. Why are they so anxious to get this garbage into arms?

Hat tip to Joel Smalley GPs to receive incentive payments to deliver ‘accelerated’ care home Covid boosters Costanza Potter 02 September 2022 GPs will be incentivised to deliver ‘accelerated’ autumn Covid boosters in care homes, with payments of up to £525 per completed care home. The autumn programme is due to start from next…

If you don’t think there is worldwide coordination of pandemic responses, here is the evidence: Canada, UK, Switzerland, European Union and US all authorize nouvelle boosters simultaneously

For a threat that has evaporated. Liability-free, of course. No human testing of the new US “bivalent” boosters

If you don’t think there is worldwide coordination of illogical and criminal pandemic responses, here is the evidence: Canada, UK, Europe and US all authorize nouvelle boosters simultaneously for a threat that has evaporated.

And in the US, the vaccine has not had any human testing yet.  Moderna began injections last week but their study won’t complete till year’s end.  By then the 512 people in the Moderna trial will be irrelevant to the tens of millions that already received this new booster, which so far has only completed…

According to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, life expectancy has dropped 3 years to 76 from 79 since the start of the pandemic

From STAT: Life expectancy for Americans born in 2021 is just 76.1 years. That’s the lowest since 1966 and the steepest decline in almost 100 years. It’s astonishing to people who closely follow these data, prompting comparisons to the drop after another pandemic: the Spanish Flu of 1918. “It’s a ridiculous decline,” Bob Anderson, chief…

I will be live-blogging the ACIP meeting to rollout the new covid boosters Sept 1-2. The boosters that have never been injected tinto humans will arrive at a clinic near you next week The meeting runs from 10 am-5 pm EDT Sept 1 and 10 am-noon on Sept 2.  Keep a barf bag at the ready. As usual, my application to speak during the public comment period was rejected.

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