The State of Freedom. Bioweapons and Treaties. A 2-part interview #160 Bioweapons & Treaties w/ Dr. Meryl Nass (Part 1) Apr 25, 2024 Chris and Danielle dive deep into the story behind the pandemic with Dr. Meryl Nass in this first of a two-episode special! What was her own experience with COVID, and what are the bigger implications? SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: Psalms 27:1-4…

Members of the European Parliament demand to know how the EU is defining misinfo and disinfo since it is negotiating the IHRs and treaty which include this language

Yet there is no definition in international law or of what these words mean and it is questionable whether ‘countering’ them is compatible with existing law

In Japan, Tens of Thousands Protest WHO’s ‘Supranational Grab Over Global Health’ Tens of thousands of people rallied over the weekend in a central Tokyo park to protest the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) — proposals that critics allege threaten Japan’s and other countries’ national sovereignty. By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Tens of thousands of people rallied over the weekend in…

Politicians at all levels have been lied to about the WHO treaty and int’l health regulation amendments–so show them the screenshots. Here are the receipts!

The WHO wishes to be the purveyor of biological warfare agents, to control information, and enforce untested vaccinations on the world. Please share this information.

The WHO wishes to be the purveyor of biological warfare agents, to control information, and enforce untested, liability-free vaccinations on the world. Here are their own words, in screenshots

Politicians at all levels have been lied to about the WHO treaty and int’l health regulation amendments–so show them the screenshots. Here are the receipts! Full copies of the IHRs and all WHO treaty drafts can be found at I start out with the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments. We don’t have an official…

HOT! Today Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to Demand a Delay in both WHO votes–and if no delay, to vote against the proposals

  HOT! Today Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to Demand a Delay in both WHO votes–and if no delay, to vote against the proposals This motion got a majority vote of the Dutch Parliament ! MOTION BY MEMBER of the Dutch Parliament Mona KEIJZER ET AL. Proposed April 10, 2024. A majority voted…

There is only one tiny part of One Health that makes any sense, and it is antimicrobial resistance (AMR). WHO spins it for all it is worth.

If the PTB wanted AMR gone, they would stop feeding antibiotics to livestock and poultry. But they want these resistant bacteria to continue to justify One Health and to contaminate our food

African scientists slam ‘unequal’ pandemic treaty 29/02/24 A scientist at Nairobi’s Kenyatta National Hospital operating COVID-19 diagnostics equipment provided by The International Atomic Energy Agency in 2021. African scientists have criticised the WHO’s draft international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response. Copyright: C. Madara / Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (CC BY 2.0 DEED), This photo was cropped. Speed read…

CFR and CIA’s InQTel apparatchik Brazilian Bombshell (as in WMD bombs) Luciana Borio can be relied on to provide the globalist bird flu narrative: Be Very Afraid

Get behind the H5N1 bird flu fear train dammit if we are to get these treaties passed. I decode her “call to action”– and admission they don’t actually have a reliable test

POSTPONED TO NEXT WEEK: Press Conference at the Capitol

***NEWS RELEASE***      For Immediate Release      April 10, 2024 CONTACT:  Matthew Franklin, SOVEREIGNTY COALITION, CONGRESSIONAL PATRIOTS ANNOUNCE EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN TO FIGHT THE W.H.O. Join in Rejecting Biden’s Stealthy “Global Governance” Gambit WASHINGTON, D.C.— In just 47 days, the Biden presidency hopes to pull off what may be its most insidious and far-reaching violation of the…

Our new webpage to help with ACTIONS A collection of background documents and information for local organizers, focused on issues in the United States. Contents: Sovereignty Coalition’s weekly Meetings One page overview The Strategy to Stop the WHO Three page background information Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them Model letter from state Attorney General to…

Thou SHALL obey the WHO. The new treaty includes “Shall” 164 times. The IHR amendments 168 times. You bet the WHO wants to order 194 countries around.

Oh no we would never steal any sovereignty says the World STEALTH Organization. Thanks to Liberty Council for its clear explanation of what is really going on at the WHO

5 Interviews I did this past week

 My TNT Interview with Jason Olbourne My interview with Dr. Drew My interview with Naomi Wolf—a lot of good historical data on the 20 plus year plan to use the International Health Regulations as a path to global governance. My interview with Dr. Peter McCullough My interview with Viviane Fischer and…

Gov’ts around the world culled over 100 million chickens for a bird flu of no concern–I told you this last year and now the media are begrudgingly admitting it

H5N1 avian flu that Jeremy Farrar at the WHO keeps moaning about. Not even 1000 human infections ever–and now, mutated, it just causes fatigue or pink eye

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