Debby Lerman’s summary of the COVID response, parts 1 and 2.
Compact, clear, comprehensive
Compact, clear, comprehensive
Does a parallel process through the UN seek to claim jurisdiction over the issue instead? Need legal minds with spare time.
Instead they do an extraordinary waffle and put off the major decisions for future documents, and may be trying to head problems off by negotiating them instead in a biodiversity treaty
No prior version admitted this before. And the BWC imposes limits they don’t want to be bound by. Wonder who forced this issue and got this language added?
I was one of the people who was requested to provide evidence for the report. The Health Minister has been criticized for poor work performance so she blames antivaxxers for being pushed out. No guts.
Unauthorized Science Half the country will say it was stolen Read more 2 months ago · 26 likes · 12 comments · Josh Mitteldorf Unauthorized Science Half the country will say it was stolen Something we can do now to offer confidence in next month’s election result JOSH MITTELDORF OCT 4 No matter who is…
FDA promises to quickly adapt to globalization and climate change.
Is the WHO Aiming to Become a Universal Ministry of Health?
They don’t care if you don’t want it–the plan for world dominance using pandemics must go forward, and “generous” indebtedness is part of the plan
I have not seen it yet–I will tomorrow–but something fishy was going on. What was it?
Is Walz replacing Fauci as the public figure to whom lies come most naturally?
And how it should drop the narratives, telling people how they should live, and get back to assuring peace, national sovereignty and human rights
No one caught Ebola (a cousin of Marburg) on a plane or a train. Never mind–panic anyway! Then worry about MERS, a mor severe cousin of COVID
CDC, located near disaster areas in Atlanta, with 12,000 employees, has made a public service announcement for gas stations, and invites people (without power) to its website
Here is a CHD report, quoting many of us. And some brief thoughts of mine.
COVID taught a lot of people that liability shields are dangerous. Now 31 Congress members want to remove that shield
Dr. Marik has been ill while travelling in New Zealand and Australia and you may want to send this brilliant and kind man some love. PMARIK@FLCCC.NET
And the narrative creators now spin it as a sorry effect of climate change. Why do they never mention possible weather warfare? My central role at unraveling this crime in 1992 is mentioned.
Japan to roll out self-amplifying vaccines for COVID to the elderly starting this week
Only one confirmed death during the six weeks of reporting due to monkeypox in all of Africa
I only had 10 minutes so this is a snapshot. Feel free to ask questions
Feel free to ask questions about it. Happy to expand on this. I will post a pdf later
This one can still be viewed online, above Below: this is where I was at last Saturday e
The Trump-RFK campaign to MAHA is making waves
Happy they brought up the question of scientific misconduct
I have had connectivity problems in a rural area, then at Logan airport, and now flying above Hudson Bay, Canada en route to Tokyo. Finally I am connected enough to type. It is reported by the Guardian that Russia introduced an amendment to the Pact that would have watered it down considerably (stressing the preeminence…
Some abstracts also available with the bios
Anne Can’t Stand It! Summit To Screw The Future James Corbett translates globalese in the Pact for the Future… Read more 3 months ago · 19 likes · 4 comments · Anne Gibbons
A big step toward a clean election. NYT unhappy. There would be machine ballots and paper ballots. Let’s hope the twain shall meet.
No surprise. The worse the outcomes, the better the system is paid
And it is now ended, with another 2 week meeting scheduled for November, which will conclude after the US election
and I will see him in Japan next week
Litchfield, Maine (near Augusta) all day
A long read but worthwhile to learn more about the Pact than I provided
Scientific misconduct needs to be made into a real crime with penalties like jail and big bucks. Right now the most that can happen is you lose your grants, if govt funded
The other side is playing for keeps
with The Breakfast Team and Financial Rebellion
How much MSM coverage of the UN Summit of the Future have you seen?
Will the UN’s attempt to usurp world governance get the slapdown it invites? The New York Times reported Thursday that the Biden administration is considering allowing Ukraine to use NATO-provided long-range precision weapons against targets deep inside Russia. Such a decision would put the world at greater risk of nuclear conflagration than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis. At a time when American leaders should…
Watch the 2 minute video below. You really should not miss it. It might even change your life. At least it will give you something to ponder. Robert F. Kennedy is my soul brother. We march to the same drum. There are very few people you will come across in life, especially among those in…
And he does not think it appropriate that the same agency (DOJ) prosecuting Trump should be investigating his attempted assassination
They include the usual mRNA coding for an antigen, but also mRNA coding for a polymerase protein that codes for more mRNA. Saves money by injecting less mRNA. Safety doubtful but unknown
I keep trying to boil it down into smaller and more digestible pieces
Moron Maria Van Kerkhove, who got her PhD working under Neil Ferguson OBE at Imperial College (THAT Neil who has never yet predicted a pandemic correctly, always over-alarming, always being contracted to do it again, and whose advice explicitly led to US and UK lockdowns, which he very publicly transgressed) spoke with Helen Branhall of…
Sovereignty SOVEREIGNTY SUMMIT TO EXPOSE BIDEN-HARRIS’ STEALTH IMPOSITION OF WORLD GOVERNMENT ***PRESS RELEASE… Read more 3 months ago · 5 likes · 1 comment · Sovereignty Coalition
Examining 3 examples of the UN’s linguistic somersaults, and I speculate on the next two weeks at the UN General Assembly
The UN asks nations to “commit” to bold new solutions. The UN wordsmiths learned from the WHO not to use the word “binding” and to make their document as ambiguous as possible
Bear with me; I am trying to identify the most effective way of conveying this important material. Please share. Consensus on this document will be sought at the UN in 8 days!
from the Malones’ substack today. They do cartoons and memes Fridays and Sundays
Because “climate change” is the central dogma supporting global government, this will become important as we disentangle the narrative over the next few weeks
There are 10 more slides than I posted earlier today.
I will be flying back from Japan and have to miss it. But it looks like a great event!
Don’t be fooled by the imprecise language. It is still a treaty and a noose around our necks.
Jeremy Farrar retweeted this. Think he is trying to greenwash his reputation?
Then watch Margaret Byfield’s amazing talk contextualizing this process from our symposium last week
Treaties have been handled in a haphazard fashion. Which treaties require Senate ratification? Which features make a treaty consistent or inconsistent with US law?
Poster in English and Japanese. I must post since ICS made individual posters for each speaker In a tacit acknowledgement of public suspicion and hesitancy surrounding the Moneypox vaccination program, Dr. Jean Kaseya, director of the Africa CDC, claimed he would himself be vaccinated at the start of the program to prove the vaccine’s safety. This reminded me of 1998 when generals and admirals were publicly vaccinated with anthrax vaccine,…
Good for him! Good for the constituents who kept contacting him about the issue!
This is huge. Miracles can happen. 2 years ago these bills were nonstarters.
Just 3 minutes–and it is tremendously important to hear this
You don’t have to drink from a firehose, like I did
Free Speech and Ending Censorship, The Health agenda, Wars, Corruption, What Bobby Stands For
Two months ago I posted the following article. It featured a well-documented review of epidemics caused by lab accidents. I consider this story extremely important. This is information the authorities do not want us to know. In response, I got extraordinary pushback. Not only from the online army of “no virus” bots and trolls,…
Chronic diseases have reached crisis proportions, and Kamala Harris seems uninterested in the issue.
Grab a pad and sharpen your pencils. You will be astonished at how the powers that be are intent on changing the way we produce food, changing what we eat, and gaining lots more control over us Shorty:<> Shorty Short:<> TikTok Versions: 1 – A Fake Emergency Is Created So Rules, Laws, and Protocols Can Be Skipped to Implement Control Measures<> 2 – How Meryl Nass Became a Leading Expert in Anthrax by Walking into the Wrong Room at the Wrong Time 3 – How Classified Projects Got Outsourced…
Author Suzanne Burdick interviewed me.
A new proximal origins scam rears its ugly head
available in several languages
Members of the WHO gave themselves until next May to finalize a pandemic treaty after failing to agree on one last May. This statement should be the final nail in the Pandemic Treaty’s coffin.
Click the link, not the graphic The Hill ran a hit piece on Bobby Kennedy today, using similar methods as STAT did earlier, quoting unreliable and biased sources: in this case, Ian Lipkin again, who should have scurried back into his warren and stayed therre after all the crimes he committed through a prolific medical-spy-takedown career. And a Robert L….
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The publication STAT expects people to pay $499/year to read this drivel. Which may have been written as advertising, as earlier the Astra-Zeneca logo was displayed on it.
Learn more about the military aspects that have been neglected, about the goals of transhumanism and about the psychological warfare being waged.
BTW, It is only an STD if lesions are confined to the genital area. If it is elsewhere it spreads like chicken pox/shingles. This is more likely the type of spread in Africa.
Andrew just got 3% of the vote in his district while receiving over 60% last time he ran for office. None of the opposing parties bragged about his unpopularity. How likely was VOTE RIGGING?
Tracy Thurman In my previous articles, we looked at the global war on farmers, the organizations pushing for the Great Food Reset, the tactics used to foist these changes on the public, the projects underway to remove your access to healthy, farm-fresh foods, the mRNA, RNA, and DNA gene therapies entering our food… Go to the link above to watch the show!
Join this two-day online symposium, an entirely free event, with a fantastic lineup of speakers and topics! Final program at bottom of my article, with press release and poster
No doubt this will annoy some subscribers, but it was what I was hoping for. Trump indicated he will not run a neocon administration this time around. Tulsi also believes him. John Klar discusses this
Since I am the only person I have seen producing pointed criticisms of WHO’s prior case and death claims, I may be responsible for this shift from guesswork to actual data
Money. Lots of $. Careerism. Magnanimous perks to employees, including vesting in generous pensions, but only if you stay long enough…
If you can stand it
Introduced in the Senate a month ago, with an earlier House version. If passed, would greatly increase the power and lack of accountability of federal agencies. Won’t pass unless the RINOs pass it.
Madhava Setty and I get to the bottom of the events
But it won’t be for long, since computer “doctors” will soon surface. First the authorities make going to the doctor as miserable as possible. Then the computer option starts looking pretty good…
Why would any sane person voluntarily seek out “Toxic Shot Syndrome” when the best the experts can do is predict a few weeks of possible benefit? How fast does protection kick in? It takes around a week or two after getting vaccinated for antibodies to rev up and defend against the virus. Antibodies peak…
Here is what is wrong, this is what we need to do, and Trump and I are going to do it
The entire Democrat campaign will now be focused on gaslighting the country into believing Trump has been president for the last 4 years and Kamala has been an innocent bystander the whole time…
FDA is supposed to prevent such heterogeneity between vaccine batches through its lot release program. Funny how COVID blinded and neutered the FDA
If you can circumvent lawsuits for injuries (since we already know it causes myocarditis) it is worth a lot more.
So I will set the record straight, again, because you can’t let lying dogs lie.
End of content
End of content