Louisiana did it! SB133 passed the House. No WHO tentacles in Louisiana

https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/BillInfo.aspx?s=24rs&b=SB133 The vote was 69-22 in the Louisiana House. Recall, the vote was 37-0 in the Senate. It appears that 22 House members are fine with the WHO, UN and/or WEF having jurisdiction in Louisiana. I wonder what their constituents think about that. The bill goes back to the Senate to roll back the date…

Kenyan groups reject WHO’s new pandemic treaty

However, “The Ministry of Health last month indicated the country strongly supported the current text of the treaty.” https://www.the-star.co.ke/health/2024-05-14-kenyan-groups-reject-whos-new-pandemic-treaty/ Some Kenyan groups have rejected the proposed global pandemic treaty, saying it allows rich countries to behave as they did during Covid-19 when they hoarded vaccines. The treaty was mooted by retired President Uhuru Kenyatta alongside…

~15 nations have made their position on the WHO sovereignty grab, misleadingly spun as an “equity” effort, publicly known before the WHA meeting commences

The negotiations have been controlled by globalists, not nations, from day one. How many other countries are entirely fed up with the World Stealth Organization’s tricks?

Tracking Unvaxxed With Fingerprints/ Matt Staver, Liberty Counsel

https://lcaction.org/detail/240510-tracking-unvaxxed-with-fingerprints May 10, 2024 A new lawsuit states the FBI was tracking “unvaccinated” New York City schoolteachers and employees using their fingerprints. The city gathered a list of its employees who refused to get the COVID-19 shots, tagged them with a “problem code,” and flagged them to the FBI with a file that included their…

The WHO decided it must continue “hybrid” Treaty negotiations (backroom dealings) until the WHO members meet last week of May

As I said before, they are desperate to claim a victory, since there is an enormous amount they wish to gain in future and they don’t want the foundation of the pandemic preparedness plan undermined

The WHO Falsely Claims to Have Published Final Pandemic Treaty Draft in Required Time Before Key Vote

by Dr David Bell and Dr Thi Thuy Van Dinh https://dailysceptic.org/2024/05/09/the-who-falsely-claims-to-have-published-final-pandemic-treaty-draft-in-required-time-before-key-vote/ The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently put up a defence of its violation of its own legal requirements by submitting draft amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) for a vote at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) this May. This was in response…

Oklahoma House passed a bill denying the WHO, WEF and UN jurisdiction in the state. Yet a few R Senators are blocking the bill in the OK Senate. The people are fighting back!

This bill needs to pass to protect the people of Oklahoma from arbitrary WHO (etc.) declarations and mandates. Please come to OKC and support health freedom!

I will be giving a webinar tonight to a small group for IPAK today at 4 pm ET

https://entwine.substack.com/p/56-webinar-zoom-link The way this works, if you would like to participate tonight you will pay a small fee, which goes to pay the cost of staff putting on the program. You will be able to ask me questions. Later the video will be posted and you will be able to watch freely but not interact….

All Michigan commercial dairy farms and poultry operations now ordered to follow military-style BIOSECURITY procedures starting May 8

Notice how they never tell you what (or whether) the illness is, what its symptoms are, how to diagnose it, evidence that there really is something spreading that poses danger to animals or humans

The State of Freedom. Bioweapons and Treaties. A 2-part interview

https://sites.libsyn.com/469716 #160 Bioweapons & Treaties w/ Dr. Meryl Nass (Part 1) Apr 25, 2024 Chris and Danielle dive deep into the story behind the pandemic with Dr. Meryl Nass in this first of a two-episode special! What was her own experience with COVID, and what are the bigger implications? SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: Psalms 27:1-4…

Members of the European Parliament demand to know how the EU is defining misinfo and disinfo since it is negotiating the IHRs and treaty which include this language

Yet there is no definition in international law or of what these words mean and it is questionable whether ‘countering’ them is compatible with existing law

In Japan, Tens of Thousands Protest WHO’s ‘Supranational Grab Over Global Health’

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/japan-protest-who-supranational-grab-global-health/ Tens of thousands of people rallied over the weekend in a central Tokyo park to protest the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) — proposals that critics allege threaten Japan’s and other countries’ national sovereignty. By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Tens of thousands of people rallied over the weekend in…

Politicians at all levels have been lied to about the WHO treaty and int’l health regulation amendments–so show them the screenshots. Here are the receipts!

The WHO wishes to be the purveyor of biological warfare agents, to control information, and enforce untested vaccinations on the world. Please share this information.

The WHO wishes to be the purveyor of biological warfare agents, to control information, and enforce untested, liability-free vaccinations on the world. Here are their own words, in screenshots

Politicians at all levels have been lied to about the WHO treaty and int’l health regulation amendments–so show them the screenshots. Here are the receipts! Full copies of the IHRs and all WHO treaty drafts can be found at https://doortofreedom.org/who-resource-page/ I start out with the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments. We don’t have an official…

HOT! Today Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to Demand a Delay in both WHO votes–and if no delay, to vote against the proposals

  HOT! Today Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to Demand a Delay in both WHO votes–and if no delay, to vote against the proposals This motion got a majority vote of the Dutch Parliament ! MOTION BY MEMBER of the Dutch Parliament Mona KEIJZER ET AL. Proposed April 10, 2024. A majority voted…

There is only one tiny part of One Health that makes any sense, and it is antimicrobial resistance (AMR). WHO spins it for all it is worth.

If the PTB wanted AMR gone, they would stop feeding antibiotics to livestock and poultry. But they want these resistant bacteria to continue to justify One Health and to contaminate our food

African scientists slam ‘unequal’ pandemic treaty

https://www.scidev.net/global/governance/policy/ 29/02/24 A scientist at Nairobi’s Kenyatta National Hospital operating COVID-19 diagnostics equipment provided by The International Atomic Energy Agency in 2021. African scientists have criticised the WHO’s draft international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response. Copyright: C. Madara / Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (CC BY 2.0 DEED), This photo was cropped. Speed read…

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