The Oversight Committee, Peter Daszak and HHS
an unsatisfying, bureaucratic conclusion for now
an unsatisfying, bureaucratic conclusion for now The vote was 69-22 in the Louisiana House. Recall, the vote was 37-0 in the Senate. It appears that 22 House members are fine with the WHO, UN and/or WEF having jurisdiction in Louisiana. I wonder what their constituents think about that. The bill goes back to the Senate to roll back the date…
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said it would take only 5 mutations (and he said we know which ones) to turn it into a disease of humans. He said he could create this in the lab.
This attack needs to put a stop to any attempt to push those treaties through the World Health Assembly meeting in 12 days. Praying for PM Fico.
And what’s more, “The WHO’s Proposed Pandemic Agreements Worsen Public Health”
However, “The Ministry of Health last month indicated the country strongly supported the current text of the treaty.” Some Kenyan groups have rejected the proposed global pandemic treaty, saying it allows rich countries to behave as they did during Covid-19 when they hoarded vaccines. The treaty was mooted by retired President Uhuru Kenyatta alongside…
This happened yesterday and we will help
This booklet is from 2010. It suggests that children age 9-12 have their first sexual experience. With whom???
Join Senator Ron Johnson, ET’s Jan Jekielek, CHD President Mary Holland, Dr. David Bell and me to learn the latest and what we can do
The good news for today.
Kudos to the amazing panelists, their honesty, and the Aligned Council that hosted this meeting.
Cows can’t graze because a bird with bird flu might defecate on them? From last September’s Guardian
Who will make the bumper stickers?
The negotiations have been controlled by globalists, not nations, from day one. How many other countries are entirely fed up with the World Stealth Organization’s tricks?
It is a fun 30 minute movie. Try to make time to watch it. It’s the Bobby I know.
The bogus consensus the WHO often claims, but rarely receives, is something that needs to be exploded.
Have fun, enjoy the music and the panel of excellent speakers, including candidates for office in NY. Consider dinner with the speakers. May 10, 2024 A new lawsuit states the FBI was tracking “unvaccinated” New York City schoolteachers and employees using their fingerprints. The city gathered a list of its employees who refused to get the COVID-19 shots, tagged them with a “problem code,” and flagged them to the FBI with a file that included their…
Thanks to Igor Chudov for doing the digging and getting to the heart of this sociopath.
From John Klar, one of our Door to Freedom team members
As I said before, they are desperate to claim a victory, since there is an enormous amount they wish to gain in future and they don’t want the foundation of the pandemic preparedness plan undermined
Feds determined to push their bird flu narrative. What comes next?
The treaty that was supposed to help the third world was just another power grab. The 100 countries getting paid off by the US to go along with pandemic preparedness were not enough to save the treaty
by Dr. Carl Heneghan
It never was about health. Or equity. It was always about surveillance and control.
In other words, the whole pandemic preparedness escapade is a sham, based on fake “spillover” and denying lab origin of COVID, misrepresentation of the data on pandemics. Kinda like climate change 2.0
by Dr David Bell and Dr Thi Thuy Van Dinh The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently put up a defence of its violation of its own legal requirements by submitting draft amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) for a vote at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) this May. This was in response…
Not sure I believe them. They do not provide the source for the claim. But still, it means we are now cooking with gas!
Great article, which covers One Health and gives a Shout-out to Door to Freedom.
It needs to be uprooted. The rejecting of the WHO’s plans (which includes One Health) is the first step.
For the thousands of people who have been making calls and writing letters–you are the best! Global governance will not be starting in the US!
This bill needs to pass to protect the people of Oklahoma from arbitrary WHO (etc.) declarations and mandates. Please come to OKC and support health freedom!
House Select COVID committee wants to know more
This is the white paper we needed
What can lawmakers do to stop the Pandemic Agreement (Treaty) and amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) from going forward at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting, taking place from May 27 to June 1, 2024? 1. The easiest way forward is to ask your government to demand a delay in the… The way this works, if you would like to participate tonight you will pay a small fee, which goes to pay the cost of staff putting on the program. You will be able to ask me questions. Later the video will be posted and you will be able to watch freely but not interact….
Important to share this, and I am happy to speak or zoom with any Parliamantarians or Congress members with questions
Notice how they never tell you what (or whether) the illness is, what its symptoms are, how to diagnose it, evidence that there really is something spreading that poses danger to animals or humans
30 minutes of saying absolutely nothing. Their minder, Steve Solomon, the WHO’s chief lawyer, is there to keep an eye on things
They had to hide the sovereignty grab because if citizens knew what this was about, they and their Constitutions would never allow it.
But over 600,000 twitter followers saw through him. They want to control and reduce food. But we see it. And it’s an election year, and you don’t win an election by culling cattle.
The 49 R Senators are amazing! Thanks to all of you for hounding them to get on board.
As I said from Day 1, you only have to read these treaties and you will hate them. The globalists only got them this far through secrecy, lies and misdirection.
All these laws need to be revoked or (at the WHO) stopped
And why we would have to be crazy to allow the WHO’s criminal and incompetent leaders to govern anything, especially our health
Several readers demanded I supply the goods, so here they are. Enough for me on this.
Surely we can have a discussion among ourselves about certain things?
The WHO fear-mongering machine ramps up to poison the public with yet another MYOCARDITIS-inducing vaccine that probably does not work to prevent Monkeypox
Written by an MP and former Liberal party Minister
The Globalist Agenda versus the Global South’s agenda
And always, the goal is to get a document that includes the most important goals implemented in great haste: 1)the biowarfare agent collection/sharing and 2)One Health
‘Nullification is not revolt, all it is is ignoring: We’re taking a position that we are going to ignore this edict,’ said Tennessee state Rep. Bud Hulsey. #160 Bioweapons & Treaties w/ Dr. Meryl Nass (Part 1) Apr 25, 2024 Chris and Danielle dive deep into the story behind the pandemic with Dr. Meryl Nass in this first of a two-episode special! What was her own experience with COVID, and what are the bigger implications? SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: Psalms 27:1-4…
Kit Knightly in the Off Guardian predicts how the “next” pandemic will be handled
NOTE: 0.5% of subjects who received the Audenz bird flu vaccine died during the clinical trial, while only 0.1% of subjects in the placebo group died. DON’T TAKE ANY BIRD FLU VACCINES!!!–NASS
The Telegraph, today, writes a cautionary tale about the WHO
The WHO has announced it will not complete the IHR Amendments or the Pandemic Agreement final drafts until after the middle of May
Guess we need to exit the WHO or encourage nations to stop paying for it and let it whither away or become the avowed plaything of industry, without the charitable cover story
Just one example, from the head of the Georgia GOP.
The current language has been watered down, and is a bit trickier to disentangle, but the plan is exactly the same
But their plan is the same, and like the lockdowns, it is one step back and two steps forward for the globalists
Yet there is no definition in international law or of what these words mean and it is questionable whether ‘countering’ them is compatible with existing law
And it reveals how the evidence base has been deliberately distorted to support the WHO’s anti-science and anti-humanity agenda
The first on biowarfare and the second on what is really going on at the WHO
CHD site: Perspectives on the WHO: From Advisory Body to World Government? The Program is Here: Great speakers. Click on the box below for all the details.
through Brownstone Institute
Every Republican Senator is now a sponsor of this bill
And openly reveals that One Health will be used to control food, economic development and climate Tens of thousands of people rallied over the weekend in a central Tokyo park to protest the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) — proposals that critics allege threaten Japan’s and other countries’ national sovereignty. By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Tens of thousands of people rallied over the weekend in…
The WHO wishes to be the purveyor of biological warfare agents, to control information, and enforce untested vaccinations on the world. Please share this information.
Like the 30 Dem. members of the Maine legislature who walked out when I received a commendation last week, these editors gave their middle finger to reviewing errors of their COVID response
Politicians at all levels have been lied to about the WHO treaty and int’l health regulation amendments–so show them the screenshots. Here are the receipts! Full copies of the IHRs and all WHO treaty drafts can be found at I start out with the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments. We don’t have an official…
HOT! Today Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to Demand a Delay in both WHO votes–and if no delay, to vote against the proposals This motion got a majority vote of the Dutch Parliament ! MOTION BY MEMBER of the Dutch Parliament Mona KEIJZER ET AL. Proposed April 10, 2024. A majority voted…
WATCH: Twitter space now:
And why not add a little Gain of Function too? she thinks…
You don’t have a final version of either treaty yet; the IHR negotiations have been conducted in secret for 17 months; no one is ready for this change in world governance
Sorry it got knocked offline in error before the Q and A
With many of your favorite speakers. Attend live or online. See you there!
One is fatally flawed
And he is still working on coronaviruses for the USG. That is beaucoup money in China. Compare it with the $44,000 he got from China’s NNSF. White Coat Waste Project discovered this.
Foster Gamble being upbeat on Tennessee (states are asserting their power) and a WHO article in City Journal
The WHO has a sneaky method that allows for secret ballots and then for counting a secret ballot in another location. Moving ballots around. How convenient.
“What’s new at the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence?”
If the PTB wanted AMR gone, they would stop feeding antibiotics to livestock and poultry. But they want these resistant bacteria to continue to justify One Health and to contaminate our food 29/02/24 A scientist at Nairobi’s Kenyatta National Hospital operating COVID-19 diagnostics equipment provided by The International Atomic Energy Agency in 2021. African scientists have criticised the WHO’s draft international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response. Copyright: C. Madara / Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (CC BY 2.0 DEED), This photo was cropped. Speed read…
I and many others will be speaking in NYC. Friends from around the world will attend the events in Geneva
With just a few words describing what I was getting at. Thrilled that so many asked for them.
Here’s the 25 year history of how this was foisted on us. And how the WHO has repeatedly failed upward over the past 20 years.
I will be presenting new material on the history of biowarfare through the present day, and the era of lab-loosed pandemics to come–unless we stop the WHO
Must watch–3 minutes
After governments knew (by 8/1/21) that COVID vaccines did not prevent transmission, there was no reason to require them or the vax passports, which perhaps were the real reason to push the vaccines
And it BEGINS… The old name “highly pathogenic avian flu” does not reflect the fact pathogenicity is low or nonexistent in humans and questionable in cattle.
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