England: 10-16 fold increased risk of narcolepsy within 6 months of Pandemrix jab/ BBC

Thanks for telling us, BBC.  But this is no surprise.  You should be investigating why England denied having an increase in cases earlier.  Furthermore, the 10-16 fold increased risk of narcolepsy within 6 months will lowball the actual risk–as recent studies show some victims taking much longer than 6 months or a year to be diagnosed….

I suggested it earlier, and now we know: Adults also got narcolepsy/ YLE

You read it here 3 days ago.  Just because Pandemrix caused a 700%-1300% increase in narcolepsy cases in children did not mean that cases of the vaccine-induced illness were confined to children.  And now we see they were not.  Grownups also get it.  And what else was caused by Pandemrix that did not shout out…

800 Children Affected: Evidence grows for narcolepsy link to GSK swine flu shot / Reuters

An estimated 30-60 lives may have been saved in Sweden due to use of Pandemrix, but more than 200 Swedish children developed narcolepsy due to the Pandemrix vaccine. So now Pandemrix, with the ASO3 adjuvant, won’t be used in children.   But the more important issue imho is why will it continue to be used…

What Does State of Emergency mean?

What exactly is a “state of emergency”? According to Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), state declarations “may also identify state rules and regulations that are waived or suspended during the emergency…  They can include: Activation of statutory immunities and liability protections for those involved in response activities. Suspension and waiver of rules…

State of Emergency: 700 flu cases in Boston this season and 4 elderly deaths/ NY Daily News

Puh-Leeze.  A State of Emergency?  I’d laugh except declaring an emergency gives states new political powers.  Powers designed by CDC and Lawrence Gostin.  Begun by 1999, before the anthrax letters or comparable public health emergencies existed, CDC “called for strengthening the legal foundation for public health practice.” The Model Emergency Health Powers Act was only…

Flu Vaccine/ UpToDate

From UpToDate, the highly regarded online textbook of medicine, on flu vaccine: It has been difficult to demonstrate an improvement in survival after influenza vaccination in elderly patients in randomized controlled trials because mortality is a rare end-point. The systematic review cited above found a significant reduction in death from influenza or pneumonia [46], but…

MISUNDERESTIMATED: Anthrax Vaccine’s New Label Misses Most Adverse Events

The May 2012 updated anthrax vaccine package insert (a.k.a. label) provides cause for concern.  Would you give this vaccine to your dog, let alone your child?  Next week the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues will have their final meeting to discuss giving anthrax vaccine to children.  Whose children would be sacrificed? 1….

Web of Anthrax Vaccine Conflicts at the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

You can’t make this stuff up.  Conflicts of interest abound at the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues with respect to anthrax vaccine.  Coincidence or forethought? Before Emergent Biosolutions made anthrax vaccine, the vaccine was made by the Michigan Department of Public Health.  Before Michigan, it was made by Merck. Might Merck Vaccine’s President…

Expanding the Influenza Vaccination Season: A New Paradigm for Increasing Immunization Rates / Am J Medicine

Poland served as “faculty” for this little paper, whose goal was to push flu vaccinations beyond the end of flu season, helping to use up the oversupply: Access to influenza vaccination is no longer constrained by problems in supply and distribution, as more manufacturers are providing more influenza vaccine to the US market than ever before….

SpinDoc Greg Poland’s “Requiring influenza vaccination for health care workers: seven truths we must accept” / Vaccine

Poland’s 2005 paper is one of those designed to pay the way to mandatory influenza vaccinations.  Back in 2005 Poland did not dare to ask for healthcare worker (HCW) firings, nor to junk philosophical exemptions, as he does now.  The paper uses Polandese to make the benefits of vaccination appear much greater than they are….

Call to Action to vaccinate HCWs (via National Foundation for Infectious Diseases)paid for by Sanofi-Pasteur

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. Call to action: Influenza immunization among health care personnel. Bethesda, MD, 2008.  Sponsored by Sanofi. *  In the context of this document, the term “health care personnel” extends to all persons working in health care settings, including home health care, who have contact with patients. This includes not only traditionally…

What, in Fact, Is the Evidence That Vaccinating Healthcare Workers against Seasonal Influenza Protects Their Patients? A Critical Review/ Int J Family Medicine

Yet another just-published literature review, this time from Israel, finds mandatory healthcare worker flu vaccinations unsupported by the literature. Int J Family Med. 2012;2012:205464. doi: 10.1155/2012/205464. Epub 2012 Nov 11.  What, in Fact, Is the Evidence That Vaccinating Healthcare Workers against Seasonal Influenza Protects Their Patients? A Critical Review. Abramson ZH.  Source Department of Family Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah…

Flu Vaccine Mandates and Talking Points funded by Pharma, naturally

I did not have to look far to find the source of that meaningless little factoid used by the Goshen hospital spokesperson and the British Columbia chief medical officer:  “Influenza is the most frequent cause of death from a vaccine-preventable disease in the United States.”   It was the very first sentence in a flu vaccine…

No they don’t write it themselves: No-Nothing Vaccinator #3

No, the vaccinators don’t write their talking points themselves.  They get them from the same playbook. The spokeswoman for Goshen Hospital, which just fired 8 employees, justified forced vaccinations with the identical (meaningless) argument as British Columbia’s Chief Medical Officer: … hospital spokeswoman Melanie McDonald told the Elkhart Truth: “The flu has the highest death rate of…

Know-Nothing Flu Vaccinators: #2

Professor Ken Flegel, an editor of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, wrote an editorial last fall supporting mandatory flu shots for healthcare workers.  I blogged about his standard for vaccination last November, but did not critique many other problems with the article.  Somehow, like Perry Kendall, Dr. Flegel got his citations (and his ideas) all…

Flu Shots: Clearing the Air, Correcting the citations/ Vancouver Sun

British Columbia ‘s chief medical officer pushed mandatory flu shots for healthcare workers, then backed up the policy with specious claims, showing he had not a clue what the science really said.  The Cochrane Collaboration’s Tom Jefferson, MD, a flu vaccine expert who had reviewed the world literature and coauthored several Cochrane meta-analyses on the…

British Columbia, Canada reversed itself on mandatory flu shots this season/ Globe and Mail

Canada’s first mandatory flu shot policy, announced in August 2012 for all healthcare workers, was reversed in early December, following an uproar by nurses and other health workers. The nurses’ union, the HSA and the Hospital Employees’ Union, together representing more than 100,000 health-care workers, objected to their members being forced to have a flu…

Why force flu vaccinations if the evidence is so poor?

The Lancet investigated flu vaccine effects with the following two interesting studies: 1.  Simonsen et al. showed that as rates of flu vaccination in the elderly rose in the US from 15% to 65%, there was no corresponding decrease in elder deaths from flu! 2.  Carman et al. found that:  Vaccination of health-care workers was…

Meta-analyses of flu vaccine effectiveness/ Cochrane Collaboration

The Cochrane Collaboration, the most respected organization of health professionals to evaluate the evidence behind medical therapies, studied flu vaccine of healthcare workers in 2006 and again in 2010. In 2006 they concluded: There is evidence that vaccinating the elderly has a modest impact on the complications from influenza. There is also high quality evidence…

Workers fired, but where did the guidance to fire them come from?

What is up with firing workers who don’t get vaccinated for flu?  Indiana’s Goshen Hospital just fired 8 workers for refusing the shots.   Hospital spokeswoman Melanie McDonald told The Elkhart Truth the new requirements came as a recommendation from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Medical Association and other major…

Michael Osterholm on flu shots: “It’s all a sales job; it’s all public relations” / NY Times

I missed this November article on flu shots from the NY Times blog.  Yes, it repeats material I have covered before.  But as healthcare workers continue to be fired from their jobs for refusing flu shots, I will continue to post on why their firings make no sense. Here are excerpts: It’s flu-shot season, and…

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