Many medical organizations “cosign” CDC/HHS baloney about myocarditis being rare, mild. Institutional capture on steroids

This statement alone is enough to make one give up entirely on American medicine.  It drips with corruption.  It provides no data, no useful information.  It simply tells us that our tax dollars have been used to buy all these people and the once-upon-a-time meaningful organizations they represent. Whenever the spin doctors tell you “the…

Delta variant mildest of all 7 variants tracked in the UK  Data current to June 11, official UK government report Table 2. Number of confirmed (sequencing) and probable (genotyping) cases by variant as of 14 June 2021 Variant Confirmed (sequencing) case number Probable (genotyping) case number* Total case number Case Proportion* Deaths Case Fatality Cases with 28 day follow up Deaths among those with 28…

Nature and NYT say Covid mRNA vaccine boosters are not necessary, despite the CDC push to start them in the absence of supportive data

 Last week, live-blogging the ACIP meeting, I learned to my dismay that CDC wanted its advisory committee to sign off on frequent Covid vaccine booster doses–in the absence of supportive data!  Perhaps the CDC was anxious to avoid data because the data suggest that boosters are unnecessary?  Here are excerpts from a June 28 NYT article describing…

Boris Johnson wanted to reduce the global population … It is time we had a grown-up discussion about the optimum quantity of human beings in this country and on this planet. Do we want the south-east of Britain, already the most densely populated major country in Europe, to resemble a giant suburbia? * Actually, in Europe, Belgium and the Netherlands have greater…

The law on Emergency Use Authorized (EUA = experimental, investigational) products

* I wrote the following on March 29, 2021.  It is important for those fighting vaccine mandates under EUA to understand the legal background for EUAs.  1.  Are Americans who receive vaccines under EUA experimental subjects? ·      Definitely yes.  An EUA product is not a law unto itself.  According to 21CFR Subchapter D Part 312:  “an experiment is any use of a…

CDC bribes medical organizations to back vaccinations for kids despite heart inflammation, lies about the stats

1.  CDC Director Walensky uses extremely flawed, inaccurate “statistics” to claim benefit far outweighs risk of myocarditis in children. 2.  CDC Director then claims she has “cosigners” from many other medical organizations that agree with the vaccinations. The “cosigners” include the American Hospital Association.  What did they sign? My guess is that CDC postponed its…

How CDC lowers the number of myocarditis cases by using a restrictive case definition, even though CDC had a perfectly good case definition when smallpox vaccine caused myocarditis in 2003 Go to slide 23 for the current 2021 CDC myo/pericarditis case definition Below is a better, more inclusive case definition used by CDC in 2003.  What is CDC’s justification for changing it?

Singapore doctors call to HALT Covid vaccination of teens as unexplained death of 13yo boy probed in US A group of medics have penned an “urgent open letter” to Singapore’s expert committee on Covid-19 vaccination, calling for the inoculation of youths to be ceased until the US CDC clarifies why a teenage jab recipient died. Written on “on behalf of many concerned pediatricians, primary care physicians, specialists, surgeons and GPs” and signed by a…

A deeper analysis of data presented By CDC to ACIP to hide huge rates of children’s myocarditis and gain approval of childhood Covid vaccinations

Tricks used by CDC to minimize vaccine injury rates CDC has become very enamoured of the VAERS database for Covid shots.  This is very curious, because CDC used to claim this database was only good for identifying signals, and not for calculating the rates of adverse vaccine reactions.  I have previously cited the CDC’s own…

Another attempt to kill ivermectin for the treatment of Covid?

Oxford University is the NIAID of the UK–as far as deliberate prevention of effective treatment for Covid goes.  Think HCQ poisonings. The two principal investigators fo the Recovery trial (Peter Horby and Martin Landray) are Oxford professors, who dosed people with sufficient HCQ that more patients died in the treatment arm than in the placebo…

My live blog of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting June 23 re Covid vaccines, safety, and booster doses

merylnass:The committee is welcomed by Amanda Cohn, MD, who is not only the ACIP Executive Secretary but also a member of the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee, VRBPAC–a considerable conflict of interest, which helps to asssure both federal agencies push the same policies smoothly, together. Drs. Walensky and Amanda Cohn thanked Anne Schuchat for her service….

So much for the dread delta variant/ Public Health England

Here is what the government experts in the UK had to say last week about the delta variant. Below is my summary: 1.  We think it is more transmissible that the initial Covid variant.  However, since the original Covid variant was extremely transmissible, it is unclear how much difference this will make, especially in the…

I will be live-blogging tomorrow’s ACIP meeting on the Covid vaccine’s safety issues tomorrow right here, starting at 11 am EDT

The live blog has moved to the Children’s Health Defense website : 2 ACHA liaison members are ACIP members fyi, two Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) members are also members of the American College Health Association and, as liaison members, were no doubt instrumental in convincing colleges to institute Covid vaccine…

“Giant Mistake” – CDC Delays Emergency Meeting On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth/ Zero Hedge

FRIDAY, JUN 18, 2021 – 06:30 AM Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has pushed back an emergency meeting on post-vaccination heart inflammation seen in Americans, primarily young people, because of a new federal holiday. President Joe Biden signed a bill on Thursday making June 19 a new…

CANCELLED: CDC’s Emergency Advisory Committee meeting tomorrow to consider myocarditis and giving Covid vaccines to our youth

CDC’s emergency meeting that was to be held June 18, called only 7 days ago to deal with bad news, was peremptorily cancelled today, at the 11th hour.  In honor of Juneteenth.  Really??? Alex Berenson pointed out the cancellation occurred 2 hours after President Biden signing a bill creating the official holiday. If the emergency…

Now the NIH and major media are dribbling out some pandemic truths within a continued fog of confusion/ WaPo I.  NIH research published today finds antibody evidence of SARS-2 infection in US earlier than previously thought. 1.  Why did it take NIH so long to do this experiment, or perhaps to tell us?  These antibody tests take only a few minutes to perform. The blood was drawn more than 15 months ago. 2.  Why is…

The Vaccine Passport being rolled out in a large state near you: California and NY vs Florida and Texas Late last week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that the state would soon be rolling out a new “vaccine verification system” for private businesses that may be akin to a vaccine passport. During an event in San Francisco on Monday, Newsom clarified that the “system” will essentially just be electronic vaccine cards that individuals can keep on their…

Spike protein and S1 subunit protein detected in blood of vaccinees for 2 weeks/ Clin Inf Dis Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients  Alana F Ogata, Chi-An Cheng, Michaël Desjardins, Yasmeen Senussi, Amy C Sherman, Megan Powell, Lewis Novack, Salena Von, Xiaofang Li, Lindsey R Baden … Show more Author Notes Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciab465, SARS-CoV-2 proteins were measured in longitudinal plasma samples collected from 13 participants who received two doses of mRNA-1273 vaccine. 11 of…

Myocarditis occurs in men aged 16-24 at 25 times the baseline rate following Pfizer’s Covid vaccine  Israel says Pfizer vaccine probably causes myocarditis in young men (Probably???-Nass) Israel’s Health Ministry says young men ages 16-24 are potentially 25 times more likely to develop myocarditis after getting the Pfizer vaccine. The small country of 8.7 million has been administering the shots to teenagers since January, months earlier than America. It identified over…

A long-term perspective on immunity to COVID/ Nature nature   news & views   article NEWS AND VIEWS 14 June 2021 A long-term perspective on immunity to COVID Determining the duration of protective immunity to infection by SARS-CoV-2 is crucial for understanding and predicting the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical studies now indicate that immunity will be long-lasting. “The good news is that…

University Vaccine Mandates Violate Medical Ethics; College students aren’t guinea pigs/ WSJ Some 450 U.S. colleges and universities—including our institutions—have announced policies mandating that all students be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before the fall semester, with some requiring vaccination now for the summer term. Schools have for decades required vaccination against infectious diseases, but these mandates are unprecedented—and unethical. Never before have colleges insisted that students or employees…

Kristian Andersen, still young and brash, thinks doubletalk will save him and his brilliant career

He is digging in his heels.  Maybe he thinks tenure will save him.  Will the juicy grants dry up?  Fauci did reward him with one. He hasn’t learned that the best think to do when the jig is up is to shut up.  He is doing a Fauci, wrapping himself in the Science. My…

Jeremy’s Early Coronavirus Warning That Woke Up Wall Street/ WSJ The Early Coronavirus Warning That Woke Up Wall Street Before Covid-19 upended American life, the head of a $33 billion U.K. foundation told a collection of money managers how bad it was going to get. The alarm spread through the worlds of finance and business. Jeremy Farrar, director of the $33 billion Wellcome Trust,…

SIM cards to be blocked for those refusing vaccine, says Punjab govt. Venues too/ Pakistan today

Pakistan’s Punjabis must vaccinate, or lose their phone and internet access!  Yet Pakistan’s Covid cases are way down, like ours, at the lowest level since February. WHY is it so important to vaccinate everyone? Are the shots the essential step to “vaccine passports”? Is the vaccine passport necessary to institute a full surveillance state, digital…

INDIA forces unvaccinated to wear skull and crossbones bibs; and removed recommendations for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine

India under Modi is a testing ground.  Remember  how Modi banned high value Rupee notes to force  Indians to use digital money.  It can happen here.–Nass Skull and Crossbones Sign Given to Unvaccinated in Rural India LUCKNOW, India (Reuters) – Police in rural India have made some citizens who have not been vaccinated against…

The Co-Conspirators have received incredible rewards for their treachery. Let’s start with Rick Bright

Rick Bright Immediately after Rick Bright was transferred out of his position as head of BARDA and sent to the NIH, he started making a huge fuss.  The April 22, 2020 NYT discribed his statements: “While I am prepared to look at all options and to think ‘outside the box’ for effective treatments, I rightly…

Reposting this MUCH EXPANDED version of my live blog of the FDA VRBPAC meeting on June 10 1.  Almost every member of the advisory committee earns money for their work on vaccines.  However only one acknowledged a financial conflict of interest, which was minor. Most of the VRBPAC members at today’s meeting are not actually regular members of the VRBPAC committee. It looks as if the Covid vaccine meetings have been stacked…

I don’t know what this means but “New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA” is worth looking into/ We already knew that under certain conditions (including infection with HIV, which contains a reverse transcriptase) cells could “write” RNA into DNA.  But I didn’t think it happened that often.   However, according to this paper, a DNA polymerase that is normally present in mammalian cells has this ability too. If so, it could really…

The Peril of Politicizing Science/Krylov

Please go read the whole article.  The history is beautifully detailed and the implications are crtitically important. A fabulous read–Meryl It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because…

FDA gives Emergent BioSolutions a consolation prize: it must throw out 60 million vaccine doses but can sell 10 million, which will be labeled as failing GMP standards/ NY Times

Now this is a really odd FDA decision.  FDA is acknowledging that the 10 million doses it is authorizing is adulterated.  But adulterated doses can’t be sold.  But EUA products don’t generally get sold, except to the US government.  I am scratching my head.  I thought all these doses were already bought and paid for,…

Think Twice Before Giving the COVID Vax to Healthy Kids/ Med Page Today — Based on the data to date, there’s no compelling case for it right now by Martin Makary MD, MPH, Editor-in-Chief, MedPage Today June 10, 2021 share to facebook share to twitter share to linkedin email article The case to vaccinate kids is there, but it’s not compelling right now. The Delta variant (B.1.617.2) could change the calculus…

There were several reasons why it was critical for the conspirators to maintain the coverup that Covid came from wildlife. Tidbits and more questions

There is plenty the conspirators still do not want you to know.  And their lackies in the media will continue to help them, as I demonstrated in my piece on Ian Birrell earlier.  Here are some things that we should not forget as the people who created this mess attempt to control the current narrative. …

Live Blogging the FDA meeting on pedi Covid vaccine licensure/authorization UPDATE:  I expanded on the live blog below here, with additional context, and added information on the people at the meeting.  I suggest you read the later version for more detail. 1.  Almost every member of the advisory committee earns money for their work on vaccines.  However only one acknowledged a financial conflict of…

2 Members of FDA’s drug advisory committee quit, acknowledging the “sham process” / WaPo

Two members of an FDA advisory committee quit after approval of controversial Alzheimer’s drug. (excerpt): Heated debate continues over the clearance of Aduhelm despite opposition from agency’s outside experts Two members of a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel resigned this week after the agency’s contentious decision to approve an Alzheimer’s drug over the objections of its outside…

Don’t you love it when 2 of the co-conspirators I have named separately, now link themselves together by coauthoring in Foreign Affairs The Forever Virus Foreign Affairs is the establishment’s journal.  Today it is being used for the purpose of cementing in place one false narrative after the other about Covid, while making the (seemingly humanitarian) case for spending lots more money for the US and world response to Covid. And they make sure to push…

Why we petitioned the FDA to refrain from fully approving any covid-19 vaccine this year/ Wastila, Doshi et al. in BMJ blogs We are part of a group of clinicians, scientists, and patient advocates who have lodged a formal “Citizen Petition” with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), asking the agency to delay any consideration of a “full approval” of a covid-19 vaccine. The message of our petition is “slow down and get the science right—there…

America’s Covid Groupthink Functioned Like China’s Repression/ WSJ Opinion

Wall Street Journal tells it like it is. And they are putting out these important critiques without a paywall.  Derfinitely worth a read. America’s Covid Groupthink Functioned Like China’s Repression What we eventually learn about the origins of Covid-19 may implicate China’s government in failure and falsehood on a grand scale. But before we get…

FDA VRBPAC meeting coming on June 10 regarding pediatric Covid vaccines. How FDA controls its “advisors”

 1.  FDA requires written submissions and signups for oral submissions before it posts the agenda and the actual issues to be presented to its advisory committee.  How can you formulate a comment for the advisory committee when you do not know what it is being asked to consider? Thus the ability to make relevant public…

Critiquing Nature and the Lancet over their disinformation, but making huge material omissions while doing so. Who is Ian Birrell?

Below are excerpts from a very interesting Unherd article by Ian Birrell, who previously wrote about the lab leak hypothesis when it was very difficult to get anything published on it.  Birrell’s reportage is good, as far as it goes.  But he lets Fauci, Farrar and Collins off the hook.  He ponders whether Chinese money…

Lawrence Livermore National Lab Intelligence Report from May 2020 Found It Plausible Covid-19 Leaked From Wuhan Lab/ WSJ WASHINGTON—A report on the origins of Covid-19 by a U.S. government national laboratory concluded that the hypothesis claiming the virus leaked from a Chinese lab in Wuhan is plausible and deserves further investigation, according to people familiar with the classified document. The study was prepared in May 2020 by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory…

“It ain’t a conspiracy if it keeps coming true! Just say NO!” RC the Rapper “Just Say No” This young man has very clever lyrics in a series of songs that are political and social commentary.  Suddenly I have become a Rap fan.  You may become one too.  He is the only person I have heard provide sharp, solid social commentary that is easily accessible and…

“Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime”/ Nature

Looks like the Nature publishing company is trying to regain some respectability.  They are publishing information that has been suppressed (mostly) since the start of the pandemic.  It turns out that Covid immunity following infection appears to be life-long. Even for mild cases.  (Of course, you heard it from me that immunity was going to…

Peter Daszak. ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive.’ Sir Walter Scott was right

1.  In February 2018 Science magazine ran a long puff piece about the Global Virome Project.  Its nine authors included Peter Daszak and his associates Jonna Mazet and Dennis Carroll. Carroll is a former official at the CDC and USAID, an agency that funded Daszak extremely well.  Carroll left USAID to found and lead the…

Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust and his co-conspirators with a Vietnam connection (Peter Horby and Rick Bright)

Before Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar got the plum job of CEO of the wealthiest foundation in the UK and one of the wealthiest in the world, he did research for Oxford University in Vietnam for 18 years.  It seems curious how one job led to the other. Will (as is said to happen in Las…

NIAID was well aware of the January 2020 preprint by Indian scientists asserting that several short HIV segments were added to the SARS-CoV-2 genome

Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier has asserted the same on French television. From the Council for Legitimate Government: Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble After ZeroHedge Spotlights Man-Made COVID-19 Theory | 1 June 2021 | In January 2020, when the World Health Organization insisted that COVID-19 wasn’t transmissible between humans, and Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the risk…

Josie Golding, PhD was another conspirator whose job was to “end any speculation about deliberate genetic engineering”

Josie Golding is a top employee at Wellcome.  She signed the Lancet correspondence. She was in on the Feb 1-2 phone calls.  She talks to Parliament, which leads me to believe she functions as a producer and communicator of narratives, as well as a manager at Wellcome. Most likely she was brought into the conspiracy…

Here is why I believe the Nature Medicine Authors were longstanding government agents, in addition to having real science jobs.

Probably the reason I looked at the Nature Medicine paper carefully was that I knew 2 of its authors.  I had contacted Robert Garry about 22 years ago, when he and Pam Asa were claiming that squalene had caused Gulf War syndrome and was the cause of the illnesses that followed anthrax vaccinations.  I purchased…

Christian Drosten: coconspirator with Fauci/Collins/Farrar; he’s Germany’s Dr. Fauci,; he’s a Lancet letter signer; and he created the world’s first big PCR test for Covid

Christian Drosten, a German virologist and wunderkind, signed the (lab origin coverup) Lancet letter, and designed the PCR test for Covid that has been touted by the WHO and used around the world.  His PCR test has been challenged by European scientists and physicians.  His PhD is said by some to have been faked. How,…

My 4 recent interviews: the Fauci emails with Bobby Kennedy, and the Children’s Health Defense FDA petition to stop Covid vaccine approval and revoke authorization

June 3:  Bobby Kennedy interviewed me on the Fauci email revelations and their stunning implications May 28:  Kristina Borjesson interviewed me regarding the criminal behaviors of federal agencies laid out in the FDA petition.  Please do read and comment here if you agree! May 27:  Kevin Barrett interviewed me about the petition…

Chris Martenson has more emails that help fill in details of the Fauci/Farrar/Collins coverup of lab origin I will fill in more details on his video later.  He makes clear, with a series of emails, that the three primary conspirators pulled in the scientists to create the fake science on which the natural origin claim was based.  Martenson also expands the cast of characters. Why was Farrar so involved in this…

The real conspirators who lied about Covid’s origin, funded fraudulent trials of therapeutics, and controlled the Covid pandemic are the top public health leaders

In very early 2020 there was a lot of chatter about where the virus, later named SARS-CoV-2, actually came from.  In an excellent, detailed article for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, former NY Times science writer Nicholas Wade describes how two short pieces published in The Lancet and Nature Medicine in Feb-March 2020 determined…

One author has encapsulated everything I have been saying about the Covid vaccines and drugs for the past year

This is a fairly no-nonsense read, easily digestible.  His article makes me wonder whether, in my effort to provide breaking news and analysis, I have lost the woods for the trees.  My stories are broken up into so many pieces (hundreds of blog posts since the start of the pandemic and about 1500 overall) that…

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