My challenge to my Medical Licensing Board: Put up or Shut up.

Published today in The Defender: In a letter to the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine, asked the Board of Licensure to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation.”   The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine this month issued a position statement in which it said:…

UK brings forward boosters to three months after second dose/ Daily Telegraph

So, a mild variant that was discovered in 4 vaccinated diplomats is being repurposed to slam old style mRNA vaccines, that didn’t work the first time, into everyone down to teens in a 3 monthly schedule.  That makes good sense.  Bur only for the vaccine companies. Has anyone to checked to see whether the manufacturers…

Judge isues injunction against the CMS healthcare worker vaccine mandate

Another huge win (finally).  First the OSHA mandate was halted, and now the Medicare/Medicaid mandate, which was imposed on all healthcare entities that did business with Medicare or Medicaid, has also been halted. Ten states were parties to a lawsuit, led by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt,  requesting injunctive relief from the healthcare worker Covid…

World Bank President explains that Pfizer can’t sell its vaccine to countries that won’t waive liability

Just in case you thought there really was some Comirnaty in the US and Pfizer was really going to stand by its product, and sell it while it was subject to ordinary product liability claims, watch this less than 1 minute video. In it, the head of the World Bank explains that Pfizer is unwilling…

Missouri Circuit Court Judicial Opinion: Unelected health officials are unconstitutionally making laws,

The Brownstone Institute wrote today about this decision of November 22, which is music to my ears.  I have been ruminating on how a CDC-sponsored package of legislation (which began as the “Model Emergency Health Powers Act” in 1999 or 2000, crafted by public health law professor Lawrence O Gostin) became the framework for a…

Your FDA at work: killing the demented at $56,000/year. Part of the Great Reset or the Build Back Better and Younger program?

You probably recall that nearly a year ago an FDA advisory committee voted almost unanimously not to license the new drug Aduhelm for Alzheimer’s dementia.  Then FDA, with Janet Woodcock at its helm, gave the drug a license anyway. The data showed the drug was not helpful and probably harmful.  Three members of the committee…

The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing/ Lancet Regional Health letter

Below is a letter compiling recent published evidence of the vaccines’ failures from multiple countries. High COVID-19 vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease. Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of…

STAT (which runs pay for print articles) is raising the stature of Trevor Bedford, one of the co-conspirators in the Fauci virus origin coverup

The young Trevor Bedford, PhD, is now being asked to pontificate on COVID, boosters and the next pandemic.  Being Tony’s errand boy leads to better things, especially when you work at Bill Gates’s own University of Washington in Seattle. UPDATE:  Trevor assisted Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak in crafting language for parts of the coverup…

The abstract many are talking about–because it provides new evidence of profound and long-lasting inflammation associated with damage caused by mRNA COVID vaccines

Steven R Gundry Originally published8 Nov 2021Circulation. 2021;144:A10712 Abstract Our group has been using the PULS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The score is based on…

YouTube wants to be sure no information on early treatment contradicts global or local propaganda

A reader pointed me to YouTube’s policy on misinformation.  The YT Ministry of Truth is committed to keeping the narrative straight, no variations allowed.  Recall that Ms. Wojcicky is the ex-wife of Sergei Brin, the Google cofounder, and that Google owns YouTube and this is a Google policy.  COVID-19 medical misinformation policy The safety…

Drugs with reported efficacy for COVID–Meryl Nass, MD. November 16, 2021

Ivermectin 0.4-0.6 mg/kg daily for 5 days depending on how sick you are and which variant you experience, take with food with fat Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg x2 breakfast and lunch day one, then 200 mg 2x daily for 6 more days. Take with or before food Doxycycline 100 mg 2x/day with large meal, avoid sun…

My interview with Kevin Barrett and an amazing video from Glen Beck. This is where the 2 ends of the spectrum come together.

I used the word “simple” in a peculiar way.  What I was getting at was the simplicity (in my mind) with which one could predict whether someone would want a COVID vaccine based on which party they belonged to or who they voted for to be President.  Was it really that simple for pollsters and…

Only 70% of healthcare workers were fully vaccinated by September 15, according to US government data

 From a paper published in the American Journal of Infection Control, we learn “To protect both patients and staff, healthcare personnel (HCP) were among the first groups in the United States recommended to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We analyzed data reported to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Unified Hospital Data Surveillance…

My testimony to New Hampshire’s Education Committee on 11/16/21 re: an amendment to a bill that would ban Covid vaccine mandates everywhere in the state

I’d guess 500 people came out to support this amendment, while I counted 14 sitting in the masked section of the room who spoke against. My personal favorite quote came from someone who told the committee, “New Hampshire’s motto is “Live Free or Die.” If you won’t follow it, send it to DeSantis in Florida!” …

Here is one of my talks in Anchorage, Alaska two weeks ago

 In a state with under 800,000 people, in two weeks, a group of very concerned citizens organized a huge event.  1200 bought tickets, and medical doctors Richard Urso, Ryan Cole, Robert Malone and myself, along with local physicians, talked ourselves out at five 3-4 hour events over two and a half days.  I flew up…

How much does vaccine efficacy drop over 6 months? The VA and CDC duke it out: whose data are better? Whose study was peer-reviewed? Who got published in Science magazine?

CDC is always finding ways to massage its data or use estimates instead of real numbers to “prove” the veracity of whatever narrative it is currently pushing. In this case it selected 5 VA Medical Centers and came up with numbers that are too good to be true.  But I think CDC did not reckon…

Government vaccine mandates overreach in ways not so far considered

 1.  Mandates for millions of Americans via OSHA offer the alternative of weekly testing for COVID.  However, all COVID tests in the USA are “emergency use authorized” or EUA products, and are therefore experimental under the law.  Using the same argument I have made before, that Americans legally cannot be compelled to be experimental subjects,…

COVID-19 Vaccination of Minors Without Parental Consent/ JAMA Pediatrics

JAMA Pediatrics published an article last month that should frighten every parent. The lead author is a young lady named Larissa Morgan who got her Bachelor’s degree from UPenn in 2013 and she just graduated with the Penn law school class of 2021.  In between, she got a Master’s in Bioethics (MBE).  None of the…

Oklahoma Guard goes rogue, rejects COVID vaccine mandate after sudden change of command, Governor calls mandate “irresponsible”

A nice shot across the bow.  With such a peculiar Presidency (demented, but issuing grandiose orders, and flaunting the rule of law, while being incapable of reaching across the aisle) it will be interesting to see how else Republican states may respond. I was told that 26 states have joined actions against federal mandates,…

Short video telling you everything you need to know for an informed vaccine decision. 7 minutes 50 seconds

Dr. Scot Youngblood spoke to the San Diego county Board of Supervisors on November 7, using the CDC and Pfizer data to show the vaccine provides no net benefit.  I wish I could be as thorough and succinct!

76% of September Covid-19 deaths in Vermont are vax breakthroughs. Texas claims it is only 2.5%

The Texas department of health claims that only 2.5% of COVID deaths are occurring in the vaccinated.  This gets a big headline in the WaPo.  But in Vermont, it is the opposite.  Who can we believe? According to MedPage Today, a generally reliable mainstream source, “In mid-October, the CDC started publishing cases and deaths by vaccination…

Home virus tests recalled over false positives reach 2 million kits/ NY Times

 The Australian company Ellume has expanded a recall of its at-home coronavirus test because of concerns about a “higher-than-acceptable” rate of false positives, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Tuesday. The recall now includes roughly two million of the 3.5 million test kits that Ellume had shipped to the United States by last month, a substantial increase from the company’s…

Applying brakes on ‘Warp Speed’ COVID-19 vaccinations for children/ Washington Times Op-Ed

The long-term side effects are unknown By Dr. Larry Kwak, Dr. Steven T. Rosen and Dr. Idit Shachar – OPINION: As physician-researchers who have pioneered the invention of vaccines and other experimental drugs for over 30 years (against cancer), we feel compelled to highlight the need for caution and honest public debate about potential long-term consequences…

If you get COVID, here is a longer list of OTC remedies that may help you

If you get really sick you will need prescription drugs.  But for those who want to maximize what they can do to fight COVID using easily available Over-The-Counter (OTC) treatments, or who want to stock up with a package of items to be ready, here is a list for you: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc…

CDC lies again–it will now try to impose universal Hepatitis B vaccination of adults!

The criminals at CDC  began 30 years ago to appropriately target iv drug abusers, sex workers and others with a high risk of Hepatitis B to be vaccinated.  There were not enough takers, according to CDC, so the public health officials set their sights on newborns, aimed and fired. Hepatitis B is a viral disease…

Official UK government report claims that 98% of adult blood donors have antibodies to COVID. “Based on antibody testing of blood donors, 98.0% of the adult population now have antibodies to COVID-19 from either infection or vaccination compared to 18.7% that have antibodies from infection alone.” UPDATE Nov. 20:  I did not know what to make of this statistic, so I just put it out there.  Thx for comments. …

Walensky, CDC Director, treats MD Senator with contempt for asking simple questions, like where is the proof that immunity in the recovered is not broad strong and long-lasting? Physician Senator Cassidy asked Rochelle Walensky a few questions the other day.  It was remarkable what she did not know or would not answer. 1.  How many CDC employees are vaccinated?  A:  We are educating them. 2.  How many CDC employees are working from home?  He thought 75%?  A:  I don’t have that information….

FDA makes it very difficult to identify the temporary members who voted at its recent VRBPAC meeting on 5-11 year old COVID vaccines. I want to make it easier for others to correctly identify their conflicts of interest

Below are the permanent members of the committee–but most were not at the meeting, which was stuffed with 11 temporary members whose votes were assured, plus 7 or 8 of the permanent members. I have put a line through those who did not attend, and added the temporary members who replaced them at the bottom…

Kids 5-11 are being bribed with $100 gift cards to be vaccinated, i.e., to be poisoned with spike toxins. Our tax dollars at work. Some officials are offering incentive programs for the millions of American children who became eligible for COVID-19 vaccines this week.  In Chicago, health officials are offering $100 gift cards for children ages 5 to 11 when they get the shots at Chicago Public Health events or clinics, officials said. Plus, the Chicago school district…

Finally a court issues a stay of the mandate for companies with over 100 employees SALT LAKE CITY — A federal appeals court temporarily halted the Biden administration’s occupational safety rule that required businesses with over 100 employees to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine or regular testing. In a ruling on Saturday, a three judge panel at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay sought by Texas, Utah,…

Gavin Newsome dropped off the map right after his booster shot. Nine days later he is still MIA/ ABC TV SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A week after abruptly canceling plans to attend the United Nations climate summit in Scotland, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has receded from public view to deal with unspecific family obligations. When the surprising announcement was made Oct. 29, a spokesperson said Newsom planned to participate virtually in the conference this week….

Biden administration blinked; the OSHA rule for private companies with more than 100 employees allows for weekly testing with face covering in lieu of vaccination. Another example of bluffing to force people to be vaccinated

I must again ask, ‘ What is in those vaccines???’  Why do governments want immune people vaccinated?  In the UK, vaccinated people over 40 are now twice as likely to get Covid as the unvaccinated.  The vaccines work very briefly, but the harm they do is grossly in excess of the benefit.  What is this…

Childrens Health Defense has prepared an ebook and a 2-pager to help educate on vaccinations

 Ebook: 2 sided flyer on COVID vaccines:

VA study: by October, the 3 vaccines averaged 48% efficacy in preventing infection/Science magazine Excerpt: We report SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness against infection (VE-I) and death (VE-D) by vaccine type (n = 780,225) in the Veterans Health Administration, covering 2.7% of the U.S. population. From February to October 2021, VE-I declined from 87.9% to 48.1%, and the decline was greatest for the Janssen vaccine resulting in a VE-I of 13.1%….

Paul Elias Alexander on why children should not be vaccinated

Please read the entire article by Paul Elias Alexander, who is furiously compiling the evidence on recovered immunity (over 80 articles) and other important issues.  I am only posting the second half below. Here are six studies that make the case for not vaccinating children: 1. A 2020 Yale University report indicates children and adults display…

White House delays Covid-19 vaccine mandates for contractors till January By Maddie Bender Nov. 4, 2021 “OSHA has issued an Emergency Temporary Standard for the program, which will require employers to provide paid time off and sick leave for workers to get vaccinated and recover from potential temporary side effects.” [What if they aren’t temporary? –Nass]  Reprints 1 President Biden is delaying its mandate for contractors…

Alaska’s Governor Dunleavy Issues Administrative Order Defending Alaska from Federal Government Overreach November 2, 2021 Today, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy took action against the efforts of President Joe Biden to undermine the sovereignty of the State of Alaska. The Governor issued Administrative Order No. 325, laying out the steps Alaska’s state government will take to protect its constitution and the rights of Alaskans from blatant federal…

CDC weighs in, comparing recovered immunity to vaccine-induced immunity. I comment on CDC’s assertions  Below is CDC’s executive summary.  My responses are in blue–Nass Executive Summary Key findings and considerations for this brief are as follows: Available evidence shows that fully vaccinated individuals and those previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 each have a low risk of subsequent infection for at least 6 months. Really?  A massive VA study (780,000 people) shows…

NIH OFFICIALS WORKED WITH ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE TO EVADE RESTRICTIONS ON CORONAVIRUS EXPERIMENTS/ The Intercept Emails show that NIH officials allowed EcoHealth Alliance to craft oversight language governing its own gain-of-function research. Detailed notes on NIH communications obtained by The Intercept show that beginning in May 2016, agency staff had an unusual exchange with Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance, about experiments his group was planning to conduct…

During ACIP’s public hearing yesterday, David Wiseman let them have it. But the members were blind, deaf and awfully dumb. Here is his excellent testimony

David Wiseman, Ph.D.  ACIP Meeting November 2, 2021     Thank you, Chairwoman Lee.  Former FDA medical officer Dr. David Gortler just wrote that FDA Failed In Its Duty To Ensure Vaccine Safety For Children. After criticizing the UK for rushing to approve Pfizer’s vaccine, Dr. Fauci called FDA “the gold standard of regulation.” With extensive medical industry experience,…

!!! Ontario and Quebec back down: No mandate for health workers, cannot afford loss of tens of thousands of HCWs

There is tremendous strength in numbers.  Hang on, hold tight. This is a huge victory!  I hope my governor, Dem. Janet Mills, sees she is on the losing side after the US election results and eastern Canada’s decision to stop shooting itself in the foot.  Will the Dems keep digging their own graves?  Maine is…

Navy Approves Five Permanent Medical, No Religious Exemptions for COVID-19 Vaccine to Date/ USNI News The Navy has so far approved five exemptions for the required COVID-19 vaccination — all medical, a Navy official told USNI News. The service has approved five permanent medical exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine so far, said Navy spokesperson Lt. Cmdr. Andrew DeGarmo. No one has been separated or discharged, as of Nov. 1,…

The ACIP members sleepwalked through their meeting and voted unanimously in favor of vaccinating all comers aged 5-11. My live blog is below.

merylnass:The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is CDC’s advisory committee that determines which groups should receive vaccinations merylnass:Dr. Chen acknowledged his conflict, being paid by Emergent Biosolutions, which makes the J and J vaccine for the US and the anthrax, smallpox, typhoid and cholera vaccines. It is a famously crooked company. The FDA stopped them…

Pediatric hospitalizations “with” COVID–peaked on September 1, 2021 and have dropped like a stone since kids went back to school Federal data reveal that kids are not spreading COVID to each other, now that they are back in school.  In fact, in May-June 2021, 42% of kids were already immune to COVID, according to CDC.  That number now would be well over 50% immune. Yet again, the public health planners who decided to keep…

Nov. 2: Sen. Ron Johnson to Hold Expert Panel on COVID Vaccine Injuries, Federal Vaccine Mandates On Tuesday, Nov. 2, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson will hold a panel discussion from 10 a.m. – Noon ET with doctors and medical researchers who have treated COVID-19 vaccine injuries and are researching the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. By  Children’s Health Defense Team 0 Link copied The Defender is experiencing censorship on many…

Children’s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Meryl Nass, MD Tell CDC Advisory Committee: Recommending the COVID Vaccine for Children Ages 5 to 11 Will Put Millions at Serious Risk

Injuries to older children and adults following COVID vaccination include death, heart damage, stroke and reproductive harms November 01, 2021 16:18 ET | Source: Children’s Health Defense Washington, DC, Nov. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and Meryl Nass, MD have sent a letter to each…

Additional outpatient therapeutics for the COVID toolkit–what I learned from Drs. Ryan Cole, Robert Malone and Richard Urso this weekend. I will be adding to this list as I learn more

Old standbys (which I have used and can vouch for): Ivermectin 0.4-0.6 mg/kg daily for 5 days dependiong on how sick you are and which variant you experience, take with food with fat Hydroxychloroquine 200 mgx2 breakfast and lunch day one, then 200 mg 2x daily for 6 more days. Take with or before food…

I will be live-blogging the CDC’s ACIP Advisory meeting today starting at 11 am, re the use of Pfizer’s vaccine in 5 through 11 year olds

Here is the link for the livestream and blogging:

Evidence supporting your legal right to refuse a vaccine  President Biden told reporters in December that he would not make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory.

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