Considerations of procedural issues that likely void the ability of a nation’s diplomats to approve the WHO’s 2 proposed international treaties

From where do diplomats get the power to turn over their country’s governance to the unelected WHO? The answer is that very few, if any, actually have the legal power to do so.

Did the WHO actually conduct a vote on the May 2022 amendments, or not? Is the WHO breaking its own rules? European parliamentarians want the evidence NOW.

We saw video of a subcommittee “consensus” process, but where is the evidence that the entire WHA voted? Where is the video? Which nations voted yes?


·       The build-out of a massive and expensive global biosecurity system is underway, allegedly to improve our preparedness for future pandemics or biological terrorism.  In aid of this agenda two documents are being prepared through the WHO:  a broad series of amendments to the existing International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR)[1] and a proposed entirely new…

The International COVID/CRISIS Summit #4 at the Romanian Parliament is now fully posted You can watch the whole event, or just me or certain talks. All my slides are posted below: my 20 minute version on the WHO-globalist coup (involving all the major multinational organizations)

My talk is #17 on Day 2. It is nearly 17 minutes long (was supposed to be 20 but got told to stop at 15, so had to speed it up at the end). Go to the website below, scroll down to page 2, then use the right arrow and keep clicking to get to…

Many have asked us how their nation could exit the WHO. It turns out the WHO Constitution has no provisions to get out. But our international legal consultant has identified two ways to do it.

Door to Freedom will continue to chase down the legal ins and outs of the WHO’s attempted coup

Here is how the May 27, 2024 vote on last year’s amendments to the IHR never happened. Instead, it seems the diplomats knew they would never be held accountable and did not need to even show up

Worth a watch how this happens. We MUST make sure this does not happen at the May 2024 meeting to usher in the Pandemic Treaty and a massively changed IHR

I’m at the International COVID (or CRISIS) Summit #4 in Bucharest, Romania

Here is the Program. November 17 afternoon we have a private conference. I will post my own slides later. I will be discussing founding Door to Freedom, our goals, our methods, our assets, and how we did it! Thank the many very hardworking volunteers! (Secret: we have only 3 part-time employees and look at…

This was my first article about the WHO takeover and One Health, a year and a half ago, which gives you a good background for understanding what is happening

Monday, May 23, 2022 MULTIPLY UPDATED May 24: This post is a winding story of current events and their linkages to hidden agendas. I am in hospital with a fractured hip and it is hard to write. This is not polished but is full of important information MY RECENT HISTORY I arrived in Europe May…

What does the WHO say about its power to enforce the Pandemic Treaty (and International Health Regulations, another treaty)?

Many people have insisted that the WHO could not make the US do anything. Let me remind those people that the US government under Biden is instrumental in pushing forward the WHO proposals, and so it will comply. Here is what the WHO says:–preparedness-and-response-accord What is meant by a  ‘convention, agreement or other international…

Good news: 10 groups including DoortoFreedom, CHD, Sovereignty Coalition are taking our show to Washington

We will be holding a breakfast for Senators, Members and staffs to learn about the WHO power grab on November 8. It will be in the Senate Visitors Center (SVC210) from 8:30 am-10 am for the formal presentation, while experts will be there to answer questions or repeat presentations till noon. Speakers will include: Senator…

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