David Schonbrunn improved on my New World Dis-Order chart. Every week, the cabal’s destruction of our traditions, standards, morals, economy, education etc. becomes more clear.

They are working fast to take down the system to “Build Back Better” for their dystopian future

Natural Asset Companies: yet another major threat to our sovereignty and ownership of property; another fake asset class being created, and a march to de-growth

Conservation easements may not be what you thought; Eminent Domain plays a role, as do “ecosystem services” and new, voodoo accounting methods

South Africa takes Israel to the International Court of Justice for violating the Genocide Convention, of which both are parties

Here is the notice from the Court, reproduced below: https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231229-pre-01-00-en.pdf If you want to read Jeremy Hammond’s take on this, go to his website here. I mailed his article to myself, which arrived entirely blacked out. But it seems to be fine on his website.

New Zealand *rejected* the May 2022 WHO Amendments just before the deadline at end November, the only national government for which there is proof this was done.

This is hugely important. However, the question as to whether the amendments were legally passed remains open, so they may turn out to be null and void for all countries.

David Gortler is the most knowledgeable person challenging the FDA on the COVID vaccines today. Here is his analysis–lawyers please pay attention/Brownstone

David Gortler knows the system, is extremely bright and no-nonsense. He served near the top of the FDA, as well as having been in Academe (unlike Peter Marks he knows his stuff)–SAVE this article.

A new study reports 309 lab acquired infections and 16 pathogen lab escapes between 2000 and 2021, several deaths/ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

This from a review of *published* literature and omits thousands of unpublished reports collected in the US alone, but is still valuable at demonstrating the seriousness of lab leaks

*Important* blast from the past: Tony and Francis explain why creating dangerous viruses with taxpayer money is a “risk worth taking”–and I debunk their bird flu fairytale of woe.

This goes in the “never forget” file. Their Christmas promise to us 12 years ago. I meant to call this post “Tony and Francis’ Excellent Adventure” but it slipped my mind.

Apparently the Maine Medical Board and staff created and voted unanimously to approve a Decision and Order against me that was full of mistakes, they now say

The Attorney Generals’ office begs to rewrite it. It took from September to December to write the original order, but now it seems it was done sloppily and they are asking permission for a redo.

The Billionaires’ Revolution, by Shahid Bolsen and featured by Scott Creighton

American Everyman Shahid Bolsen on The Billionaires’ Revolution (The Lewis Powell Memo of 1971 was the Declaration of Independence for the billionaire revolution) H/T Wall Street Apes full transcript “Well, there’s basically been like a worldwide billionaires revolution going on for the past several years or for decades, really. They’ve taken a very methodical, gradual…

Can you believe it? The Board claims I went public about being forced to lie to a pharmacist to induce them to punish me! I went public to induce the Maine DHHS, Governor and Pharmacy Board to stop…

Withholding life-saving drugs via veiled threats to pharmacists and doctors. I still think that was a crime and I hope they are called to account for it.

Prominent citizens in South Africa and India have told the WHO it has gone too far. Ultra Vires means “beyond one’s legal power or authority. “

Neither India nor the WHO have the legal right to negotiate this transfer of sovereignty from the nation to a supranational, unaccountable body of bureaucrats. The people are reclaiming their rights.

The WHO has to pretend the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) does not exist since the Pandemic Treaty requires nations to transgress the BWC

  Don’t acquire or retain biological weapons (BWC)—versus every nation must go out and find new ones (IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty draft of October 30, 2023) Don’t transfer them to others (BWC)—versus transfer them to WHO’s BioHub that will “share them globally” (Pandemic Treaty draft of October 30, 2023) Fortunately the UN has not…

ONE HEALTH: Want to read a whole lot of words and charts signifying absolutely nothing? Right on time for Christmas, written by the Grinch

Much ado about nothing–yet creating the architecture for a world takeover by the WHO. Big One Health meeting coming next fall. https://www.woah.org/app/uploads/2023/12/guide-to-implement-the-oh-jpa-v19-web.pdf Don’t say I didn’t warn you. They are putting everything in the world into the One Health basket. Including your children’s education, your food and your money. And don’t forget climate change. They…

The WHO has to pretend the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) does not exist since the Pandemic Treaty requires nations to transgress the BWC

Don’t acquire or retain them (BWC)—versus every nation must go out and find them (IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty draft of October 30, 2023) Don’t transfer them to others (BWC)—versus transfer them to WHO’s Biohub that will “share them globally” (Pandemic Treaty draft of October 30, 2023) Fortunately the UN has not yet memory-holed the…

A simple, fabulous cure for skin infections; 2 excellent ways to get the benefits of silver, which inhibits bacteria, yeast, viruses.

Aquacel AG came out about 20 years ago and required a prescription, but it no longer does—and there are multiple generic versions of this bandage-turned-gel sponge you can buy over the counter. Great even for burns and diabetic ulcers. The main reason these don’t heal quickly is because microorganisms grow on and in them, preventing…

US officials blatantly lied under oath about the WHO treaty and amendments at the House of Reps hearing 2 days ago. Australian Minister did the same in the Ozzie Parliament. The new strategy: denial

Don’t let yourself be fooled by any of this–the stakes are much too high.

I will be live-blogging the House hearing on the WHO: Can it be reformed? at CHD-TV, 2 pm ET

CHD.TV‘s event page:https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/reforming-the-who-ensuring-global-health-security-and-accountability/reforming-the-who/ And if you want the hearing without my blogging, you can watch at the link below. CHD.TV‘s event page:https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/reforming-the-who-ensuring-global-health-security-and-accountability/reforming-the-who/

Two new important articles on the WHO from Brownstone

Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty? By David Bell and Thi Thuy Van Dinh. If it is indeed the case that our authorities and their supporters within the public health community consider that powers currently vested within national jurisdictions should be given over to external bodies on the basis…

I am home after 27 days. I met and briefed parliamentarians from 5 countries and about a dozen Congressmembers. House hearing on WHO Wednesday.

All the lawmakers were interested in what the WHO was up to, while few knew the details–since there has been an MSM blackout on the subject. DoorToFreedom.org filled them in.

A Representative in the Philippines sent a letter to Tedros with similar complaints as others. It is not clear whether he represents himself, his committee or the entire Parliament.

Nonetheless, this act shows that representatives around the world are waking up to the legal coup being perpetrated on their Nations and saying NO!

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