Hearing next Tuesday in the House on the WHO
Does anyone have intel on what the Committee is going after?
Does anyone have intel on what the Committee is going after?
Interesting that the Guardian (CIA’s friend) ran this
If anyone has any solid info on Tedros please share with me; so far it has been unsubstantiated allegations
And how it will be spun to push avian flu shots on poultry and people
After I had already filled in their form AND notified the town manager they were not allowed on my property to touch the existing meter
Tricks of the WHO Trade: Coverage not Care, Mental Health, Non-infectious diseases and Financing
Gotta build back better after all the destruction the Coup has initiated, starting with the WHO. More pie in the sky verbiage to transfer money to the WHO for the Coup.
Tel Aviv is an hour from Gaza, but it took 6 hours to send troops? Bibi has some ‘splainin’ to do
This substack today reached 1200 paid subscribers!
Netanyahoo imho will trash his people as well as their judiciary to save his own skin; he already sold them to Pfizer to imho pay his legal costs. Why not order his soldiers to exterminate Gazans too?
Also there will be a free livestream
Of course, I think there are no piecemeal solutions at this point, and it will take a large win against the cabal. But hear a meeting of the minds in California Oct. 28
And BTW I just saw an El Al plane taking off from JFK, presumably heading to Israel, so some transports are taking place
FDA did authorize it–but don’t take it, as there must be a significant problem
WHO’s principal legal officer, Steven Solomon, created a legal weasel fig leaf to justify this illegal maneuver, which has been approved–but how? by whom? and is there any recourse for the people?
Also on the roster are Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole, Richard Urso and more
https://rumble.com/v3nqnkr-the-rsb-show-10-8-23-a-sunday-conversation-with-dr.-meryl-nass.html or https://www.spreaker.com/user/7906132/the-rsb-show-10-8-23-a-sunday-conversati
Just a selection of some I found of interest, since media is not covering this. John Kerry just lost his sinecure.
Removed some UN funds and some climate funds
Assessed refers to dues that must be paid, and voluntary contributions are usually related to specific program requirements the US and other donors impose.
Thank your member for this. Tell your Senator to keep the money out.
Another fabulous lineup! A day of learning and a night of celebrating.
IMHO, this is THE smoking gun revealing premeditated harm-and the fact the vaccines were not pulled after this discovery became known is the best evidence of malfeasance by regulators around the world
Written by the no-nothing political hacks that brought you COVID
It was a big picture look at the Great Reset with much to think about. I just got home late last night
The elites are moving as fast as they possibly can to create the NWO as they lose Young Global Leader heads of state, more people wake up and YGL Trudeau goofs by applauding a Nazi.
In January 2022 the USA put forward a dozen new amendments to be considered by the 194 members of the WHO at its annual meeting in May 2022. These proposals essentially would have given the WHO more centralized power and speed up the adoption of new treaties and amendments to existing International Health Regulations. While…
Some speakers will speak in the Swedish parliament to speak in English starting at 7 am today and I want to provide you the livestream now. Hopefully FLCCC will capture it and make it available later
The major theme is how all the attacks are interconnected, with a goal of confusing us, separating us, injuring us and stealing from us
Since a commenter has made specious claims about what RFK is saying about the WHO, I give you a 3 minute clip you can listen to, and I transcribed some key sentences.
NIAID invented the antigen, licensed it to Pfizer, GSK, Moderna, guarantees approval despite risks and negligible benefit, and collects the royalties. What’s not to like? One hand washes the other
By Scott Hounsell | 9:00 AM on August 06, 2021 https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/08/06/exclusive-cdc-director-walenskys-husband-received-5-million-in-hhs-grants-and-thats-just-the-start-of-it-n421809 When it comes to the swamp that has become D.C., nothing should surprise anyone anymore, especially when it comes to officials within the government using resources to personally enrich themselves or failing to disclose when their families stand to benefit from their governmental “service.” …
“Trust science.” “A change in science is the result of a deeper understanding of a topic.”
Is this the excuse for not looking at all their databases on COVID vaccine safety? Who is looking at the info on over 100 million Americans allegedly collected to assure vaccine safety?
Naomi Wolf has some new emails that show they were covering this up in May 2021. I too showed that myocarditis was known then, along with some others. Reposting 3 stacks I wrote during the past year.
Zachary Stieber confirms what I have long said: the fed agencies knew about myocarditis and hid it and pushed covid vaccines on tens of millions of American (and foreign) kids at high risk
In order to help push the pandemic treaty forward, the UN attempted to get consensus; failed; and is now spinning the declaration as “approved”–but only by the General Assembly’s prez, not the G.A.
My part starts around minute 45.
The weekly FLCCC webinar, last night
But that does not justify their unethical conduct, which also violated their sole mission, to protect the public.
The WHO speaks about the UN proceedings and I decode and add emphases to the statements
I have been trying as hard as I can to alert people to the fraud going on, even as I type. Been taking notes on the nonsense being claimed today at the UN. Which will be reported on later.
11 countries wrote a damning letter saying they are not happy with the proceedings.
To go to the next step we need one or more networking coordinators. Pledges for $50,000 for a year will be enough to hire a FullTime European network coordinator.
Today’s meeting a great microcosm of what we see in the world: 2 world views that never meet. And the Board showed me who was the “Boss”–for now
9 am and I don’t expect it to last very long. Wish me luck.
The 13 pages of UN nonsense David brilliantly discusses below will be passed by the UN General Assembly on Wednesday Sept. 20, to support the plans of elites to infect and impoverish us
Zachary Stieber at the Epoch Times has important new information on the subject of what the federal agencies knew and when they knew it and when they lied about it
Sept 29-Oct 1, fabulous conference outside Stockholm, Sweden where we plot together how to stop the Great Reset
Taped Sept 14, 2023. 41 minutes.
Mostly about the WHO, but also my case and a few other things. I also spoke at the Brownstone Institute monthly dinner Wednesday night
No shots fired. Security staff apprehended the man, who was arrested by police
Talking about the soft coup being undertaken under the guise of protecting us from pandemics
Yesterday FDA licensed the mRNA vaccine (3d version) for Pfizer and Moderna for those aged 12 and up
My presentation on RSV, important for elders and expectant moms in particular. This was a really complete yet clear and understandable discussion of the new vaccines and monoclonals, using about 20 powerpoints, and interesting new wrinkles appeared for me too as I prepared it! I have not heard anyone else talking about most of this….
This is why I state that my license was suspended illegally by the Board
The US quietly terminates a controversial $125m wildlife virus hunting program amid safety fears
We all need to laugh and share these
Dr. Kevin McKernan and Jan Jekielek take a deep dive into the DNA plasmids, SV40 proteins and the meaning of it all. Another must-watch.
They have created many useful resources to use in this fight. Valerie Borek is Stand for Health Freedom’s political director, an attorney, and an extremely knowledgeable person about the WHO. Please consider asking her to speak if you are planning any in-person or online events to educate people about the global biosecurity agenda and how…
They have created many useful resources to use in this fight
These accompanied my “soft coup” talk. The latest version of the Treaty came out a month later. I discuss the Treaty in my new article on how the treaty incentivizes GOF, requires genomic sequencing
This report is designed to help readers think about some big topics: how to really prevent pandemics and biological warfare, how to assess proposals by the WHO and its members for responding to pandemics, and whether we can rely on our health officials to navigate these areas in ways that make sense and will help…
https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/bio-warfare-expert-exposes-w-h-o-pandemic-treaty-threat/ He asked the right questions. He let me talk about things that I thought were really important to get out. He was knowledgeable. But then at the end, he pulled a rabbit out of a hat. He told his audience we are living in very unusual times. That they should stand up and…
The author is Melissa Goldin, who specializes in the “fact check” genre https://www.linkedin.com/in/goldinmelissa/ Now let’s examine her clarity, comprehensiveness and accuracy. Her talent for document analysis seems to fall short of actually reading the documents. By the way, someone should teach her arithmetic. If she went to work for the AP in July 2022, she…
From Ms. Melissa Goldin, who specializes in this type of genre
Del Bigtree was incredibly nice and helpful. I couldn’t be happier with it.
The many overlapping tweets of me at the European Parliament in May have gotten over 5 million views, leading the AP hitwoman to misquote me twice in her first sentence when we spoke just now.
Has the human race just lived through a deliberate experiment to disrupt and change its genome? h/t Sasha Latypova (again)
And 2 new documents for my myocarditis timeline–the FDA/CDC race against time to damage and kill kids for fun and profit
by Dr. Jane Orient of the AAPS
by Richard Smith, MD, retired BMJ editor
It only took 4 days for Kaiser Permanente staff to push back and get mask mandates lifted.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/27/faa-pilots-health-conditions-va-benefits/ Consider refusing to fly on small planes without a copilot.
A German court has sentenced one of its own judges to prison for ruling against the government’s mask mandates.
h/t Jeff Childers. Mike Benz has explained parts of this story. Required reading if you want our freedom back. This is real dot-connecting and modern history.
Warn your friends
My colleague and friend Madhava Setty, MD wrote a mini bio about me
Another hat tip to Daoyu, who found this through an online search
If I were writing 100 years ago the title of this story would be “Repent” A worthless piece of pseudo-research on physicians spreading misinformation online was carried out by 2 young women with BS degrees and supervised by an MD, PhD professor at the University of Massachusetts. It wound up in a top journal (JAMA…
Yet most remain silent. Time to speak out and connect with the rest of the one third on your side
If I were writing 100 years ago the title of this story would be “Repent”
I am VERY GRATEFUL for your support and encouragement
Read. Share. Create the future you want.
Someone at the NYT thinks to leave breadcrumbs
If so, by whom?
from Etienne de la Boetie’s repost of Joe Hoft
I am reposting what Sasha wrote below about our discussion. Please go to her site to watch the 1 hr video, which I think you will really enjoy.
Sasha provided the time stamps, thankfully. I included my slides as one did not come through on the video.
So now I am going to subject you to some of what I have accomplished, simply to demonstrate I know what I am talking about.
The company wants to try it in young women now
I have a black mark in it despite lack of a completed hearing–the demand for a psych evaluation and temp suspension gave me the black mark
46 articles starting in 2015
Hey, it is important info, so I am trying to make it the best I can to wake up our brethren. The end is the most important part.
End of content
End of content