‘It is embarrassing’: CDC “struggles” to track Covid cases as Omicron looms/ Politico

It is not embarrassing.  This is CDC’s MO.  They make certain not to collect the necessary information–which frees CDC to spin the story any way they want to:  since no one can get hold of the quality data to prove them wrong. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/20/cdc-covid-omicron-delta-tracking-525621 “As the world experiences new, more transmissible Covid-19 variants, scientists and health…

Biden seeks to recast pandemic fight/ WaPo

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/12/21/biden-omicron-speech-covid-testing-hospitals/  “For the Democratic Party, Biden’s message indicates a shift away from being the party associated with strict covid mitigation measures as vaccines are widely available and proven to work against the latest variant [???]. The change comes just before the start of a midterm election year in which Democrats are expected to face an uphill…

Some links between this Holocaust and that one/ Mark Crispin Miller

 https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/some-links-between-this-holocaust For those who don’t want history to repeat itself, these videos and readings may prove helpful Mark Crispin Miller 30 min ago 3 Where is Klaus Schwab coming from? Nazi Germany! https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/schwab-family-values/ On the Nazi ownership of Entrust, the German firm contracted to develop Europe’s “vaccine” passport (just as IBM made a fortune providing the…

ZeroHedge provides backstory on the Fauci-Collins takedown of the Great Barrington Declaaration

https://www.zerohedge.com/political/emails-expose-fauci-collins-collusion-smear-anti-lockdown-scientists” Emails Expose Fauci, Collins Collusion To ‘Smear’ Anti-Lockdown Scientists BY TYLER DURDEN MONDAY, DEC 20, 2021 – 04:38 AM Authored by Phillip Magness via The American Institute for Economic Research, From October 2-4, 2020, the American Institute for Economic Research hosted a small conference for scientists to discuss the Covid-19 lockdowns. Just four days later,…

Green Party Steering Committee overstepped in its support of mandates

  Green Party Assembles Circular Firing Squad With its Support of Mandated COVID-19 Jabs By Lauren Smith on Dec 20, 2021 08:26 pm On December 8th the Green’s nine-member Steering Committee, its administrative arm, released a press statement in support of mandatory Covid-19 jabs. In one fell swoop, it rebranded and denigrated the Greens to just another…

3 boosted Dem Senators test positive/ NFL stops tests on vaxxed players to avoid postponements/ 45% of Houston’s cases are Omicron?

Fun news from Medpage Today: As of Monday at 8 a.m. EST, the unofficial U.S. COVID toll is 50,846,841 cases and 806,438 deaths, increases of 925,419 cases and 9,090 deaths versus a week ago. President Biden will address the nation on Tuesday night about the Omicron variant. (CNBC) Despite receiving boosters, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D.-Mass.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and…

More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms/ Brownstone Institute

It is not unreasonable to conclude that surgical and cloth masks, used as they currently are being used (without other forms of PPE protection), have no impact on controlling the transmission of Covid-19 virus. Current evidence implies that face masks can be actually harmful. The body of evidence indicates that face masks are largely ineffective. …

NEW EMAILS Show Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins Scheming Against Top Doctor’s Group that Challenged Their Failed and Deadly Policies/Gateway Pundit

Yet another damning email leak.  This one is from Francis Collins, NIH Director, to Tony Fauci and Fauci deputies Clifford Lane and Lawrence Tabak. Three of them have MD after their names.  One is a dentist by training. They are discussing the Great Barrington Declaration and its 3 authors from Oxford, Harvard and Stanford, full…

Rep. Tom Massie for President

  Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie · 15h Acknowledge natural immunity Allow conventional vaccines in USA Encourage effective treatments Stop EUA vs “approved” shell game Focus on helping those “at risk” Quit acting as if cloth masks work End mandates & passports Return lawmaking to legislatures Resume normal today

Robert Malone on childhood vaccines: short and very pointed. Everyone should read this and share.

 The full interview with Dr. Malone is well worth watching: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uGjXMiBHKe55/ My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and…

My talk to the World Freedom Alliance conference in Copenhagen, November 26, 2021

This talk was about:  a) similarities between the anthrax letters and the COVID pandemic, and  b) identifying and investigating the obvious perpetrators, the foot soldiers of the cabal to institute a great reset.  This is a major vulnerability of the cabal.  Shine a spotlight on the perpetrators, and soon the cabal won’t have so many…

Do we become more powerful human beings when we take a stand against the bully state?/Charles Eisenstein

I think this is a must-read.  I have been avoiding the many Eisenstein pieces sent to me by friends and fellow travelers, due to their length.  My life is one “cut to the chase” after another.  But our predicament now is how to understand and deal with the ocean of people who are seemingly brainwashed. …

Cornell, the boy who cried wolf, and the arbitrary and capricious impositions of punishments

While Omicron is clearly the one you want to get, this is the one the authorities don’t want you to get.  Yet they are risking a “boy who cried wolf” scenario as well as battle fatigue by pulling out all the stops for this one. Can Charles Eisenstein have nailed why the authorities continue to…

I warned you that ACIP recommended Hep B shots for all adults 18-59 one-two months ago. No surprise, there is a new “better” Hep B vaccine just approved by FDA

Theoretically better.  Based on antigens and titers.  Not on cases and cases prevented: The FDA approved the first three-antigen hepatitis B vaccine (PreHevbrio) to prevent infection from all known subtypes in adults, VBI Vaccines announced on Wednesday. Approval for the recombinant vaccine — which contains the S, pre-S1, and pre-S2 hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigens…

OMICRON: Robert Malone excerpts today; summary by Dick Atlee

 This summary of recent studies by Robert Malone indicates that Omicron is a vaccine (and possible previous-infection) escapee, that it is* more transmissible than earlier variants (higher viral replication)* much less serious than the preceding variants (at least in part because it has a higher tendency to infect the upper airway instead of the lungs), and that*…

BMJ tells Facebook to take its Fact-Checkers and shove it/ BMJ

 https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635/rr-80 Rapid Response: Open letter from The BMJ to Mark Zuckerberg Dear Mark Zuckerberg, We are Fiona Godlee and Kamran Abbasi, editors of The BMJ, one of the world’s oldest and most influential general medical journals. We are writing to raise serious concerns about the “fact checking” being undertaken by third party providers on behalf…

BREAKING: Defeat the Mandates – March on Washington: Jan. 23, 2022

 BREAKING: Defeat the Mandates – March on Washington: Jan. 23, 2022 Robert W Malone MD, MS Dec 17 We’re coming home. Americans of every class and color. Democrats and Republicans. Vaccinated and unvaccinated. United we stand, in peace we march. At the Lincoln Memorial, a wide range of featured guests will be waiting. Recording artists,…

As the omicron variant threatens to wipe out monoclonal antibodies, the U.S. is saving up one that will still work/WaPo

Sotrovimab, a treatment from Vir Biotechnology and GlaxoSmithKline, is expected to remain effective against omicron. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/12/16/monoclonal-antibody-sotrovimab/ With the omicron variant of the coronavirus poised to thwart most covid-19 treatments, U.S. public health officials are stockpiling the one monoclonal antibody that remains effective so that it can be deployed when the variant becomes more prevalent. The decision to…

Fauci actually said it was fine to treat with HCQ at the beginning of the pandemic. You can listen to him

Appearing in March 2020 on Philadelphia’s AM 990 The Answer Radio, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he would certainly prescribe Chloroquine to coronavirus-stricken patients in the wake of testimonies stating it could treat the deadly disease. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/25/dr-anthony-fauci-of-course-i-would-prescribe-chloroquine-to-coronavirus-patients/ (Listen from 52:20) A partial transcript is as follows:  CHRIS STIGALL:If you’re a…

Has Omicron shifted receptor binding specificity away from deep lung tissue?/ Robert Malone

What is going on? How can increased levels of Omicron virus replication be associated with reduced disease?  How did so many mutations in the receptor binding domain of Omicron arise, apparently spontaneously?  Why do the evolutionary tree plots show that Omicron represents a separate branch from currently circulating viruses?  How could so many mutations which confer…

Between the Forceps and the Stone: Vaccinating children with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine to protect the aged?/ Robert Malone

Robert W Malone MD, MS Dec 14 156 27 https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/ Before you vaccinate your child, which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging, find out why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring that healthy children should NOT be vaccinated for COVID-19. On behalf of these MDs and PhDs, I…

Yes you can get it again, and yes it can be transmitted by an asymptomatic person

How do I know?  Because there are many examples.  You don’t get it again often, and the second time is generally milder.  This has happened to several of my patients and to a physician friend. You are more likely to transmit virus when you are at peak viral titers, which is after you develop symptoms. …

The UNITY Project’s Boston Tea Party 2.0: On the Tea Party’s December 16 anniversary (and beyond), do not comply. Nullify.

Backed by Globally Esteemed Experts in Health Care and Science, Business Leaders, Grassroots Groups and Concerned Citizens Everywhere VIEW ENTIRE LEADERSHIP TEAM Dr. Peter McCullough The Unity Project – Strategic Advisory Council Member MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, FASN, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA, internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, Chief Medical Officer, Truth for health Foundation, most highly published cardiac and kidney…

5 pm ET today, Unity Project and Global Covid Summit Livestream on the Physicians’ Declaration and vaccinating children

  Before you vaccinate your child, which is irreversible, and permanently damaging, find out why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring that healthy children should NOT be vaccinated for Covid-19. The Unity Project is partnering with the Global Covid Summit for a two-hour LIVE stream event Sunday, December 12 starting at…

Doctors for Covid Ethics/UK Column Symposium on December 10; I was a presenter

My talk reviews the criminal methods used by 4 agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services to suppress the number of adverse events from COVID vaccines, using myocarditis as the example.  This is the biggest conspiracy of all. https://doctors4covidethics.org/gold-standard-covid-science-in-practice-interdisciplinary-symposium-ii-december-10-2021/ Speakers included Drs. Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Yeadon, Michael Palmer, Attorney Mary Holland, Catherine Austin…

Comirnaty, liability, and how the HHS Conspiracy lies, cheats and steals from the public to hide vaccine injuries and useful treatments

If you receive or use a product that is under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and are injured, you cannot sue the manufacturer, whose liability has been waived by the government. The only possible way to obtain benefits is to apply to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). This waiver, and the CICP program apply to…

The profligate buying off of all our institutions, via crazed money printing, is coming home to roost. WSJ

  U.S. Inflation Hit a 39-Year High in November Consumer prices rose 0.8% in the month and 6.8% from a year ago Strong demand for goods such as appliances has driven much of the inflation surge. PHOTO: JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES U.S. inflation reached a nearly four-decade high in November, as strong consumer demand collided with pandemic-related…

I had to write another letter to the Board of Licensure in Medicine today. I felt they should be the first to hear my confession.

Dear Secretary Okoronkwo, Attorney Smith and Dr. Saito, There is something else I would like you to provide to the Medical Board and the Pharmacy Board. One of my complex, high risk patients for serious or life-threatening Covid just got Covid.  The patient and I wanted him treated with hydroxychloroquine.  I reviewed his dozen or…

Americans are smartening up about the boosters

 According to the CDC. as of December 10, 2021: “Overall, about 237.5 million people, or 71.5% of the total U.S. population, have received at least one dose of vaccine.  About 200.7 million people, or 60.5% of the total U.S. population, have been fully vaccinated.*  About 49.9 million additional/booster doses in fully vaccinated people have been…

Covid is feared because of the peculiar second stage of illness: the autoimmune, inflammatory, cytokine storm, allergic stage that leads to death, organ dysfunction and scarring.

No other respiratory virus I have ever heard of routinely causes this dangerous double whammy. Thus I have long wondered whether this particularly nasty consequence of infection had been engineered in…especially when I saw 3 papers, previously mentioned in this blog, that found multiple human epitopes (up to 30) lurking in the viral genome. Now…

Charles Rixey, COVID origins investigator par excellence, turns to poety. Or is it rap?

  Jurassic Snark https://prometheusshrugged.substack.com/ Dear Post-Modern Prometheus, I imagine recent vax uptake has left you agitated –                                      Go cry to those Big Pharma firms you endlessly fellated.                            Still blaming your mandate failures on the unvaccinated?[1]                           How ’bout mandating that all jabs must first be aspirated?[2]                         Stop pretending that your purpose was to save more people’s…

COVID-19: More Deaths in Vaxxed Persons? Simpson’s Paradox

 December 8, 2021 I will fix this formatting mess as soon as the AAPS posts this article–sorry.    COVID-19: More Deaths in Vaxxed Persons?            Are you confused about claims about death rates in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed?         The chart that I posted previously, which showed that all-cause mortality is twice as high in persons…

PLEASE Watch this 3 minute presentation by Brett Wilcox on what our children are learning!!! In school and out. Do we really want to train them, like 1984,with mindbending double messages?

I loved his book Jabbed.  Couldn’t put it down. Here he sees through the fog of confusion being generated relentlessly by government and media.  Wilcox points out the real messages, the messages that we see and read between the lines.   We have to come together and stop this.  And then we have to be even…

COVID-19: Medical board deletes anti-misinformation policy amid GOP pressure

Ho Ho Ho, Christmas is coming and the medical running dogs have started running.  Replace the lot of them and send a lesson that moronic, dangerous decisions backed by nothing, are not acceptable in a state agency, especially one responsible for assuring the quality of healthcare. So instead they voted to make it a secret…

Biden Vaccine Mandate for Contractors Blocked Nationwide/Bloomberg Law

https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/biden-vaccine-mandate-for-federal-contractors-blocked-nationwide The Biden administration’s mandate for federal contractors’ employees to be vaccinated will be halted nationwide, amid a slew of challenges from states that say the president overstepped his authority in requiring the Covid-19 shots. Led by Georgia, the seven states that challenged the mandate set to take effect on Jan. 4 are likely to…

Putin: Omicron may be a live covid vaccine/The Telegraph

 Vladimir Putin has compared omicron to a “live vaccine”, downplaying the potential risks posed by the variant which has now lapped the globe. On Tuesday the Russian President suggested fears about omicron, a highly mutated coronavirus strain which is designated a variant of concern by the World Health Organization, may turn out to be “premature”….

I posted this NIH website info on Informed Consent on May 18, 2019–equally correct today according to the law, while you are being bullied out of this right

 https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000445.htm While the legislature has gone mad, fueled by fake news and Pharma largesse, forgotten are our minimum, legal standards that guarantee informed consent and prevent US patients from being forced to comply with vaccinations and other medical procedures.   Interestingly, the NIH has not forgotten we have this right. U.S. National Library of Medicine GO About MedlinePlus…

The fact that the Overlords are relying on Omicron to justify new restrictions reveals their weakness. They are running out of BS, they are running out of time, and the darn vaccines were too dangerous and ineffective to fool everyone.

What will the Overlords try next?  Aliens?  Climate disasters via weather warfare?  A new Ebola variant?  They seem to be running out of cornaviruses. How long will Bill de Blasio last, I wonder, after demanding vaccine IDs from kids 5 and up?  Why is this crook (remember all the millions for his wife’s mental health…

CDC is always shifting the data. How can you make sense of these two CDC charts that detail COVID infection rates as a function of age?

In the chart below, CDC tells us that children have a lower rate of Covid infection/recovery than adults, apart from adults 65 and older.  Note that this is based on ESTIMATES.  Presumably CDC concocted these estimates to maek it appear that more children “needed” the vaccines because only 35% were immune.  But elsewhere, CDC estimates…

Omicron might prefer the vaccinated…

Sent from my good friend Mark Crispin Miller: “first omicron patients in S. Africa, India and u.s. were fully vaccinated   Search the following by title:   [Search domain cnbc.com] https://www.cnbc.com › 2021 › 12 › 01 › first-us-omicron-patient-was-fully-vaccinated-and-has-mild-covid-symptoms-officials-say.html 5 days agoFirst U.S. omicron patient was fully vaccinated and has mild Covid symptoms, officials say Published Wed, Dec…

WHO says no deaths reported from Omicron yet as Covid variant spreads/ The Guardian

Here’s hoping that omicron turns out to be little worse than a cold.  It has been detected in 38 countries and many US states, but no deaths reported yet–and we know the fearmongers are looking for deaths. As others have said, and I also thought:  wouldn’t it be great if this is a mild strain…

Ursula von der Leyen suggests dispensing with the Nuremberg Code. And she is a German doctor; may she be fearing Nuremberg 2.0, the 2nd Doctors’ Trial?

The optics are not good.  Nor were the optics good as she snuggled up with Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s president, from whom she made a multibillion buy of vaccine.  

Someone told me it was being predicted that Hillary Clinton would be President. I said “Come on.” Now I’m worried they could be right.

 The WaPo did a hatchet job on Kamala Harris today.  They didn’t really have much to go on, besides 4 staff members who are leaving. But they managed to get in a “bully” quote, say she burns through staff, she won’t read her briefing books and then blames staff for not briefing her. They managed…

Hong Kong: 1 in 2700 teenaged males develops a clinical case of myocarditis after the 2nd Pfizer shot/ Clin Inf Dis

About 180,000 adolescents received Comirnaty vaccine in Hong Kong.  33 developed myocarditis.  88% were males and 12% were females.  82% followed the second dose, and 18% followed the first dose.  The mean age of these cases was 15.  One in 2700 boys got a diagnosed case of myocarditis after their second shot. Epidemiology of Acute…

A broad stroke speech by Dr. Robert Malone (given in Tampa a couple of weeks ago) and ultimately uplifting. Please listen.

One listener gave it a beautiful visual embellishment. https://youtu.be/INHpQL9fgto Another created a transcript (below).  Enjoy: Dr. Robert Malone (speaking): Mattias Desmet, he’s a psychologist. He’s also a statistician. He’s at the University of Ghent, so this is Belgium. He’s a European, but he speaks fluent English. Many of us are very impressed by his thinking. Bobby…

Current status of the OSHA mandate litigation

A federal appeals court in Cincinnati rejected the Biden administration’s request to move up deadlines in the legal challenge to its emergency shot-or-test rule that would accelerate consideration of lifting an order that froze the rule. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit didn’t explain why it turned aside the administration’s petition to…

House of Lords committee tells the government it has failed to justify a vaccine mandate on healthcare workers in the NHS/BMJ

Here is the BMJ’s corker:  “DHSC has provided no single coherent statement to explain and justify its intended policy, and this undermines the ability of the House to undertake effective scrutiny of the proposed legislation.” And below is the entire article: A House of Lords committee has raised several concerns about the proposed legislation to…

Califf, Biden’s nominee for FDA Commish and currently a Google (Verily) employee w/many Pharma entanglements, wants the Acting crook Woodcock to stay on at FDA

Califf, nominee to lead FDA, asks Woodcock to stay in leadership role if he’s confirmed.   By NICHOLAS FLORKO STEFANI REYNOLDS-POOL/GETTY IMAGES Rumors have swirled in Washington that Woodcock, a 35-year veteran of the FDA, would retire from the federal government. WASHINGTON — Robert Califf, President Biden’s pick to lead the Food and Drug Administration, has asked…

5 health systems suspending vaccination mandates/ Becker’s hospital review

“With litigation pending over the mandate, here are five healthcare organizations that are suspending mandates: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/workforce/5-health-systems-suspending-vaccination-mandates.html 1. Greenville, S.C.-based Prisma Health is suspending its COVID-19 team member vaccination requirement because of the temporary halt of the CMS mandate, Sandy Dees, media relations coordinator at the health system, wrote in a statement shared with Becker’s. She said…

This is federal LAW for use of EUA products. Most of it is not being adhered to. You don’t have to go along if your boss breaks the law.

 https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/21/360bbb-3 21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3 – Authorization for medical products for use in emergencies (A)Required conditions With respect to the emergency use of an unapproved product, the Secretary, to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances described in subsection (b)(1), shall, for a person who carries out any activity for which the authorization is issued, establish such conditions on an authorization…

Like the Daszak election to the National Academies of Science, dissembling promoter of COVID and other vaccines, John Grabenstein, elected for carrying out the Deep State’s dirty work

Congratulations, John–you have really outdone yourself this time!  You sure have a commitment to service.  I don’t disagree.  But who have you been serving?  And Nuremberg 2.0 awaits.  One more co-conspirator named in this blog. School of Pharmacy Alumnus Elected to National Academy of Medicine October 21, 2021 Retired Col. John D. Grabenstein, R.Ph., Ph.D.,…

FDA Panel Recommends Merck COVID Pill, Despite ‘More Questions Than Answers’/ The Defender

 12/01/21 A U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel on Tuesday voted narrowly to recommend Emergency Use Authorization of Merck’s five-day pill to treat COVID, despite the panel expressing a host of concerns about the drug’s safety and efficacy. By  Seth HancockLink copied https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/fda-vote-lagevrio-merck-covid-treatment-pill/ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee…

Federal judges block vaccination mandate for healthcare workers/ Beckers Hospital Review

Ayla Ellison  https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/legal-regulatory-issues/federal-judges-block-vaccination-mandate-for-healthcare-workers.html Federal judges in Kentucky and Louisiana issued preliminary injunctions Nov. 30 to halt the start of COVID-19 vaccination mandates for millions of workers across the U.S.  One injunction, written by U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in Louisiana, temporarily blocks CMS from enforcing its vaccination mandate for healthcare workers until legal challenges are…

On Nov. 12, northern Florida Federal Judge issued language that may make it more difficult to impose military mandates

Federal Judge Rejects DOD Claim That Pfizer EUA and Comirnaty Vaccines Are ‘Interchangeable’ A federal district court judge rejected a claim by the U.S. Department of Defense that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine being administered under Emergency Use Authorization is interchangeable with Pfizer’s fully licensed Comirnaty vaccine. By  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. 42 Link copied Miss a…

People frequently ask me about detoxing from COVID vaccines or COVID. World Council for Health has taken a stab at this.

15 years ago I did a deep dive into detox for a Congressional testimony on treating Gulf War Syndrome and found there was almost no literature on it.  Detoxing from lead seemed impossible–you never get the IQ points back. There was less literature on detox from other substances. So while there is little scientific proof…

And the Kentucky AG got an injunction too!

https://www.wlky.com/article/federal-judge-kentucky-blocks-biden-covid-19-vaccine-mandate/38393568 This one stops the mandate for federal contractors in 3 states.  All these cases will continue to be litigated, I imagine, and presumably be appealed by the Biden administration if the states prevail, but so many injunctions issued all at once –with clear wording that the mandates are unconstitutional– is a very strong signal…

Healthcare worker mandate shot down nationwide.

 https://www.theadvertiser.com/story/news/2021/11/30/louisiana-federal-judge-blocks-biden-national-covid-vaccine-mandate-healthcare-workers/8806478002/ https://dojmt.gov/federal-judge-grants-montanas-request-for-injunction-on-cms-vaccine-mandate/ Federal Judge Grants Montana’s Request For Injunction On CMS Vaccine Mandate Aaron FlintPublished: November 29, 2021 Louisiana federal judge blocks nationwide COVID vaccine mandate for health care workers https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/MTAG/2021/11/30/file_attachments/2008888/Nationwide%20Injunction%20-%20CMS%20mandate.pdf Greg Hilburn Lafayette Daily Advertiser

My challenge to my Medical Licensing Board: Put up or Shut up.

Published today in The Defender: In a letter to the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine, asked the Board of Licensure to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation.”   The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine this month issued a position statement in which it said:…

UK brings forward boosters to three months after second dose/ Daily Telegraph

So, a mild variant that was discovered in 4 vaccinated diplomats is being repurposed to slam old style mRNA vaccines, that didn’t work the first time, into everyone down to teens in a 3 monthly schedule.  That makes good sense.  Bur only for the vaccine companies. Has anyone to checked to see whether the manufacturers…

Judge isues injunction against the CMS healthcare worker vaccine mandate

Another huge win (finally).  First the OSHA mandate was halted, and now the Medicare/Medicaid mandate, which was imposed on all healthcare entities that did business with Medicare or Medicaid, has also been halted. Ten states were parties to a lawsuit, led by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt,  requesting injunctive relief from the healthcare worker Covid…

World Bank President explains that Pfizer can’t sell its vaccine to countries that won’t waive liability

Just in case you thought there really was some Comirnaty in the US and Pfizer was really going to stand by its product, and sell it while it was subject to ordinary product liability claims, watch this less than 1 minute video. In it, the head of the World Bank explains that Pfizer is unwilling…

Missouri Circuit Court Judicial Opinion: Unelected health officials are unconstitutionally making laws,

The Brownstone Institute wrote today about this decision of November 22, which is music to my ears.  I have been ruminating on how a CDC-sponsored package of legislation (which began as the “Model Emergency Health Powers Act” in 1999 or 2000, crafted by public health law professor Lawrence O Gostin) became the framework for a…

Your FDA at work: killing the demented at $56,000/year. Part of the Great Reset or the Build Back Better and Younger program?

You probably recall that nearly a year ago an FDA advisory committee voted almost unanimously not to license the new drug Aduhelm for Alzheimer’s dementia.  Then FDA, with Janet Woodcock at its helm, gave the drug a license anyway. The data showed the drug was not helpful and probably harmful.  Three members of the committee…

The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing/ Lancet Regional Health letter

Below is a letter compiling recent published evidence of the vaccines’ failures from multiple countries. High COVID-19 vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease. Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of…

STAT (which runs pay for print articles) is raising the stature of Trevor Bedford, one of the co-conspirators in the Fauci virus origin coverup

The young Trevor Bedford, PhD, is now being asked to pontificate on COVID, boosters and the next pandemic.  Being Tony’s errand boy leads to better things, especially when you work at Bill Gates’s own University of Washington in Seattle. UPDATE:  Trevor assisted Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak in crafting language for parts of the coverup…

The abstract many are talking about–because it provides new evidence of profound and long-lasting inflammation associated with damage caused by mRNA COVID vaccines

Steven R Gundry Originally published8 Nov 2021Circulation. 2021;144:A10712 https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 Abstract Our group has been using the PULS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The score is based on…

YouTube wants to be sure no information on early treatment contradicts global or local propaganda

A reader pointed me to YouTube’s policy on misinformation.  The YT Ministry of Truth is committed to keeping the narrative straight, no variations allowed.  Recall that Ms. Wojcicky is the ex-wife of Sergei Brin, the Google cofounder, and that Google owns YouTube and this is a Google policy.  COVID-19 medical misinformation policy https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9891785?hl=en The safety…

Drugs with reported efficacy for COVID–Meryl Nass, MD. November 16, 2021

Ivermectin 0.4-0.6 mg/kg daily for 5 days depending on how sick you are and which variant you experience, take with food with fat Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg x2 breakfast and lunch day one, then 200 mg 2x daily for 6 more days. Take with or before food Doxycycline 100 mg 2x/day with large meal, avoid sun…

My interview with Kevin Barrett and an amazing video from Glen Beck. This is where the 2 ends of the spectrum come together.

I used the word “simple” in a peculiar way.  What I was getting at was the simplicity (in my mind) with which one could predict whether someone would want a COVID vaccine based on which party they belonged to or who they voted for to be President.  Was it really that simple for pollsters and…

Only 70% of healthcare workers were fully vaccinated by September 15, according to US government data

 From a paper published in the American Journal of Infection Control, we learn “To protect both patients and staff, healthcare personnel (HCP) were among the first groups in the United States recommended to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We analyzed data reported to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Unified Hospital Data Surveillance…

My testimony to New Hampshire’s Education Committee on 11/16/21 re: an amendment to a bill that would ban Covid vaccine mandates everywhere in the state

I’d guess 500 people came out to support this amendment, while I counted 14 sitting in the masked section of the room who spoke against. My personal favorite quote came from someone who told the committee, “New Hampshire’s motto is “Live Free or Die.” If you won’t follow it, send it to DeSantis in Florida!” …

Here is one of my talks in Anchorage, Alaska two weeks ago

 In a state with under 800,000 people, in two weeks, a group of very concerned citizens organized a huge event.  1200 bought tickets, and medical doctors Richard Urso, Ryan Cole, Robert Malone and myself, along with local physicians, talked ourselves out at five 3-4 hour events over two and a half days.  I flew up…

How much does vaccine efficacy drop over 6 months? The VA and CDC duke it out: whose data are better? Whose study was peer-reviewed? Who got published in Science magazine?

CDC is always finding ways to massage its data or use estimates instead of real numbers to “prove” the veracity of whatever narrative it is currently pushing. In this case it selected 5 VA Medical Centers and came up with numbers that are too good to be true.  But I think CDC did not reckon…

Government vaccine mandates overreach in ways not so far considered

 1.  Mandates for millions of Americans via OSHA offer the alternative of weekly testing for COVID.  However, all COVID tests in the USA are “emergency use authorized” or EUA products, and are therefore experimental under the law.  Using the same argument I have made before, that Americans legally cannot be compelled to be experimental subjects,…

COVID-19 Vaccination of Minors Without Parental Consent/ JAMA Pediatrics

JAMA Pediatrics published an article last month that should frighten every parent. The lead author is a young lady named Larissa Morgan who got her Bachelor’s degree from UPenn in 2013 and she just graduated with the Penn law school class of 2021.  In between, she got a Master’s in Bioethics (MBE).  None of the…

Oklahoma Guard goes rogue, rejects COVID vaccine mandate after sudden change of command, Governor calls mandate “irresponsible”

A nice shot across the bow.  With such a peculiar Presidency (demented, but issuing grandiose orders, and flaunting the rule of law, while being incapable of reaching across the aisle) it will be interesting to see how else Republican states may respond. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2021/11/12/oklahoma-guard-goes-rogue-rejects-covid-vaccine-mandate-after-sudden-change-of-command/ I was told that 26 states have joined actions against federal mandates,…

Short video telling you everything you need to know for an informed vaccine decision. 7 minutes 50 seconds

Dr. Scot Youngblood spoke to the San Diego county Board of Supervisors on November 7, using the CDC and Pfizer data to show the vaccine provides no net benefit.  I wish I could be as thorough and succinct! https://rumble.com/vouyfd-dr-scot-a-youngblood-md-speaking-to-the-san-diego-county-board-of-superviso.html

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