Ireland finally paying benefits for 2009 swine flu vaccine-caused narcolepsy cases

€1.2m for girl diagnosed with narcolepsy after swine flu jab  FRI, 07 MAY, 2021 – 15:33 ANN O’LOUGHLIN A mediator in the High Court action of a 16-year-old girl who sued claiming she developed a rare sleep disorder after receiving a swine flu jab has recommended a €1.28m award in her case. The teenager, who…

The Vaccine Lies that Bind: FDA, EBS, J and J and the regulators of the EU, South Africa, Canada and Mexico

I have repeatedly warned about vaccine that might have illegally sneaked out the back door of the Emergent BioSolutions Bayview Baltimore plant.  How did Emergent-made J and J vaccine, from a factory that was out of GMP compliance on every single one of its FDA inspections, and never received authorization to ship out vaccine for…

It just makes sense: no Covid vaccine mandates until we actually know how safe the vaccine is, especially in the young/ Maine legislature UPDATE May 7:  I guess it made too much sense.  A “work session” on the bill was scheduled today for May 11, without a hearing!  How does that happen?  Stay tuned. ME LD867 An Act To Prohibit Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations for 5 Years To Allow for Safety Testing and Investigations into Reproductive Harm  …

Compilation of 11 articles discussing several ways the Covid vaccines may damage human tissues

5 papers discussing homologies between the spike protein and human tissue that could induce autoimmune adverse effects. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.  Here is an interesting paper that investigated the mechanisms by which the Astra-Zeneca vaccine causes blood clots and low platelet counts.  My limited understanding is that even though the vaccine used a…

Excellent review of the origin theories of SARS-CoV-2 in plain English/ Nicholas Wade

Nicholas Wade interviewed me once, in 1998, when he wrote for the NY Times.  He then moved to Science magazine with 2 other science reporters from the Times. He is perhaps retired now, since his new opus is posted on Medium and in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. What this long report has, almost…

Why would you design a vaccine that may cause serious neurologic symptoms that mimic those of the disease? / Cell Reports Medicine

This article from Yale authors supports the idea of homology between antigens in the brain and spike protein, thus autoimmune effects on the brain may be due to SARS-CoV-2 infection or to vaccination-induced Spike protein: Divergent and self-reactive immune responses in the CNS of COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms Summary COVID-19 patients frequently develop neurological…

International Criminal Court asked to hear a case against government of Finland for lockdown measures that intentionally caused harm and violated fundamental rights

A Scandinavian correspondent pointed out that a group of attorneys and scientists in Finland have filed a case against their government on April 30 with the International Criminal Court, and asked to join a related case filed by Israeli attorneys. Here is a summary.  The entire file can be viewed as a pdf at The…

Just how much COVID-19 vaccine money (and how many doses per person) is on the table? A whopping $157 Billion through 2025, report says (and 8 doses apiece)/ Fierce Pharma

It is hard for me to fathom what is going on.  The article below indicates that the Pharma industry does not think Covid will be going away; instead it will switch from pandemic to endemic, with outbreaks here and there–apparently justifying lots of vaccine boosters. Harvard’s Marc Lipsitch, PhD had this interesting comment in the…

FLCCC review/ meta-analysis of ivermectin now published–give a copy to your doctor

Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19 Kory, Pierre MD1,*; Meduri, Gianfranco Umberto MD2; Varon, Joseph MD3; Iglesias, Jose DO4; Marik, Paul E. MD5 American Journal of Therapeutics: May Jun 2021 – Volume 28 – Issue 3 – p e299-e318 Conclusions:  Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized…

Congress gave the National Cancer Institute at NIH $300 million to study Covid immunity. What they found was that those who recovered had strong immunity

From Norman Sharpless, the NCI Director:  “Using real-world data from more than 3 million people, NCI researchers and our collaborators have found that people who have had evidence of a prior infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, appear to have some degree of protection against being reinfected with the virus. Exit DisclaimThis finding may explain…

Theory for how the Astra-Zeneca adenovirus vector Covid vaccines lead to blood clotting/ Great Game India

Professor Greinacher has been in the forefront of the race to understand the adverse effects of the A-Z vaccine.    Here is a simple explanation, and the second step, due to EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) is one I had not heard before.  Note that EDTA is used in some chelation procedures, and alone has…

Masking and Microns

Graphic only from Coronavirus: 0.1μm (the speck on the far left) Pore size of N95: 0.1 -0.3 μm (0.1-0.3 microns) Pore size of standard surgical mask: 0.3-10 μm I like this graphic.  For a mask to work, it needs to filter out particles.  This requires that the pore size of the mask be smaller than the…

White House to SHARE its Emergent BioSolutions, unusable Astra-Zeneca vaccine with other nations

From today’s WaPo: Of Americans not yet vaccinated, fewer than 1 in 4 people said they would be willing to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found. Confidence in the other two vaccines remained high. Emergent Solutions, which has been beaten and bloodied by the Washington Post and NY Times over the…

Doctors 4 Covid Ethics serve all European Parliament members with Notices of Liability for Covid-19 response and the EU Vaccine Passport

The material below was posted on the website of the Solari Report and is being widely broadcast.  I am a member of Doctors4CovidEthics.  The European Parliament has had a bill introduced (the Rooken bill) to reject the Vaccine Passport, which it voted to approve 2 weeks ago.  Please Support! European Parliament Served with Notices of…

Experimental Nasal sprays are being developed that appear to reduce nasal viral load considerably

From a preprint: This one has not been tested in humans but looks great in the lab.  Might be used for prophylaxis when entering enclosed spaces.  It is an OTC sinus nasal spray whose active ingredients are xylitol and grapefruit seed extract. Xylitol has a long history of being safe and beneficial in preventing bacterial…

If the vaccines are effective, how long do they work?/ MedPageToday

From MedPageToday:  Maybe you will need those 6-monthly boosters Netanyahu promised if you lack natural immunity… “neutralizing activity in the older groups declined approximately 10-fold at 6 months from the peak 14 days after the second vaccine dose; in those 18-55, activity was down by roughly half. But activity levels in the older groups remained…

Investigating the origin of SARS-CoV-2: Interview with Professor Richard Ebright/Independent Science News

This interview is from late March, but has not gotten the attention it deserves.  Professor Ebright is extremely knowledgeable about the issue of biosafety in high containment labs and about high risk (aka Gain of Function aka biological warfare research). Here is a taste of the interview: … The Open Letter explains in detail the…

Emergent BioSolutions to be Called to Account by Congress on May 19

A few short months ago, Emergent Biosolutions was riding high.  Their stock was at $125/share.  They were a $7 billion dollar company.  They were the epitome of how to turn failure into success: never bringing a product they created to market   selling almost exclusively to the government;  selling single-source products, which meant no-bid contracts;  making…

Letter to All California County Supervisors Regarding Illegal Mandates of EUA Products, fake school openings/ Alix Mayer, Children’s Health Defense-California

Alix Mayer at Children’s Health Defense, California wrote this excellent letter to all California county supervisors, warning them to obey the law or risk litigation. Since the letter is 11 pages long, but could be useful for many other regions, I reproduced the first part, but invite readers to copy and save the entire letter….

Johnson & Johnson suffers another setback as FDA tells Md. vaccine maker to suspend production/ WaPo

From the WaPo our fears are confirmed–vaccine has been leaking out of this plant despite the fact that the plant was never authorized by FDA.  Still wondering if this was related to some of those clinic shut-downs?The storyline is that the unapproved vaccine went to Canada and Mexico.  Are you relieved yet?  From the WaPo:…

Who pays for Covid vaccine injuries? Is anybody out there?

 In Ireland, nobody pays. I updated my knowledge of the United States’ CICP on April 16, through a seminar put on by the RAND Corporation’s Justice Policy program. In the US, you have the right to apply to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.  Of the 700 plus people who have applied, 500 cases have been…

Dr. Charles Hoffe describes what happened to 900 of his patients after they were given the Moderna shot. Please watch or listen

I found this video incredibly compelling.  Yes, he was told to shut up and threatened, and that is a story.  But what truly stunned and sickened me were the number of vaccine injuries in this small population, many who are from the First Nations.  If these rates of injury are broadly representative, we are seeing…

Yet another $10 billion to expand vaccine access and build vaccine confidence?/US News

From US News: “Officials say the nation will soon reach a point where the supply of vaccine outpaces demand. At that point, the biggest challenge will be convincing still skeptical Americans to get the shots, and deciding what to do with a growing stockpile, the Times reported.Vaccine hesitancy is particularly prominent among minorities and Republicans, the Times said.”Three weeks…

EUA Vaccines, Mandates and the US Military: Legal and Historical Issues/Meryl Nass

1.  Are Americans who receive vaccines under EUA experimental subjects? ·        Definitely yes.  An EUA product is not a law unto itself.  According to 21CFR Subchapter D Part 312:  “an experiment is any use of a drug except for the use of a marketed drug in the course of medical practice.” ·       FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn told USA Today. ·        Medicines and vaccines…

How can they keep slamming hydroxychloroquine? By pretending the overdose HCQ/CQ studies didn’t overdose, and meta-analyzing them/ Nature Communications

Just in case people are starting to wake up and realize there are actually effective drug treatments for Covid, it is important to keep banging the drum that says, not only don’t the drugs work, but they are dangerous, to boot. And so we have a new meta-analysis designed to do just that. This is…

PLOT TWIST: Toronto police make no arrests, allow anti-lockdown protest to proceed one day after Doug Ford’s restrictive lockdown measures/ThePostMillenial

From The Post Millennial, where there is a video of the march: Protestors once again gathered at Queen’s Park in Toronto to speak out against the ongoing lockdowns, the latest amendment of which gives police increased authority to enforce the provincial stay-at-home order. “I understand you have an opinion that you’d like to express,” one officer said…

Covid-19: Vaccine passports ‘unethical’, church leaders warn/ BBC

From the BBC: More than 1,200 church leaders have urged PM Boris Johnson not to introduce Covid vaccine certificates, saying they are an “unethical form of coercion”. In an open letter, the leaders – who include Anglican and Catholic ministers – warn passports could create a “surveillance state”. The government says it is reviewing whether…

When mass vaccination programs are mounted in a hurry, bad outcomes and liability are invariably big issues

 1976 Swine Flu vaccine program This program, in hindsight, was mounted to gain support for the Presidential election of Gerald Ford, who was running against Jimmy Carter.  The program was conceived after a soldier died at Fort Dix (after an exhausting march) and then he and several other soldiers were found to harbor swine influenza…

The EU currently has a portfolio of 2.3 billion doses of Covid vaccines from several companies, and is negotiating still more contracts/Deutsche Welle

Five doses perp erson are apparently not enough for everyone in the EU.  Ursula von der Leyen is buying 4 year.  That is 9 doses of Covid vaccine for every man, woman and child in the EU. Still think those vaccine passports are a good idea? What happens in 6 months when the passport…


I had a wonderful 9th grade English teacher.  He taught Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘If’ as something really over the top, full of self-satisfaction, lacking nuance.  Until 2020 I agreed.  The poem’s premise seemed totally outlandish–until now.  Kipling won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1907.  Did he have a time capsule for 2020? IF “If…

Florida, Texas, Idaho, Montana and Tennessee have banned so-called Vaccine Passports

 The Indiana legislature debated the issue, but Democrats blocked a vote on it. South Carolina’s Senate unanimously voted to ban employers from mandating Covid vaccinations for employees. And from the airlines organization, IATA, comes a hopeful sign:  “These are measures that may be necessary as temporary arrangements while we go through this crisis, but once…

European Union plans to buy 4 mRNA shots for every human in the EU in 2022. Why?

According to the Business Standard: Later on Wednesday the President of the European Commission said the EU was in talks with Pfizer and BionTech for a new contract for 1.8 billion doses, confirming a Reuters report from last week. “We need to focus on technologies that have proven their worth. mRNA vaccines are a clear…

Israeli data show a significant increase in Covid cases for two weeks immediately after first dose of Pfizer vaccine

The paper below reanalyzes data from an Israeli study on Covid case rates following Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination. What is important to note is that the data were obtained from an Israeli HMO in which 352,000 people were vaccinated, and 3,098 got Covid afterwards.  These are very big numbers and should be reliable.  I have seen…

Bleeding occurs in 3% of recipients of adenovirus vector vaccines/ Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia) lead to bleeding.  Using adenovirus as a vector in gene transfer experiments consistently led to low platelet counts, according to a 2007 study.  (Hat tip to Tetyana Obukhanyk).  The first sentence in its abstract reads,  “Thrombocytopenia has been consistently reported following the administration of adenoviral gene transfer vectors.”  Update April 15:  “Most…

Can a DNA-based vaccine ‘transform’ a human cell into something genetically different?/ Children’s Health Defense

Why I Won’t Take the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine–A Scientist’s Perspective  Ken Biegeleisen, M.D., Ph.D., explains why he believes Johnson & Johnson cannot guarantee its COVID vaccine won’t alter your genetic code. … With all this in mind, we can now ask the question of whether or not a DNA-based vaccine might “transform” a human…

UK’s Office of National Statistics admits (without explanation) the number of deaths were about 30% too high, hospitalizations about 50% too high

It is the darnedest thing.  The UK government flat out admits it has been lying to the public, but in such a bland manner that it is not at all clear why the official government numbers suddenly shifted.  And they didn’t shift a little.  Covid hospitalizations declined by 50%. The way this is being presented…

U.K. variant isn’t linked to more severe disease or death, study finds/ Lancet Infectious Disease

NBC News reported on this important Lancet Inf Disease study: People infected with the more contagious coronavirus variant first identified in the United Kingdom did not experience more severe symptoms and were not at higher risk of death, according to a new study published Monday. The study, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, looked at data…

How many Americans have taken the vaccine? Reuters April 10

Not as many as you might think, according to Reuters and the CDC. The CDC said 117,142,879 people had received at least one dose, or 46% of US adults.  Fifty-four million additional doses have been distributed.  Some states are welcoming out-of-staters to come get a dose. However, the NY Times has list of % vaccinated by state,…

Is 3 times the charm? Third time a hospital in Buffalo NY area refuses to treat with ivermectin after initial dose is lifesaving A State Supreme Court justice has ordered a Batavia hospital to administer the drug Ivermectin to an 81-year-old Covid-19 patient. The case involving John W. Swanson, a farmer from Stafford in Genesee County, is the latest of several in which judges have ordered local hospitals to give Ivermectin to patients suffering from the virus. The…

Scientists Challenge Health Officials on Vaccinating People Who Already Had COVID/The Defender

Megan Redshaw has been doing an excellent job covering scientific issues for the Defender.  This article explores the issue of vaccinating people who have recovered from Covid, and how it might cause high rates of adverse reactions. The AIER has also recently published an article on this subject, here. Update April 14:  new Lancet commentary…

How to treat Covid

Many people have asked me to post my “whole cocktail” of drugs for Covid. I don’t have a whole cocktail because I individualize treatment based on underlying conditions, age, weight, severity and symptoms. However, I recommend that everyone take Vitamin D, about 5,000 IU/day for prevention and treatment.  Don’t wait until you get sick.  If…

White House Asks CDC to Study How Many Have Died After COVID Vaccine Shots/Jan 28 Daily Beast

Below, I am including a complete article from the Daily Beast, because I meant to blog more about it when it came out but didn’t, and because it is extremely important in understanding the methods used by our public health agencies, especially CDC, to avoid collecting information, so they won’t have to deal with it. …

Forget the variants, things are going well; but beware of the J and J vaccine when the EBS plant is finally authorized

  In the past week in the U.S. from the WaPo New daily reported cases rose 0.1%  New daily reported deaths fell 15.7%  Covid-related hospitalizations rose 5.3% Read more Among reported tests, the positivity rate was 4%. The number of tests reported fell 4.9%  from the previous week Once FDA authorizes the Emergent BioSolutions plant, tens of millions of doses that were produced there during the period of rampant mismanagement may be released for use…

What would your ideal governance system look like?

I propose we Americans design a new political party, say the Constitution party or the Freedom party.  Suggested Principles:  Everyone must obey the rule of law  Corporations are not people  Rescind the law that allows the US government to propagandize its citizens  Uncoerced informed consent is inviolable  No illegal search/seizure/surveillance without a warrant  No digital…

European Medicines Association now looking into blood clots and capillary leak syndrome from the J and J vaccine

There is not a lot of data to go on, But during the clinical trials there were more thrmobembolic events in the vaccine group compared to placebo, as well as 3 or 4 arterial clots in the vaccine group but not the placebo group. EMA probing cases of blood clots after use of J&J’s COVID-19…

Fauci’s NIAID to sponsor a study giving highly allergic persons who attend allergy clinics Covid vaccines to measure their adverse reactions

You would think that at age 80, Fauci might want to avoid a contentious study like the one I am going to describe.  But he is audacious.  And so his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has announced an extremely dangerous study, likely to kill subjects, which actually will learn nothing of…

Astra-Zeneca Vaccine: More countries choose to use it in those for whom it does not work, others stop it altogether/ NY Times

As I explained in my “Flip-Flop” post, it seems that a surprising number of government authorities remain desperate to administer the A-Z vaccine, even to the older age group in which it may be only 8% efficacious or “quasi-ineffective.” Why?  Why why why??? From the NY Times: The Philippines said that it would temporarily stop…

Ignore the BS about reinfections: only a few dozen found worldwide/ Stat

From StatNews: Already, there have already been several dozen documented reinfections around the world, though current numbers are almost certainly an undercount. If subsequent infections are indeed mild or asymptomatic, many of them will go undetected. It can also be difficult to establish two separate infections in the same person. But so far, the available research suggests…

Treat EARLY to prevent dire neurologic outcomes from Covid/ Stat

Treat early.  Treat everyone.  Treat safely.  Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are even used in pregnancy. They shut the disease process down. Refuse to rely on vaccines, whose efficacy at preventing infections, spread, and late complications is unknown, and whose ability to prevent neurologic complications is unknown.   It is even possible the spike protein coded by the…

Latest vaccine flip-flop gives the vaccine game away

The Venous Sinus System, where slow blood flow apparently predisposes to clots after the Astra-Zeneca Covid vaccination The Astra-Zeneca “cheap and easy to store” “workhorse” vaccine causes blood clots in general, and in particular clots in the venous sinuses of the brain, which have killed or wounded a number of people, especially women under 55.  …

It is a lot worse at Emergent BioSolutions than has so far been said/ NY Times

Potential vaccine recipients are very fortunate that Sheryl Gay Stolberg is still on this beat at the NY Times, after twenty years.  Emergent BioSolutions is a biodefense boondoggle barely pretending to be a pharmaceutical firm.  No one in their right mind would want to be injected with one of their products. A friend reminded me…

Current status of ivermectin

While NIH’s guidelines committee was presented with a mound of data, which resulted in a change of recommendation from ‘against‘ its use for Covid to ‘neutral‘ on use, major efforts elsewhere were made to stop the use of ivermectin for Covid. The FDA, European Medicines Agency and the WHO have all issued statements in the…

Naomi Wolf on her view that the vaccine passport is really a platform that will suck up your data, track you, and end liberty/Fox. 1 minute This was removed from 2 platforms where I first found it, so may disappear from the youtube link above.  It can also be found on, but you have to scroll down to find it. Mercola has the 5 minute clip with Steve Hilton.

Latest version of Fareed/Tyson treatment protocol After more than one year of treating COVID-19 on the Imperial Valley frontlines, which included the months the County was the virus epicenter of California, two doctors — Dr. Brian Tyson and Dr. George Fareed— have added to their effective treatment. The treatment changes are based on latest results by other frontline doctors and…

Just a reminder: Emergent gets paid well, even if clinical trials fail/Fierce Pharma

Reminder–from my post 6 months ago:  October 14: from FiercePharma: Emergent has two contracts with J&J. The first, for setup and tech transfer, is worth $135 million in 2020 and 2021. The second, for drug-substance manufacturing, will pay out $480 million in the first two years…  When added to the value of Emergent’s contracts with AstraZeneca…

The Significance of the Nuremberg Code/ Vera Sharav

My friend Vera Sharav, President of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, describes the meaning of the Nuremberg Code.  Before you read her document, I want to highlight a recent Supreme Court case she identified in which blood was drawn involuntarily in a DUI case. Its relevance to compelled vaccination cannot be ignored.  “In a…

Biden administration puts J and J in charge of the Emergent BioSolutions vaccine plant, and cancels Emergent’s Astra-Zeneca vaccine production

Finally the Biden administration is getting serious about Emergent BioSolutions’ Covid vaccine-making.  I hope they have finally understood that this is not a company that  plays by the rules.  This is a company that has turned repeat failures into a multi-billion dollar business.  Emergent succeeds by failing.  How much extra money will Emergent receive as…

How governments fool you into thinking you have given a legal consent, when you haven’t

Half the country has been induced to undergo an illegal procedure (becoming an experimental subject without informed consent) by federal and state governments. The government has knowingly violated the law.  The law says that subjects cannot be offered valuable benefits to participate as a research subject, nor can they be coerced. The law says an…

A London doctor’s experience and heartfelt response to mandating experimental Covid vaccines/ BMJ

Re: Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine? Dear Editor I have had more vaccines in my life than most people and come from a place of significant personal and professional experience in relation to this pandemic, having managed a service during the first 2 waves and all the contingencies that go with that. …

What if the former CDC director is right about the Wuhan labs?/ WaPo

Surprise!  Finally, a clear, non-partisan way forward, to face facts, and honestly investigate the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the Covid pandemic.  Josh Rogin explains in a WaPo Opinion how to rethink the origins narrative.  And he quotes Nicolai Petrovsky in Australia to inform us that we really need a rethink about all the “gain of…

What you need to know about experimental Covid vaccines, the law and the science

1.  Are Americans who receive vaccines under EUA experimental subjects? ·       Definitely yes.  An EUA product is not a law unto itself.  According to 21CFR Subchapter D Part 312:  “an experiment is any use of a drug except for the use of a marketed drug in the course of medical practice.” ·       Medicines and vaccines are either licensed products or…

Associated Press covers the Emergent BioSolutions/ J and J debacle–and it is scary/ AP

From the Associated Press, evening of March 31: Company producing J&J vaccine had history of violations The company at the center of quality problems that led Johnson & Johnson to discard 15 million doses of its coronavirus vaccine has a string of citations from U.S. health officials for quality control problems. Emergent BioSolutions, a little-known company vital…

Here is the explanation of how CDC managed to crank up the new case numbers this week/ Wa Po

In a prior post (titled “Shameless manipulation!“) I explained a variety of ways CDC can manipulate the Covid statistics.  It seems they may be using at least one of these ways to crank up the number of new cases. From today’s Washington Post come these comparisons of the 7-day averages for this week and the…

Italy requires experimental vaccines for all healthcare workers  [And here is the Italian government press release]  Niccolò Carratelli Paolo Russo for “la Stampa” newspaper. Translated by DeepL The most orthodox no vax health workers risk being without pay for eight months. The mandatory vaccination anti-Covid, for them, is now the law. For all health professions, even pharmacists, parapharmacies, private practices. Those who refuse must…

Austrian court throws out PCR tests–bombshell decision The article below came from Christof Plouthe.  I do not know if it is a direct translation or an explanation of the article above, which is in German. An Austrian court came to the conclusion that a PCR test is not suitable for determining infectivity. In the specific case, it was about a lawsuit…

Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

PRESS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers The European Medicines Agency is misleading citizens into medical experimentation, experts warn April 1st 2021 Doctors and scientists from 25 countries have today issued a rebuttal letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), following the regulator’s dismissal of their earlier warnings…

Newest Emergent BioSolutions excuse on its Covid vaccine delay

This article does not make sense to me, but I am reproducing tonight’s NYT story below.  If the quality control issues are still being sorted out, then the “conflation” of two vaccine ingredients is not the whole story of the plant’s problems. FDA knew there were problems a month ago, when it withheld the EUA…

Science article on AZ vaccine-associated thrombosis–reposted with formatting changes due to it exceeding the page width for Safari

 A rare clotting disorder may cloud the world’s hopes for AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine By Kai Kupferschmidt, Gretchen VogelMar. 27, 2021 , 10:20 AM In the tumultuous rollout of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine, all eyes this week were on the United States, where the company had a highly public communication breakdown over the vaccine’s efficacy with an expert panel overseeing a…

Why? This will be another Living List. Please send additions.

 1.  Why did all of the vaccines chosen for Operation Warp Speed use novel technologies, unused in any routine vaccines?  (Yes, a new Ebola vaccine uses an adenovirus vector, and a resurfaced military-only adenovirus vaccine uses one too–but that’s all.)  Why wasn’t a method with a proven track record chosen for the largest vaccine program…

Science magazine acknowledges the rare, serious clotting disorder occurring after Astra-Zeneca’s Oxford adenovirus DNA vaccine

A man receives a dose of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine at a conference center in Rome on 24 March. Italy halted use of the vaccine on 15 March but resumed immunizations four days later.   ANTONIO MASIELLO/GETTY IMAGES A rare clotting disorder may cloud the world’s hopes for AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine By Kai Kupferschmidt, Gretchen VogelMar. 27, 2021…

The “dangerous Covid variants” story is hogwash, as I have told you. Its only purpose is to instill fear/Lockdown Skeptics

The following article is from Lockdown Skeptics:   This morning I wrote that despite the British Covid variant – supposedly much more deadly and contagious – being dominant in the UK since December, positive cases peaked 10 days before the January lockdown, and instead of a Christmas surge, infections plummeted in January and also failed to spike in schools when they reopened in March….

Best short video on Covid Pandemic Falsehoods and Truths/ PANDA

I am remiss for not posting on the organization PANDA previously.  They have wonderful, data-driven information to share.  Perhaps best of all is this new 27 minute video, made by PANDA cofounder Nick Hudson.  Please try to make time to watch it.  You won’t regret it.  And it will probably disappear soon, since it does…

NEWS: I have a new website!

The website is  While it will still undergo some tweaks (and your comments will help me improve it) my goal was twofold: 1.  To get out of the clutches of the Goog universe 2.  To make my writing easier for readers to access, by indexing posts, having a Contents bar, and being able to…

Is Emergent BioSolutions authorized? Why have they shipped Covid vaccine for bottling? No one’s telling/ Roll Call

The Capitol Hill rag Roll Call is just as flummoxed as I am over the Janssen/ Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine being produced by Emergent BioSolutions.  The FDA told them to ask J and J about it, but J and J declined to answer.  Below is the first part of a long article that in…

Understanding the Risks/Dick Atlee

This nice article on Covid vaccination was written by my friend and neighbor Dick Atlee: There has been much discussion recently about frustration with COVID vaccine delays. The desire to end what we’ve all been going through this past year is understandable. But how — and even whether — the vaccines will accomplish this is open to question.  Whether someone should take…

My talk on Emergent BioSolutions, the real maker of the US’ Janssen=Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine

This link takes you (for free) to all the talks give at the National Vaccine Information Center’s International Public Conference in October.  My talk on Emergent BioSolutions was given on the first day.  Enjoy it and many of the others! 

Weapons of War On Our Streets: A Guide to the Militarization of America’s Police/Sam Jacobs

Sam Jacobs asked me to post his article about the transformation of local police departments into a militarized force with a frightening array of equipment. Because this is something we can begin to address at the local level, to prevent police abuses and derail the transformation of police into an army deployed against citizens, I…

Biden Visit to Emergent BioSolutions Abruptly Cancelled after NY Times Expose on the Company Published/ CBS

President Joe Biden’s Visit To Emergent BioSolutions’ Baltimore Lab Canceled Mike HellgrenMarch 8, 2021  BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The White House abruptly cancelled President Joe Biden’s first visit to Baltimore since taking office. Mr. Biden was scheduled to travel to Baltimore City on Wednesday to meet with executives from Merck and Johnson & Johnson and tour Emergent…

ERROR: Anthrax Vaccine Manufacturer Not Quite Authorized by FDA to deliver Covid Vaccines (which are mislabeled as being made by Janssen/ Reuters

Emergent BioSolutions, a company that has never developed a product, but is famous for several very public vaccine fails and a defective nerve gas autoinjector, always gets the sweetheart deal.*  The US Government gave the company $628 million last year to retool their Baltimore factory (purchased in 2012 with federal funding) and shoehorned Janssen/ J and…

Former Baltimore Health Commissioner tells Chris Cuomo that people need their freedoms restricted in order to get more vaccinated/CNN

I could not find it with a google search, but this CNN interview is up on Twitter.   Thanks to a comment from OldLeonB, here is a better link: Amazing that Baltimore’s former Health Commissioner speaks honestly about how totalitarian measures should be used to force more Americans to get vaccinated. I guess former government…

Did the lockdowns/masks actually reduce Covid infections and deaths? WSJ and C2C suggest they didn’t, not at all

The WSJ on March 6 editorialized about how Florida, which ended lockdowns very early, has done much better with Covid death rates than states with much more regulation.  It appears the masks, lockdowns, social distancing provided no discernable benefit.  Maybe they even increased cases and deaths.  C2C ran a similar piece 2 days ago.  In summary:…

The testing mess–UPDATE, and how government is cutting out the middleman (the healthcare system) in Covid testing and vaccinations

Let me start by explaining that an antigen test, performed by (minimally trained) personnel in a nursing home, homeless shelter, or other congregate living setting, rather than in a lab, is often the basis for a diagnosis of Covid. The test does not need to be ordered by a doctor.  It is possible that the…

Vaccine passports won’t be required in Florida, but they are in NYC

It is pretty exciting for me that Florida’s governor says Florida won’t require vaccine passports.  Might this be the start of a trend?  Can legislatures enshrine this in law?  How long does de Santis have in office?   We can only hope that vacation spots and airlines compete with each other on the vaccine passport–which to…

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