Pact for the Future-I missed this AP story that came out 8 days after the Pact was approved “by consensus”; it has some nuggets I will bold
After 8 days, the story is still not accurate as to what this Pact portends
After 8 days, the story is still not accurate as to what this Pact portends
WHO press release suggests I was
October 30, 2024 NZ Medical Council’s COVID actions look like an historical overreach In brief The NZ Medical Council (MCNZ) enforced strict COVID guidance, curbing doctors’ freedom to discuss alternative views. This approach can be likened to historical witch hunts like Salem and McCarthyism. A former Council member testified to the “aggressive” punitive atmosphere…
The U.S., Canada and Mexico last week launched a joint pandemic preparedness initiative that one critic warned could empower the WHO to impose global control measures like vaccine passports.
Is the WHO getting desperate because they can’t document Monkeypox deaths and turn MPOX into the next pandemic? Or is Billie Boy just trying out his newest toy?
Crash our economies, then come in to save the day with a new plan including only electronic money, followed by a social credit score and energy rations
Robert Malone brings the receipts
This info has been massively suppressed. Hardly anyone knows about Attorney Joe Sweeney or his book, published by him 2 months ago. Pre-election there’s a need to know
There is no evidence Trump deliberately took classified documents. Yet he has become a felon due to probably being set up.
A string of sudden unexpected deaths in infants following the Infanrix Hexa® vaccine has forced the drug regulator to go to ground. India also warned about deaths following this vaccine.
Covering some of the same ground I did on Saturday, though I had not read either author before. Our conclusions are similar.
Hat tip to Exposing the Darkness. More evidence that TPTB don’t care about the climate, but use the excuse of climate to acquire huge money pools.
My talk at the Alaskans for Personal Freedom Conference yesterday
What job has she promised to America’s Darth Vader and his offspring?
And while we are at it, a lesson in the lingua franca of globalism
I was in Brussels late last year and the same thing was happening there, adding maddening delays to everyone’s commute. How to make people long for the 15 minute city.
Crowdsourcing the COVID INDEX. A pdf has been added to provide additional information
Get Patrick Wood’s books Technocracy Rising and Technocracy, the Hard Road to World Order to understand the world we live in
Ignore National Propaganda Radio, the JAMA and the CDC
And as it did during COVID, CDC hides behind the skirts of its sister organization, the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
He gets better as he ages. These shots never made any sense–their purpose was to groom Americans to expect to show up each year for a jab
New Yorkers, this is important for you. Ireland has already been through this
FDA said it produced everything. If so, why file a lawsuit asking to be relieved of additional production?
LifeSite has written extensively and courageously on Israel’s war in Gaza: Here’s why—Steve Jalsevic Some of us originally had no idea that numerous secular and orthodox religious Jews and rabbis, and Middle East Catholic and other Christian leaders, are highly critical of Israel and its Zionist ideology. Israeli PM Benjamin NetanyahuPhoto by Lior Mizrahi/Getty…
1.5 hours. Panelists: Simon Wain-Hobson, Alex Washburne, Laura Kahn, Sunetra Gupta, Bryce Nickels (who is on the board of BioSafety Now)
I posted the pdf’s here: Sorry, my computer is playing games with me wrt cut and paste. The URL above is now correct.
I will note the essentials above the WHO update
Great for Florida! Too bad he is not the US Surgeon General
I TOLD you it does not spread easily and will not cause a pandemic. Ignore the panic-brokers.
Saturday Oct 19: Back to Basics conference in Waltham, MA 9-5 am. Westin Hotel 70 3d Ave. Sharyl Atkisson and Stephanie Locricchio from CHD will be there as well Saturday Anchorage, Alaska Oct 26. COVID Conference sponsored by Alaska Covid Alliance, Personal Responsibility Thurs nite-Sun am Oct 31-Nov 3 Pittsburgh. Brownstone Gala. 2 big…
Dr. Ashley Bloomfield was the face of COVID in New Zealand, just the way Dr. Tony Fauci was in the US, or Dr. Christian Drosten was in Germany. Each was turned into a celebrity as well as a very special doctor who, like Moses, was to lead us to the promised land of NO COVID….
Michael Nevradakis in the Defender
Excellent piece by Clayton Baker, Brian Hooker and Heather Ray in Brownstone and CHD’s Defender
It is happening now. WHY? What is its mission? Well, actually, it does not seem to have a mission. It’s mission is to solve global health problems. But what are they? The World Health Summit fails to say what problems it was formed to solve. Let’s have a look at some of what is happening…
They did a great job burying this HUGE story. Turns out we are in a several million year cold spell and nothing bad will happen if we get a bit warmer. Go to the WaPo article to see all the graphics
I saw this posted by Patrick Woods. We can’t lose freedom of speech.
2 screenshots from Monticello
I made this as short as I could. The spider’s web of organizations whose job is to disinform us is huge, rich and influential. Watch for the repetitive buzzwords!
The purpose of government is to preserve your rights. That’s it. US government power derives only from the consent of the governed.
This gentleman writes faster than I can read or comment. He has just put out another book, and several interesting posts.
Ursula von der Leyen told the WEF misinformation was this year’s #1 problem
The UN promises to deliver “climate justice.” Do you think they will bury this concept after the past 2 weeks of early warnings?
2 gutsy companies (Arcturus and CSL) test drive their first-in-class vaccine in Japan–and how this ties in with the 100 day vaccine promise of CEPI and the globalists
hat tip to Teresa Platt for sharing this article
Not well at all, even when cherry-picking the studies
We have a love affair with emergency vaccines. You get all the risk and our buds get ungodly profits. 20 human US cases, not even 1 hospitalized. So go get your vax.
But now that it has been passed, take a look at what the UN claims it does. I comment on the “deliverables” in italics
But what have they learned to do recently?
My talk on how various UN conferences and treaties (and selected people) over 50+ years have methodically been putting the policy/legal underpinnings of the New World Order into place, piece by piece
Next “investment round” i.e. call for donations starts next Monday, October 14 at the World Health Summit. A “pivotal moment,” “signature event,” and begging bowl wrapped into one
Until June 1, all your donations were spent to get the word out about what the WHO was doing, and for arranging events in the US and Europe. But now there are much better ways to donate.
Compact, clear, comprehensive
Does a parallel process through the UN seek to claim jurisdiction over the issue instead? Need legal minds with spare time.
Instead they do an extraordinary waffle and put off the major decisions for future documents, and may be trying to head problems off by negotiating them instead in a biodiversity treaty
No prior version admitted this before. And the BWC imposes limits they don’t want to be bound by. Wonder who forced this issue and got this language added?
I was one of the people who was requested to provide evidence for the report. The Health Minister has been criticized for poor work performance so she blames antivaxxers for being pushed out. No guts.
Unauthorized Science Half the country will say it was stolen Read more 2 months ago · 26 likes · 12 comments · Josh Mitteldorf Unauthorized Science Half the country will say it was stolen Something we can do now to offer confidence in next month’s election result JOSH MITTELDORF OCT 4 No matter who is…
FDA promises to quickly adapt to globalization and climate change.
Is the WHO Aiming to Become a Universal Ministry of Health?
They don’t care if you don’t want it–the plan for world dominance using pandemics must go forward, and “generous” indebtedness is part of the plan
I have not seen it yet–I will tomorrow–but something fishy was going on. What was it?
Is Walz replacing Fauci as the public figure to whom lies come most naturally?
And how it should drop the narratives, telling people how they should live, and get back to assuring peace, national sovereignty and human rights
No one caught Ebola (a cousin of Marburg) on a plane or a train. Never mind–panic anyway! Then worry about MERS, a mor severe cousin of COVID
CDC, located near disaster areas in Atlanta, with 12,000 employees, has made a public service announcement for gas stations, and invites people (without power) to its website
Here is a CHD report, quoting many of us. And some brief thoughts of mine.
COVID taught a lot of people that liability shields are dangerous. Now 31 Congress members want to remove that shield
Dr. Marik has been ill while travelling in New Zealand and Australia and you may want to send this brilliant and kind man some love. PMARIK@FLCCC.NET
And the narrative creators now spin it as a sorry effect of climate change. Why do they never mention possible weather warfare? My central role at unraveling this crime in 1992 is mentioned.
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