3.1 million views on Twitter: Japanese Prof. Inouye blows the whistle on the COVID vaccines and the planned 100 day vaccines that could finish the job the COVID vaccines started
8 minutes
Get behind the H5N1 bird flu fear train dammit if we are to get these treaties passed. I decode her “call to action”– and admission they don’t actually have a reliable test
Strangely, Paul Marik had something similar happen to him: 2 official communications from our states, which were at odds with each other, on the same day
Please view this at the Uncover DC site for embedded graphics and videos!!! PLEASE
***NEWS RELEASE*** For Immediate Release April 10, 2024 CONTACT: Matthew Franklin, MFranklin@SecureFreedom.org SOVEREIGNTY COALITION, CONGRESSIONAL PATRIOTS ANNOUNCE EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN TO FIGHT THE W.H.O. Join in Rejecting Biden’s Stealthy “Global Governance” Gambit WASHINGTON, D.C.— In just 47 days, the Biden presidency hopes to pull off what may be its most insidious and far-reaching violation of the…
US Submitting to a Maoist-Controlled WHO?/ Act for America
And the Ron Johnson bill gets revived
https://doortofreedom.org/state-leaders-and-activists/#sovcoalitionmeeting A collection of background documents and information for local organizers, focused on issues in the United States. Contents: Sovereignty Coalition’s weekly Meetings One page overview The Strategy to Stop the WHO Three page background information Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them Model letter from state Attorney General to…
We have a great website up now with loads of information for activists–details will be in the next post
I wonder if the legislators will be angry when they learn they are repeating lies? Or is that par for the course? Ask Senator Dick Durbin to correct his misrepresentations.
Contact me if you are interested in preserving your access to information, bodily autonomy and Constitution and want to help! Let’s keep our national self-determination!
Robert Malone wrote about it as I should have done… but who has time.
‘We formally reject WHO and any of these international organizations,’ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said.
Our plan is working; no wonder people are trying to derail it or suddenly demand new strategies.
Op-Ed in The Australian, Brownstone and Epoch Times. Very worthwhile. Pulls no punches. This needs to be shared.
So hard to find Epoch Times articles. Google omits them. Even the Epoch search engine makes it hard. Sorry this took 4 days to post.
From the remarkable cartoonist Anne Gibbons, another nonthreatening graphic to spell out what the WHO proposes doing, for all to grasp in pictures
And I have some very good news
Oh no we would never steal any sovereignty says the World STEALTH Organization. Thanks to Liberty Council for its clear explanation of what is really going on at the WHO
Or will the purple plague vaccines developed in 100 days do the trick instead? Then there is the issue of food control and normalizing obedience to insane orders. Cows next?
My TNT Interview with Jason Olbourne https://tntvideo.podbean.com/e/dr-meryl-nass-on-weekends-with-jason-olbourne-31-march-2024/ My interview with Dr. Drew https://drdrew.com/2024/xi-van-fleet-survivor-of-chinese-revolution-warns-usa-is-following-same-path-to-marxism-ask-dr-drew/ My interview with Naomi Wolf—a lot of good historical data on the 20 plus year plan to use the International Health Regulations as a path to global governance. https://rumble.com/v4lnkal-outspoken-dr.-meryl-nass-sounds-five-alarm-warning-re-who.html My interview with Dr. Peter McCullough https://doortofreedom.org/2024/03/22/peter-mccullough-and-meryl-nass-discuss-who-pandemic-treaty/ My interview with Viviane Fischer and…
H5N1 avian flu that Jeremy Farrar at the WHO keeps moaning about. Not even 1000 human infections ever–and now, mutated, it just causes fatigue or pink eye
8 pm EDT
Can you tell the difference? Doubt it can be downloaded as such.
Hope this does not bore you but it is important to clear things up
Hope this does not bore you but it is important to clear things up. The following grossly wrong assertions were made 2 days ago by someone we had trusted: “… you should realize the following: The WHO negotiations are NOT an attack on national sovereignty. The WHO negotiations are NOT about mandates or lockdowns….
This is a compilation of the important info I have been dropping as individual tidbits over the past few days regarding states power over health regulation. Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them? The Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights states, “The powers not delegated to…
This is a compilation of the important info I have been dropping as individual tidbits over the past few days
The pdf is now included and is slightly edited
From the wonderful John Stone
This was my tour-de-force paper on the 50+ ways HCQ was suppressed during 2020. It followed several earlier, less comprehensive articles I wrote and was added to through mid 2021
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/30/we-will-never-surrender-powers-to-the-who/ Esther McVey, former GB TV presenter, is the UK Minister for “Common Sense”—without a portfolio but to be “anti-woke” —yet this piece of tomfoolery echoes the lies of Tedros and his minions. There is no dignity in public office.—Nass The Covid-19 Pandemic impacted all our lives in profound ways. Countries across the world took…
My comments on the letter are in italics. A preponderance of signers are from former Soviet countries. Kerry Kennedy, on a mission to embarrass her older brother, is an outlier.
My comments on the letter are in italics. A preponderance of signers are from former Soviet countries. Kerry Kennedy, on a mission to embarrass her older brother, is an outlier. Mar 30, 2024 Joint letter to leaders of WHO member states calling for an urgent agreement on a pandemic accord https://gordonandsarahbrown.com/2024/03/pandemic-accord-joint-letter/ 20 March,…
Covering the recent good news, how biowarfare is just like a lab accident, and how to work together to thwart the WHO power grab
After HHS refused them, OK and TX sued but the case was dismissed on standing and the AGs failed to appeal within the 60 day window.
handout/poster in color and grayscale
A relatively small sum, luckily.
Need your help getting resolutions like this passed and getting governors and AGs to go along.
Another lovely handout/poster for your use and edification
My take is that neither was a false flag and the bridge attack was a warning, finally, that Russia has had enough
37 Senators Voted NO to Globalism and to a pandemic information vaccination tyranny
Adding two more weeks of negotiations was hastily agreed, as what was to be the final International Negotiating Body session just ended.
No, peons, this is not a project out of Geneva, London or New York. Trust us. You will get the best BioNTech mRNA vaccines from a factory shipped to Rwanda last year from Germany, run by German staff
Information and Support for State action regarding W.H.O. via Door To Freedom Prepared by merylnass@gmail.com (Dr. Meryl Nass) DoortoFreedom.org. SovereigntyCoalition.org Door to Freedom is rolling out a campaign in the US to educate policymakers and the public on the WHO’s plans to govern health worldwide, especially during pandemics. The way the WHO hopes to accomplish this is…
A joint Sovereignty Coalition-Door to Freedom effort to help you approach lawmakers. Door to Freedom is here to give you all the assistance we can muster in our mutual quest to remain free.
The WHO meets in 60 days and we simply MUST stop them by throwing spanners (wrenches) into their works. We can do it. They have left themselves open in so many ways
SO here I go giving you the full text, highlighted for easier digestion. This should blow the socks off our state officials.
Today they call it a pandemic accord. They refuse to use a single name to confuse the unwary.
Both are adept at singing the “Seat at the table” song
These AGs should be reminded that they have already gone most of the way on this issue and it’s time to finish the job.
“Thinning of humanity,” lack of accountability and WHO coverups are all mentioned in a few sentences. What might this portend?
But this law is wishy-washy, allowing lawmakers to override its prohibition at will. Florida did it once: Let’s do it again, bigger and better!
Bill Blocking WHO, UN, and WEF from Imposing ‘Rule, Regulation, Fee, Tax, Policy, or Mandate of Any Kind’ Passes Louisiana Senate
Please read and share this brief but comprehensive summary of what is afoot widely
Actually very similar to my model state resolution. WHAT a message this sends!
This is from an official reply which I translated using google translate. No more deadly vaccine mandates.
HUGE thanks to ICAN, Del Bigtree and Aaron Siri for exposing this piece of work
If they never made a reservation then there would be no document. But there is a document and it is being withheld
He’s not only a great guy but understands the threat from the WHO
I have added comments and bolded what I think is most relevant
Each speaker has 10 minutes.
It is critical to beat this, or we will be toast. Possibly behind a paywall, so I’m providing the full article, for which Shellenberger also made a video.
A 16 minute quickie on the WHO and global agenda
It goes into all aspects of the issue and features many highly credentialed scientists, 80 minutes. You will not be disappointed.
Here is the International Version
Let’s see if substack will now take a pdf–and it did! I will add the grayscale pdf also for better quality downloads.
This speech was given on Feb 26 in Moscow at the Multipolar Forum
Modern colonialism: fixing the process so the powerful entities have most of the say in the negotiations
I don’t think it works in handouts, but am including here for your advice
This is by far the best and most complete legal discussion of the topic of HCQ and IVM prescribing I’ve ever seen–and I have recommended it for many legal proceedings
The WHO Director-General is about to become the World Health Dictator, unless we stop him! The WHO’s 194 member nations are being asked to vote on two documents this May that will transfer unprecedented powers to the WHO. Here’s what is happening: A new Pandemic Treaty is being proposed that would legalize worldwide use of…
We are developing graphics and want feedback
https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1767525209064558954 https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1767540941378744586 https://twitter.com/RonPaul/status/1768369516155711888
The WHO may not be under the jurisdiction of any court, and its staff has diplomatic immunity, BUT IT IS NOT UNTOUCHABLE.
Ivor Cummins, the Fat Emperor, posts one graphic to explain it. Below it, I post one by David Schonbrunn and myself.
Does the government have the right to can the First Amendment or not? YOU are paying for a multi-billion enterprise to censor YOU
Don’t you dare think outside the mainstream
… Recently at the World Governments Summit Tedros said: “Countries set themselves a deadline to complete the agreement in time for adoption at the World Health Assembly in May of this year. That’s now just 15 weeks away. However, there are currently two major obstacles to meeting that deadline. The first is a group of…
Yet again we set the record straight
Not only normalizing but greatly exaggerating the baseline incidence
Hello? Guess it no longer matters if it works. As long as there is equity and a platform that is rapid, flexible and can be scaled…
Go to the Sovereignty Coalition website to contact them with several clicks or better yet, make a phone call or fax a letter.
This is a very important dive into the origin of COVID–another MUST-READ. The Montana NIAID lab that could have been associated with the origin of Lyme Disease is where Munster studied SARS viruses. by Will Jones. 30 January 2024 https://dailysceptic.org/2024/01/30/is-this-the-man-who-created-covid-19-in-faucis-u-s-lab/ Top U.S. virologist Ralph Baric engineered the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 in his lab at…
This post is a continuation of the article by Will Jones posted recently about the origin of COVID, adding my own spin. From Vincent Munster’s lab page (NIAID Hamilton Montana) we find the following. It indicates that his entire career has been spent promoting the lie that pandemics arise from animal spillover (when this…
Killing 2 birds with one taxpayer stone. Why does NIH have a lab in Montana anyway?
People say I was clear, to the point, complete
Professor Ray Lataster was unknown to me until he presented at ICS5. His useful analysis should be noted for the days these manufacturers go on trial
92% wanted informed consent without coercion: over 2 million Texans voted.
Start planning your gardens for spring. I got 60 lbs of potatoes from planting six pounds last summer.
And it requires financial disclosures from members of government advisory committees. This bill is really important.
Advancing medical science is important! Trust me, I’m a virologist! My comments in italics.
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