CFR and CIA’s InQTel apparatchik Brazilian Bombshell (as in WMD bombs) Luciana Borio can be relied on to provide the globalist bird flu narrative: Be Very Afraid

Get behind the H5N1 bird flu fear train dammit if we are to get these treaties passed. I decode her “call to action”– and admission they don’t actually have a reliable test

POSTPONED TO NEXT WEEK: Press Conference at the Capitol

***NEWS RELEASE***      For Immediate Release      April 10, 2024 CONTACT:  Matthew Franklin, SOVEREIGNTY COALITION, CONGRESSIONAL PATRIOTS ANNOUNCE EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN TO FIGHT THE W.H.O. Join in Rejecting Biden’s Stealthy “Global Governance” Gambit WASHINGTON, D.C.— In just 47 days, the Biden presidency hopes to pull off what may be its most insidious and far-reaching violation of the…

Our new webpage to help with ACTIONS A collection of background documents and information for local organizers, focused on issues in the United States. Contents: Sovereignty Coalition’s weekly Meetings One page overview The Strategy to Stop the WHO Three page background information Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them Model letter from state Attorney General to…

Thou SHALL obey the WHO. The new treaty includes “Shall” 164 times. The IHR amendments 168 times. You bet the WHO wants to order 194 countries around.

Oh no we would never steal any sovereignty says the World STEALTH Organization. Thanks to Liberty Council for its clear explanation of what is really going on at the WHO

5 Interviews I did this past week

 My TNT Interview with Jason Olbourne My interview with Dr. Drew My interview with Naomi Wolf—a lot of good historical data on the 20 plus year plan to use the International Health Regulations as a path to global governance. My interview with Dr. Peter McCullough My interview with Viviane Fischer and…

Gov’ts around the world culled over 100 million chickens for a bird flu of no concern–I told you this last year and now the media are begrudgingly admitting it

H5N1 avian flu that Jeremy Farrar at the WHO keeps moaning about. Not even 1000 human infections ever–and now, mutated, it just causes fatigue or pink eye

Rebutting bizarre assertions about the WHO’s negotiations.

  Hope this does not bore you but it is important to clear things up. The following grossly wrong assertions were made 2 days ago by someone we had trusted: “… you should realize the following: The WHO negotiations are NOT an attack on national sovereignty. The WHO negotiations are NOT about mandates or lockdowns….

Why States Can Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them: Summary of the Evidence

This is a compilation of the important info I have been dropping as individual tidbits over the past few days regarding states power over health regulation. Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them?      The Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights states, “The powers not delegated to…

“How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more”–republishing because we must never forget this evidence of a terrible crime

This was my tour-de-force paper on the 50+ ways HCQ was suppressed during 2020. It followed several earlier, less comprehensive articles I wrote and was added to through mid 2021

They are getting desperate, repeating the lies about the Treaty and Amendments Esther McVey, former GB TV presenter, is the UK Minister for “Common Sense”—without a portfolio but to be “anti-woke” —yet this piece of tomfoolery echoes the lies of Tedros and his minions. There is no dignity in public office.—Nass The Covid-19 Pandemic impacted all our lives in profound ways. Countries across the world took…

One hundred globalist flunkies (including has-been politicians) signed a totally misleading letter about the pandemic treaty last week. I set the record straight.

My comments on the letter are in italics. A preponderance of signers are from former Soviet countries. Kerry Kennedy, on a mission to embarrass her older brother, is an outlier.

A hundred globalist flunkies (including mostly has-been politicians) signed a totally misleading letter about the pandemic treaty last week. I set the record straight

My comments on the letter are in italics. A preponderance of signers are from former Soviet countries. Kerry Kennedy, on a mission to embarrass her older brother, is an outlier.   Mar 30, 2024 Joint letter to leaders of WHO member states calling for an urgent agreement on a pandemic accord   20 March,…

The Pandemic Treaty is on the rocks. Developing nations don’t want to pay for the expensive buildout of a biosecurity system while all they get is a measly handout for sharing bioweapons

Adding two more weeks of negotiations was hastily agreed, as what was to be the final International Negotiating Body session just ended.

GAVI, the WHO and related organizations are funding local vaccine development. To fool people in developing nations that the vaccines to be forced on them are really their own

No, peons, this is not a project out of Geneva, London or New York. Trust us. You will get the best BioNTech mRNA vaccines from a factory shipped to Rwanda last year from Germany, run by German staff

WHO Summary for activists who want to help at the state level

Information and Support for State action regarding W.H.O. via Door To Freedom Prepared by (Dr. Meryl Nass) Door to Freedom is rolling out a campaign in the US to educate policymakers and the public on the WHO’s plans to govern health worldwide, especially during pandemics. The way the WHO hopes to accomplish this is…

Here is a model letter that might be a starting point for an attorney general to notify the President that he will not agree to transfer health sovereignty of his citizens to the WHO

A joint Sovereignty Coalition-Door to Freedom effort to help you approach lawmakers. Door to Freedom is here to give you all the assistance we can muster in our mutual quest to remain free.

Florida actually passed a bill last year that prohibited govt or educational entities from adopting WHO guidelines, unless otherwise allowed by law or the Governor

But this law is wishy-washy, allowing lawmakers to override its prohibition at will. Florida did it once: Let’s do it again, bigger and better!

Netherlands government states that providing documentary evidence on its reservation (or not) submitted to the WHO re the 2022 IHR amendments could interfere with its diplomatic relations

If they never made a reservation then there would be no document. But there is a document and it is being withheld

Michael Shellenberger on how governments around the world are using the moniker “Hate Speech” as an excuse to jail and destroy their opponents (and usher in a world takeover)

It is critical to beat this, or we will be toast. Possibly behind a paywall, so I’m providing the full article, for which Shellenberger also made a video.

Tedros lies about what the WHO is trying to do–but we set the record straight

 … Recently at the World Governments Summit Tedros said: “Countries set themselves a deadline to complete the agreement in time for adoption at the World Health Assembly in May of this year. That’s now just 15 weeks away. However, there are currently two major obstacles to meeting that deadline. The first is a group of…

Is This the Man Who Created COVID-19 in Fauci’s U.S. Lab?/ Daily Skeptic

  This is a very important dive into the origin of COVID–another MUST-READ. The Montana NIAID lab that could have been associated with the origin of Lyme Disease is where Munster studied SARS viruses. by Will Jones. 30 January 2024 Top U.S. virologist Ralph Baric engineered the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 in his lab at…

COVID Origin: More on Munster’s NIAID lab in Hamilton, Montana, far from the eyes of the oversight committees, doing GoF research and producing false narratives. Killing 2 birds with one taxpayer stone. Why does NIH have a lab in Montana anyway?

  This post is a continuation of the article by Will Jones posted recently about the origin of COVID, adding my own spin. From Vincent Munster’s lab page (NIAID Hamilton Montana) we find the following. It indicates that his entire career has been spent promoting the lie that pandemics arise from animal spillover (when this…

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