We currently face 4 Disease X’s: Bird Flu, Monkeypox, African Swine Fever (in pigs only) and Dengue. All are being hyped and there are human vaccines for the 3 human diseases

They can be used to reduce the food supply, impose border restrictions, reduce tourism, cause economic sanctions and economic warfare. Not to mention vaccine mandates if the WHO’s desires move forward

The WHO pandemic treaty: dead but not buried/ Unherd

https://unherd.com/newsroom/whos-pandemic-treaty-failure-is-only-a-temporary-victory/ By Kevin Bardosh May 28, 2024 – 10:00am As the World Health Assembly began this week in Geneva, it was announced that member states had failed to reach agreement on a new, legally binding pandemic treaty. Despite not reaching the deadline after more than two years of negotiations, the WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom…

Dark Horse talks about tasting sweet victory, David and Goliath, and that we have proved that the Goliath Globalists are not so clever or powerful as they thought

Yes, I am dancing because they can never go forward under cover of darkness…EVER AGAIN. Now we see them. They exposed their goal and their method.

The US is not an honest broker: a) impenetrable last-minute legalese, b) a history of making reservations that enable the US to dodge compliance, and c) scuttling carefully negotiated agreements

3 Examples of how the US avoids the traps it sets for others Meryl Nass May 29, 2024 Example #1. Here is a resolution the US and a handful of its hangers-on proposed for the WHA to approve today. It is so full of references to other documents (by number) that it is impossible to…

Odds ‘N Ends

Why did the WHO treaty and IHR amendments fail? As Robert Malone said today, “we see that the approved [WHO] narrative is that the collapse was merely due to an intellectual property and commerce dispute between have and have-not countries. [Which is the same narrative James Roguski has been telling you.—Nass] Nothing to do with…

4 recent interviews

Interview with Andrew Bridgen, Liz Gunn and Barry White https://rumble.com/v4wb40b-stop-the-who-pandemic-treaty-with-meryl-nass-md-andrew-bridgen-mp-and-barry.html Interview with James Howard Kunstler https://kunstler.com/podcast/kunstlercast-402-dr-meryl-nass-on-the-w-h-o-pandemic-treaty-the-covid-fiasco-and-the-decline-of-health-care/ Interview with Michael Welch from Global Research, with transcript The Rise of COVID 2.0? Beware the WHO’s Pandemic Industrial Complex Interview with Bruce de Torres https://rumble.com/v4w7t5t-reality-with-bruce-de-torres-21.-dr.-meryl-nass.html

Death rates considerably higher in hospitals for same diagnosis compared to 5 years ago/ Pittsburgh Action News

https://www.wtae.com/article/pittsburgh-hospital-mortality-rates/60847348 Watch the video above, in which a news program is reporting on skyrocketing hospital mortality rates. It is only about a minute, but it is shocking and frightening and disgusting. (Don’t click the arrow below; it does not work.) One hospital is “investigating its algorithms”—maybe the problem IS the algorithms? Maybe while the robotic…

Sovereignty Coalition Summit with government officials from around the world at 10 am ET today

https://sovereigntycoalition.org/ LIVESTREAM: https://sovereigntysummit.org/live-streaming-the-sovereignty-summit/ MEDIA ADVISORY For Immediate ReleaseMay 20, 2024 CONTACT:Matthew Franklin, MFranklin@SecureFreedom.org SOVEREIGNTY COALITION’S “SOVEREIGNTY SUMMIT” TO SHOWCASE OPPOSITION TO W.H.O.’S ILLEGAL POWER-GRAB World Leaders to Say “Not Now” to Improper Approval of “Global Governance” Treaties WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Sovereignty Coalition is pleased to announce its convening of “The Sovereignty Summit” to demonstrate the growing…

Plea to African Union: Halt votes on WHO pandemic agreement and international health regulations amendments

https://mg.co.za/thought-leader/opinion/2024-05-17-plea-to-african-union-halt-votes-on-who-pandemic-agreement-and-international-health-regulations-amendments/ Dear Ministers of Health in Africa, The Pan-Africa Epidemic and Pandemic Working Group calls on the African Union to table a motion to postpone the votes for the draft World Health Organisation (WHO) Pandemic Agreement and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). The working group is a network of senior African academics from…

Louisiana did it! SB133 passed the House. No WHO tentacles in Louisiana

https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/BillInfo.aspx?s=24rs&b=SB133 The vote was 69-22 in the Louisiana House. Recall, the vote was 37-0 in the Senate. It appears that 22 House members are fine with the WHO, UN and/or WEF having jurisdiction in Louisiana. I wonder what their constituents think about that. The bill goes back to the Senate to roll back the date…

Kenyan groups reject WHO’s new pandemic treaty

However, “The Ministry of Health last month indicated the country strongly supported the current text of the treaty.” https://www.the-star.co.ke/health/2024-05-14-kenyan-groups-reject-whos-new-pandemic-treaty/ Some Kenyan groups have rejected the proposed global pandemic treaty, saying it allows rich countries to behave as they did during Covid-19 when they hoarded vaccines. The treaty was mooted by retired President Uhuru Kenyatta alongside…

~15 nations have made their position on the WHO sovereignty grab, misleadingly spun as an “equity” effort, publicly known before the WHA meeting commences

The negotiations have been controlled by globalists, not nations, from day one. How many other countries are entirely fed up with the World Stealth Organization’s tricks?

Tracking Unvaxxed With Fingerprints/ Matt Staver, Liberty Counsel

https://lcaction.org/detail/240510-tracking-unvaxxed-with-fingerprints May 10, 2024 A new lawsuit states the FBI was tracking “unvaccinated” New York City schoolteachers and employees using their fingerprints. The city gathered a list of its employees who refused to get the COVID-19 shots, tagged them with a “problem code,” and flagged them to the FBI with a file that included their…

The WHO decided it must continue “hybrid” Treaty negotiations (backroom dealings) until the WHO members meet last week of May

As I said before, they are desperate to claim a victory, since there is an enormous amount they wish to gain in future and they don’t want the foundation of the pandemic preparedness plan undermined

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