Merck’s Covid-19 Pill Heavily Used So Far Despite Concerns/ WSJ

President Biden didn’t mention Molnupiravir in his State of the Union address, confining his promise of COVID therapies toPfizer’s Paxlovid, the much more effective drug–but nonetheless, Merck’s Molnupiravir is being rolled out and used widely.  How many people know it is only 30% effective (according to its manufacturer, which usually guarantees it is considerably less effective…

Pfizer CEO says 4th shot needed, while Europe’s FDA says doing so risks “overloading the immune system” and might damage your immunity. Who would you trust?

Pfizer’s Bourla says we need a 4th shot.  Pfizer sold $36.8 billion dollars’ worth of COVID vaccines in 2021, making its vaccine the top-selling pharmaceutical product in history.  Pfizer has estimated its COVID vaccine sales for 2022 at $32 billion. Albert Bourla says we need a 4th dose of his magic money-making elixir, but his company…

Official documents reveal huge gap between what FDA and Pfizer would attest to, compared to what the public was told about the vaccine

The label for COMIRNATY is a legal document updated on 12/20/21: 1.  CDC made the false claim on its website that anaphylactic reactions occur at rates  approximately the same after COVID vaccines as other vaccines.  I just looked for the citation and see the claim has recently been removed.  Now, CDC informs us that “safeguards are in…

Look how many doses of vaccine the USG was contracting for/ NY Times Jan 2021

I am reposting this NYT article as it is one of several I blogged about last year regarding the large numbers of doses of COVID vaccines governments were buying, when they ought to have had no idea how much they would need…and certainly not 2.1 billion doses for the USA with resale forbidden.  What did…

Twelve years ago the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program was very open about its efforts to increase biolabs in Ukraine to study biowarfare agents with US funding

 From the Defense Department website: Biolab Opens In Ukraineby Tina RedlupJune 17, 2010 U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine, thisweek, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists.The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded…

Clean-up Crew starting to amend the COVID Death Over-Counts at instruction of the CDC (Centers for Deliberate Criminality and Prevarication)

I wrote about the falsification of US mortality statistics (and also case rates and hospitalization data) through the incomprehensible imposition of new rules on data collection, after I spent weeks poring over the case definition documents and other granular data near the end of 2020, describing my findings here, here, here, and here, and in other posts.  I also…

Massachusetts to reduce count of COVID deaths by 3700 deaths

The rats are trying to clean up their bogus data.  Wondering how that will go for them.  This happened last year in the UK–COVID deaths were reduced by almost 50% if I remember correctly.  I blogged the story as reported in the Telegraph.  It got almost no press otherwise.  Some other US jurisdictions have done…

Very worthwhile video of Ralph Baric briefing Congressional staff and members on February 26, 2020. What did they know and when did they know it? Plenty. Long ago.

Amazing how much they all knew back then.  And then denied.   Especially notable with respect to treatment, Baric points out the need for early diagnosis and antiviral treatment during the first five days of illness.   They knew it was too late for it to work, when remdesivir was given late during a hospitalization. Americans’ bodies…

Is the federal government saving us from poisons or lobbing them at us?

CDC made a very big splash 6 months ago when it claimed that 2 people had overdosed on animal and internet ivermectin.  CDC didn’t have an adverse event to report when doctors had written prescriptions for the drug.  But with two OTC cases, CDC sent out a warning using its emergency alert system.  And docs…

The BMJ Editor-in-Chief, Fiona Godlee, knew exactly what was going to happen with the vaccines 4 months before a single one was authorized. Hotez too. How did they know?/BMJ

This is amazing.  BMJ Editor Godlee knew in August 2020, when the phase 3 vaccine trials were just getting beginning (Ist enrollments were in July 2020) that the vaccines: a) would not be very effective b) would likely just decrease severity of illness and not prevent infection c) might become a suboptimal, chronic treatment, and …

The CIA and CFR have sketched a roadmap of how to get to the “new normal” without giving up the pandemic mindset, it seems/ STAT

Public health experts sketch a roadmap to get from the Covid pandemic to the ‘next normal’ “A new report released Monday charts a path for the transition out of the Covid-19 pandemic, one that outlines both how the country can deal with the challenge of endemic Covid disease and how to prepare for future…

Oldie from ICAN: Members of the Data Safety Monitoring Boards for the COVID vaccines are highly conflicted Pharma stooges. Very important information that explains why these trials were not stopped The boards overseeing the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials are supposed to be independent of pharmaceutical companies. ICAN’s intensive investigation into these boards has revealed conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies that are shocking to the conscience. ICAN, through its attorneys, has therefore filed a formal demand to remove these individuals from these boards. The boards overseeing…

The WHO as a “Proxy World Government”? Global TRsearch

Abolition of the Nation State?  WHO reaches for power over the country and the world In the shadow of the Ukraine war, the WHO is preparing – unnoticed by the public – an “international agreement on the prevention and control of pandemics” binding under international law. The negotiations in Geneva have already begun. Originally, the…

The federal government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage of the vaccines/ The Blaze “In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media…

The surgeon general calls on Big Tech to turn over Covid-19 misinformation data/ NY Times

This is truly frightening.  Misinformation (to be controlled via tech companies) is being treated as a crime, though never defined.  A bill has been introduced to give the tech companies cover to censor and turn over private data to government.  In other words, Congress may ‘legalize’ censorship and criminalize first amendment rights to freedom of…

Florida is the 4th state to explicitly free doctors to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID/ Epoch Times “Repurposed drugs that have been shown to prevent or treat COVID-19 may be prescribed by physicians, the Florida Department of Health said in its new COVID-19 guidance for health care practitioners. The guidance, published on Feb. 24, says that health care practitioners are encouraged to provide early treatment for COVID-19 patients with federally approved generic…

My testimony to the Alaskan Senate Health Committee on COVID vaccine mandates and discrimination by vaccination status

March 1, 2022 Dear Chairperson and Members of the Senate Health and Social Services committee: Thank you for allowing me to present some of the latest information on COVID vaccinations, made public yesterday by New York’s Department of Health and by the United Kingdom’s Department of Health and Social Care, today. The data from over 365,000 children…

COVID-19: Why Are We Ignoring Infection-Acquired Immunity?/ Medscape

Very comprehensive, straightforward review of natural immunity.  The author also makes clear how guidelines for accepting proof of recovery in some European countries are arbitrary and unscientific. The fact that Medscape published this (Medscape had hewed closely to the permissible narrative as well as censoring my comments in the past) reveals that a message has…

Shameless manipulation: Positive PCR tests drop after WHO instructs vendors to lower cycle thresholds. We have been played like a fiddle

I published the following piece on February 12, 2021, but it is chock full of facts that are needed to understand how COVID cases, deaths and tests were calibrated for maximal political effect…these facts remain unknown.  My goal has always been to combat the misinformation being spread by the MSM and federal agencies with verifiable…

Sen Lujan (D, NM), back in the Senate after his stroke at age 49, continues campaign against misinformation

It seems that Senator Lujan is unaware that COVID  vaccines are highly associated with strokes in young people.  Cocaine is another cause of stroke in the young.  Pehaps someone should warn him before he gets a booster.   Luján, Murphy Introduce Legislation to Combat Health Misinformation, Prepare for Future Public Health Emergencies March 2, 2022 Washington,…

As the midterms approach, Republicans club Dems using the Health Care Worker vaccine mandate/ The Hill

Healthcare workers comprise a huge chunk of employees.  They are the only group for which a national COVID vaccine mandate had stood.  Many are extremely unhappy about this mandate–especially when some states or employers have announced they must also get boosters.   Facing close races in November and predictions that the Republicans will take over the…

California weighs punishing doctors for challenging ‘contemporary scientific consensus’ on COVID/ Just the News

Assembly bill promotes long-outdated information about COVID deaths in unvaccinated vs. vaccinated, however, rather than updated Omicron variant figures. Disagreement with the “contemporary scientific consensus” on COVID-19 issues could be deemed “unprofessional conduct” for California doctors. Democratic Assemblyman Evan Low’s AB 2098 “may” be the subject of a March 17 hearing in the Assembly Committee on…

Think carefully about accepting the concept of vaccine passports

The article below was first published 3 months ago but remains relevant.  It is important to keep the possibility in mind that the primary purpose of the vaccine program and mandates is to create a reason for the so-called vaccine passport.  And that the vaccine passport is the veneer, hiding its critical importance as the…

Vaccine Passports. If the vaccine does not work against the omicron variants, there is no reason to be vaccinated. Simple. But the vaccine passports are moving ahead nonetheless

The WHO will shortly convene nations and tech companies to work on an international standard for the so-called health passports, according to Politico: BUILDING A ‘TRUST FRAMEWORK’ —  The World Health Organization will convene member states and leaders of Covid-19 immunization credential technology groups to recognize different vaccine certificates across nations and regions, a top Vaccination…

Health Freedom Defense Fund–I’ve been remiss in not featuring this fabulous organization before

Leslie Manookian, an extremely knowledgeable and brilliant lady who made the film “The Greater Good,” has taken on highly strategic litigation to stop the Covidian takeover.  Below she talks about several important recent events.  Consider supporting her organization “Health Freedom Defense.” February 22, 2022 Updated Homeland Security Bulletin Declares War on Critical Thinking In many quarters,…

California versus Free Speech on COVID/ American Thinker

While I have covered much of the material below, the author puts it together so beautifully I needed to add this to the blog. By Jim Dillon, M.D. In July 2021, the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) sent a letter to its component boards: Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking…

California: where the most draconian vaccine mandates arise and die

 California Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement Introduced AB 1993 instructs an employer to require each employee or independent contractor to provide proof of COVID vaccination By Chris Micheli, February 11, 2022 10:11 am against COVID-19. But school boards in CA cannot impose COVID vaccine mandates!  That is a very good thing.  They have no medical expertise or…

The illegal efforts to vaccinate kids without parental consent bulldozes on/ ICAN

The following comes directly from ICAN, the legal arm of Del Bigtree/ Aaron Siri’s efforts.  Vaccinating without parental consent is illegal.   Have you ever heard of VaxTeen? VaxTeen is an organization that encourages teenagers to receive vaccinations without parental consent.The group also provides information about state consent laws, vaccine information from the CDC, and guides…

World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed/ Pharos and Global Research By Jacob Nordangard Global Research, February 12, 2022 Pharos 5 February 2022 Click here to read the article in your browser. Through its Young Global Leaders program, the World Economic Forum has been instrumental in shaping a world order that undermines all democratic principles. For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the…

The CDC Finally Admits That Natural Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 Is Superior to the Immunity Induced by COVID-19 Vaccines…but holds onto its other lies

Thank goodness for Jeremy Hammond, who can call out the CDC on their lies and withholding of data.  The NY Times added to his reportage 10 days later. As Apoorva Mandavilli wrote in the NY Times 2 days ago, But the C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out…

When WaPo’s wokeness invokes George Orwell—where Freedom is White Supremacy—ya gotta ask what is going on?

On February 11, the Washington Post published a long “perspectives” article written by a PhD student at U. Penn.  Most of it is unintelligible, pseudo-intellectual jibberish.  How did it possibly get so many column inches? Why was it published? More on that later. Here is how the article starts: Made by History Perspective The Ottawa trucker convoy is rooted in…

Worth a long listen: Former Wall Street/ Blackrock’s Ed Dowd on COVID, Money, and everything that is happening

I can rarely stay still this long but managed to find enough dishes and cleaning to hear the whole thing.  A very good interview that gives everything its context.  Love it. ‎Coffee and a Mike: Edward Dowd #370 on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Coffee and a Mike, Ep Edward Dowd #370 – Feb 21, 2022…

Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab, and the infiltration of governments by the World Economic Forum/ Gateway Pundit

Three videos tell the tale.  Klaus Schwab bragged about infiltrating the Cabinets, but when a member of Parliament in Canada asked which members of the Canadian Cabinet were WEF graduates (we already know about Trudeau and Freeland), not only was his audio cut off, but another MP accused him of spreading MISinformation. That word is…

Establishment has decided to reduce # of COVID diagnoses, just like that/ The Telegraph

Free Covid testing to be limited to cut £2bn monthly cost, says Boris Johnson Prime Minister confirms free lateral flow and PCR tests will end and Number 10 will encourage personal responsibility Britain will begin Covid testing “at a much lower level” after a government review on living with the virus this week, Boris Johnson has said….

Governments weigh compensation for COVID deaths and injuries/ WSJ

The Wall Street Journal admitted yesterday the vaccines may cause deaths and injuries.  Rarely of course.  (We wish it was rarely.). Excerpts below, followed by a link to an Epoch Times article about the actual injuries, and a reality check regarding the US government system to pay for injuries.  Of 3700 claims filed, not a penny…

RFK, Jr.’s ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ Is a Record-Smashing Bestseller (900,000 copies)— But Mainstream Media Pretends It Doesn’t Exist/ The Defender It seems we are witnessing a mind-boggling first in U.S. book publishing history — when the hottest runaway bestseller of the season can’t even get its name mentioned in any major newspaper, TV or cable news program anywhere in the 50 states. Say hello to a new kind of suppression: censorship by oblivion — brazen, vicious,…

Associated Press publishes estimate that 73% of Americans are immune from Omicron

Estimated 73% of US now immune to omicron: Is that enough? It’s an estimate.  We have no idea whether it equates to reality.  But it does indicate that the narrative has changed. These numbers come from Bill Gates’ tricky Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.  If memory serves, he supported the…

America’s Ruling Regime Doesn’t Fear Disinformation. It Fears Truth | Opinion/ Newsweek In Joe Biden‘s America, attempting to cancel Joe Rogan is just counter-terror policy. This is because our ruling class—in the name of “defending democracy”—classifies those who question the regime on any matter of consequence as a threat to the homeland, and pledges to pursue them accordingly. Our ruling elites have engaged in an overt war on wrongthink masquerading as a domestic…

COVID-19 deaths, hospitalizations, cases, % positive tests fall nationwide : 10 CDC findings COVID-19 deaths fell nationally for the second consecutive week, while hospitalizations declined for the third straight week and cases dropped for the fourth, according to the CDC’s COVID data tracker weekly review published Feb. 18. Ten things to know:  Reported cases 1. As of Feb. 16, the nation’s seven-day case average was 121,665, a 43 percent…

Oldie but Goodie: Justin Trudeau ran psyops on Canadians over COVID. Why aren’t we surprised?/ RT

It’s utterly unacceptable that Canada’s military ran a secret psyops campaign to manipulate & control the public’s views on Covid.   Eva Karene Bartlett The plan, devised by the Canadian Joint Operations Command, relied on propaganda techniques like those used during the Afghan war. What on earth is going on in the upper echelons of…

Friday Feb 18 Doctors for Covid Ethics symposium #3–starts at 1 pm eastern standard time. Available online later. ONLINE right now! Save the date Friday February 18th 18:00 – 22:00 GMT/19:00 – 23:00 CET Doctors for Covid Ethics and UK Colum present the third snap symposium for urgent times Don’t miss it! Tell your friends Link for Attendance: Friday February 18th 18:00 – 22:00 GMT/19:00 – 23:00 CET Highly Acclaimed International…

COVID-19: Vaccinating kids without parental consent?/ Maryanne Demasi

We find that the identical, illegal action of vaccinating 12 year olds without parental consent is going on in Australia, as it is in many parts of the US and has been proposed for the UK.  Twelve year olds are minors and parental consent is required for all medical procedures.  This is another example of…

Energy Department Now Using the “Misinformation” Meme against those who challenge safety of windmills on people living in their vicinity, with help from NPR

According to National Public Radio (your tax dollars at work),  “There’s another battle in the misinformation wars – renewable energy. False and misleading information about wind and solar is fueling opposition to projects across rural America.” “The spread of misinformation about solar and wind energy is leading some states and counties to restrict or even…

The Mask Debacle: How partisan warfare over mandates became a central feature of the pandemic/Tablet Recent days have witnessed the emergence of a new rift in our pandemic debate. Strikingly, this time the dispute is not just partisan, but also splitting the Democratic Party. While Democratic governors appear to see where political winds are blowing, some blue cities are moving in the opposite direction. And many states that are dropping adult mask mandates are retaining them for kids,…

3’d Pin down: South Carolina A.G issues opinion freeing doctors to use ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine off-label (NE and OK were pins #1 and 2)

 State AG rules doctors can prescribe ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine Publishes legal opinion as hospitals refuse treatments for COVID-19 By Art MoorePublished February 14, 2022 at 8:08pm Asked to provide a legal opinion on hospitals in the state banning doctors from prescribing certain treatments for COVID-19, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson concluded doctors have the authority to…

Trudeau Using ‘Full-Fledged Financial Warfare’ on Freedom Convoy Protesters/ The Defender Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked “The Emergencies Act,” giving the government legal authority to identify and seize the bank accounts of peaceful protestors. By  The Defender Staff 2 Link copied Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s free. In a move that gives him “sweeping powers,”…

Connecticut Governor ENDS COVID vaccine mandates today To my Governor, Janet Mills, every day you delay lifting the mandates the more votes you lose in November.  It will have to be done, and soon.  Do it now. You claim to be leading us on a “New Direction for Maine.”  It requires a U-Turn, Janet. And stop blaming the hospitals for the…

Medical Boards Pressured to Let It Slide When Doctors Spread Covid Misinformation/ Kaiser Health News Tennessee’s Board of Medical Examiners unanimously adopted in September a statement that said doctors spreading covid misinformation — such as suggesting that vaccines contain microchips — could jeopardize their license to practice. This story is part of a partnership that includes Nashville Public Radio, NPR and KHN. It can be republished for free. “I’m very glad that we’re…

How the CDC Abandoned Science/ Vinay Prasad, MD in Tablet The main federal agency guiding America’s pandemic policy is the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which sets widely adopted policies on masking, vaccination, distancing, and other mitigation efforts to slow the spread of COVID and ensure the virus is less morbid when it leads to infection. The CDC is, in part, a scientific agency—they…

Children’s Health Defense Informed the FDA that the Facts Certainly Fail to Support Vaccinations in the 6 month-60 month age group. Here is our letter

    February 9, 2022   VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS and EMAIL      Dear Dr. Janet Woodcock:   We write to you on behalf of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a non-profit organization devoted to the health of people and the planet. We have actively followed your work to evaluate, authorize and approve vaccines for the…

A sample of vaccine and injectable medication tragedies in the US during my lifetime (Reposting). This is what happens when you combine the desire for speed with politicized regulators

All have been due to failures of testing or failures in manufacturing processes.  Most of these tragedies occurred even before vaccine manufacturers were given virtually complete protection from liability in 1987. With the duration of patent exclusivity determining how much new products earn, products are rushed to market as quickly as possible, most using a…

Dystopia Disguised As Democracy: All The Ways In Which Freedom Is An Illusion/ John and Nisha Whitehead Authored by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move…

Trading freedom for safety and losing both/ WaPo … the coronavirus led to “an unprecedented withdrawal of civil liberties among developed democracies and authoritarian regimes alike,” the report said.  “It has led to the normalization of emergency powers, which have tended to stay on the statute books, and accustomed citizens to a huge extension of state power over large areas of public and personal…

The extraordinary story of how patient access to COVID treatments was denied, eventually involving witch hunts of physicians who dared to treat patients

First came the Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine suppression In 2020, I compiled a list of over 50 ways authorities and pharma companies in multiple countries stopped the use of the chloroquine drugs for COVID. This was (and is) a stunning collection, which has been widely read and reproduced on many websites.  When you read it, you are astounded…

“The convergence of violent extremist ideologies, false or misleading narratives, and conspiracy theories have and will continue to contribute to a heightened threat of violence in the United States”/ Department of Homeland Security Date Issued: February 07, 2022 02:00 pm ETView as PDF:  National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin – February 07, 2022 02:00 pm (pdf, 2 pages, 1.86 MB) Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives…

Please Don’t Call This ‘Science’: How FDA, CDC Justified Approval of Moderna’s Spikevax/ The Defender

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s approval last week of Moderna’s Spikevax COVID vaccine — backed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — made a mockery of science and the regulatory process. By  Josh Mitteldorf, Ph.D Link copied Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s…

Maine Doctor Ordered to Undergo Psych Evaluation for Prescribing Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine/ Epoch Times By Alice Giordano   February 8, 2022 Updated: February 8, 2022 biggersmalle Dr. Meryl Nass was hailed a hero by veterans for helping them expose the connection between the military’s mandatory anthrax vaccine and the serious illnesses they were experiencing. The 70-year old Maine internist has given Congressional testimonies in four states on vaccine efficacies, deciphered scientific studies…

‘There’s No Law’: Physician Experienced in Investigating Biological Warfare Challenges Medical Board’s Misinformation Allegation/ Epoch Times By Matt McGregor   February 8, 2022 Updated: February 8, 2022 biggersmaller Though Dr. Meryl Nass, a board-certified internal medicine physician, has been untangling narratives of dis- and misinformation long before COVID-19, it wasn’t until recently that her license was temporarily suspended under the allegation that she is now spreading it. Her research has brought her before Congress…

Omicron booster fails to benefit primates/NIAID and STAT  Omicron-specific booster may not provide more protection, study suggests A new study conducted in primates suggests there may not be a benefit from updating Covid-19 vaccines to target the Omicron variant at this time. The work, by scientists at the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’s Vaccine Research Center, shows that animals boosted…

No question the vaccines increase your susceptibility to COVID. What else do they do? Public Health Scotland If you live in Scotland, a small country, the government, with its NHS, is like Santa:  it knows if you’ve been bad or good.  Scotland has 5.5 million residents.  Over 5 million of them are listed in Scotland’s report of cases, above.  The rest are kids too young for the vaccine.  Sadly for Scots,…

I will be Live-Blogging the CDC’s ACIP Meeting tomorrow on Moderna’s Spikevax–tune in 10-5 pm Feb 4

The same cast of characters who lie, cheat and befuddle us with the poorest quality federal science ever invented, will be back tomorrow.  Don’t miss their weasel words.  Watch how they try to turn myocarditis into the mildest malady known to man. Watch how the CDC turns those who have taken the Oath of Hippocrates…

WaPo lets cat out of bag: The Spotify “Rogan” feud is simply about artists wanting a bigger piece of the pie

Here is the first half.  I couldn’t bear to read more.  We all want mo’ money.  Why not be honest about it? “The rock band Belly recently added an unusual message to its Spotify page: a green, black and white banner ordering fans to “DELETE SPOTIFY.”  The band has been frustrated for years with…

“Medical boards get pushback as they try to punish doctors for Covid misinformation”/ Politico

The medical boards are getting in trouble for swallowing the malarky from the Federation of State Medical Boards and other bloated medical nonprofits. These organizations somehow worked in concert during the second half of 2021 to terrorize doctors who failed to hew to the current medical narrative.  Presumably they got paid to do so.  Presumably…

Justin Trudeau hosted Ukrainian Neo-Nazis in Ottawa, but wants you to think it’s a “Trucker” thing/ Global Research Above, Justin Trudeau meeting in Ottawa with the head of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi party, the gentleman he is closest to, Andreiy Parubiy.  According to Justin Trudeau:  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says “hate speech and racist symbols must not be tolerated in Canada.” Swastikas Trudeau referred to swastikas intimating that the organizers are supportive of Neo-Nazi…

Ontario, Canada’s Health Minister Threatens Doctors’ Licenses for Spreading Misinformation about Vaccines

Health Minister Christine Elliott is a lawyer.  But she is also a politican.  She too is making new law, making misinformation a crime, even though she knows full well she has no authority to do so.  Who put her up to it?

The COUP appears to have failed, while all the apparatchiks are still in place. A preliminary proposal to fix the mess.

I’ll assume you have been reading my blog and agree with me that an attempt at gaining world domination is at this very moment failing.   It required a deadly pandemic, vaccines that actually worked, and the ability to snooker billions of people into believing that the responses of the government were logical, beneficial and well-intentioned….

We Have Had a Narrow Escape from Tyranny But the War on Freedom Is Not Over/ Paul Craig Roberts

On January 23 I reviewed on this website Kees Van Der Pijl’s new book, States of Emergency . Van Der Pijl answers the question so many people have of why and how a fake “deadly pandemic” was orchestrated with worldwide participation in the fraud. He shows that the event was long in the making by a…

UK, set to lose 77,000 National Health Service Employees, blinked. Mandates gone. GONE!!! Sajid Javid set to scrap requirements after warnings that jabs policy could lead to shortage of 80.000 workers Gabriella Swerling, Ben Riley-Smith,POLITICAL EDITOR  30 January 2022 • 10:00pm Mandatory Covid jabs for NHS and social care workers are set to be scrapped, The Telegraph can reveal, after warnings of crippling staff shortages if the plan went ahead. Sajid…

Jeffrey Tucker hits it out of the park on the Great Trucker Revolt/ Brownstone Institute

Here is provide just a snippet.  Read the whole article please.  Canada’s truckers have opened up a path back to freedom. “… This is not really or just about vaccine mandates. It’s about what they represent: government taking possession of our lives. If they can force you to get an injection in your arm over…

“A kind of authoritarian corporate-government partnership that is accountable only to itself”/ Julius Ruechel

Another classic you should not miss from the brilliant Julius Ruechel.  I excerpted only a bit to give you a sense of what he has taken on. “…What is emerging as a consequence of your choices is a kind of authoritarian corporate-government partnership that is accountable only to itself, and uses its corporate partners…

David Ireland did a long interview about me, the practice of medicine, COVID, biological warfare, and how the rule of law is being destroyed by the government

Perhaps there will be fodder for the armchair forensic psychiatrists among us.  Who knows. David Ireland, who produces Dave’s Paper, was exceptionally knowledgeable.  A gentleman and a scholar.  He surely knew how to cover a massive amount of territory with his questions. I had no idea what I was getting into before the interview:

Virginia’s Attorney General issues Opinion that public universities do NOT have the authority to demand COVID vaccinations of students

Hallelujah!  There are many state entities that are acting as if they have authorities which were never granted to them. They simply usurped the authority and hoped no one would burst their expanding bubble.  Well, the AG in this newly-Republican state told the public universities to go pound sand. Why does anyone think it is…

The Brussels rally last Saturday (with up to 500,000 people) was disrupted by the police, allegedly using agents provocateurs, who were driven by police into the rally

Here are links to talks by all the speakers at an initial press conference, and additional links to speeches given after the rally was forcibly ended. The police used water cannons, dogs, tear gas and the threat of mounted police to disperse the crowds.  Luckily they did not use rubber bullets, as was done at…

Most authors of clinical trials published in JAMA and NEJM in 2017 failed to disclose industry payments

Authors of papers published in JAMA and NEJM received millions in undisclosed payments in 2017, an analysis finds.  Natalia Mesa THE SCIENTIST, Jan 24, 2022 64   A new analysis finds that 81 percent of authors whose work appeared in [two of the world’s most prestigious medical journals–SB] the Journal of American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine in 2017 failed to disclose…

It seems I got COVID from a presymptomatic spreader (a friend) during my weekend in DC.

The incubation period was about 2 days or less–shorter than expected with Delta and earlier variants, but dependent on the infectious dose and the ability of this variant to spread from cell to cell.   I am recovering but have very low energy, and will try to catch up with posting as soon as I can. …

How the suppression of HCQ was accomplished, including overdosing human subjects in 4 clinical trials

My major article on HCQ suppression: My article on clinical trials and the deliberate overdosing of patients with HCQ yet another trial that overdosed patients with HCQ

Thailand’s Government Will Pay Compensation for Vaccine “Side Effects” and Deaths: One Billion Baht/ Bangkok Post via Global Research

What is important in this report by the Bangkok Post is that the Royal Thai Government (member state of the UN and the WHO) firmly acknowledges the deaths and adverse events affecting Thais who have taken the vaccine jab. “Out of the 11,707 people who filed a claim with authorities, 8,470 people, or 72.3% of all claimants, have been compensated”. …

Everything you need to know about medical aspects of the pandemic and COVID treatment: the Ron Johnson event today

COVID-19, a Second Opinion. Get educated.  Best 5 hours you may ever spend.  And it’s free. Senator Ron Johnson hosted a panel discussion yesterday, January 24, on all things COVID. It was amazing.  All the experts from yesterday’s rally, and more, were present in one Senate room, and everyone had a chance to speak.  Okay,…

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