Slow Down the Great Reset by rejecting WHO’s IHR amendments, passed using a loose consensus procedure 16 months ago

In January 2022 the USA put forward a dozen new amendments to be considered by the 194 members of the WHO at its annual meeting in May 2022. These proposals essentially would have given the WHO more centralized power and speed up the adoption of new treaties and amendments to existing International Health Regulations. While…

The RSV scam

NIAID invented the antigen, licensed it to Pfizer, GSK, Moderna, guarantees approval despite risks and negligible benefit, and collects the royalties. What’s not to like? One hand washes the other

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Director Walensky’s Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants – and That’s Just the Start of It

By Scott Hounsell | 9:00 AM on August 06, 2021 When it comes to the swamp that has become D.C., nothing should surprise anyone anymore, especially when it comes to officials within the government using resources to personally enrich themselves or failing to disclose when their families stand to benefit from their governmental “service.” …

“Pharmacovigilance and Biostatistics” for vaccines at FDA: 7 of 18 positions are vacant. And desperately [not] seeking Myocarditis.

Is this the excuse for not looking at all their databases on COVID vaccine safety? Who is looking at the info on over 100 million Americans allegedly collected to assure vaccine safety?

2 new CHD shows: James Corbett interviewed me on my long Brownstone article, and Brian Hooker had me give a formal RSV product presentation on his CHD show.

My presentation on RSV, important for elders and expectant moms in particular. This was a really complete yet clear and understandable discussion of the new vaccines and monoclonals, using about 20 powerpoints, and interesting new wrinkles appeared for me too as I prepared it! I have not heard anyone else talking about most of this….

The WHO message is reverberating. The AP is running a hit piece on me by a reporter who has not and did not intend to read the WHO documents.

The many overlapping tweets of me at the European Parliament in May have gotten over 5 million views, leading the AP hitwoman to misquote me twice in her first sentence when we spoke just now.

I think my article on the Pandemic Treaty and how it makes Pandemics more likely is very important. Thus I felt my bio (just a doctor) attached to it detracted from its gravitas

So now I am going to subject you to some of what I have accomplished, simply to demonstrate I know what I am talking about.

Breaking: Dr. Meryl Nass Sues Maine Medical Board Over Suspension, Alleges Board Violated Her First Amendment Rights * My email for comments [for media only] is __________ Breaking: Dr. Meryl Nass Sues Maine Medical Board Over Suspension, Alleges Board Violated Her First Amendment Rights Dr. Meryl Nass today filed suit against the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine and its individual members, alleging the board violated her First Amendment rights…

Rockefeller Foundation creates a platform to map the legal regime for pandemics, which will make it easier for nations and international organizations to identify policies that stand in their way

From the people who brought us “Lockstep” in 2010, this will make it much easier for nations to wiggle around existing laws and march in lockstep to clamp down on our freedoms

NEW: Recovery from Smallpox vaccine-induced myocarditis. Perhaps these data will reveal useful lessons for COVID vaccine-induced myocarditis

This paper was published this year (2023) but the research described in it was begun 20 years ago, when the DOD rolled out its smallpox vaccine program for military servicemembers. In my view, that was a publicity stunt to increase the fear of Iraq’s biological weapons, as we went to war against Iraq for the…

2 new interviews with Daniel Horowitz (Conservative Review and the Blaze) and Mike Farris (Coffee and a Mike)

Daniel Horowitz: (I am on the second half of the show and I did not say a word about abortions) Mike Farris: or

How the current version of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty (aka Bureau Text) encourages rather than prevents pandemics

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Chem Bio Traditionally, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) were Chemical, Biological, Radiologic and Nuclear (CBRN). The people of the world don’t want them used on us—they are cheap ways to kill and maim lots of people at once. And so international treaties were created to try to prevent their development (sometimes)…

*Please make them stop the insanity of using nearly all newborns as guinea pigs.* CDC’s ACIP today voted unanimously to give a monoclonal antibody to newborns on day 1-7 of life to prevent RSV.

MORE babies DIED who were TREATED than were in the control group. Same story as Pfizer’s initial COVID shot trial. This will almost certainly kill many babies.

TOM’R: RFK Jr., to Host Virtual Roundtable on Revitalizing Our Food, Farms, and Soil: The Farmers Speak Aug. 3 at 8 p.m. ET

Sign up here, but you need to click that you are not meryl nass at the bottom, and then it will send you a signup page: America has much of the best agricultural soil on earth. Yet for decades now, America’s farmers have been devastated by policies that have driven up farm debt and…

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