The Evasive FDA and the particulates and truncated mRNA in Pfizer’s vaccine/POGO

If you really want to get down in the weeds about how the FDA controls information and makes sure its advisory committees vote the way it wants them to, this is must reading. It is very long and very detailed,  discussing some aspects of how FDA hid information about the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine from its advisers,…

The Norwegian Medicines Agency believes that European countries will detect more rare cases of blood clots

Here is a google- translated article from Norway that tells it like it is about the A-Z vaccine, and why it is so hard for there to be transparency.  Steinar Madsen, medical director at the Norwegian Medicines Agency, believes that several European countries will discover possible side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine when they start looking…

CDC changes the guidelines they just issued, Scott Gottlieb admits there was no science behind the 6′ rule/AP

 CDC just issued new guidance for social distancing in schools.  It turns out that no data supported the 6′ rule, as I pointed out in several blog posts, such as here.   UPDATE March 21:  Scott Gottlieb, former FDA Commissioner, admits the 6′ rule was never based on science.  Watch the CNBC clip. “This six-foot distancing requirement…

The Covid Pandemic Is The Result of Public Health Authorities Blocking Effective Treatment/ Paul Craig Roberts

(Dr. Roberts was an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and an Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal) Paul Craig Roberts Why are  all the countries in the world following the same unsuccessful and irresponsible response to Covid?  The masks and six feet “social distancing” are ineffective, and so are the vaccines.  Unless the mask is a…

You know you are having an impact when the knives come out

I have been practicing medicine for nearly 41 years, and am known for really listening and treating every patient as an individual.  My online ratings had almost all been 5’s.  But recently some 1’s showed up, and now severals 2’s.  I don’t think I have seen these raters as patients, because when they comment the…

Pfizer’s Chief Financial Officer tells investors it is “becoming increasingly likely that an annual revaccination is going to take place”

Read it yourself.  Thank Lee Fang at The Intercept for providing this transcript of Pfizer’s recent phone call with investors.  The quote I used in the title is from page 4:  In case you haven’t figured it out, the worse current vaccines do against viral variants, the more frequently new vaccines can be sold…

Get the infection, take the medicine, get over it and get durable immunity to variants. Not so for the poor vaccinated population, whose immunity against variants is poor/ Cell journal Highlights Numerous variants of SARS-CoV-2 harboring mutations in spike have arisen globally mRNA vaccines elicit potent neutralizing activity against homologous pseudovirus Cross-neutralization of strains with receptor binding domain (RBD) mutations is poor Both RBD and non-RBD mutations mediate escape from vaccine-induced humoral immunity Summary Vaccination elicits immune responses capable of potently neutralizing SARS-CoV-2. However,…

Cerebral sinus thromboses associated with thrombocytopenia–very rare–after Astra-Zeneca (Oxford) Covid vaccine

Let me explain.  Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a very rare condition that often leads to death.  Suddenly cases are popping up right after vaccination.  This is not a garden variety blood clot.  This is a clot of the major vein that drains blood from your brain.  While the media say, “Blood clots are common” this…

If you don’t collect the adverse event data, and you don’t know the side effect rates, you can keep the data-free experimental vaccinations going. With no one the wiser

Here is a list of the eleven (count them!) different surveillance systems CDC said they would be using to get a quick and thorough idea of the adverse events from Covid vaccines. In case you are wondering who is presenting this information, it is Nancy Messonier, MD, who is the Director of the National Center…

Marvelous Marvin Hagler, 1980s middleweight boxing champion, dies unexpectedly, hours after receiving Covid vaccine at age 66 “Undisputed middleweight champion Marvelous Marvin Hagler dies at age 66 after one of his biggest rivals Tommy Hearns said he was ‘in an ICU fighting the effects of the vaccine’ Marvelous Marvin Hagler passed away in his New Hampshire home aged 66  Hagler held boxing’s middleweight championship title between 1980 and 1987 He was…

The BMJ asked Pfizer, Moderna, and CureVac, as well as several regulators, what percentage mRNA integrity they consider acceptable for vaccines against covid-19. None offered any specifics.

Update March 18:  According to an editor of the BMJ, the article linked below is the first BMJ article to receive a Facebook warning.  That tells you something! I had earlier read about the theft of documents from the European Medicines Agencies, and what they revealed about the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine’s mRNA manufacturing issues. This…

Fifteen Countries have halted Astra-Zeneca Covid Vaccinations

Thailand for some reason changed its mind and is now allowing the A-Z vaccine to be used.  But two additional European countries (13 total) and Indonesia and Iran have now said “No thanks.”    The Astra-Zeneca/ Oxford vaccine (remember, the one that was supposed to be given to the world without profit, until supposedly the…

At least 9 European countries halt the Astra-Zeneca Oxford vaccine

BMJ March 10, 2021–at least 9 European countries have suspended some or all of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine Denmark, Norway, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxembourg have halted some or all of their AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccinations over fears of blood clots, France24 reports. Denmark became at least the sixth European country to scale back the use of AstraZeneca’s…

‘Held to ransom’: Pfizer plays hardball in Covid-19 vaccine negotiations with Latin American countries/ Stat News

By Madlen Davies, Ivan Ruiz, Jill Langlois, and Rosa Furneaux — The Bureau of Investigative Journalism Feb. 23, 2021  Republished by Stat, this report includes many of the details missed in the video published earlier. COURTESY ADRIAN JOHNSON Pfizer has been accused of “bullying” Latin American governments during negotiations to acquire its Covid-19 vaccine, and the company has asked some countries…

“Hybrid” education, CDC just discovers ventilation, and the balancing of benefits and costs by public health. First posted Aug 8, updated since

 Covid has brought out the finest in government mismanagement.  Now it is being applied to schools. Does anyone believe the notion that students will be safer attending school two and a half days a week, instead of five? Who dreamed this up? Do they think if your child inhales 1/2 as much virus, or uses…

The NY Times and I expose the sleazy company making anthrax vaccine, smallpox vaccine and 3 Covid vaccines for the US market, for Johnson and Johnson, Astra Zeneca and Novavax

Emergent BioSolutions/EBS is the company whose products you don’t want injected in you.  So what if the company claims they can make a billion doses of Covid vaccine a year. Doses of usable vaccine?   EBS has been making Covid vaccine for Janssen, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, which designed a Covid vaccine but is not…

Lockdowns loosening. But the lack of honest and accurate data means we are subject to lockdown tightening as well.

New cases, hospitalizations and deaths attributed to Covid have dropped drastically over the past 8 weeks.  The best place to view these numbers has been the Covid Tracking Project, begun by volunteers but then funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and others.  The Project scraped state and municipality level data from wherever it could get them,…

Hypocrisy: Pfizer CEO’s Israel visit cancelled because he is not fully vaccinated/ Jerusalem Post

He didn’t want to cut in line?  Then how did he get the first shot?  They think we will believe anything!  From today’s Jerusalem Post–Meryl Bourla said in December that he has not yet received the vaccine yet because he does not want to “cut in line.” By JERUSALEM POST STAFF    MARCH 6, 2021 15:34    …

“Generous” Contract Research Organization in Colombia claims it worked for free to sink ivermectin. JAMA played along with the charade

Finally, after dozens of positive studies, one got published in which the authors claim ivermectin does not help Covid patients.  But it actually did help them, although the benefit missed statistical significance. Let’s drill down.  First off, Covid19Crusher has written a good summary of some of the methodological problems of the study. I won’t repeat them….

Bill Gates’ U Washington lackies publish a new paper claiming HCQ doesn’t work. Let me count the ways they may have fixed the result

 1.  Bill Gates has poured lots of money into the University of Washington and its Global Health department and its Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).  Global Health and IHME share a new building provided them by BMGF, away from the campus but close to BMGF headquarters. Four years ago, BMGF gave them $489…

Conference of Catholic Bishops advises congregants to avoid the Janssen/ J and J vaccine due to fetal tissue use/WaPo On Tuesday, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urged Catholics to avoid taking the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine and to choose alternatives from Pfizer or Moderna instead because Johnson & Johnson used cells derived decades ago from an abortion to create the vaccine. The bishops’ recommendation follows a similar one from the Archdiocese of New Orleans last…

FDA’s EUA for Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine *excluded* authorization for the anthrax vaccine company’s Covid vaccine/ WaPo “Most of Johnson & Johnson’s partners disclosed to date are contract manufacturing companies, but now it is moving to team with larger drug companies that have seen their own vaccine projects delayed or fizzled. The manufacturing process is time-consuming: Johnson and Johnson ferments large batches of its vaccine in vats at a contract manufacturing facility in…

Washington Post conceals the fact that Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine is a DNA vaccine which must enter the cell nucleus to produce mRNA, and might potentially bind to our DNA

Below, I have extracted some useful info from the WaPo article regarding Merck’s entry into the manufacturing of J and J’s vaccine, and the cost to taxpayers. Below that I include the upper part of WaPo’s detailed graph of how the vaccine works.  But the graph failed to include the most important steps.  DNA from…

Welcome to Snitch Nation: From kids to parents, it’s a race to rat out your (former) loved ones before they get you first/ RT

Opinion by Helen Buyniski on RT “In the grand tradition of divide and conquer, the ruling class has set in motion a fool-proof way to keep us from uniting against the Great Reset and attendant restrictions on human freedoms – dupe us into snitching on each other! In order to achieve the proper level of…

Israeli rabbi Chananya Weissman’s 31 reasons why he is not getting a Covid vaccine

The following list of  31 reasons he won’t take the Covid vaccine was written by Israeli rabbi Chananya Weissman.  I got it from 1. It’s not a vaccine. A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything. In a best-case scenario, it merely reduces the chance of getting a severe…

Pfizers demands future indemnity from all lawsuits: asks for sovereign funds, embassy buildings and even military bases as collateral for supplying vaccines!/ WioNews Perhaps in response to this very interesting news report on Pfizer’s fallout with Brazil and Argentina, today’s NY Times did a hit piece on Brazil’s “painfully slow” rollout of its Covid vaccination campaign.  And complained about Bolsonaro spending money on “unproven drug treatments” like hydroxychloroquine.  Can you imagine, the NYT chortles derisively, that Bolsonaro…

J and J’s vaccine, actually manufactured by the anthrax vaccine mfr, gets green light from FDA advisors

Yesterday, Feb 26, the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee (VRBPAC) met to give its assent to the third Covid vaccine candidate applying for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). And I spent another day listening in. FDA is expected to authorize use of the vaccine today. This one requires only one dose.  For now.  The company is…

NY Times tries to scare us on new mutations while cases drop drastically

The NY Times would have us believe New York has a new, dangerous mutation.  It has been there since November and has been found in 4 boroughs and Westchester. The vaccines may not work as well against this mutation: “A New Coronavirus Variant Is Spreading in New York, Researchers Report The variant contains a mutation…

Drug used to treat lice and scabies (Ivermectin) could cut Covid deaths by up to 75%, research suggests/ Daily Mail A cheap and safe drug widely used against parasites cuts Covid infections, hospitalisations and deaths by about 75 per cent, a study shows. More than 30 trials across the world found that ivermectin causes ‘repeated, consistent, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes’ at all stages of the disease. The peer-reviewed study, to be published…

Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination under an EUA/Stat News By Aaron Siri Feb. 23, 2021 Reprints A health worker holds a vial of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine at a vaccination center in Pfaffenhofen, Germany.CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Ever since the Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization for two new vaccines, employers, schools, and other organizations are grappling with whether to require Covid-19 vaccination. While…

Can employers mandate Covid vaccinations?

The 2 Covid vaccines currently available in the US are experimental unlicensed products. As such, they cannot be mandated.  The Nuremberg Code and subsequent laws guarantee your right to choose whether to be an experimental subject.  Although it may advantage some entities to have you think otherwise, an experimental product is an experimental product. These…

University of Vermont found that those who wore masks had more infections, more contacts Study Warns Mask Mandate Without Education May Raise COVID-19 Spread January 19, 2021 by Jeff Wakefield Church Street Marketplace in Burlington, Vt. (Photo: Sally McCay, University of Vermont) A novel new study suggests that the behavior public officials are now mandating or recommending unequivocally to slow the spread of surging COVID-19–wearing a face covering–should…

Shameless manipulation: Positive PCR tests drop after WHO instructs vendors to lower cycle thresholds. We have been played like a fiddle

Hospitalization rates associated with Covid have dropped from a high of 132,500 Americans on January 6 to 71,500 on February 12.  The US had 920,000 staffed hospital beds in 2019, of which 14.4% harbored a Covid case last month, and 7.8% do now. This tremendous drop was predicted. Every hospitalized patient is tested for Covid, often…

WHO admitted last year that masks and social distancing were designed to stop transmission from people with SYMPTOMS! There is no evidence they do anything to control the pandemic when used by asymptomatic people “11 June 2020 – Global research on COVID-19 continues to be conducted, including how the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is transmitted. Current evidence suggests that most transmission occurs from symptomatic people through close contact with others. Accordingly, most recommendations by WHO on personal protective measures (such as use of masks and…

Wondering why masks have not slowed down the pandemic?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel adjusts her face mask as she arrives for a meeting of the upper house of the German legislative in Berlin, Germany, Friday, July 3, 2020. (AP Photo/Michael Sohn) It’s simple.  Angela Merkel is touching the outer part of her mask, where virus may have settled.  If so, she has probably transferred…

The false ivermectin narrative begins. Will Merck, which distributes ivermectin free without a prescription in Africa, ban its use for Covid in the US?

An Austrian independent journalist, writing in German and google-translated, wrote the following article on February 7. I expand on it, below. “In their fight against the low-cost HCQ – which, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic properties, has also proven effective in the early treatment of high-risk patients – the opponents published a fictional study in the Lancet (the Surgisphere scandal)…

As demand for vaccines plummets, Israel may resort to incentive programs/ Times of Israel

AIM WAS 200,000 SHOTS A DAY, BUT VACCINE CENTERS ARE QUIET “Proposals include sending health workers to offices of major companies, bonuses for convincing members of public to vaccinate; firms offer cash, mull bans on those without shots… a meeting was held Monday between the directors of Israel’s four HMOs and the Health Ministry where it…

As A-Z vaccine fails against new strain, naturally derived immunity probably defeats it

According to today’s Washington Post, “South Africa will suspend use of the coronavirus vaccine being developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca after researchers found it provided “minimal protection” against mild to moderate coronavirus infections caused by the new variant [B.1. 351] first detected in that country.” Switzerland decided to ban it too.  Some other European countries are still…

Best coverage yet of the intertwined roles of the NIH and the Wuhan Institute of Virology in producing viruses like SARS-2, by Steve Hilton at FOX

Steve Hilton did 2 successive weekly TV episodes on the origin or the chimeric coronavirus, and shows us, with all the necessary documents, how both the Chinese and US governments funded the research to create SARS-2 like coronaviruses, and how they have actively covered up the truth since the start of the pandemic.  Doctors Tony…

WaPo editorial on the virus origin investigation, 2/5/2021 WHAT IS China trying to hide about the origins of the pandemic — and why?  In Wuhan, a World Health Organization team has launched its investigation into the origins of the virus that has infected 105 million people worldwide and cost 2.2 million lives over the past year.  The terms of reference for the…

Australia: Digital Vaccine Certificates to allow “freedom of movement” / 9News

Australia is rolling out digital vaccine certificates, which will allow citizens more “freedom of movement;” for example, the TV presenter said, in order to enter places like hospitals or aged care homes. Is this why Australia, with relative few Covid cases, had such draconian lockdowns?  In order to shepherd a desperate population into digital certificates…

New books explain what the Pandemic really is

Good books that explain the pandemic include the following:Pandemic Blunder: Fauci and Public Health Blocked Early Home COVID Treatment Paperback – January 29, 2021by Joel S Hirschhorn (Author)Brainwashed: Cutting Through the COVID Confusion Kindle Edition — October 2020 by John Schroeter  “As if his first book on the COVID crisis, COVID-19—A Devil’s Choice, didn’t deliver a blow to the mainstream…

Google/YouTube censor Senate hearing on ivermectin and early treatment of Covid-19/Wall Street Journal Here is the hearing on the Senate server: It censors testimony from physicians on early treatments for Covid-19 patients. By Senator Ron Johnson Feb. 2, 2021 12:47 pm ET          Google’s YouTube has ratcheted up censorship to a new level by removing two videos from a U.S. Senate committee. They…

How can this be? All residents and staff vaccinated for Covid, then all test positive and 7 die, after zero prior cases

Can it be true?  I have put out requests for more information.  I have never heard of a situation where EVERYONE in a large group catches an illness.  Some people always avoid it.  Could something in the vaccine be leading to positive tests? Most tests look for other parts of the virus, not the spike…

Desperately seeking why India is doing so well with Coronavirus, NPR omits its use of HCQ and ivermectin. Instead, “scientists say it’s a mystery” Last September, India was confirming nearly 100,000 new coronavirus cases a day. It was on track to overtake the United States to become the country with the highest reported COVID-19 caseload in the world. Hospitals were full. The Indian economy nosedived into an unprecedented recession. But four months later, India’s coronavirus numbers have plummeted. Late last month,…

Buffalo, NY: Doctors here using Ivermectin, aids recovery while causing no harm

 Tuesday, February 2, 2021 By Dan Herbeck BUFFALO NEWS STAFF REPORTER The medical director for seven Western New York skilled nursing facilities says he has been using Ivermectin to help elderly patients fight Covid-19. Dr. Paul Shields is not ready to call Ivermectin ? which has not been approved as a Covid treatment by the…

Is the Virus Real?

I continue to be asked if the virus is real.  I answered this question in 2 prior blog posts, below.  But Off-Guardian has a new article claiming the virus is fake, and I was again asked to comment. Here is a description of its culture and isolation, with additional details in the supplementary…

Nineteen years ago, I warned of the broad power grab that proposed legislation would bring when a pandemic or bioterrorism was declared. We are now living through the results of this usurpation of the citizens’ authority. The Model Emergency Health Powers Act Creates Its Own Emergency THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY PIECE OF LEGISLATION Meryl Nass, MDApril 8, 2002 – One year ago, the Centers for Disease Control began negotiations for a model piece of legislation that would help states deal with a bioterrorism epidemic. Why focus on the…

USG buys too much vaccine. Governments Sign Secret Vaccine Deals: Here’s What They Hide/ NYT

Check out this NY Times article published today. The US government is buying much more vaccine than is needed for every American. But it also has signed contracts restricting the overseas sale of some of its purchases.  So if it can’t be sold, why is the government committed to buying so much?  Is the plan…

3 Cabinet Ministers Die from Covid–Suddenly Ivermectin Becomes Legal for Use in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe OKs use of Ivermectin after officials’ deaths ‘We have to be careful to protect patients as well as not to deny them effective treatment regimes,’ says Health Ministry John Cassim   |28.01.2021 HARARE, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe has approved the use and import of the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients.  “In these difficult…

In order to fake (reduce) the rate of anaphylaxis immediately after Moderna’s vaccine, CDC uses a prohibited database 01/28/21 Did CDC Deliberately Mislead Public on Allergic Reactions to Moderna Vaccine? The CDC had more accurate and up-to-date data that it could have used to calculate the rate of severe allergic reactions to Moderna’s COVID vaccine — why didn’t it By Meryl Nass, MD and John Stone On Jan. 13, California health officials issued a hold on…

Israel and Pfizer just discovered facial nerve (Bell’s) palsy is a side effect of Pfizer’s shot/ We knew it December 17

Israel National News reports below that new side effects are discovered when you vaccinate 2.5 million people at once with an experimental vaccine.  Funny, even before one Israeli was vaccinated it was reported in this blog on December 17 that the mRNA vaccines caused Bell’s Palsy. Don’t you think Pfizer and Moderna knew it too? What…

Two prominent med school professors confirm what I have been saying: You get excellent immunity after having Covid, and while it has only been studied for an 8 month duration, there is every reason to think immunity will remain robust for the forseeable future

Quoting from Martin Makary, MD and Monica Gandhi, MD in MedPageToday: Gandhi:  my favorite paper had natural immunities which I will tout to the ends of the Earth because I just couldn’t believe how well done it was — it was this Science paper that was just published in November — because it had the longest data. This was Jennifer…

My “Rapid Response” to the BMJ about the concept “Fitness to Vaccinate”

Re: Covid-19: Doctors in Norway told to assess severely frail patients for vaccination/ Fitness for Vaccination The deaths of frail elderly after vaccination, and subsequent advice to Norwegian doctors to perform an assessment instead of issuing universal guidance on vaccinations for their patients, has reanimated an old medical concept: fitness for vaccination. Vaccination used to…

Twitter Censored Brazilian Ministry of Health for telling Brazilians to request early COVID treatment

It is incredibly hard to believe.  But Jack Dorsey (Twitter’s billionaire founder), Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and the US government’s health agencies don’t want us to get good care.  They don’t want the pandemic to end yet.  I don’t know their end game.  But their actions to censor knowledge about effective early treatments have led…

NJ governor has power to drain a gym’s $165,000 bank account for staying open? “BELLMAWR, New Jersey, January 14, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The owner of a New Jersey gym who has fought to keep his business open during the COVID lockdown said that overnight the gym’s bank account was 100% drained of its funds by the state government. Atilis Gym co-owner Ian Smith released the shocking news in an Instagram video…

80 year old woman improves on ivermectin in ICU, taken off ventilator, then new doctor refuses to continue it while she worsens “The patient’s son, Michael Smentkiewicz, said hospital officials had told him and his sister, Michelle Kulbacki, on Dec. 31 that their mother’s chance of survival – as an 80-year-old Covid-19 patient on a ventilator – was about 20%. He said doctors at the hospital also told the family that Smentkiewicz would probably be on…

Pfizer admitted the vaccine does not prevent Covid infection, and other vaccine problems; and how EMTs are being lied to and shamed to force vaccine uptake

People have asked why I was not blogging about the Covid vaccines.  To be honest, I felt there was not enough information for me to be decisive, and I was waiting for more information to become available. However, someone called me this morning and told me about a lot of allergic reactions, including one anaphylactic…

What happens if something goes wrong after you receive a Covid vaccine?

I am reposting this because a lot of people missed it–Meryl All Covid-19 vaccines have been designated as “countermeasures.”  If you are injured by a vaccine or other “countermeasure” designated by the DHHS Secretary as intended for a pandemic or bioterrorism threat (Covid-19, Pandemic Flu, Anthrax, Smallpox) your options for receiving any financial benefit are…

Is the virus real? Has it been photographed? What about Koch’s postulates? What to do?

Even though I thought I had answered these questions, smart people who I respect keep asking if the virus is real.  So here is another stab at explaining this. Yes, the virus is real.  A misleading CDC/FDA document originally written in February but reposted months later stated there was no “quantifiable” sample of SARS-CoV-2 available. …

How you can receive early effective treatment for Covid

US Doctor groups willing to treat Covid patients with appropriate medications: 1.  Dr. Zev Zelenko‘s new website. He pioneered HCQ treatments in the US: 2.  Dr Peter McCullough et al’s protocol–please scroll down to the gray area to click on a small spot to download the full text 3.  version 7 of iMASK protocol 4. …

First country bans ivermectin, a lifesaver for Covid–will the US be next?

Ivermectin, a cheap generic drug used for hookworm, heartworm and scabies, with a half life causing it to remain in your system for months, is used as a “worming” medicine in children, dogs, horses.  Due to its tremendous value as a highly safe and effective drug, a Nobel Prize was awarded to its developers in…

How long will Americans put up with faked COVID case and death statistics?/ CBS News

There is no need for me to comment on this story.  The fraud is all too obvious.–Nass “Grand County Coroner Raises Concern On Deaths Among COVID Cases By Danielle Chavira December 15, 2020 at 8:28 pm KREMMLING, Colo. (CBS4) – Grand County isn’t the first to report a data discrepancy with COVID-19 deaths, but following a…

Explosion Yesterday at World’s 2nd largest Hydroxychloroquine supplier

Is someone trying to reduce the supply of hydroxychloroquine? According to the Taiwan English News: An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two injured and caused a fire early this afternoon, December 20… Liberty Times reported that the factory produces hydroxychloroquine APIs, and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier. Another…

Bell’s Palsy: 7 cases in subjects who received a COVID mRNA vaccine–Yes, it is a Vaccine Adverse Reaction

Four cases of Bell’s (facial) palsy occurred in subjects in the Pfizer vaccine clinical trial of its mRNA vaccine, none in placebo recipients.  FDA’s briefing document mentioned 3 cases, but 4 were discussed at the VRBPAC advisory meeting on December 10.  The briefing document claimed, “This observed frequency of reported Bell’s palsy is consistent with…

Follow the Money to California’s draconian vaccine mandates

California has some of the most stringent vaccine mandate laws in the United States.  Why is that?  At first, it seemed that extreme vaccination laws were introduced in 2015 in response to a measles outbreak that began in Disneyland in 2014.  But then, long after the measles threat had evaporated, the ability to obtain or…

Drs. Tyson and Fareed’s protocol for treatment and prevention of Covid-19, as discussed during Nov 19 Senate hearing

Dr. George Fareed and his partner Dr. Brian Tyson have together successfully treated over 1,000 Covid patients.  They have been adjusting their protocol over time, and now use both HCQ and ivermectin.  Why not, for a potentially fatal disease?  Why not maximize the potential benefit?  How many drugs was Trump given when he had Covid?…

The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (what the mRNA vaccines cause our cells to produce) may be responsible for some of Covid’s worst symptoms

This is the most thoughtful and erudite response I have seen to the experiment of turning humans into factories to make Covid (mutated) spike (S) protein.  Neither Pfizer, Moderna nor the FDA have commented in any publicly available documents on the serious safety questions this review of the literature raises. Dr. Patrick Whelan, MD, PhD,…

Wonderful summary of known and unknown information on Pfizer’s BioNTech vaccine, which could be approved for emergency use as early as tomorrow

Here’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s December 7, 2020 letter to Dr. Peter Marks, head of the Center for Biologics (CBER) at FDA, regarding Emergency Use Approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Dear Dr. Marks, Transparency and accountability are essential ingredients in the public policy process, helping to engender public trust and promote sound decision-making. As you…

Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II Senate Hearing December 8, 2020 Is Senator Ron Johnson the only sane person in Washington DC??–Nass Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II Full Committee Hearing December 08, 2020 10:00 AM Location: SD-342 Senate Dirksen Building @Video Conference Witnesses Ramin Oskoui, M.D. Vice President of Medica Staff, Sibley Memorial Hospital and Chief Executive Officer,…

Covid-19 death counts are fraudulently elevated “Illinois Department of Public Health Director, Dr. Ngozi Ezike, said in April, “If you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death. It means technically even if you died of a clear alternate…

Critically important information on the prevention and treatment of Covid-19–Highly Effective, Safe, Cheap

Current MATH and iMASK Protocols for treatment (at any stage of Covid, including late stage) as well as highly effective prophylaxis of Covid-19 Press conference presented by highly credentialed medical school professors, calling themselves the Frontline COVID19 Critical Care Alliance, to discuss emerging evidence for economical and widely available therapeutic options including ivermectin for…

What happens if something goes wrong after you receive a Covid vaccine?

The bottom line is that if you are injured by a vaccine or other “countermeasure” designated by the DHHS Secretary as intended for a pandemic or bioterrorism threat (Covid-19, Pandemic Flu, Anthrax, Smallpox) your options for receiving any financial benefit are very limited. First, everyone involved with getting the vaccine to you has had their…

How the CDC increased the number of reported Covid deaths and decreased the numbers of all other causes of deaths

1.  The CDC issued new guidance that required doctors who complete death certificates to list Covid-19 on the certificate if it contributed to or caused the death.  This was no different than what we did before.  We are supposed to list all contributory causes. “It is important to emphasize that Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 should…

The Emergency Use Authorization for Covid-19 vaccines: Ignorance is Bliss

If you are an FDA official charged with approving a Covid-19 vaccine, ignorance is bliss.  FDA is being asked to approve vaccines that will be injected into many millions of people, all using new methods of vaccination that have never before been approved for human use.  That puts them at great risk of making the…

A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19/ Johns Hopkins Newsletter-CENSORED

This detailed article about the research findings of a JHU professor goes against the narrative that Covid has caused a large number (2-300,000) of excess US deaths. It received a huge amount of interest, and was published and then taken down by this student-run newsletter. I must assume, given this, that the research is never…

Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—let’s be cautious and first see the full data/ BMJ November 26, 2020 Only full transparency and rigorous scrutiny of the data will allow for informed decision making, argues Peter Doshi In the United States, all eyes are on Pfizer and Moderna. The topline efficacy results from their experimental covid-19 vaccine trials are astounding at first glance. Pfizer says it recorded 170 covid-19 cases…

Too Much Caution Is Killing Covid Patients/ WSJ Nov 24

OPINION   COMMENTARY Doctors should follow the evidence for promising therapies. Instead they demand certainty. By Joseph A. Ladapo Nov. 24, 2020 12:28 pm Fear and panic are central impediments to competent decision-making during a crisis. As Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations rise around the country, creating an atmosphere of crisis, political leaders are reaching for last spring’s…

FDA Citizen’s Petition and Request for Stay of Decision on Covid vaccines–until accurate tests are used to determine actual number of cases and non-cases in Pfizer vaccine clinical trial

Dr. Sin Hang Lee and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), through attorneys Aaron Siri and Elizabeth Brehm, have requested that FDA require accurate counts of Covid cases in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 mRNA vaccine trial and other Covid vaccine trials.  Furthermore, until an accurate number of Covid-19 cases in the vaccinated and placebo groups has…

Anthrax Vaccine manufacturer, despite shameful history, to produce 3 Covid vaccines for US population

My recent talk for the National Vaccine Information Center’s Fifth International Conference goes into the sorry history of this very sketchy company, from its founding in 1998 to the present. It could also be titled:  How Taxpayers Made the Anthrax Vaccine Manufacturer Very, Very Rich from Unused Biowarfare Vaccines and Drug Overdoses. What a business…

More Than 2/3rds Of Americans Oppose Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations/ Zero Hedg

By “Tyler Durden” (ZeroHedge’s anon.) Ever since it burst out of Wuhan, China roughly one year ago, the coronavirus has created what one economist described as a “trilemma” – that is, the struggle to balance the inevitable tradeoffs between safeguarding public health, the economy and personal freedom. In the US (and in many spots…

Best explanation of why the Covid PCR tests result in large numbers of false positives

No lab test is 100% accurate.  Hopefully most have about 90-99% sensitivity and specificity.  Doctors know that some results will be wrong, so we are always weighing all our evidence, and not relying entirely on a lab result to make a diagnosis.   We test sick patients.  Health insurance does not pay for screening tests in…

Covidicide/ Brett Wilcox

Brett Wilcox is a fabulous writer, and is spot-on about the real (but deliberately unmeasured) effects of our deliberately misguided approach to Covid-19:   NOVEMBER 3, 2020 BY BRETT WILCOX Covidicide Covidicide [ koh-vid-uh-sahyd]: killing, death and destruction caused by or subsequent to COVID related measures, policies, rules, pronouncements, interventions and treatments including but not limited to the…

A Sham Investigation into the Origins of SARS-CoV-2: EcoHealth Alliance and the Lancet

EcoHealth Alliance‘s CEO Peter Daszac has joined with the Lancet to investigate the origin of SARS-CoV-2, as the major part of a Lancet Covid Commission.  But maybe the real reason for their investigation is to provide an acceptable origin narrative.   As reported by GM Watch,  “Daszak has promised to undertake the investigation “with an open mind”. But this…

Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution: Senate Hearing 11/19/20

 It seemed to be crickets for HCQ and effective widespread treatment of Covid, but — very late in the day, a hearing of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs will be held on using this effective, cheap and off-patent medicine to treat coronavirus infections. Not to treat the late, autoimmune stage when…

The coronavirus’s origins are still a mystery. We need a full investigation/ WaPo Editorial

The tide is turning.  The origin of SARS-CoV-2 remains in question.  And now the WaPo is supporting a full investigation, below. But don’t expect much from pending investigations by the WHO or a group that has constituted itself as from the Lancet. The Lancet group’s origin investigation is being led by Peter Daszac, PhD, whose…

HCQ: The Biggest Blunder Public Health Has Ever Made/Joel Hirschorn, Op-Ed News

Thanks to Joel Hirschorn at OpEd News for this quick, clear summary of the data on hydroxychloroquine: The attack on the current pandemic can pursue four possible approaches. But because of the incredible power of one man, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government is using only three of them: contagion control (curbing virus spreading through…

Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better /FORBES: World Economic Forum Leadership Strategy Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say, “our city.” I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes. It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city….

How to Soften Up the Public for the Covid-19 Vaccines–Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Brochure An interesting cast of characters signed off on these guidelines for convincing the public to accept entirely new, questionable vaccines. The group includes Drs. Greg Poland, who led the fight to impose universal flu vaccine recommendations (and many state mandates) and Luciana Borio, a physician, fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Vice…

Current status of Covid in the US–hospitalizations, deaths, and quirky stats from NY

Deaths/day over the past week:  992.   Hospitalizations related to Covid are at an all-time high at 61,964–Nov 10 was the first time the hospitalization peak in April was surpassed. Understanding who is dying is not easy.  New York state, where Governor Cuomo was one of 6 governors to demand nursing homes take back Covid-infected patients,…

US military: 59K cases and 9 deaths (and only 1 active duty death)/ UK government Statistics Authority criticizes govt/prime minister for false use of statistics

While we cannot rely on the Covid statistics that are being provided, still, new numbers for cases and deaths in military servicemembers were released yesterday that are worth a mention.   Total cumulative diagnosed cases in active and reserve servicemembers “nears 59,000.”  Yet only nine servicemembers have died:  3 National Guard, 5 Reservists and 1 on…

How Could It Be Possible? Spending $25 Billion on Covid tests/tracing bought lots of tests, but are any accurate? Spending $Billions on drugs bought us worthless remdesivir, suppressing cheap alternatives… and the article I wished I could have written

How could it be possible that so much of the Covid pandemic narrative:  its bat origin (untouched by any lab); the story that human incursions into nature cause our pandemics and must be stopped; the saga in which effective medications are suppressed and useless ones are promoted; the way that cases are diagnosed; and the…

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